How to Free A Stuck Engine The Easy Way

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all right guys welcome back to ether bandits garage today we're going to be talking about this uh poor old john deere 60 sitting out in my pasture uh so i've been wanting to i've been trying to struggle with making youtube videos for you guys just because like stuff i've been doing the last little bit here has been primarily just like really small piddly stuff that takes forever to do and i want to start with a fresh project for y'all so y'all can see the whole start to finish and i've i got a couple other tractors we could play with but i think i want to play with this one this is my john deere 60. i bought it very locally like that was probably the main reason i purchased it i have too many tractors as it is but i purchased it locally and i uh i think i want to try to get it running again well especially after a recent development so i bought it and uh whenever i was winching it on the trailer back tires would not turn i'm like man because i just i figured the engine was going to be stuck but i didn't think the transmission was going to be stuck i mean but i paid i could have hauled it to the scrap yard and made money but the whole reason i bought it was to keep it out of the scrap yard so it sat for a while over in my dead row or it just sat in the middle because i didn't have somebody to help me drag it into my dead row and uh finally my dad helped me move a couple tractors around and he wanted to move this one too and so he moved it way away because my dead row is over there but long story short whenever he was dragging it over here i was steering it back tires still weren't turning in the past i had tried to move i was loading some other stuff and i attracted her out with loader and i started pushing on it and i noticed that the brakes but the the whole brake drums like the whole housing would tweak a little bit and i was like i wonder if those brakes aren't froze up sure enough while he was dragging it i started beating on these with a hammer and now you can see they're no longer stuck thus meaning the tires turn so that left me thinking you know well i mean i would like to get this big old tractor going because i have john deere bees in that 830 but this would be like a medium-sized two-cylinder those bees are just baby tractors i mean you can tell it is very original it still even has the oil pressure shut off sediment bowl that means that whenever you cut the tractor off oil pressure drops automatically cuts your fuel off they're good on theory but they not functional which i will be deleting that but i thought it was interesting that that was on there and then uh also a while back i had my boris i had stole my buddy's boroscope for something and so i scope down these cylinders and it really only looks like one piston is stuck which i mean it's a it's a two cylinder so you can only have a max of two stuck but um if i do if we i don't want to pull the head off because i'm trying to make this be like a uh we do the bare bones to get this tractor running like right now i have it soaking i have poured some atf in the cylinders which i know i should have videoed it just don't have enough hands here is the uh the serial number which this is in fact a uh john deere 60. i don't remember what year it is i can look it up um but i put atf in the cylinders and uh and then i came over which i was a couple days ago and then today i came over here and i popped the uh flywheel cover off like so and uh i set about seeing if i could just manually break it loose with the piper because you know i have like a 36 inch pipe wrench and with these two cylinders usually if you can get if it's just one piston i broke them loose before really easily like i have a 36b up front it was stuck and i was gonna pull the block out and i unhooked one piston and went to turn the fl the flywheel and it immediately turned so i hooked the other piston up and i broke that one loose too and like it was it was easy but i don't want to really we might um end up unhooking the pistons because you can easily you can do that by taking this cover off but these are a little bit more of a pain that 36 because the sheet metal on 36 ends right here so you have plenty of room there this tractor i think i have a little trick i want to try and we're going to see if it might work but i'm going to i got to make it first and i'll try to keep you show you all along the way it uh will be too essentially it's gonna be i'm gonna break all the porcelain off a spark plug weld that hole shut drill it and tap it to put a grease jerk there and i have a cordless grease gun just sit here put 10 000 psi on that piston and see if we can't break it loose like that and if we can break it loose like that you know we might have to pull the valve cover off free a stuck valve unstick the clutch and i bet this tractor would run because i do think the clutch is stuck but other than that like it tractor's relatively straight i mean the sheet metal is not not perfect but it would be a good tractor to have run the farm give me something to play with i mean it definitely seen us better days but sure would be fun to play with all righty well i will get back to y'all whenever i'm making that uh breaking all the porcelain out of spark plug we'll be right back alrighty guys so we're back i have here our spark plug and our grease jerk so i have in our handy dandy little grease jerk thingy it says tap