How to Buy Real Estate; (Loans, Programs, & Tips) with @Mgthemortgageguy

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real estate is and will be probably one always one of the greatest investment tools out there especially because of the tax benefits that come with it and you have to understand the tax play behind buying that much real estate as well so these people are rich and wealthy and they're trying to hedge their taxes and minimize it too so what's the best plan real estate brick and mortar because of things like depreciation cost segregation there's a lot of different things that you can do to offset your wins if you got huge capital gains you can put that in 1031 exchanges buy real estate so you define your taxes down the road right real estate gives you all these plays that the wealthy use um at scale to continue to grow their wealth whereas with us and our community we like to listen to everybody else but instead of following the money my graduates from my school being Forbes backdrop backdrop a mic drop back drop [Applause] all right guys welcome back we got a stranger to the program it's a stranger somebody that you might not have have ever seen before five eight seven zero zero but it's all good yeah it's a mortgage guy the mortgage guy Matthew Garland CEO of the Garland group uh star of Ransom gyms see uh International speaker International speed you gotta add that to the resume of course damn sure I'd be having gyms out of my bio now it's a national speaker that's true okay and that's a fact real estate expert so obviously you guys are familiar with that if you're familiar with uh Ernie Alicia he's been on a variety of different times Market Mondays and Best Fest you name it he's always around providing great Insight when it comes to real estate and um we did two episodes so far and um you know whenever there's time you feel like all right it's time to revisit this real estate conversation so like this at the beginning of the year 2023 was a great time to have the third Trilogy um three p there's so much stuff that we haven't talked about before and there's so much stuff that has changed a lot of people are you know nervous the economic environment that we're in interest rates and uh recession different things of that nature so and and on a personal level during this time we've had a relationship of you helping us with our properties absolutely so that that's even something that we we're going to add to this conversation too I love it yeah I love it so um you know it's back to the blueprint man of Education heavy gyms try to provide as much value as possible and uh help some people out man so first and foremost thanks for coming appreciate it love fellas it's a 3p I appreciate the opportunity as always it's always good to be back with my guys let's make it happen let's do it so all right all right let's not even waste any time let's get into this first time I wore a suit on the shop on the show this is this is the first time you had a red sweatshirt on in episode 12. The Gold episode and your second appearance you had uh I think you might have a film shirt had a flannel joint yeah and we had just moved downstairs to kind of shoot um so that was that was cool too yeah so okay three different flavors three different episodes I liked I like the way this is going let's talk about something that we've never spoke about before which is VA loans copy um for veterans there's a lot of veterans then uh watch us we actually have a Infinity group in eyo University for veterans um whether it's Navy uh Army uh you name it Marines Marines Marines Air Force the whole situation right A lot of people have served the country and there's benefits with that but um and even some alumni um Aristotle is a veteran yeah um it's like we got a few other veterans but um a lot of times they're not educated on what they actually have yeah definitely what's up with this VA loan situation uh first of all thank you guys for your service um we appreciate your sacrifice and everything you do for us and our country to keep us safe um here in America so I don't want that to my father was a veteran also so it's near and dead in my heart um if you've been in my studio or see me on my content I have his flag when he passed away they gave me the flag so I had that kind of like right next to me um when I shoot all my content so um first of all shout out to all the veterans but a VA loan is one of probably the best loans that's available out there in the marketplace it's an underutilized product I don't think a lot of people speak about VA loans and that's why I'm happy that we're having this conversation so let's first start off with the credit score requirements most lenders will have a minimum credit score of a 580 to qualify for a VA loan it's a hundred percent financing no PMI PMI is private mortgage insurance so typically when you put down less than 20 percent down on a property you have to pay the PMI which is Insurance um that's insuring the bank not you the borrower in case you default on the mortgage that that loan is insured and the bank can basically get their money back from an insurance company right so VA loans have no PMI it does have a a funding fee when you do a VA loan which can be on average around two percent just depending on your status if you are 100 disability then um disabled um veteran then you don't pay a funding fee but typically most um VA loans that we're doing come with around a two percent um funding funding fee which gets financed into the loan now with the VA loan you can purchase is a primary resonance it's not for investment properties I just want to be clear on that it's for primary residents you can buy condo VA approved if the if you could buy condo that is VA approved you could buy one family two family three family four Family Properties they have to be owner occupied multi-families the requirement to um for VA to live in the property is for one year just like a FHA so you have to live in that property for one year but the main thing there's a couple things I want to discuss with a VA that's very important number one is your Certificate of Eligibility your Coe so to determine how much of of a loan that you can get from a VA you have to provide the lender or the lender can pull What's called the Coe your certificate or eligibility and it will tell you exactly how much entitlement that you have from the VA to determine what's the maximum the possible maximum loan amount that you can get financed for using a VA loan now unlike well VA loans don't have a minimum a maximum loan amount requirement so if you go to FHA loan or a conventional mortgage you have a maximum loan amount so let's just keep in what's the maximum loan amount so in New York I'll just keep in New York so it's simple um what a one family right now because this is considered a high cost area you can get a FHA or a conventional mortgage um million dollars on a single family property a four family property you can go up to like 2 million a little bit under 2.1 million somewhere around there so the loan limits increased in 2023 which is great because home prices have been appreciated but with a VA loan there's technically no minimum or no maximum loan amount um for the VA it's all on how much eligibility you have and obviously how much you can qualify for with your debt to income ratio and your residual income which I'm gonna go into in a bit so that's another great thing about a VA loan you can buy a single family home 1.5 million dollars and get 100 financing on it with a low interest rate with no PMI but let's say you do do that and you do a loan for 1.5 is there a millionaire tax that comes along with that like a mansion tax right so in New York if you purchase in the property over a million dollars you have Mansion tax which you guys happily have to pay right right Mansion tax anybody but New York that's common right uh million dollar house in New York is kind of like the normal it's like a everyday House New York is very expensive but yes you have to pay a match to take other states it varies you may not have to pay but I would say check with you know your realtor or your local lender whoever you're working with to see if you have to pay any type of mansion tax is there like a percentage that the the standard Mansion tax is um New York is one percent okay one percent so a million dollar sales price you're going to pay ten thousand dollars on in closing costs um on top of all the other fees that come with you know buying a property so if you're buying over a million dollars it can definitely get more expensive especially in this in this um State like New York so that's why you have you can't be house rich and cash flow you have to have money um when you go into that ballpark right but with a VA loan again you can go up to a million and a half you can go 1.7 million I've done loans myself one three one four when the loan amounts were a lot less for conventional and FHA so that's a huge benefit for that veteran who can qualify for that that large of a house right and that's Nationwide so it's not it's not determined on region where you live if you live in Kentucky and you're veteran you can get approved for a million dollar loan um with the VA if you have the the eligibility