Ultimate Beginners Guide To Business Credit Cards

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business credit cards have been one of my secret tools that I've used in the last five years to make me more money earn me more credit card points and to have access to resources that I never would thought be imaginable in my life now this includes a quarter million dollar line of business credit that I got from JPMorgan Chase and this comes from the relationship of the credit cards that I have with them I've also been able to accrue enough points for me to travel the entire world multiple times it's these things called business credit cards that they don't really teach us in school or ever really in life but let me tell you this is something that the elite and the ultra wealthy know so very well even in my own experience I can state that business credit cards have been a big contribution to what's even allowed me to buy some of my dream cars like an Audi RS7 my Huracan Evo and yes even the Toyota Tacoma I don't know if I would have been able to get any of those things so about two years ago I started the process of building a brand new house and if it wasn't for me understanding the full in it out of leveraging my business credit first I don't know if I would have been able to get the house and I surely don't think I would have been able to get any of the cars this is because one of the benefits that business credit cards offers is that it separates your business expenses from your personal credit report now there were some months where my company had accrued expenses of more than thirty thousand dollars now this is payroll this is hiring other agencies building our website and look if I had shown that I had thirty thousand dollars in expenses to the mortgage underwriter who is working on my profile I really don't think I would have gotten approved for the mortgage it would have pushed me back a significant amount because if any of you guys who have ever been in the process of buying a home you'll know mortgage Underwriters are very strict within the US and they've been cautious since the 2008 housing crash now they're even more sensitive when they hear a self-employed YouTuber is trying to get approved for a 1.8 million dollar loan so business credit cards has definitely helped me in more tremendous ways than I ever would have imagined but look ladies and gents it's not just that it's not just the car hours and a nice house but business credit cards offer actually quite a lot more so to start one of the benefits is that you'll get much higher credit limits compared to your personal cards as an example for the built MasterCard if I had a ten thousand dollar credit limit on this card I actually have a 25 000 limit not to flex at least to get the you know the numbers right for this video if they had offered a product like the business built credit card where I could pay for commercial rent I would imagine that the credit limit on this would be at least double so it would be a fifty thousand dollar credit limit or I wouldn't even be surprised if they offered me a 75 000 or a hundred thousand dollar credit limit another benefit is that usually the welcome bonus is much higher on a business credit card than the personal credit card would offer take as an example the chase Inc business preferred where for this you would get a hundred thousand ultimate reward points at the time of filming this video for a limited time while the chase at Sapphire preferred will give you just about sixty thousand points that's crazy The Chase staff I preferred is giving almost half of the welcome bonus rewards than what the business credit card would offer so take as an example the American Express Platinum Card which has a public offer right now of 80 000 points now just by doing a quick Google search and seeing the business Platinum Card which is the business version of the personal Platinum Card right now you can find a public offer where it gives you a hundred twenty thousand points forty thousand Mr points is worth quite a bit if we value that one point to one cent that is going to be roughly an extra four hundred dollars just by signing up for this card and ladies and gents look that is just the start of some of the additional benefits offered with business credit cards you can also separate your personal and business expenses so you'll be making accounting much more easier you'll be able to stay more organized with your books on top of that you can get an access to A Whole New World of different bonus earning categories such as money back on Advertising shipping computer hardware and even internet service to me the easiest way I'd explain this is that that business credit cards are simply just personal credit cards injected with steroids now if you made it up until this point and you're convinced okay Brian you got me I want to get started but look I don't even actually have a business well this is where your boy Professor Jay is coming in because this video here is going to be the ultimate guide on YouTube where I will take you from the beginning all the way to the end on getting approved for your own business credit card not only that but I'm going to share with you on how you can get approved for a business credit card even if you don't have a business so I got approved for my first business credit card right out of college I got approved through starting my own e-commerce company but I had to go through a lot of different things and I learned a lot of lessons on that so ladies and gents for this video I highly recommend you to take notes pull out your iPhone or pull up the notes section on your computer or even a journal and pen so with that being said let's first get started with the most common misconceptions about business credit cards and reveal to you the truth so one of the most widespread business credit card myths is that you need a own a huge corporation you gotta have a hundred employees or you got to have an LLC with your face on the back of a van the truth is that anyone can actually apply for a business credit card even if you don't own a traditional