Vital Proteins Collagen Peptides | Results After One Year

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i have been taking vital proteins collagen peptides as well as a couple other collagen supplements for every single day now for just over a year it's been about a year and three months maybe a year and four months and today i want to share with you my results this video is going to be three parts the first part i'm gonna answer some questions i made a video very similar to this at the six month mark a lot of questions came up and there were a few that came up repetitively so i'm gonna answer a few of those today part two i'm gonna share with you my results over the last just over a year of taking this consistently every day and part three i'm gonna share with you other people's results that they've shared with me so you're not just hearing it from me okay let's jump into part one the questions a lot of these questions came up repetitively the first question is which one are you taking and even though i mentioned i've been taking vital proteins collagen peptides that question comes up but but i understand we're all moving really fast we're clicking through things and you know sometimes it's just we just don't get it all right so be very clear most of the time in the last 15 months or so i've been taking vital proteins collagen peptides their natural unflavored version i've also been taking their chocolate version the vital proteins collagen peptides chocolate version so the majority of the time these are the ones that i've been taking i have also taken the ancient nutrition multi-collagen protein ah that was probably like two months out of the last 15 and i have also taken wholesome wellness called multi-collagen that was probably i think about a month and i have review videos on all of these on this channel if you want to check them out i'll link them in the description below again for the majority of the time probably 11 months out of the last 15 have has been vital proteins collagen peptides question number two how much have you been taking i've just been following the directions on the container so whatever the container says now if we look at this the natural flavored version the collagen peptides the directions say one to two scoops the serving size when we look at the nutritional facts it says the serving is one serving is two scoops so i've been taking two scoops of this whenever i take this the chocolate flavored version the serving size is two scoops and the directions say take two scoops so i've been doing that i think ancient nutrition they say one scoop that's what i did when i took ancient nutrition i can't remember what wholesome wellness was either way to answer that question how much do you take i just follow the directions on the container the next question is when do you take it we have to understand that this is protein it's a protein powder think of it as food so you can take it pretty much any time you want i don't know that there's going to be one time of the day that's that's significantly better than another time of the day you could take it with an empty stomach you can take it with food you could take it in the morning take it in the afternoon take it at night whatever works best for you i personally take it in the morning that's what's been working for me i enjoy taking it in the morning it doesn't really matter when you take it except for when we get to the next question will it break a fast and the answer is yes it will break a fast if you take two scoops of this it's about 70 calories we also have to remember that it's lean protein and lean protein will break a fast the chocolate version is uh each serving is 90 calories so and of course it's lean protein as well and it will break a fast so if you're taking collagen supplement and you're doing intermittent fasting you want to make sure that you're either doing it at the beginning of your fast or at the end of your fast and or during your eating window but not during your fast because it will break a fast now if you're doing keto now these don't they don't have sugar and they don't have carbs and everything so from that standpoint you can be take this on a ketogenic diet if you're if you're following a ketogenic lifestyle you can take it i would recommend adding a little bit of fat when you do like for example if i'm using this chocolate version i keep reaching for this i will make like a hot chocolate and i will add a little heavy cream and you know i the the heavy cream will dampen the insulin effect that the lean protein might have so just just a tip i don't think it's absolutely necessary but i've been doing it this whole time so i might as well mention that as well okay the next question this one has come up actually a couple of times is this a paid promotion the answer is no i mean i am just this tiny little youtuber right this little youtube guy have a handful of subscribers if you're one of them thank you so much if you're not maybe you'll consider joining me that would be awesome none of these companies know who i am none of them have contacted me i just you know was thinking about taking it one day and i thought i would try it i've had a good experience so i thought i wanted to share it with everyone so i decided to make a video all right that does it for part one let's go to part two the results so over the last year i've noticed a few things and there are some of these things i noticed back at the six month mark and we're going to talk about those today the first one being fingernails that was the first thing that i kind of really tangibly noticed was my fingernails were growing super super fast i mentioned that at the six month mark that has not changed i was trying to quantify yeah even right now i'm looking at them they need to be cut you probably can't see that but yeah they're just getting really too long i need to cut them today so i've noticed that i have to cut my fingernails every single week and that is very tangible evidence that the supplement is definitely making a difference my fingernails are