to do so right so that's number one right but the most important thing I want to touch on when it comes to a VA loan because the most important ingredient on any loan is the debt to income ratio your DTI right but with VA you have what's called residual income and that residual income calculates basically how much money do you have left over after all your expenses can the veteran truly afford this house and they take in your household thoughts right so let's just say for example you have a family of four right the VA and if you're living in the Northeast they want to see after your um withholdeness come out so they're looking at your gross income and then they're going to minus out your withholdings like uh your FICA your Social Security all the taxes you pay in your W-2 wages then they're going to take the mortgage payment minus that out of it then they're going to take your utilities on the home right and if you don't know what the utilities are um lenders will use a calculation It's usually the square footage of the home Tom's 0.14 and so if it's a 2 000 square foot home times 0.14 that comes into like 280 dollars that will will guesstimate um what your utilities are we're looking at um child care we're looking at you know student loans car loans everything goes into this calculation and then at the end of the day after all of that is spent do you have at least a thousand dollars a month left over and if you do you qualify right and if you don't you don't qualify so for example I've seen deals where you might get a Aus approval which is the automated underwriting system that all lenders use that says okay your DTI is X it works but then you might not meet the residual income qualifications and that can decline your loan so it's very important that veterans understand it and anyone any real estate professional any loan officer who's working with VA clients they understand the residual income calculation because that right there can make or break a deal so what I try to advise any veteran or anybody who's looking to buy a house you not only just want to get pre-approved you want to make sure that the lender that you're working with has the ability to submit your loan into underwriting while you're in that pre-approval status so that way a underwriter can reveal your loan and get you what's called the pre-underwriting commitment or a loan commitment while you're still in that home buying stage because now you know it's been reviewed by underwriter you know your commitment letter is legit it's not just some loan officer sending you a letter and saying hey your pre-approved for XYZ go out and house shop and then when you get a house and then you get in a contract you do all these inspections pay for appraisal and then you go to underwriting you get declined because they didn't do the calculations probably from the very beginning it happens all the time so that residual income is extremely important when it comes to VA loans for all veterans out there for all professionals who are originating these loans that's a lengthy process um yeah it's a lot of information a lot of tape a lot of paperwork that has to be filed you can correct me if I'm wrong but VA loans and one of the reasons that people use it and it's a great uh loan product is that there's no down payment correct it's 100 financing um for VA loan now typically with a VA loan it's if you are buying a house and you're the veteran you can get up 100 100 finance and another thing also you can use the VA loan more than once so it's not like FHA where you have to refinance out of the FHA to use the FHA loan again right with a VA loan if you have enough eligibility on your Coe you can buy another property it just has to be your primary residence now on that second property that you purchase you're not you're probably going to have to put some sort of down payment because you use a lot of your entitlement already to buy your first home but necessarily you don't have to refinance out of that initial property that you purchase to use your VA loan again so it gives you the ability I've seen people that have three or four VA loans all still active because they didn't burn up their eligibility by going out and buying a million dollar a million 1.5 million dollar house the first go around they probably bought a two three hundred thousand dollar house started slow and work their way up and they still had enough eligibility to use their VA over and over and over so the VA loan is they give you a certain amount of money correctly depending on where you live or just depending on your status of how you got discharged depending on how long you worked exactly how long you were in the military exactly so it's like you might have a million dollars it's not that it's like and I'm not I'm not even going to try to get into that go get the home buyers blueprint it's part of eyl university volume one we've kind of Break Free resource you know it's a great resource it kind of breaks down the calculations and everything like that but essentially yes the Certificate of Eligibility will tell a lender if this is your first time using it if you have used it multiple times how much of your eligibility is available and then there's a whole calculation that we have to do on our end to determine exactly how much of a loan that we can get you approved for so it's a process on our end if you have one then you obviously you get the additional properties are they looked at as investment properties because I know you said you can't use as rentals so all of them all four of them are primarily So when you buy the first one you can rent out after you meet your one year requiring okay and you can go buy a new primary residence and now turn that first property into a rental property okay so essentially your house hacking but you're just doing it the not calling quote non-traditional way yeah and yes and you're using the VA loan again even if you have to put down a down payment five percent ten percent you have no PMI you're going to have a low interest rate right so it's still a huge benefit for someone who's looking to um use as much of the VA as possible because look they earned the benefits why not use it use it as many times as you can so some people might start off with the starter home 200 250 000 whatever it is and if they understand how to run the play they'll continue to use their VA move out of one live in it for a year move out another one and keep going and keep going um so if you do it the right way you can you can buy a couple properties using your VA loan and having all those VA loans still open not having to refinance out of them all right well that's good to know a lot of information when it comes to the VA loan situation so let's talk about how I'm going to cut you off um I said that in your voice too don't mean to cut you well done right well done so unless we since I've said house hacking I want to talk about multi-families real quick because this is very important before that uh don't mean to cut me off I mean I want to interrupt your wisdom but that one other disadvantages right so those are some of the advantages and I know people have said like does every lender offer VA loans like are there things that which that if they're veterans that they should look out for good question so not all lenders and loan officers are built the same just because someone offers a loan product doesn't mean they know how to close that loan product doesn't mean they're well versed in that loan product so for the majority yes all lenders will offer a VA loan and I want people to understand this right there's a lot of lenders out there that will have the name their name of their company El sound military-ish that doesn't mean the VA is endorsing them so a lot of people will go to these lenders because it sounds like it's military and it's a military mortgage company or something like that that is VA endorse and it's not the VA doesn't endorse one particular lender over another that's just a marketing tactic and you have to be careful especially your veterans because a lot of times these companies are offering you higher fees and higher rates than someone like myself or a mortgage broker or mortgage Banker so you got to be they may not have military slang in their company name but doesn't mean they can't get you a better deal so I want people to understand when you when you're shopping for who's going to do your VA loan don't just go with the company or the mortgage company just because they have some sort of military affiliation in their name because it's all a marketing tactic right so that's number one uh when it comes to people offering VA loans but again and that oil and is built built the same not everybody understands VA loans these are these are Easy Loans if you understand what you're doing but they be they can become very difficult if you don't and again the residual income is one of the big things that I see people mess up on because they never heard of it before and they don't know how to calculate it but for multi-families on house hacking you can't if you're a first time home buyer and you're buying a multi-family property and you're looking to use the rental income to qualify unfortunately the VA doesn't allow that you have