business even if you don't have multi-million dollar Revenue coming in or even if you don't have an EIN this is because by definition the IRS defines a sole proprietor as someone who owns an unincorporated business by himself or herself so maybe you've done one of those food delivery apps maybe you've done Uber driving and you've collected some side hustle money from that or maybe you've been paid to dog sit your neighbor's pet or you've tutored your family friends kid or you've acted as a consultant where you know a certain topic or Niche really well and you got paid for it in the eyes of the IRS by definition if you're earning some type of Revenue then you are considered to be a business owner this is going to qualify like 95 of the people watching this video now the next big misconception about business credit cards is that you need to have an excellent credit score say like 800 plus there are even some people out here that think you need an 850 credit score to qualify for business credit cards because if business credit cards are tremendously better than personal credit cards wouldn't they want to have better consumer applicants applying well that's not necessarily true yes you still want to have a good healthy credit score of at least 700 in order to get approved for these business credit cards but you don't need to have an excellent score there are even some other business credit cards like the Capital One spark card that still approves applicants that have less than good credit and if you're more in the average territory under 700 we've seen a lot of data points where people with that have been getting approved too on top of that I bet you didn't know but just like there are secured personal credit cards or actually secured business credit cards that exist for people who may not have the best credit either with a secured business card you'd be required to put down a deposit that acts as your credit limit and over time as you keep paying it off these cards will help you to improve your score and eventually move you over into an unsecured business credit card another misconception that exists is that if you have a business credit card you can only put business transactions on it now let's talk about this a bit more because look I highly recommend if you do have a business credit card to put business expenses on there only and that's not because these credit card companies are taking a microscope and you know magnifying glass and you're looking at it every single time the reason for this is because it's going to make organizing and accounting just a lot easier in the case you ever get audited by the IRS which is already statistically very low for your average American like recently too I had two business dinners one with a content creator at a hot pot place and another with my real estate agent at a nice brunch place and I put that on my business credit card the sole purposes of those meals and those dinners was for my business but on the end of the credit card merchant when they see oh Brian's got a business credit card oh he's spending it on food they're not gonna be able to make that distinction on whether or not it's a personal expense or if it's a business expense they just see it as food I've been doing that for a long time because that is a viable expense for myself as a creator and nothing has ever happened I still have all my business credit cards I have the American Express business Platinum I have all of the chase Inc business cards I have the Marriott Envoy business I have the Amazon business Prime I have a few more too but that's just a handful of that I can remember right now when it comes to putting personal expenses on a business credit card I know I'm gonna get this question a lot so I do want to make note it is not illegal to use a business credit card for personal expenses but it doesn't mean it's a good idea either so do your own research and try to do your best to follow the rules that some of the card issuers have put in place last but not least there's also a big misconception that business credit cards were created and intended mainly for large corporations you know like the big accounting firms or these companies with 500 plus employees business credit cards were actually intended and created for people like you who are watching this video the person that wants to start their own business a lot of small business owners maybe The College Dropout trying to start their first e-commerce store or even the Immigrant family that wants to open their own brick and mortar Mom and Pop Shop the reality is this most businesses need Capital to start that's why we have shows like Shark Tank where we see business owners pitching investors on their idea on how to raise even more capital for what they do there's also a misconception that like all credit card debt is bad but I say that's only half the truth and that's for two additional reasons you remember when I mentioned that business credit cards don't report balances to your personal credit report say as an example you need some additional cash even at some of the best interest rates within the market right now you'd expect to pay anywhere from five to fifteen percent on interest for a loan now here's the thing when it comes to business credit cards you can actually have up to zero percent interest with a promotional rate depending on the card for up to 12 to even 24 months that doesn't get reported onto your own personal credit report there's a lot of stories like that or maybe you know you're just having a slower month because we're in a recession but you know next quarter things are going to pick up when the new trend turns around or you have a new seasonal drop coming instead of paying for a 5 to 10 or even 15 percent predatory loan you could go ahead and use a business credit card that offers you no interest for that promotional period and allows you to have a line of credit that does not affect your personal credit score if you're confident you can pay back in time before that time period ends you not only got free money with no interest but I'm sure you will also score that