Disable These 3 Windows Settings Now! (For Security)

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If you want your Windows computer  to be significantly more secure,   I've got three settings you're going to want  to change. Two of them are quick and easy,   the third one takes a little bit more time,  but it's still not difficult and I'll walk you   through it. First, let me quickly explain  some context, because I always think you   should understand why you're doing something  instead of just blindly following a tutorial. You see, all the security settings I'm going  to be talking about involve PowerShell,   which is an important component in Windows,  kind of like Command Prompt, but way more   powerful. It's not only its own scripting  language, but also a command line interface,   and it basically lets you do almost anything you  want on your computer through the command line. However, for that same reason, a lot of malware  will use PowerShell to get a foothold in your   system. And apparently anywhere from 50  to 75% of malware will use PowerShell,   at least partly, in its attack.  This could include running malicious   script files or just running malicious  commands directly. And in this video,   I'll show you how you can add protections  against three different methods of attacks. First, we'll be disabling an older version of  PowerShell that's also installed in Windows   by default, but is very vulnerable. Second, I'll  show you how to limit the types of commands that   PowerShell can run, which will block most of the  things that malware will usually try to do with   PowerShell. And third, I'll show you how to set up  a policy to block PowerShell scripts from running,   and more importantly, in a way that malware  can't bypass it the way it usually does. Again, that one will take a little bit more time,   but mostly just because there's more for me  to explain. One final note before we jump in,   it's important to remember that this is not  going to make your computer bulletproof or   anything. There are a ton of ways that malware  can get you. This is just a way to get rid of   some of the low-hanging fruit, and it's well  worth the low amount of effort these take. So let's get started. Alright, so first  we're going to remove PowerShell 2.0,   which is a old version of PowerShell that's  included just for backwards compatibility,   but it's very vulnerable and often used to  bypass the rules we're going to set up. So   what you want to do is go into the start menu  and search for Turn Windows Features On and off. And then when that comes up, go and find  Windows PowerShell 2.0 and uncheck that.   So it's unchecked, and then hit okay. It might  ask you to restart. You can do that now or later,   but once that's done, you're set. Now to  be clear, this doesn't remove PowerShell   altogether off your computer, just that really  old version that almost never gets used. Alright, next we're going to set up what is called  Constrained Language mode, which limits the types   of commands that can be used by PowerShell,  whether running the command directly or in   a script. And this one is important because even  though we're mostly going to be blocking scripts   later, it'll still be allowed to run the same  commands individually, just not as a script. So we want to limit the actual commands that  can be run overall. I'm not going to get into   the technical aspects of exactly what commands  it restricts, but Microsoft does have an article   where you can read more about that if you want.  Alright, so we can start off by checking the   current language mode on your computer by just  opening up PowerShell and running this command. You do $ExecutionContext.... I'll  put this in the description so you   can just copy it. And by default,  it'll probably say Full Language,   which means no restrictions. So what we need  to do is open up the start menu and search   for Environment Variables and click where it  says, "Edit the System Environment Variables." Then it'll take you to the system properties in  the advanced tab. At the bottom of this window,   click where it says Environment Variables.  And then at the bottom of this next window,   below where it says system variables,  click New. And you're going to want to   create a new variable with the name set to  two underscores and then PSLockDownPolicy,   just like this, but there are two underscores in  the beginning, and set the variable value to four. And I'll put that in the description too, if  you just want to copy it. After hitting okay,   it should all be applied. And now  if we go back into PowerShell,   we're going to open a new window and you  type in the same command. It should say   Constrained Language. Now I do want to  make an important point that this is not   a hundred percent guarantee because  if malware has the correct access,   it could just go and change that environment  variable and then run whatever it wanted. But that would require escalated privileges  and the malware would have to be programmed to   look for that and change it. But this should  still help protect you if the malware needs   PowerShell at the early stages to get going  in the first place. Alright now finally,   for number three, we are going to  be dealing with PowerShell scripts. And this one takes a little bit more time to  explain, but stick around because I think this   is actually the most important one. You see, by  default in Windows, PowerShell has what's called   an execution policy that in theory should block  any scripts from running on the computer. So if   you try to run a PowerShell script like this,  it will say that running scripts is disabled. And this might be getting a bit technical, but  if you use this command to list the execution   policies of the different "scopes" they're called  on the computer, you'll see it says Undefined,   the default, which blocks them like you saw.  However, it's not really even considered a   security policy because it can be bypassed  so easily by just using a command like this,   which changes the execution policy to be  bypassed without even running as an admin. And now after running that, I am able to run  that same exact script that was blocked before,   really with just one command. So because it's so  easily bypassed, the execution policy is mostly   there just to prevent the user from accidentally  running a script unintentionally. But that also   means that malware can easily bypass it  just from running that command first. However, there is a way to block the  ability to bypass the execution policy,   which I'll explain now. Alright so for this  first step, if you have Windows Home Edition,   just hold on a second. If you have  Pro Edition, this is a bit easier.   So in that case, just open up the Group  Policy Editor and navigate to Computer   Configuration > Administrative Templates >  Windows Components, and then Windows PowerShell. And once you're here, hold on while I  explain what to do for Home Edition.   