in order to use rental income to help you qualify for a multi-family using a VA alone you have to document that you have 12 at least 12 months experience of property management or owning a multi-family property so if you don't work in a Property Management Field if you don't have a multi-family currently and it's not and it's filed on your taxes and we can see that you've owned it for a year and you're collecting rent then unfortunately you will not be able to use the rental income to qualify you now if you do have that experience then the VA will require at least six months of reserves of your mortgage payments so if your mortgage payment is a thousand dollars a month we're going to require at least six thousand dollars in your bank account post close and after you pay your closing costs um left over so I want people to understand using a VA loan to house hacking by multi-families if you're dependent on the rental income to qualify you can you can be up for rude awakening you will have to qualify using your own income to purchase that multi-family all right so let's get another Topic in uh construction loans this is something that you know me and Troy is going through right now with buying a home and this is a lot of times people don't even realize that there's different loans that you have to take even when you get in a mortgage system all mortgages aren't the same correct so it's like a construction loan when you're actually building a house from the ground up correct um the financing is different very it's very different and it's a lot more strenuous well I'll let you talk about it but a lot of I don't think people are they wouldn't know that unless they've actually done it before so building a house you know it can have some advantages but you have to know what you're getting yourself into before you before you decide if it's going to be a good decision or not absolutely so what's the deal with the construction loan situation man construction loans and once again construction for not construction like you you're gonna build an apartment building like this is if you buy a plot of land correct and you just want to build your house as opposed to building a house buying a house that's already built correct so you know typically like you said you buy you get a piece of land and now you need funding for it so there's two ways you can go about it if you're the consumer if you're the home buyer you can buy the land or cash which I would recommend um whether it's cash or you use a credit card whatever means you you find to buy that piece of land because I feel like this is the easiest way to do a construction loan um and then now you go to the bank to get um a construction a permanent loan with now that construction permanent loan is basically treated like a refinance now because since you already own the property so there's no rush right to get your plans and your permits and things of that nature because what most construction loans when you're talking primary residences which this conversation is about the bank is only going to give you a construction time of 9 to 12 months so we all know permits can take six months so if you do a one-time closed construction loan which is you're buying the land and trying to get the construction known simultaneously and you're using the bank for the financing of the land as well that's when I see problems arise because you're not technically the owner of that property so you can't go out and submit architectural plans to the town that you're buying the property in until after you close because you technically don't own the property unless the seller of the property is willing to submit the plans on your behalf which in most cases they're not going to do that right so it's much easier for you to acquire the land on your own then use the bank for the construction loan to build your home and the reason being again is because architectural plans can take depending on the scope of your work that can take two to four months depending on how busy your architect is and how efficient they are and when you get plans you're going to go back and forth to adjust things of that nature so if you're doing a one-time closer destruction that means you're in contract and you have a time clock already to close with the seller right they don't want to sit there and wait four or five months for you to get your plans together before you close so again that can cause a delay and it can cause some strain between you and the seller now if you got an architect who's on it they can get you plans in 30 days cool you can do the one-time close but again another con of that is after closing now you have to submit those plans to the town to get approval and depending on the county which um it's hit or miss right and then just hit a mess for plans I mean New York is kind of like I don't want to say nothing negative because you know but it kind of it kind of gets to the best of Interest yeah it gets kind of it gets kind of crazy and it could be a lengthy process so now if you're in a Time clock to build and the lenders only give you 9 to 12 months and some lenders will give you an extension of an extra two to three months on top of that you've done wasted half of your time just waiting on the plans to get approved by the town so my recommendation for construction loans and anyone who's looking to build their first home or their dream home acquire the land first acquire the land first have a a dope ass architect who understands the urgency of what you're looking to do get your plans and everything drawn up because you already have the home now or the land so you don't have to rush and now once you have your plan submitted then apply for your construction loan because now it's more like a refinance there's no time clock there's no sellers you can take four months to close it doesn't matter and once your plans get approved then close on your construction loan then boom you can start your your construction pretty much immediately yeah so let's talk about the the other way when you have a lender that will do both give you construction the construction loan for building it and then uh actually having the house built itself right so there's two pieces you're paying for both I think the misconception this is something we kind of learned through the process like you get that time frame to build and then you know you do that with your building they'll say it's between six to 12 months we can get this house built correct right but yeah at the mercy of the Town correct right because and the Builder and the engineers correct and The Architects correct um what's your paying for a house that you may not even live in right because sometimes the building process may take 16 months absolutely and so like for a year you might be paying interest but after that 12 months now you're you're going to be paying that full loan so yeah talk about that and the importance of having residual income in situations like this yeah so when you get a construction loan first it's an interest during the construction period it's interest-only payments so like you say you're going to be paying a mortgage payment you have to pay your property taxes you have to pay um your homeowners insurance and build this insurance you're going to need Builders insurance as well to protect yourself on that end but yeah you're going to have a payment so if it drags out you know and the lender says okay now it's time to convert from the construction to permanent now you're going to be paying a mortgage payment that's going to be higher because now it's printable and interest that's going to be included into your mortgage payment and so your first 12 16 months is all going to be interest only and that's why it's very important if you're going to take the leap of faith and build your own home especially if you're going to act as your project manager you're hiring your GC you're hiring your Builder you're hiring all these folks and you're not buying directly from a builder right you're hiring everybody you have to make sure you know what you're doing and you're hiring the right folks because folks will sit here and over promise and under deliver you and kill your entire timeline which ultimately is going to cost you more money as the homeowner so it's very important that you make sure you vet out your team because your team has to understand the urgency of you getting it done the timeline and they have to under understand how they get paid as well because there's there's a process of how they get paid so when you close on a construction loan the lender is only going to give you 10 percent or Max 50 000 within 10 10 days 14 days after closing and typically that money is used to cover you know demolition permits plans you know things of that nature you kind of like your soft costs right but the lender I mean the Builder will have to be able to front that job so let's just say that the build is going to cost a million dollars fellas to build and they only releasing fifty thousand dollars but the first phase of the project is going to cost you a quarter million dollars so now what what does that 200 000 come from right that 200 000 has to come from the Builder they have to be in position to start that job complete phase