How to FreeBSD: Install KDE Plasma Desktop Environment

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welcome back to our video series on how to FreeBSD in this video I'm going to show you how to install a graphical desktop environment um now before you do that and you proceed through this video you need to ensure that you've watched part one two and three part one goes through the basic installation of FreeBSD and installing some commands such as pseudo and doas now part two we'll go through boot environments if you don't know what boot environments aree please go back and check that video out they're very useful and I use them throughout this video series part three will'll show you how to install your graphics card drivers now obviously your goings need to have graphics card drivers installed before we proceed to installing the graphical desktop so whether you're running Intel Nvidia AMD the instructions are in the previous video so I will leave all the links to the videos in the description below but please just make sure you followed them um just a word of warning if you just dive into into this video and you tried installing it if you've not got your graphics card drivers installed it's just not going to work um but let's dive straight [Music] in all right so now we have our graphic card driv is installed and stuff we need to uh go ahead and add to install a desktop environment so just before I do that if you remember um I went over how to boot environments so before making any major changes let's go ahead and create a boot environment so I'm going to do B CTL and we can list them if you remember to see which ones we've got uh I'm going to do uh do going to create KD5 and I'll activate that then we'll just reboot into it should have rebooted so back in do Doos bctl list um as I mentioned previously n is the one now so that's one that's now active and the r is one that's active on reboot so we're good we're in the right boot environment and now I'm going to go ahead and do uh package do our package install KD5 so this is going to take one gig download and it'll take it there here got one gig to download and 5 gig space required so obviously make sure you've got enough space before you start doing this um and also take into account how fast your internet is for how long this will take just pause that there until it's finished all right that's done so um we're probably going to want it to start automatically um we also need to KD uses debus for Hardware abstraction so we need to make sure that's installed so and it is we want CIS RC debore enable equals yes do that uh we want did I install can't did I install DDM no it didn't so sddm is the what starts it automatically so what we're going to do is do CIS RC s ddmore enable equals yes going to do that so that should be pretty much KD installed so have to switch back to the console I'm just going to reboot the system okay so that's KD logging screen um I'm going to need a mouse got here one second second okay right plug my mouse in so what we need to do is it says plasma Wayland which doesn't work properly um on FreeBSD so we need to change that to plasma X11 and now we can go ahead un log in if you um don't change it to plasma X11 from whin then it's just going to look like it's hung um and that's KD loaded so if we go into system settings um you're going to want to set your region I can't remember what is regional settings so my head out of the way that's not that's not what I'm looking for looking for keyboard so we're going to keyboard um we've got layouts and it's obviously going to be set to a default one we can do configure layout want to add English UK go ahead and up move it up this one we can remove stupid logo that's in the way apply the changes we've got the proper keyword now and then that's should be us so then you go into appearance I'm sure you know how to use KD um ahead apply the F that's how desktop installed no sometimes these are missing sleep shut down and restart uh and if they are you need to um make sure that your user is a member of the operator group so this group here but you need to be in the operator group and you need to be in the video group um that's KD up and running and there you have it that's how you install a graphical desktop environment on FreeBSD it's very easy to do as is install in most packages on FreeBSD if you did find this video useful please hit that like button um consider subscribing to the channel you never know you might find some videos that you like if you hit that notifications icon you'll receive a notification of any new videos as they are done and we do have a members section on this channel where videos are released to Members First before they release to the public so you may also consider that um but before you go anywhere I'm going to leave a link to some videos that you might find interesting [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] a
Channel: Sheridan Computers
Views: 2,385
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: freebsd kde, freebsd desktop, freebsd kde plasma 5, how to freebsd, tutorial freebsd, kde plasma, install freebsd desktop, freebsd install desktop, install freebsd kde, freebsd kde plasma, freebsd install kde, freebsd 14 kde, freebsd desktop setup, freebsd install desktop environment, freebsd kde install, freebsd desktop kde, freebsd 14 desktop, freebsd kde5, freebsd kde plasma 5 install, freebsd gui, kde plasma desktop
Id: H6umfV007kc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 20sec (560 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 08 2024
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