welcome bonus offer which is really really good on these cards so this means instead of going from paying a loan shark money that they don't need you're actually coming out ahead in free points and free cash if I'd done that on say as an example the Chase Ink unlimited card and say as an example it's giving me a hundred thousand Ur points one to one that is worth a thousand dollars in cash right there so literally by taking loan money yeah you heard me right you'd be getting paid back now I know this all sounds crazy and if your mind is blown I am blown away too of the fact that they do not teach anyone this stuff in school and for this information to exist people really have to go out their way I mean this is why I believe that term Rich stay Rich the poor get poor because it's information like this that is always gatekeeped by the most rich and successful people but this is the video where it's going to change your life and this is my job to educate you and to help you save money make money and to live a better life so real quick before we get into the action steps on what you can do step by step if you guys do appreciate videos like this what really helps me out a lot is if you drop a like down below so before applying for a business credit card there's actually a few steps that you're going to need to take one of them you need to decide whether or not you're going to use an EIN or a Social Security number so say you want to use your social security number in applying for a business credit card well I put down the pros and the cons of both basically for this route it's going to be easier it's going to be quicker but the cons are going to be the fact that the approval odds of you applying in this manner May weekend now I have these step-by-step guide here right on the screen but I'm actually just going to take you through the application process myself if you want to go ahead and use your social security number all you have to do is this so pull up the credit card that you want to get started with for this example I'm going to use the chase Inc business Premiere which is actually a brand new card that released recently you're going to be wanting to fill this in with all of your own personal information so first name last name date of birth social security number they actually have it right here you throw that in here as well you would put your own home address into the address section keep in mind many businesses right now work from home so it's perfectly acceptable especially after this pandemic where a lot of people work hybrid too now one thing to note is that you may want to avoid using PO boxes because I've heard that definitely causes issues and I've done it before and I've had some hiccups before on that way as well now a lot of this is simple as just making a new social media account so say you're a brand new entrepreneur getting started out with the world and you haven't had any income yet for your business it's completely okay to do an estimate of what you think you'll make for that year based on previous Trends so if you made a hundred dollars per day with your Shopify Drop Shipping Store multiply that by 30 days and multiply that by 12 months and then you'll have an idea of your total gross annual income for the tax ID type we are going to go click SSN is your business physical address the same as your personal address most time it will be yes and if you have just one employee which is yourself just gonna press one your regular cell phone can go ahead and be the business phone number or you can create a free Google Voice number which is something that I do as well scrolling down with the business established date you just put into the date where you first started it could be the first of this year it could be the first stuff last year and then you put in the expected annual business Revenue now you don't need to be making a million dollars a year I'm telling you there are people who get approved even for much lower Revenue ideally you don't want something so low where you're only making a hundred dollars for the entire year because they may not take it seriously there may not be enough expense for them to want to approve your application just put something reasonable that your business would be making now this is the category where I know a lot of people have trouble in for this I actually go with the same thing every single time and it's retail or non-store retail this is because all of my businesses personally are through the internet but before I even started YouTube I had a digital marketing agency I had an e-commerce store I had multiple of those and I always thought those fell under non-store retail because I was selling things but hey if I wanted to stick more towards the agency side and I was Consulting people within maybe the real estate section or if I was doing things where I'm like teaching others like I'm doing on this YouTube channel that's going to be Educational Services this is just a note for Chase this is not you know if you happen to be a fisherman and you're making some money from that that's not going to disqualify you for a business credit card this is just for the fact that they can categorize things that know what kind of trade you might be in obviously if I applied right now YouTube would not be on here so I would have to find something the closest to it that applies for whatever industry you guys may be in if you're getting paid to read books to you know people in the world you're not going to find that exact profession so just find something close to it so if I go into retail it's going to tell me business type and I can just go into other miscellaneous store retailers if I'm an online e-commerce store and then from that I can go into all other misc retail colors obviously I don't have a code here but it's going to Auto generate something internally from their system onto the front end of yours and then going to this section estimate a monthly spend is just how much money you would spend on your business say I spent a thousand dollars a month boom no employee cards you know the agreement click this and submit