How to FreeBSD: Install Gnome Graphical Desktop Environment

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welcome back to our video series on how to FreeBSD in this video I'm going to show you how to install a graphical desktop environment um now before you do that and you proceed through this video you need to ensure that you've watched part one two and three part one goes through the basic installation of FreeBSD and installing some commands such as pseudo and doas now part two we'll go through boot environments if you don't know what boot environments are please please go back and check that video out they're very useful and I use them throughout this video series part three we'll show you how to install your graphics card drivers now obviously you're going to need to have graphics card drivers installed before we proceed to installing the graphical desktop so whether you're running Intel Nvidia AMD the instructions are in the previous video so I will leave all the links to the videos in the description below but please just make sure you followed them um just a word of warning if you just dive into into this video and you tried installing it if you've not got your graphics card drivers installed it's just not going to work um but let's dive straight [Music] in okay let's go ahead and log in um as we've mentioned previously about um Bo environment we're going to uh create a new boot environment so in order to do that we're going to do DOS bctl we're going to create Norm so we're active on this one now and we're going to reboot into that but we want to reboot into nor so we're going to do our bctl activate nor and then go ahead and reboot into that go ahead log back in do as bgl list so good run n and I'm going to reboot into Nome so let's go ahead and install X we got 177 packages one G disc space it's going to take up and a 236 mag download so let's go ahead and proceed that's xog installed we're going to go ahead and make sure debus is installed sis RC Deb enable equals yes going do package package install want gome and I want gdm I think is the login manager all right so this is uh nearly a 600 Meg download and we need 2 GB of dis space so we'll go ahead and proceed okay so we now have gome installed um I did install didn't install gdm didn't i y so we need to do uh enable debus I think yeah so we now need to do uh gdm SRC gdm uncore enable equals yes think that's it so um go ahead give a reboot switch over to the console we've got gdm I'm assuming this is no gome I know nothing about gome at all um so there we go gom's installed um but I don't use Norman anyway whatsoever so I can't really take gift Pro any further than that but it's installed may you have it that's how you install a graphical desktop environment on FreeBSD it's very easy to do as is install in most packages on FreeBSD if you did find this video useful please hit that like button um consider subscribing to the channel you never know you might find some videos that you like if you hit that notifications icon you'll receive a notification of any new videos as they are done and we do have a members section on this channel where videos are released to Members First before the release to the public so you may also consider that um but before you go anywhere I'm going to leave a link to some videos that you might find [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] interesting [Music] he
Channel: Sheridan Computers
Views: 1,321
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: freebsd gnome install, freebsd gnome 3, freebsd gnome desktop, freebsd 14 gnome, freebsd gnome desktiop, freebsd 14 install gnome, freebsd 13.2 gnome, freebsd 13 gnome, freebsd desktiop, freebsd desktop setup, freebsd 14 desktop, freebsd install desktop environment, freebsd desktop environment, freebsd 13.2 desktop, freebsd desktiop setup, freebsd install desktop enviorment, freebsd 14 desktiop, freebsd install desktiop environment, freebsd desktop 2024, freebsd 2024
Id: co2w4BuPH5o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 34sec (394 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 14 2024
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