sizes quarter 28 8 27 which i wonder if that's a misprint it's actually 8 28 because i have 8 28 pipe tap but i have a quarter 28 tap so we're just going to do these because that's what we got and uh first step is going to be to break all the porcelain out of the spark plug with the hammer which i have and then trust your milwaukee and then we're going to take this little trusty elite top fill the hole in drill it out tap it and uh we can go get the grease gun see what happens let me set the camera we'll be right back so you uh you most definitely want to wear safety glasses for this because is porcelain so hard you also want to be careful um don't do this or don't don't throw porcelain at car windows because it will break this i don't understand i guess you guys so hard you can throw that at a window and it will break the window unlike the car let me work on this a little bit more i'll be right back so uh in case anybody was wondering porcelain is incredibly hard to get out of a spark plug i think we're about to take more advanced maneuvers here we'll be right back okay so i moved all over here to the vice where i think i'm going to attempt to take my uh die grinder with carbide tip here and uh mill this little thing off so i can just try to press punch that porcelain out because it's not really cooperating [Applause] [Music] wow [Music] the carbide definitely does not like the tungsten or the porcelain excuse me let me um so here's what we did we just milled her down a little bit more hopefully i can take a punch and punch that out i'm gonna do a little bit more i'll be back hmm we definitely got her moving there just a little bit more i guess there she goes huh i never have seen the inside of a spark plug before interesting okay we're gonna weld that up see what happens i think that we are just going to um grind her off a little bit flatter first [Music] hey [Music] all righty guys so we uh got the ol esau fired up yes i know it looks pretty much maxed out on um eighth inch we are using 220 but our main stipulation right now is this is um 0.023 wire i have 0.35 i don't really feel like getting it out and swapping it over um yes i think that is a copper crush washer in there really not worried about it because i intend to fill this all the way up to the top up i'm really not worried about ceiling but if it becomes an issue well get another spark plug oh well let's uh get to welding [Music] better good and hot there um i do believe that'll that'll send because we just need just enough threats to uh to thread into okay so the proper drill bit size for quarter 28 732 so we got one here we're just gonna go ahead and [Music] it's uh not exactly centered but gets the job done let me get my tap so we are actually going to lubricate this i know you don't have to but a little bit of three in one oil never hurt nobody this is a harbor freight tap anyway so and you want to go i think the theory is you go half a turn back a quarter half a turn back a quarter you do that to break the chips now for the million dollar question we'll just throw it in there money okay so we're gonna put that on tractor see what happens we'll be right back all right guys so here's current setup we got three strikes in there that is zip tied on cut it off with the battery here is our stockpile of very cheap grease i pulled the valve cover off to make sure that these valves were shut and uh i think we're on our fifth tube of grease right now so i will update y'all whenever something interesting happens but the crank still has slop in it so at least we know it's not bound up on the other piston yet so we'll get back to you a little bit y'all notice it is turning right now you can see the pry bar going down that is awesome see now we can grab another one [Laughter] so that is awesome it is turning you could tell i know y'all could see it especially in the extended part on the pry bar yeah thing turns just not not very good quite yet and he still needs the uh a little bit of pressure so there is no telling how long this thing's actually been turning before i caught it because i pulled the spark plug out and all came out and it was not full whenever i started so uh it's good progress we'll keep going with her alrighty guys so we have officially burned through 11 tubes of grease and uh i just want to go ahead and say couldn't be happier with the results from today i do not have it turning freely yet but whenever it started [Music] this it it's almost made it all the way back like i the piston is very far back and it turned so i think what i'm going to do now is in another video we're going to take that this video might be long enough what we're going to do now is we're going to pull that out try to spin it the other direction and if force comes to worst we'll get some more grease and put it on that side and see what happens but i mean i just i can't believe like this this valve was stuck and it popped earlier and all the rest of this like it's all all in relatively great shape like this carburetor i had to pull the bowl off carbon mint so we'll uh keep working on this and get back to y'all i think this is where i'm going to close the video y'all don't have too much fun
Channel: Ether Bandit’s Garage
Views: 138,436
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: I9HG4N6-qls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 6sec (1146 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 23 2022
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