one then the lender will send out an inspector to inspect you know phase one one to make sure all T's across eyes are dotted and then the inspector will go back to the bank and say okay you can release the draw of 200 000 and then now the Builder gets paid that 200 000 and then they move on to phase two and it goes on like that until the job is complete so it's very important that you understand your Builder understands how they get paid and they are liquid because a lot of Builders out here are not liquid as well so you can't pick the Builder just because they might have gave you the cheapest price so how do you notice that liquid or not the lenders will vet the builders as well there's a lot of lenders out there that use third-party um companies I'm not going to mention their name because they don't endorse us right and they will have to see the liquidity of the bill the bank statements do you have amex's whatever it is to make sure that they are liquid to be able to do this job because the lenders again they're putting out a million dollars on construction they want this house built they don't want to own the property especially if it's something that's not built right so it's in their best interest as a lender to make sure that the Builder can get this job done and they have the experience to get it done as well because a lot of people talk the talk but they can't walk the walk so that's why again like a 203K I like to call a 203K the training wheel for investors so a construction loan when you're going through like the conventional way for a homeowner is kind of like training wheels if you want to get into development as well because you have the lender by your side and the inspectors by your side that work for you and the lender to protect you against the builders because you know we all say contractors are you know you know what I'm saying but you gotta but the the bank is always going to make sure that they protect the investment at the same time so um what happens if it's not going right like what as as a customer where what recourse do you have if the contractor isn't doing what he's supposed to be doing it's not moving at the Timeline that's supposed to be moved there like what what can you do you can fire them but then now you start from square one again right now you have to find a new Builder now they have to give you their course now that's new paperwork that has to get submitted to the bank right so it's a whole process that if you're doing this post-closing right you're doing it post closing and you're already in your project it's like anything if you do if you do a bathroom over in your house and you don't like the contract and you fired them now the new contract is going to come in and say well they work is not good so now I've got to tell all their work down and restart it over again so now the cost will be more than what you anticipated so you have to weigh out what's the opportunity cost really of me firing my contractor right now or my builder at the phase that I'm in right now because I'm already started and it can wind up costing you more money now if they're just negligent and they're just disrespectful and they just don't they're not really there then obviously you're going to have no choice but you got to handle your business because you are a CEO this is real estate right so you have to fire them but I understand there's going to be now a whole new vetting process that down the lender is going to have to do and then ultimately if they're going to charge more than what the scope of work is already approved you're not getting no more money so where's that extra money if they're gonna charge you an extra 50 100K where's that extra money coming from it's coming from you because you decided to fire them so it's best while you're in the underwriting process if you going to make any changes with your contract or your Builder it's best to do it while you're in the process because if they come with the highest scope of work then you can protect yourself easier and reapply or not reapply but you can ask for a requests to see if you can get more of an approval to compensate for that extra monies so you just have to make sure again vetting out your people to make sure that they are who they say they are if I'm looking to build a new property and I'm trying to find land I know you can vet everybody on that side but is there any way to or is there a database that you can vet the town engineer or the County engineer or the building department is there any way to do that because a lot of times and we've seen it personally like they're the ones that are holding up the whole the whole things right like I I might not move to that town or I might not try to develop there if I know there's going to be that type of day if they have a history of that so typically when you're when you're applying for permits and stuff like that um you would want to hire an expediter right and the expedite is someone who works within the town or has a relationship with them and they're able to push the paperwork through in a timely manner but ultimately again it's relationships right like if you hire a great architect and they have good relationships within the town because they're doing a lot of business and they're they're doing a lot of jobs then they might not need to hire expedited because they know Mary Sue over here in this department and their sons go to soccer together right so they can have that type of conversation and kind of try to get things pushed through but that's Hit or Miss as well so no is there a way to vet really really not um it's kind of the luck of the draw and you have to put your plans in as complete as possible because sometimes they'll come back and they want corrections to your plans and then you got to go back and forth as well so it's unfortunately is one of those situations you're damned if you do you're damned if you don't um the town is always going to come back with something they're always going to want some sort of Correction and there's always going to be some back and forth and that's why your architect and building is probably one of the most important roles because they have to be quick on a fee some Architects are just slow as hell to change something so minor to us it might take them 30 days that's setting your timeline back right so again I think not and that in the building department you need to vet the architect to make sure that what's their turnaround for changes what's that what's their relationships with the town that you're building in how many jobs have they submitted in the last 60 90 12 months right these are questions when you're interviewing an architect just don't go off the referral like oh he's a great architect in this than a third nah chill ask the questions right this is your house this is your business you own the property you're responsible for the mortgage payment nobody else so you have to make sure wherever you're hiring you have to make sure they can get that job done and they have a sense of urgency too right and because a lot of these folks they just don't have it so let's talk about um Bill to rent financing Bill to rent financing yes investors um Bill to rent financing is you know something that's happening Nationwide from a Mom and Pop level and also from the institutional level right um so build to rent financing you can you can buy them in your um you can get these basically it's the same thing like a constructional right you find apply to land or older property and you want to build a multi-family building you know five units 10 units what have you and most cases you want to have some sort of experience with um investing number one um so most lenders if you're a first-time investor they probably won't lend to you on build to rent financing because you just don't have the experience of being a landlord um so that's number one so this is really not like a first time home buyer type of product it's for the real estate investor um everything is in your LLC it's not in your personal name just like when you're buying a turnkey property but essentially it's the same like uh construction loan you're getting a loan from the bank to build the multi-family that ultimately you're going You're not flipping the multi-family you're going to rent it out it's a new construction multi-family and you can do this product Nationwide so it's a great product right now interest rates are going to be a little bit high on a higher level just because the market that we in so you have to make sure the numbers still work um but traditionally for this type of financing you can expect to you need to be able to put down at least a 30 down payment 25 to 30 down payment plus your closing costs to get this done but again it's the same thing you need Architects you need to get your plans you got to submit for permits you need a construction crew your construction crew has to have experience with building multi families so it's not like you have a wake up and I'm gonna do Bill to rent right you have to have a team in place that can actually get the job done because now when you get to building a 10 unit a 15 unit a five unit whatever it is it's a lot more um work that has to be done from a design standpoint to make sure everything's