and you're good to go now on the other s that that's the easier and more efficient way of applying for a business credit card but it's actually not the way that I would recommend most people to go I would recommend you to go through an EIN and to start the process in this manner here this is because you can find yourself having a higher approval chance since it is coming from an EIN or a more legitimate business you'll have a separation of entity meaning you won't get your personal expenses combined with your business company and also on top of that you'll have the main perk and benefit of your business credit history not getting reported to your personal credit report the only con that I can think of this is that it'll just take a bit more steps and a bit more time to complete but like I said I think getting an EIN is definitely worth it because this is the route that I decided to ultimately go for and let me tell you it is way easier now in the year of 2023 with all these companies that help you set up a legitimate business one more thing if you happen to be someone who's not a US resident and you want all the benefits of credit cards and even like the business credit card side this is where where this really shines a lot of people don't know this but if you don't have a Social Security number and if you aren't a U.S resident you can actually sign up with an individual taxpayer identification number to request through the IRS and through that you'll open the doors of getting approved for some of these business credit cards through the us as an example if I go on this application here for Chase scroll down just a little bit we have Ein and itin and this is what you'd be looking at so out of the two if I were to choose again I'd go with an EIN I would do it right and if you're starting what do you have to do well let me tell you here step one is that you want to apply for an EIN now to apply for an EIN it's actually really simple all you have to do is go on irs.gov or you go on Google and type in apply for an EIN there are some companies that charge you money in order to do it but you can actually do it yourself for free and this first link from irs.gov will take you right to it now it's also noted even though this is a whole internet thing they have hours of operation which even like five years ago I found so fascinating but you can only get an EIN from Monday to Friday 7 A.M to 10 p.m eastern time all you have to do is Click apply online now it'll give you some disclaimers you can click business application and from here you decide what type of entity you're going to be so you can still be a sole proprietor you can click continue sole proprietor continue continue starting a new business or banking purposes I'd say starting a new business go through your name go through your information go through your social security number I am the sole proprietor continue look basically if I put in the right social security number I would have gotten to a step where it says okay congrats you made it here's your EIN that's how easy it is you don't have to pay single dime to anything that's how easy it is at that point you'll have your EIN but even if that's something you don't want to do there's actually a company that does almost every single process for you and this is called Taylor Brands and no ladies and gents this is not sponsored none of this video here is sponsored this is actually something that I use that I think works really really good so as an example you can actually launch your own business online in just a few clicks so say right now what will come to me well I bought a new puppy recently his name is Astro we're going to name this company after him we're going to call it Astros uh walking walking service they're pretty much with their algorithm going to create a business goal for you they can set up almost everything say this business Astros walking service is something where I provide a service I'm going to say this is a dog Walking Company so what was your biggest motivator for starting your business well um doing what I love you know what making I don't even I'll just doing what I love yeah so what stage is Astros walking service at um well this is getting ready to launch it's not in business just yet um what would you like to focus on today well they can actually help me make an LLC get that Ein get a website domain logo branding so I actually want to get a website so does Astros walking service have any of the following I don't have any of these done this is brand new so none of the above how did I appear about you guys does this matter Maybe YouTube now before companies like this existed way back then you would have to go through Google domains buy one or you know if you're using GoDaddy whatever it is and then you'd have to set up utilities your bills the phone number then have to get your logo the website this year is pretty much going to get you step by step on how to set everything up so step one if I wanted to create my own logo so um let's go icon based geometric shape I like circles and triangles you know what I like all these and basically right here they're just gonna Auto generate what we need and here we go we got AWS Amazon web service no this is Astros walking service we got the full business digital card we got everything we need we can get a whole branded website we can get merchandise and everything built out so after we take those steps and you have all the documents and you have the evidence that you own this brand new business that you started here's what you got to do next so as you're watching this video if you open up the description box down below you can click on best business credit cards through that link you're gonna find a variety of different business credit cards let's start out with the chase Inc business unlimited I'm going to go ahead and click this and then going to go into apply now and then you're gonna get the secure portal application here it's going to tell me what the current best offer is right now which is 900 cashback which is pretty insane then I'm gonna click apply now and we're we're going to