How To Get AMAZING Results With DERMA ROLLER | Chris Gibson

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all right so derma rolling you know that device with those hundreds of tiny micro needles does that really work is it dangerous a dud or a skin care dream come true well i'm gonna explain it all in today's video [Music] well hey everybody welcome back and today we are talking about my favorite thing needles yeah not yes most of you who follow the channel know i am not a fan of needles however i have been testing out microneedling or as more commonly known using a derma roller for the last six months and i want to share my results with you in today's video because i know a lot of you have been waiting on this information about derma rolling because it's out there everywhere you hear about it doing all sorts of wonderful things for your skin everything from clearing up stretch marks and acne scars to reducing fine lines and wrinkles and plumping up and tightening your skin to even hair and beard growth i know right but is all of that really really true well the answer to that question is yes and therein lies the key to what you need to know about derma rolling is yes to some degree now if you're new to the channel and not familiar with who i am i'm chris i'm a skincare expert of 34 years and my job in the job of my channel is to help you find skincare that will work for you not into your wallet and not do more harm than good so if that sounds like something you're interested in interested in here on youtube please be sure and hit the subscribe button and the notification bell so that you know when my new videos are out every week all right so what exactly is derma rolling and how does it work well derma rolling is the application of teeny tiny little micro needles right here on a roller hundreds of them at different lengths some of them are safe to use at home and some of them require an in-office visit with an esthetician or a dermatologist more on that in a minute but as these tiny little needles roll across your skin with a little bit of pressure they actually put little tiny pinpricks into the skin turning on and bumping up the healing mechanism in your skin kind of into overdrive we're talking about collagen production we're talking about elastin we're talking about the healing process with the stem cells actually in your skin being activated because the skin thinks it's been injured and even though these tiny little needle pricks really haven't done very much damage to your skin your skin reacts anyway much like when you get a cut or scrape now when you use this process in combination with a good serum like a peptide serum you're going to get some deeper benefit from that because the absorption rate of that serum is going to be increased so then that begs a couple of questions does it hurt and is it safe for every skin type and as far as the pain threshold is concerned the at-home rollers generally do not produce much pain at all now i am not a fan of needles those of you who follow the channel know that so it took a long time for me to decide make the decision much at the encouragement of most of you telling me you needed me to test this out to even do it however i will tell you it is not the most comfortable process in the world but it is very tolerable it does not feel like getting a tattoo or anything like that so again these needles prick the skin just only so deep not deep enough to really cause bleeding although there are types of treatments again in office that you can get that will produce more drastic results sooner because needles do go deeper and can produce a little bit of bleeding and a little bit of reaction so generally speaking yes it's safe for all skin types now if you're over 30 or 40 or like me 50 you're going to get more benefit from this type of device as far as fine lines wrinkles and photo aging go but if you have very sensitive skin or a very low pain threshold you will want to start with this process very lightly and gently and follow the instructions that come with the device now speaking of that i will be recommending products and devices in this video and as is typical i will list those suggestions down below in the video description box for you to check out after the video and please be sure and watch the video in its entirety so you get all the necessary information that you need i'm going to try to keep this very short and very concise but i will also be demonstrating using the derma roller on myself for you so it really is important that you get all the information in front of you before you decide if this is something you want to use and try now one of the main purposes of micro needling is to help skin care products work better absorb more deeply in your skin so there are a couple things that you need to know there's some ingredients that are really great to use with a derma roller and there are some ingredients you really want to stay away from ingredients like hyaluronic acid peptide serums things that help with hyperpigmentation and discoloration like azelaic acid alpha arbutin now those type of serums work very very well with this type of device again because you're getting better absorption you're getting the serum down into that surface layer where it can do the work much more quickly and give you much better results so yes absolutely those are great ingredients to use things like vitamins c serum glycolic acid and retinol pretty much a no-no when you're doing the microneedling treatment to your face doesn't mean you can't use them just not at the same time they tend to be more irritating to skin anyway because of their very nature of helping to dissolve the bond between old skin cells and new skin cells and their acids so you want to be careful of that a lot of people have sensitivity retinol so you should never really use retinol at the same time doesn't mean you need to pitch retinol out and not use it and i'm going to talk about that in a minute too you can just not at the