cold and they're now submitting that to the town now that process can take a little while longer to get approved just because of the amount of plans that has to be submitted to the town so you got slightly higher interest rate correct you're going to put more of a down payment correct but on the flip side new bills always attract premium customers absolutely and so you'll probably get high rental costs from the the renters and new construction new bills always require for long term at least for the immediate future fewer maintenance costs when the people are in there absolutely are there any other like hidden advantages that are inside of this loan well I can tell you about some cons before I go into some advantages right so let's look at when you're doing anything built to rent remember this is an investment but it's going to take time for you to recoup your investment right because you got to think about this depending on where you're building that and to just get the plans approved that could be six months eight months alone right then you have to build the property right building the property can take a year maybe a little bit longer so you got to figure your first two years you have no income coming into this property and then now you have to go out here and rent the property and depending on the market at that time you might be attracting two years ago hey the rents are here I'm going to make X right or construction cost is this but if construction cost goes up while you're filing your permits that can blow up your numbers too let's say rental income goes down or rent income goes down in your neighborhood that can blow up your numbers as well so there's Cons with doing any type of build to rent type of financing so I want or any type of deal I should say not just the finance of just taking on those type of deals because anything can happen in within that time frame before you even put a shovel on the ground right which can really hurt your number so I want all of our folks who are watching this to really understand you can't have these lofty numbers because a lot of times people will come and say oh I'm a charge disc I know the market is this but I'ma go to hair no you can't depend on that right because you got to always plan for the very worst case scenario now on the flip side you're forcing appreciation that's really the truest way to build wealth with real estate is now your force and appreciation right now we're still in an appreciated Market although home prices and values have come down they haven't went negative right so you're forcing the appreciation if you're able to get good costs with materials you can probably find yourself to have a lot of equity in that multi-family that you're building and then now you'll be able to refinance out of that that loan get into and possibly take some cash out now so you can go and do another project um so filter and financing is a great product but it's strictly for live men not for freshmen not for freshmen not for freshmen not for freshmen you really have to you have to have a team and I will advise anyone who's looking to do any type of Bill to finance any type of deal like that get some Partners who know what they're doing because it's a lot to try to develop property and if you're a rookie you're going to make a lot of mistakes and it's almost sometimes better to either pay for some sort of um consultant or Mentor because that will save you a lot of time time mistakes and money so I would highly advise anyone who's looking to do this for the first time to get to get some real people in that Circle that can really help them and guide them so that way you learn you'll you're paying for it but you're earning while you're learning so to speak so what about um people you made a video I think about this when putting a house in your name as opposed to putting the house not in your name so people can't find out where you live different things that nature yeah what's what's the deal with that so when you're buying a property and if you're using a non-qm loan a non-qm loan is a non-qualified mortgage that basically means that Fannie Mae Freddie Mac FHA VA won't purchase that loan in the secondary market right this is a portfolio loan which more non-traditional lenders will use um for non-traditional buyers right now if you're buying a primary residence there are several lenders out there that will allow you to buy that primary residence in your LLC name right we are living in the post-bandemic era where a lot of people made a lot of money over the past two years and folks are buying you know their many mansions and their their Mansions right now and it and if you don't want the world to be able to find you the best way is to put it in LLC so that way they can't Google your name and find you because it's an LLC so now the mortgage is in the LLC name the deed of the property is an LLC name you own the LLC the LLC owns the property so it's the same um it's the same way as if you buying investment properties and put in LLC but this just so happens to be your primary residence so there's several lenders out there that will allow you to do this but again interest rates wise right now non-qm loans is going to be in that seven to nine percent range just depending on the lender and the deal that you're doing but it can get done I've done several loans like that um over the past 24 months where I'm working with celebrities or influencers and we're using these products to kind of show their identity and then also when you set up the LLC and this could be a brand new LLC tool by the way it doesn't need established business credit um you can have a minimum of a 640 credit score obviously the lower the credit score the higher the interest rate but the key to this is when you open up the LLC you know where it says you open LLC it says registered agent you don't put your name there as the registered agent because if someone looks and in some way somehow finds that LLC and your other name is the registered agent then obviously they're going to know you own it so you gotta have another registered agent's name there so that way you'll show that as well but yeah um that's a play right now that we're using on a daily basis so what's the highest interest it's a higher interest rate it's gonna if you have a lower credit score um but if you have 700 Plus credit scores because you're still personal guaranteeing alone I want to make that clear too um although it's going in the llc's name you as the owner are personal guaranteeing it um so if you try to skip town and not pay the bank okay they're gonna just put it on your personal credit and then they're gonna come after you um so yes the higher the credit score the lower the interest rate and then today's market that lower rate will represent probably somewhere in the sevens the higher nine ten percent especially if you're not low 600 credit score so uh there are ways and I saw you post this as well other ways to lower the interest rate obviously we've seen them going up over the past 12 months um and it's come down slightly over the past month or so are there ways that we can use or strategies we can use to lower our interest rates when it comes to financial for our primary residences or well let's say primary and maybe I guess so yeah so if we're talking the traditional route right conventional FHA you could do what's called a 2-1 buy down right now A 2-1 buy down is it used to be popular during the wild cowboy days it was totally underwritten different but now I like the way the program is so basically essentially as is a 2-1 buy down you need a sales concession to fund this buy down um you the borrower cannot use your own Monies to do the 2-1 buy down so how it works is a lender let's just say you're doing the FHA loan let's just say today's rate is five and a half percent on our 30-year fix for example the first year your interest rate will be 3.5 percent the second year the rate will be 4.5 percent and year three to maturity date will be the note rate of five and a half percent so the lender will determine how much money are you saving between three and a half percent and five and a half percent and four and a half percent and five and a half percent so let's just say over those two years you're saving a combination of ten thousand dollars right you need to get a seller's concession of ten thousand dollars to fund that 2-1 buy down and that essentially will give you the opportunity to have a lower rate um for the first couple years kind of like a teaser rate so to speak but it's a 30-year fixed program and the idea behind this is and this is why Linda started bringing this program back when race jumped up is because you know what lenders are still going to lend we're going to be creative we're going to figure this out right it's totally illegal so we're going to bring back products that makes both sense and sense for all parties involved this is a way to make a home ownership affordable over the first couple years while we ride the wave of this current cycle and when rates tick down there's going to be a refinance boom in the next 12 to 18 months maybe sooner right now another way is to buy down points buying down points now you can fund this with a sales concession or you