see the same website that we did if we were going through the social security numbers way you're going to literally fill it out the same way that I told you guys earlier for this part I'm a owner same thing address if it's your home address put it in total gross annual income 50 000 as an example legal structure if I decided to go and make this an LLC that's what I would put does your business use another name it doesn't it is just the same business name astra's walking service AWS you go ahead and put your EIN here one last time I have one employee myself put in the business Revenue put in the established date go into the category here I'd be more services other services I would say um I don't see dog walking so I'm just gonna do other Professional Services oh here Pet Care sweet estimate a monthly spend zero dollars percent of ownership a hundred and then after that you agree and you submit and you're good to go that's how easy it is so ladies and gents after doing that well what's next you're gonna get three possible outcomes one you might get Auto approved if that happens congratulations you are good to go enjoy your business credit card the second thing which is most likely to happen to many new applicants because I mean this is what happened to me and this is what I had to go through but they told me I needed to submit additional documents the last thing that could happen is that you just get denied if that's the case too you can go ahead call the reconsideration line or just wait for a letter in the mail because if you do get denied they are obligated to tell you exactly what the reason may be so it might not even be because your business is not legitimate or you know you don't have enough Revenue coming in sometimes it's just your credit score isn't good enough or other times it's just uh you know your length of history is not long enough but what you can do is if you call the reconsideration line you'll actually talk to a real human being let them know your situation and see if they can move you over over to the part where maybe you can submit some additional documents or maybe they'll just Auto approve you on the spot just because you get denied doesn't mean that you get denied forever I've gotten denied for other credit cards I called the Recon line and I've been good to go now the more likely scenario that you have to submit additional documents here's what you got to do normally if they need additional documents from you they're going to want something that is sent through physical mail like snail mail go to the Post Office send it in or you can fax it as well in those documents you want to send proof of your EIN document that you got from the IRS you want to also include proof that you are either a sole proprietor or an LLC or whatever business entity that you formed on top of that they're going to request for something called a utility bill but this is just a bill that connects your name with the business name and some Bill that has gone sent out so this could be as simple as having a Shopify subscription this is actually what I did four to five years back I just put in my Shopify subscription that had the domain name to the company name that I had started back then or if you go ahead and use Taylor Brands down below they're going to actually bill you an amount and that right there is also proof depending on which package you go for all Chase is going to want is some type of utility because a lot of these companies have expenses so this could also even be like your Verizon bill or something but the main point is that the bill you sent them they got some name where it connects the business entity your name and the address now I recommend going above and beyond with the documents that you need to send in for proof because if it happens to not be enough you're going to have to go through an additional two to four week process in order to wait for whether or not you do get approved so to go above and beyond there are platforms Shopify Squarespace G Suite account these will all provide evidence of your company name on these bills that will make the credit issuers happy so ladies and gents that was the step-by-step guide right there in order for you to get approved for your first business credit card but there's more when applying for a business credit card you need to make note that you will get a hard pull on your account but like I always say hard poles only temporarily lower your credit score but the advantages of getting a new card outweigh the small Point drop immensely so if you do apply for a new business credit card you're like oh why did my personal credit score drop and why did I get a hard pull or a little inquiry on it it's normal it's natural I got like 30 40 plus inquiries on my account that's what happens the score will drop temporarily for maybe one month but then the next cycle usually goes back up to where it was it's also worth noting after you get your first business credit card it's also going to get easier to be approved for the rest of the business credit cards it's also worth noting most of the issuers will now not do a hard pull on your personal credit account after you got your first business credit card so as an example as soon as I got my first Chase Inc business card I have not received a hard pull from them and other issuers when applying for another car this is business credit cards to be exact another tip I need to recommend is that when you get approved for a business credit card you're gonna have a separate account so this here will mean that you have a personal account username and a business account what you can also do is call the credit credit card issue and ask them to merge everything under your business account so if you log into your business account you can also see your own personal score and you know your personal credit cards and your personal points that way you don't have to log in log out log in log out you can actually stay within one account and transfer them from one another if you're also asking yourself the question well Brian which credit card should I work with which one should I start