super super strong they grow really fast they're very healthy and i don't know i guess they look pretty cool to me it's annoying because i gotta cut them all the time i was trying to quantify you know how how much faster are they really growing easily three times faster so if fingernails are important to you you may want to consider taking a collagen supplement and see if it makes a difference the next thing i noticed was my hair and i mentioned this at the six month mark i went to the to get my hair cut the person they go to very regularly and for the first time he started saying wow your hair is growing really fast what are you doing i actually said that right and that that has not changed my hair continues to grow and i want to say probably easily twice as fast as it used to i i have to go to the hair get a haircut every month at least and maybe that's normal for most people but for me previously it would be probably every once every two months somewhere around there it grows crazy i gotta go get a haircut right now the one thing that i did mention at six months was i wondering i wonder if collagen will slow down my hair loss because i'm i'm losing my hair it is falling out i am fighting an uphill genetic battle right all of my brothers i have three brothers all of them are bald my older brother two years older than me bald my younger brother two years younger than me bald our youngest brother seven years younger than me bald he lost his hair at age 28. so i'm next on the list right and it is falling out you can see it's all thin up in here you can see already yeah if you could see that that you know bald spot right there it does weigh on me right uh but that said i'm 51 i still have hair a little bit anyways and all my none of my brothers do oh one thing you know people ask is it make your hair thicker and you'll see when we get to other people's results that many people say that it does i don't know that i've noticed that now again it's hard to tell my as my hair is falling out my hair has always been very very fine like very very thin the strands themselves i don't know if they're getting thicker i don't think they are so if anyone's wondering that that's been my experience so that brings us to skin so i don't have awesome skin i i i've never been accused of having wow your skin is so amazing it's just it's just not me right i might i spent a lot of time in the sun i mentioned that before it looks like i spent a lot of time in the sun i've got wrinkles everywhere i've got this big old brown spot on my forehead i've got moles and everything um yeah just not you know poster worthy material however i i do feel like there's been a difference very slight difference you know some people say oh you look way better than you did a year ago and i hope that's true i think that's true i personally notice a subtle difference when i look in the mirror each day it's hard because sometimes i look in the mirror and all i can see are the wrinkles like man you're looking old but i will say that i feel like my skin is a little tighter i feel like my skin is less oily and i feel like the wrinkles are becoming a little less deep and that's very subjective but i didn't start taking collagen because i wanted my skin to look better because i thought it would make me look like i was in my 20s but i do think it has made a little bit of a difference and if that's important to you you're going to hear about some other people at towards the end of this video in part three where they they they've had a much more significant uh uh effect on their skin all right so here's the one that i really wanted to talk with you about the whole reason i wanted to take collagen to begin with one i'm getting older and two you know i do a lot of trail running over very difficult very rocky terrain a lot of times you know you'll feel some pain in your knees pain in your joints going keto i have to say going keto reduce that almost to zero it's amazing but still i wanted to know could i take it a step further i'm getting older you know my joints are uh certainly getting older right along with me so i thought maybe if i took some collagen it could take it up just another level right and i i'm happy to report that it has and i noticed that in a big way on a training run earlier this year one thing i want to add as i'm running down this very rocky terrain is that my knees and joints feel really good i've been out here for several hours now over the last several months like eight months i've been taking a collagen supplement every single day because i thought it would help with my joints oh man i just realized today the significant impact that it has had i'm very actually very happy i knew it was helping i am running i'm feeling awesome my knees feel great and that is so cool and i can i can uh directly link it to to that because that's the one thing i've changed hey if you're liking today's video please hit the like button that would be awesome all right so the whole reason i wanted to take collagen to begin with right i saw this supplement i wanted to take it is it gonna work and i'm very happy that for me it has it's been making a difference so for that reason i'm going to continue to take vital proteins collagen peptides on a regular basis maybe one day i'll try a different one maybe one day i'll switch it out try something new and switch to that on a regular basis but for now it's going to be vital proteins collagen peptides every day moving forward so i'm very very happy with the results okay that does it for part two let's get into part three other people's results so this last video the the last um that little clip that i showed you of running i posted that that was from a video on my other channel it's a live true with jt i do uh chronicling or documenting my training for the grand canyon going to the grand canyon doing the running stuff like that right after i posted that matthew wall mentioned i also have been supplementing collagen and similar results last year i hiked with knee braces and no longer need them even ran a marathon this last january