can use your cash out of your bank account to buy down points and as part of your closing costs as well and one point is equivalent of one percent of the loan amount so if you're buying let's just say it's a 500 000 loan one point is five thousand dollars and that will bring you rate down depending on the lender a quarter of a point to three eighths of a point so if it started off at five and a half you brought a point it would go to 5.125 or five and a quarter on a 30-year fix and and each point you buy will knock down quarter to three eighths of a point so that's also another way that you can bring down your interest rate but ultimately the way to lock in the lowest rates possible is to have the highest possible credit score that you can have especially in today's market where you know even if you have a 700 credit score you might not still get the lowest rate whereas a year ago that still would give you a great rate at 700 720. now you really have to be in that if you're going conventional you really have to be 740 760 and higher right now to really get that whatever that National rate that people see online with no points you really have to be in that higher upper echelon of credit when you're talking conventional now FHA you can have a 680 700 credit storms still get a great rate um with those scores so in that first scenario going from that's that that example 3.5 to 5.5 after it gets let's say after that third year is it capped at the 5.5 correct it's cap right so it's not an adjustable rate correct it's not adjustable rate it's a 30 it's a 30-year fixed mortgage but speaking of adjustable rates that's another way but adjustable rates you got to really look at the math and see does it make sense for me to take this adjustable rate because uh a five year so adjustment rates are typically fixed for five years seven years or ten years and then after that it adjusts for the life of the loan depending on where the market is the rate can go up and go they'll go down so folks who had adjustable rates prior to the pandemic they won because they rates if there was an adjustment phase they rates drop down so they didn't really necessarily have to refinance and pay closing costs and things like that because the market was in a favor now on the flip side huh same difference so they I advise all my clients and people who I was speaking to um who had adjustables you might as well get out of it because the 10 15 20 and 30 is the cheapest it's ever been so it doesn't make sense to play the rest but in this market adjustable rates make sense for someone who is not looking and they know they're not going to stand at home for the long term this is not a 30-year play for them this is a five-year play so if you know I'm gonna be in this house for five years and I'm just using this as my starter home I wouldn't recommend getting a five-year um I would probably say do a seven or ten because life happens and you never know and if you see an opportunity to refinance over the next couple years and you still own that house take advantage of the refinance opportunity as well so adjustable rate mortgages can work if it makes sense but in most cases from what I'm seeing sometimes it just doesn't make sense now let's talk about hedge funds buying single-family homes what's the deal with that big business look um I know there's a lot of chat on the internet about the housing market and a lot of folks will tell you don't buy a house right now don't do this right now I tend to follow the money what is the money doing the money is the institutional investors and what they're doing right now they're buying houses and the forms of billions and billions and billions of dollars so for me the light bulb goes over my head and say hmm what do they know that we don't know these people are smart as hell they're not stupid and if they're buying homes then why are we sitting on the sidelines well not us but why are some of our audience sitting on the sidelines and waiting for a quote-unquote crash or anything like that to happen to get themselves in the game if you look at the institutional money out there they're buying all of Georgia right now for the most part you know you got um Jeff Bezos and his um back companies that are buying real estate JP Morgan Chase has partner with another hedge fund they're buying billion dollars worth of real estate right all of these companies are all these institutional investors are putting their money into the safe haven of real estate for a reason and the purpose because real estate is going nowhere right crypto was up to 60 plus thousand dollars now what is it at stocks was up where and where is that if the housing market does crash I can still go touch my house the tenant still has to pay me I'm still going to get the same cash flow because with inflation Rising even though it's coming down a little bit people still have to pay the rent and if you buy right there's always going to be cash flow coming in no matter what the market is doing so real estate is it will be probably one always one of the greatest investment tools out there especially because of the tax benefits that come with it and you have to understand the tax play behind buying that much real estate as well so these people are rich and wealthy and they're trying to hedge their taxes and minimize it too so what's the best plan real estate brick and mortar because of things like depreciation course segregation there's a lot of different things that you can do to offset your wins if you got huge capital gains you can put that in 1031 exchanges buy real estate so you define your taxes down the road right real estate gives you all these plays that the wealthy use um at scale to continue to grow their wealth whereas with us and our community we like to listen to everybody else but instead of following the money so the institutional investors are going to continue to buy real estate and also Playing devil's advocate why is that too besides everything I mentioned is to keep the middle class middle class right to make America tenants period like the middle class areas they don't want you to own homes they don't want you to be wealthy they don't want you to be rich they don't want you to build your wealth so they're buying all these properties in my opinion to keep the middle class at the middle class so but like a lot of investors like Julian Gordon is like it doesn't make sense to invest in multi in in a single family invest in multi-family home so this has contrary to that because this is billion dollar entities they're not buying well they're buying multiple but they're buying single family homes yeah because single families so you know shout out to Julia first and foremost um in the multi-family movement but I understand his logic is if it's a single family it's one it's one income coming in and if they don't pay then somebody has to pay that debt whereas it's a multi-family you have multiple rents coming in so if one person doesn't pay you have four units you still got three rents coming in that can cover right so I understand that logic but the reality of it is people live in single-family rentals longer than multi-families the multi-family apartments are smaller than somebody want to live in the house so if you have children you don't want to live in the hood where most multi-families at and now New York is different right because you can go to Brooklyn and be in Park Slope and it's 5 million dollar multi-families there right so New York is just a different peace in itself so I can't compare New York to the rest of the country but if we've all traveled around the country and when you see multi-families at you don't see them in the suburbs you don't see them in the good school districts you don't see them in where there's good stores and amenities and things of that nature in an area so most folks who have children um especially young children that want school districts they want to live in a single family home they want backyard and bar mitzvahs they probably just can't afford to buy right now but they still want to live good right so America's institutional investors understand that this is why they're doing more build to rent properties where they will build these communities for single families and traditionally they would sell those and flip them now with rent at an all-time high still uh one bedroom apartment is on average nationally two thousand dollars a one bedroom apartment in New York right now averages six thousand dollars right looking what's happening in New York the empty office spaces are now being converted to what Apartments yeah right so investors especially institutional investors are always going to find a way to make money so it's no right or wrong way whether a single family or multi-family to me is no debate right if you are there some areas where it might be better to buy a single family and rentals I know a lot of investors that swear up and down about single family event um rentals that won't touch a multi-family and vice versa like the Julian Gardens of the world they won't touch a single family they want multi-family so I think it's really about picking your poison and doing what works for you not kind of following suit with everyone else and understanding your numbers