with well I highly recommend to go with one of the chase Inc business cards because right now they have a limited time offer where the welcome bonus right now is so much more than I've ever seen it before like back when I applied for these cards the welcome bonus was I think less than half of what it is now so make sure you take advantage of the full offer out of the four Chase Ink business cards that exist right now I would go with the two that had no annual fees which is the chase in cash or the Chase Ink unlimited if you find that you have a lot of expenses that go under the chase Inc Cash Card go for that first or if you resonate a lot more with just having a flexible business credit card the Chase Ink unlimited is pretty solid too after that you can complete the trifecta or what I would say now the quad Factor because they added the fourth new Chase Ink card and get the rest of their lineup after you hit the welcome bonus for those cards now Chase personally has some of the best business credit cards but American Express also has a great variety of them as well so don't sleep on the AmEx business gold the AmEx business Platinum the AmEx blue business plus there's just so many cards that you can sign up for and remember these will not report to your personal credit report so that means if you apply for six seven or eight of them you don't have to worry about falling under um and not being applicable for other Chase cards due to rules such as the chase 524 rule it's also worth noting that not all credit card issuers don't report to your personal credit report so you know issuers like American Express and Chase they don't affect your personal credit report but then other companies like Capital One are known to actually report it as well if you're looking for that specific reason make sure you do a quick Google search to make sure that you are covered and that the credit card you are getting doesn't report if that is a big concern for you now this here is the most important tip and this is to enjoy your business credit card make sure that you're able to hit the welcome bonus requirement enjoy them points transfer them out to take that dream vacation to Bora Bora or wherever you want to go if you want to also maximize the points that you're earning there's also something called utilizing the P1 and P2 strategy p1p2 stands for player one and player 2 and this is where two players are working together to double their rewards so there are some co-branded Hotel credit cards that offer a free Hotel night each year you can stack that with a partner or a close friend of yours so if you ever decide you want to take a you know weekend night with the boys or you know you take a romantic getaway with your significant other you can do that by utilizing both of the card benefits that you guys have I think one of the main benefits of having a player 2 though is the fact that you guys can actually refer each other to get higher welcome bonus offers so one of the benefits of credit cards is that when you refer someone you can earn points and if you're able to do that with a significant other where you refer them they refer you you guys both get increased welcome bonus offers it's a win-win now if you all don't have a player 2 just yet here uh listen I'll be your player too I will be your player too and you guys can also use my link down below in order to get started as well real talk though this is pretty much what allows me to keep putting out free content just like this and it's what supports my team of five full-time employees whenever you guys use those links Down Below in the description if you know you're applying for a card and you're like okay I'm apply I'm gonna go on Google and I'm gonna just take the first link that I see on ads that's going to a big big company that does not need the funds whenever you're watching these videos and you have your own favorite Creator or you know you just have a friend that you think might have that card use them support small business owners support small content creators and support your buddies so whenever you want to apply for a new card it takes less than 10 seconds to go down below and use those links and apply that way and I want to say I appreciate you guys so much for doing that as well now if you guys do also want a copy of the presentation roadmap visual that I had made I'm gonna go ahead and create like an email link in as well and through that I'll send you an invitation to join our private Facebook group with over 32 000 active members so if you're trying to get started with business credit cards and you're a little lost on something you shouldn't be but if you happen to be so we have a very wonderful helpful community that can help out so check out the link Down Below in the description drop in your email because that way I can also send you my personal recommended credit cards and if I see anything cool happening within the credit card space I'll let you guys know as well direct into your inbox on top of that if you guys do want to check out any of the other links that I mentioned I will do my best to link them all down below I'm gonna reach out to some of these companies and see if I can get you guys hooked up with either a promo code or just something I know Shopify has sent me an offer where you guys can get like a free trial for a dollar or something which is crazy I'm gonna reach out to Taylor Brands and see if they can do anything for you guys as well so if you guys want to check out those links I'll have it down below as well thank you all so much again for watching this video if it did help you out be sure to share this with a friend let me know Down Below in the comments what your favorite part of this video was and I'll see you guys soon peace
Channel: Brian Jung
Views: 309,309
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: business credit cards, how to build business credit, business credit card
Id: KpVxj3DxaBA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 31sec (1831 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 26 2023
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