For Windows Home Edition, you do not  have Group Policy Editor. So instead,   you can use a program that's free called  Policy Plus, which can basically do a lot   of the same thing. I'll put a link to it  in the description for the GitHub page. It is open source. So just go to the  releases page and download it. And   when you run it for the first time, if it  asks you to download the policy settings,   do that. And then once you have it open  and set up, we can get to the same place   I just showed by selecting Computer  in the dropdown. And this here is   basically the equivalent of the Administrative  Templates location in group policy editor. So from here in Policy Plus, just navigate to  Windows Components and then Windows PowerShell   like before. Here it's the same for both Pro and  Home Edition. Just look on the right hand side   and double click to open the "Turn on Script  Execution" settings. Here for most people,   if you never run PowerShell scripts,  and I'm not talking about commands,   but actual script files, you can just switch this  from Not Configured and change it to Disabled. This will block any users and admins from  being able to run PowerShell scripts,   which is the default in Windows anyway.  This just makes it not possible to bypass,   which I'll show you in a second.  You could also set this to Enabled,   but select "Allow Only Signed Scripts" to allow  only scripts signed by trusted certificates,   if you know what that means. But  if not disabled is probably fine. Then just hit OK. And if you're on Home Edition  with Policy Plus, there's one extra step. Just go   to File > Save Policies, and that should  make it work. Now I do have one more thing   you'll want to do, but first let me at least  show you that new setting in action. Now,   if we go and use that same bypass command  before, you'll see that it gives an error   saying how the bypass policy applied, but it  was overridden because of what we just did. There's a more specific scope, and you'll  see what that means in a second. If we try   to run the script anyway, you can see it  was blocked from running just like before,   despite using that bypass command. And  if we list the execution policies again,   we can now see that the "MachinePolicy"  scope is set to Restricted, which is   actually the same as Undefined,  just a more specific setting. And that will apply no matter what  other policies are applied at other   scopes. And if you're wondering,  no, you can't just use the command   to change the Machine Policy like we did  with the others. Even as administrator,   you'll see that it does not let you do it here.  You have to do it through the Group Policy Editor. And the thing it mentioned before  about the "more specific scope",   it's talking about that machine policy one  there. Now hold on, because like I said,   there's one more thing to do. You see,  Microsoft also has a newer version of   PowerShell that can be downloaded separately  called PowerShell 7. And this is different   from the Windows PowerShell that we've been  using, which is built into Windows itself. Anyway, the thing is that PowerShell 7  does not actually respect the execution   policies for Windows PowerShell, which is  what we just set. And this is important,   even if you do not have PowerShell 7 installed,  because malware can just drop or bring along its   own copy of PowerShell 7 and use that  to get around your execution policies. Therefore, we are also going to set up  some execution policies for PowerShell   7. And fortunately, this does not require  you to install PowerShell 7 to do so. It   just takes a couple steps. And this way, even  if the malware includes its own copy of the   PowerShell 7 executable, it should still  respect the policy to not run any scripts,   hopefully blocking what the  malware is planning to do. Alright so to do this, basically it's the  same process for both Home and Pro editions,   fortunately. But what you want to do is go  to the GitHub page, and I'll put this link   in the description for PowerShell 7 and  go to the latest release. And download   the one that ends in "win-x64.zip",  or whatever the latest version is. For this, it's 7.3.6. So once you download and  extract that, open up the folder. And we just   need two files from in here. The rest we don't  care about. And those would be these two here,   PowerShellCoreExecutionPolicy.admx and  adml. For PowerShellExecutionPolicy.admx,   we're going to copy that into this  directory, C:\Windows\PolicyDefinitions. Then copy the PowerShellExecutionPolicy.adml  one, but for this, we're going to put it in   a subfolder, the "en-US" folder  inside that PolicyDefinitions   directory. And this is just  the English language folder,   the adml file is a language file. So if  you use Windows with a different language,   it might be a different named folder, but just  put it into that one, it should still work. Now in Group Policy Editor,  under Administrative Templates,   you'll see a new thing for PowerShell Core,  which is PowerShell 7. In Policy Plus,   you should see the same thing in PowerShell  Core. In both cases, again, on the right,   open up the "Turn On Script Execution" settings,  and again, either set it to Disabled. Or for   Enabled, you can just choose to have it use  whatever the Windows PowerShell setting is. So to kind of mirror that and keep up to date  with that. But if you don't use PowerShell 7,   I would just set this to Disabled anyway.  And now you should theoretically be covered,   because most of the time malware just bypasses it   using that one command. But with this,  it's not going to be able to do that. So it's probably only going to be the most  sophisticated malware that will even account for   something like that. You'll just have to remember  that if you do want to run a script at some point,   you'll have to go and change that setting. I  believe that system files like Windows itself   in the background can still run scripts,  it's just any users won't be able to. And also keep in mind, even  if you're not running scripts,   you can still use commands with PowerShell. So  if you need to do something with PowerShell,   usually you still can. So if you made it to this  point, your computer should be significantly   more secure against certain types of attacks at  least. Again, this is not a bulletproof solution. There's plenty of other stuff they try to  do, but this covers some bases. Let me know   down in the comments what you think. Did you  never know about this kind of stuff before,   and now you have it set up? Let me  know. If you did enjoy this video,   be sure to give it a big giant  thumbs up for the YouTube algorithm. And if you want to subscribe, I try  to make videos about twice a week,   usually Wednesday and Saturday, so it should  be worth it. If you want to keep watching,   the next video I'd recommend for advanced users  is where I went through how to kind of effectively   "virus-proof" your computer in a way by setting  up an advanced Windows feature called AppLocker. Not for the faint of heart, but I think you'll  find it pretty interesting. You can just click   on that right there. So thanks so much for  watching, and I'll see you in the next one.
Channel: ThioJoe
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Length: 12min 26sec (746 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 23 2023
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