same time you're doing the derma rolling treatment on your skin as i said i am going to demo this for you but it's very simple to use one of these devices you simply roll it lightly across the area you're trying to treat several times two to five times and you're going to go horizontally vertically diagonally across the skin again applying as much pressure as you can tolerate but you're not digging into your skin we're not plowing up a field talk about exfoliation and scrubbing the pan well with this we're not plowing a field and trust me the first time i did it i tend to be overzealous with everything i really pressed too hard and so it took a long time for some of that redness to go away but now that i have this processed down and the right amount of pressure and i'm very good at it and even with it which you'll see in the demonstration i don't have those problems anymore and the benefits are really quite amazing which leads to the next question that i know you guys have is how long does it take before i see results well it varies between individuals just like always depending on your skin type and what you're trying to treat but at home devices generally in two to four months you're going to see a very visible difference in your skin that means less fine lines and wrinkles firmer skin around the eye area plumper lips if that's where you're using this under eye bags and dark circles respond extremely well to this treatment amazingly so and this is the at-home treatment now you want micro needle sizes a 0.5 0.3 that's what should be used at home any longer or thicker needle could cause some damage to the skin and you really want to go get that treatment in office with an esthetician who's trained and licensed to do it or a dermatologist so just keep that in mind now if you don't have sensitive skin and you're treating for anti-aging you may want to do this process two to three times a week a couple of days apart many people get excellent results doing it once a month or once a week and allowing their skin to recover from that treatment and by recover i just mean the redness goes away after you do microneedling treatments your skin does kind of tend to have a little red tint to it kind of looks like you have a light sunburn but it usually goes away in a few hours or overnight now i do my micro needling in the evening at night before i go to bed now the other thing you need to know is that while i will be recommending some high quality devices they are usually inexpensive and they are disposable meaning that the needles do become dull over time and you want to change them out usually after 10 to 15 uses so for some of you that's a few months for some of you it may be a few weeks if you're using it two or three times a week then generally every six weeks you're going to need to replace this because you want to keep those needles sharp the other thing that is super super important is to keep the device clean and store it properly and that means using rubbing alcohol to make sure the needles are kept clean and any bacteria is gotten rid of and storing it in its airtight container so that no dust or other particles get on the needles when you go to roll it across your skin i don't want any sort of infection or irritation or redness as with any skin care product or device yes there can be some side effects but with these devices it really is usually related to how you use it making sure you don't overdo it like i did make sure that you're very consistent in your treatment and that you don't use serums with or after your derma rolling session that are going to cause undue irritation to the skin so with that said let's demonstrate how to do derma rolling all right so i wanted to demonstrate how to do derma rolling so i'm going to do my normal session on this video for my face now i've been doing my face my neck the backs of my hands and wrists not the whole arm just the tops and i've seen a significant improvement especially on the deeper wrinkles that you get around your between your arm and your wrist so i'm going to show you those pictures now so you can take a look at them and you can see there's a marked difference in the texture and the look of the age of the skin on my hands now i take really good care of the skin on the backs of my hands obviously it's been part of what i do for so many years but even still there's going to be some aging as we get older some collagen loss especially in the areas of the body where skin is already thin like around your wrist it's going to be more prone to show those deeper lines and wrinkles static wrinkles from dynamic wrinkles that have been occurring over a lifetime for me 58 years so i'm pretty happy with the progress so far i've been doing the german rolling for many months now about six i'm about six months out and i'm gonna keep doing it i do this once a week using this aura beauty derma roller and you can see there are many tiny little needles on here now i've already washed my face you always want to start with clean skin if you do the derma rolling micro needling steps on the days that you have done exfoliation it makes it more effective although it's still effective because again needles are pricking the skin causing little tiny pinpricks across your skin that tell your skin there's been some damage it turns on all of the healing factors in the skin it is a process you need to be patient with it's going to take several weeks for you to notice this with an at-home treatment so the first thing you do after preparing your skin is to make sure that this device is sterile so using rubbing alcohol this is 91 alcohol rubbing alcohol just to make sure that the needles are clean before you use it we don't want to be pushing bacteria or any dirt or dust particles down into the skin because again this is pricking the skin it is going down into the surface of the skin now derma rolling micro needling one of the primary benefits is helping your serums and skin care products work better because they can be