and what your Roi needs to be and then kind of moving on from there do you think that's where because I'm seeing a lot of commercial real estate being vacant you think that is the way we're headed with this those commercial real estate spaces will now become rental properties inside oh it would be like a big conversion oh absolutely I mean when we was at lunch with Don peoples we was having that conversation too where conversions there's billions of dollars just in New York City right now that's being flooded into the market in these office retail spaces that are now because look look what happened during the pandemic companies people got to work from home why do I need to pay a hundred thousand dollars a month with that space so what it what are the land and those are rentals right they're leasing they're not owning these skyscrapers in these buildings so they'd rather pay the penalties to get out then they can deduct it anyway off their taxes so it's a whole place so it really doesn't if they're a profitable company and they got a lot of money it's not gonna hurt them to get out their lease but from the landlord perspective it's going to hurt me now because I may maybe I got the penalties and all this upfront money but now I still got a vacant property so why not convert it because there's a housing crisis I think America needs about 7 million homes right now to kind of balance out the housing market so why not where you have all these cities and people now want the amenities that want downtown living they want the the New York City Flair so to speak in smaller towns and things of that nature so why not create loss why not create one bedrooms two bedrooms in the downtown area because now that's going to come in what more rent so if you'll find people that will live in these as an apartment versus businesses that probably can't afford to rent them so it's a play that's going on and it's billions of dollars that are being dumped into um converting Office spaces into apartment but how do you get licensed to become a realtor or loan officer good question um and I don't think we ever spoke about that so to get a real estate license I think it's uh it's cheap it's a couple hundred dollars right um a couple hundred dollar investment you need to take a 75 hour course um but um be over 18 years old pass a background check um pass the class once you pass the class then you have to submit for your license and for the state that you're in and then once you get um approved you have to get sponsored by a real estate brokerage and then once you get sponsored they issue your license and then ta-da I'm a realtor so you really can become a real estate agent in 30 days 45 days is depending on where you're located and it's only going to cost you a couple hundred dollars to do so it's not it's not an expensive investment now on the flip side just because you're licensed real estate agent doesn't mean you're gonna make no money the average real estate agent probably does one deal a year if that right um so twenty percent of the people in the real that have a real estate license are doing eighty percent of the business I mean it's like any sales professional I'm pretty sure I'm gonna use financial planner the numbers were pretty much the same even on a loan officer side it's the same thing so just because you got a license it doesn't give you a license to print money you have to go out there and you have to network and you have to really roll up your sleeves to get some business because it's not easy at all I think in New York alone there's over 30 000 real estate active real estate licenses thirty thousand people are not closing deals it's not it's not happening so but it is I I believe that if you're looking to get into to real estate and if you don't have the capital to get into real estate go get license it's not going to hurt you because everybody knows somebody who needs to rent an apartment or do something like that you can there's so many different streams of income when you become a licensed realtor you can rent apartments you can sell homes you can represent sellers you can represent buyers you can represent investors developers you can property manage right you can do bpos broker price opinions which is basically appraisers right on behalf of the banks you can do short sale negotiations you can wholesale because in some states now they're requiring you to have a real estate license to even to even wholesale properties right so there's many different Avenues of making money when you have your real estate license you just got to figure out what's going to be your play and kind of stick to it now also with to get your mlo license to get um become a licensed loan officer I believe you got to take like a 25 hour um um class and test and then when you pass that you got to take a federal exam you pass the federal exam again it's a couple hundred dollars um for a couple hundred dollar investment to get license once you pass the federal exam then you submit to the state um you submit to nmls you got to do your fingerprints your background check it's a little bit more intense on my side because of the wild cowboy days and the market crash so they kind of over regulated us they blame us for everything so we got over regulated a little bit so now once you get um you pass and then you have to get sponsored by a mortgage company but the same rules apply it doesn't mean you're going to make money but both careers could be six-figure careers seven figure careers if you really hit a lick and you really get a good referral sources and you're out there putting in your work and just a full source of way to get information most importantly right information and resources right now you have a real estate license now you got access to MLS the multiple listing service now you see all the homes that are being listed you see who's listing the homes you get access to the public records you get to learn how to navigate on the systems you get to learn how to look for comparable sales right so you it's a lot of knowledge that comes with this and if you get with the right brokerage the right um real estate brokerage will always offer training they'll always have mortgage Professionals in their in their offices like me training you on loan products they'll have title companies in your office you'll learn so much so it's a great way to get started if you want to be a real estate investor is to start off by getting your license earning some money now you're taking commissions and now you start buying properties because now you start learning all the players are especially the local players in your area and now you can build a referral I know people who got their real estate license and don't sell the house at all they just a referral Network they refer to agents all over the com country and they'll get just get all the leads and they'll make 33 of that transaction right so that's also another play too right so there's a lot that you can do with your real estate license fees Angie I'm looking at you man and um I remember you know it was March of 2019 when you sat down in the dining room and whatever what I've seen obviously very close up is the growth obviously you in the real estate World obviously um in the social media world as well and I've listened to you over and over and every time I hear you I feel like you're being more you're more educated than the last time right so it feels like you're staying on top of the game but I wonder now as you look at it from where you stand wasn't missing like what's a missing link inside of real estate that nobody has tried to solve or nobody has found a solution for just yet uh what's missing I think um representation matters um in our in the real estate world there's not too many black real estate mortgage brokerages owners and Banks mortgage Banks out there um now when you're in um cities like Atlanta or Houston where it's predominantly black yes you'll see more black real estate brokerages more black mortgage brokerages or mortgage Banks but when you're in like the Northeast East Coast I mean how many black mortgage company owners do you guys know I don't I know and I'm in this business for 20 years and I probably say I know two or three black people that own a mortgage bank or mortgage brokerage so for me what's missing and in my career I've been doing this now 20 years is ownership um most people think I own a mortgage company but I don't I just represent my team um and I represent my last name so for me my goals have shifted especially because of the past couple of years of what we've all been through um together as a unit with UI University we're doing events and traveling and now becoming an international speaker I'm going to definitely use that all the time now Rashad thank you as you should as you should first he said I was the authority in real estate and I'm like what also true now I believe them and I I I'm living that but that's another story y'all but ownership for me is is what matters so now I'm in the process of getting my mortgage broker license to open up my own mortgage company which I would and turn that into a mortgage bank and hopefully within the next five years take that Mortgage Bank public and have a couple billion dollar valuation