without them that's pretty awesome leonard hollerbach says me and my wife are doing a strict form of paleo at the same time we took two scoops of natural flavored vital proteins 11 months strong i feel that helps with our skin we are hoping since we both lost a lot of weight that it helps bounce back the skin and we feel it is my hair is growing wild next we have lisa aberdeen nicholas hi everyone i am 53 and have been taking this for three months now the first thing i noticed in about two weeks is that my skin is more moisturized and softer and today i can say that my joint pain has been considerably reduced it really works shelly husky says i've been taking collagen off and on for a few years and it does make a difference recently i realized that my fingernails were breaking and splitting like when i was younger and i had not been taking it for a while i had run out of it and never replaced it so i added it back to my daily regime it improves my skin's appearance too nancy watkins says i am 56 and have been adding about half a scoop to my protein powder shakes each morning for a year with that amount i have noticed several benefits my hair is a little thicker and grows faster okay so she has experienced her hair getting thin or thicker right whereas i have don't think i have my skin isn't as dry and i've noticed fine lines on my face are less noticeable have recommended this to several friends i hope it's adding strength to my bones as i age i feel like my joints are less achy after walks that's awesome nancy anna geisenhof and i hope i'm saying your name correctly geisenhof i have also been taking this for a while and have noticed my thin hair and fingernails growing and looking better my skin is looking better as well i too as a sun worshiper in my younger days and people are always surprised to hear that i have children that are in my that are around 30 years old i'm 54. philip jc1 says i've been taking it for over a year he's talking about vital proteins no improvement in anything change to ancient nutrition now seeing results in gut and joints it if it doesn't work for you change to something else experiment so one thing i want to point out there on philip's comment is that ancient nutrition collagen is a multi-collagen protein so there are different types of collagen that's why he's probably noticing the improvement in his gut i think that's awesome so again like he says hey if it doesn't work for you maybe try something else there's a it's there's a lot that goes into how well your body uses collagen which is beyond the scope of this video but um it's important to remember kristen rigby i take both of these too she's talking about the chocolate and the unflavored version of vital proteins i used to run ultramarathons too i don't run at all anymore i weight lift and rock climb now i started doing keto before my first 100k as a climber i noticed my fingernails growing fast with the collagen and my hairdresser frequently comments at how fast my hair grows i have beautiful hair now that's awesome ben lehmann says i can put my recommendation in the ring too i'm a 38 year old power lifter and i was starting to notice my body not agreeing with me anymore my knee clicked my hips were so tight i was walking like john wayne and my lower back was in permanent pain i've been adding a tablespoon in my regular shakes for a few months and all pain has gone away that's awesome i was dubious when it was first suggested to me but it's incredible see just like me i was a little skeptical and he kind of felt the same way but then but now his experience has been similar it's incredible that's awesome in addition like one of your videos i had a small cyst in my eyebrow it has also completely gone so somebody else commented that they had a cyst uh and had been there for years and they started taking collagen and it went away wow that's pretty cool and that's what he's talking about barbed wire b says i notice nothing my hair won't grow my nails don't my skin has always been good joint pain i have noticed but that's all so she hasn't noticed the other things like the skin the nails and the hair but she has noticed her joint pain reducing and again this points out that everybody has a different experience we're all eating different things we all have different habits so when we make a habit change when we decide to do something new we're going to have our experience will be varied miss muller says hi i have been taking vital protein collagen for one year and six months huge difference with my joints my skin and wrinkles around my eyes and upper lips i am 43 years old i have also noticed a difference with my energy great product krista nicoley says i have been taking vital proteins collagen peptides for probably four to five months now i just turned 25 in january and i love it i did not pay attention to results just took it i noticed my hair and nails grow much faster my hair nails grew good before but faster now my nails are stronger i feel like my skin is glowing a little bit mary golden i have been taking this for two years i love this it is great i agree 200 so that does it for part three and if you're interested in collagen you may be interested in finding out ways how you can reduce inflammation and for that you want to check out this video right over here
Channel: JT Jared Taylor
Views: 1,458,630
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vital proteins collagen peptides results after one year, vital proteins collagen peptides results, vital proteins collagen peptides reviews review, vital proteins results, vital proteins collagen results, vital proteins collagen peptides before and after, vital proteins collagen peptides, vital proteins collagen peptides hair growth, vital proteins collagen peptides benefits, vital proteins collagen peptides reviews before and after, chocolate vital proteins collagen, keto with jt
Id: xlHue3XIFzM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 56sec (956 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 06 2022
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