absorbed better and more deeply however as i said in the video vitamin c and retinol you don't want to use with this because they can be irritating already so those kind of skincare acids exfoliating acids not a good idea you just really want to stick to serums that are going to benefit from the microneedling things like a peptide serum so you all know i love the inkylist collagen booster one of my favorite products ever i'm going to apply a thin layer of this to my face i am not going to rub this serum in you can layer several serums i like alpha arbutin because it works on helping to disperse melanin in the surface of the skin so you don't have age spots it reduces hyperpigmentation it's very mild to the skin so i'm going to put a layer of that over the peptides and the alpha butan i'm using today is neutrium's two percent solution so the next thing that i'm going to apply is hyaluronic acid serum now this is not a moisturizer this is just a pure hyaluronic acid serum in a glycerin base so hyaluronic acid very very hydrating to the skin i layer that on as my third layer now my skin is quite damp almost wet actually and i'm going to begin derma rolling key things to know do not derma roll your eyelids your earlobes you can do lightly across the lips that's perfectly fine it does help firm and plump your lips over time but you want to be careful around the thinner area especially the eyes i'm going to start microphone is right here in my way i'm going to start by going vertically up and down and i start right here and i apply just very light pressure now you see how close to my eyelid i get but i don't go on the actual eyelid and i go over my lips right up to under the eye right up to the hairline and then i do my forehead from my eyebrow upward i do derma roll into my eyebrow it helps stimulate the hair follicles in my beard my eyebrows and my mustache of course so that's one you do this two to five times so you could do vertically horizontally diagonally and be done you can do it another time which is what i do so you get at least five the reason we do different directions is to make sure the needles are getting in different places and not the same spots every single time so now i'm going to do horizontally which is this way right i start down here and i go all the way to my earlobe all right and it's important to pick this up and not uh transverse the skin i'm gonna go back over my lip because i'm talking while i'm doing this you don't wanna turn it on the skin because it will tear your skin if you do that so you just do it lightly see how i'm doing it is fine to do under the eye just do not do in the eye or on the eyelash line all right just be very careful the first time you're learning to do this just be gentle with it just be careful you're going to be doing it again and again and again and you'll get more and more comfortable with it all all right i even do like just the front of my hairline so all right so now i've gone up and down and across and i'm going to do vertically i just heard emma whimpering in the background she does not like when i do anything to my face now if you notice i'm already turning a little red kind of like i have a light sunburn right sorry i had to be quiet while i'm doing my lips i don't tear my lips with this thing all right now this is not painful it's not exactly comfortable if you have a very low pain threshold you can buy numbing creams um which is just a serum you put on that helps to numb the skin all right so that is a session or a set you can do that one more time you don't need to do it more than that you don't want more than six rolls across the skin or you're gonna be doing too much damage to your skin so you say i'm a little pink typically after i do it a second time i'm pretty i look sunburned but within a couple of hours that goes away and it really helps these serums that are sitting on the skin be absorbed much better and you can go ahead after you're done and put another layer i like to use the peptides again over what you've done you know again no vitamin c serum no retinol all that will tell you if you are not sensitive to your retinol moisturizer or tretinoin you adapted to that very well without any issues no redness or any of that you can apply retinol after do not apply it before you do the derma rolling because you want to push that retinoic acid too far down into the pores because remember those products go through a conversion process that's better if it happens on the outside of the skin where the retinoic acid is then absorbed into that layer so retinol is fine for after if you don't have sensitivities to it make sure you clean this roller after you're done again with the rubbing alcohol and then store it in its airtight container and replace this every 15 or so uses you can kind of get maybe 20. again i will put a list of these serums and products that i use down in the video description box for you to test out now for more on how you can get your best skin ever i highly recommend you check out these videos that are coming up next thank you guys so much for watching stay beautiful and i will see you over on the next video got a skincare question you want answered just type chris gibson and the topic in the youtube search bar and the video will come up
Channel: Chris Gibson
Views: 176,971
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chris gibson, derma roller, microneedling, hair loss, how to get amazing results with derma roller, dermaroller, dermarolling, skin care, acne scars, micro needling, hair growth, derma roller hair regrowth, microneedling at home, hair loss treatment, derma rolling, dermarolling at home, dermaroller for hair growth, dermaroller beard, dermaroller minoxidil, how to microneedle at home, skin care tips, skin care routine, how to treat acne scars, anti aging skincare
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 1sec (1081 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 11 2022
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