so for me what's missing in my career right now is the representation of ownership because it's great to sit out here and do content it's great out here to teach people and do loans for people but how do I bring up the next who's next right who's the the 20 year old mg the mortgage guy who might watch this and they might want to get into the business but they want to work for someone that looks like them that talks like them that understands where they come from right that's what I want to do so it's easy for me now to hire people and have them a part of my team right but now I gotta really do this for my last name how do I Really Leave the legacy of everything that I work hard for and that's really what ownership bro so yeah so Garland Mortgage Group um hopefully I can get that name approved with the licensing and the feds and everything like that coming soon but that's my next step is ownership and becoming one of the biggest black owned mortgage companies in the world you have it ladies and gentlemen one last time before we buy USDA loan let's talk about that briefly USDA loans those are Euro Rover loans right um so and believe it or not there's a lot of rural errors areas in in America right but it's again it's a hundred percent financed and I believe the minimum credit score is six twenty four rural areas in urban areas yeah yeah there's a there's a lot of opportunity to use these loans and that's it's something that I don't speak about a lot at all because I don't do too many of these loans but it's a good program um you can buy 10 15 acre um homes that are sitting on these type of um land where you can do that with a conventional mortgage you can get great low interest rates um there are some of the programs have income restrictions on it so you kind of have to check and see what if there are Income restrictions for the areas that you're looking to buy in but ultimately it's a it's a great loan for someone who's looking to own a lot of land and you can get um 100 financing with low um low um interest rates yeah so it's a great program but I'm not gonna sit here hold you up I don't fund too many of these loans um I can you know do a whole class on this at a later note but for this purposes I would just say Google's your best friend and kind of really look into it more Google's your friend bro Google's your best friend bro you have it so how can people contact you for mortgages or buy a book and then talk about the the real estate blueprint as well so um apply with if you want to do a loan with me and my team uh with licensed in 21 states pretty much from New York to Florida Cali Texas uh Illinois Rhode Island Alabama Tennessee Indiana Chicago Illinois I mean I like Chicago shout out to Rashawn Scott um so we do a lot of deals over there um so apply with um you can also go to my Instagram page mg the mortgage guy link is in the bio so set up a consultation with the team we would love to help you guys achieve your real estate goals especially if you're learning from me we'd love to help you um the book house economics and Real Estate Investors Manifesto both are number one best-selling books on Amazon two terms two times um the third time's the charm dog got another book coming out soon soon come in the book so I'm glad you brought that up Rashad because the bookstore is like my baby right now because I have a lot of information in my head and I want to be able to provide people I want to be the number one source for Real Estate education in the world so people like to read although I'm not a reader per se I know other people out there love to read books they love to hold the book in their hand and just read it right so for me it wasn't enough just to put out courses and do webinars and do content it was like how how do I reach more people and that's where the bookstore and putting out books came in came into play so for me I don't wanna you know most people they put out books a book every two years I'm like forget that I could put out a book out five times a year if I really wanted to because the information is always changing and I can always do house economic second edition Third Edition fourth edition and so forth right as time go on so the bookstore you know go to and you can pick up some books and then the home buyers blueprint volume one and volume two volume three is coming soon um so it's a part of exclusively part of eyl university um eyl university is the number one online financial literacy platform in the world powered by Recession Proof um we have what 27 chapters in there we have the home buyers blueprint volume one volume two I mean we have a whole calendar man and it's like it seems like it's something going on every single day we have the book club with Troy and Greg shout out to Greg we have financial planning calls with Rashad you have break break calls with me um once a month as well and you have so many different things that are eyel University so I would highly recommend you guys be a part of eyo university they become our owner and take your financial literacy and your business and your education to the next level so yeah go to if you want to get the home buyers blueprint volume one volume two and potentially volume three coming soon and everything else that we have to offer in eil University and what else you ask me what else I think you just took my part Matt 27 chapters what else come on Troy I think you ran down everything bro yeah chapter will be in person chapter meetings there'll obviously be some events um so yeah it's it's new and improved yeah like I said the biggest just got bigger so we really yeah it just got bigger yeah yeah the biggest just got bigger you know you guys are on a world tour um the biggest just got bigger and it's only going to get bigger God willing and I'm just happy to be a part of the ride I mean I remember the first episode first episode I was nervous as hell I called them after the episode said yo can we just can you not can we not put that out can I put that out I thought it was trash and they said nah you're good I said nah bro it's trash like can we not put it out I was nervous as hell and that thing took off and I'm happy that you guys didn't listen to me because it changed the trajectory of all of our lives and I'm very thankful um for YouTube Brothers for allowing me to always come back on the show and being a part of the network and having businesses together and just the friendship and the camaraderie and the Brotherhood and the conversations that we have at individuals and as a group is very important to me so I want to thank you guys um for everything that you this guy called me like a month ago says yo you're not hitting the Mark or something and I'm like damn right so these are the kind of conversations and this is real your circle is important those are the type of conversations you need people who are going to be honest with you that's in your circle is just not going to give you yes man answers and stuff like that even when you're not asking them for their opinion they'll still call you and give you their honest opinion without trying to get at you in a negative way because you never know how people receive information too at the same time so I always appreciate when both of you guys call me on something and say yo mg XYZ or x y z like you did and you know what I'm saying I'm appreciative of that and I'm thankful for that so I always got to give you guys your flowers when I have the opportunity to especially in the public um setting like on your leisure podcast or on your leisure show the biggest show in the world Love Is Love appreciate it brother troyo shout out to UIL University a shout out to everybody on patreon shout out to all of our earners that are out there that are just repping the brand I told you we started this thing out when we just said yo just one person a day and that's thrown into millions and millions of people so just a testament to hard work Testament to networking and creating real relationships and real Brotherhood and I hope when you uh hear Matt speak and you know all those kind words that he just said that's just you know supposed to show you like you never know who's going to come into your life at what time but make the opportunity worthwhile and I'm glad that we did that with you my brother and there's a you know a number of people that we've done that with you know we try to keep good relationships with everybody because you never know when you're gonna need somebody or when somebody's gonna need you so shout out to everybody out there that's been supporting us and uh continue to rock with us we got a lot of things ahead that are going to be uh major stay tuned alert yeah stay tuned alert has now been issued thank you guys for rocking once we'll see you next week peace my graduates from my school being Forbes backdrop backdrop a mic drop backdrop [Applause]
Channel: Earn Your Leisure
Views: 113,014
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: earn your leisure, business, real estate, mortgages, VA Loan, Constructions Loan, MG The Mortgage Guy
Id: ei1XHFrBj3Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 29sec (4529 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 18 2023
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