How To Frame in A Basement Door

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[Music] we're gonna build this wall right in front of the steel we're gonna go with the top and bottom plate we'll cut a little bit for the door after we're done but first we're just gonna into the wall so that we can put our screw or wall into it it becomes our drywall backing as well we have to be careful because all those these posts look like they're in the same spot they're not Square to the wall that we started with remember we put down our subfloor when they this our straight line so this is carrying this post this is carrying a different part of the structure and so as a result they're out about an inch so we're gonna build a door in front of it instead of between it we're coming up to the steel which is our lowest point so all of our measurements were based on the lowest point so it makes it easy for us and we're just gonna nail all this in you [Music] [Music] this would be our header and we're just stick framing this in because it's easier at this point oh yeah I'll hold it this bad boy from moving around with us since we're using our laser level you don't have to stop and check for level and square continually because we already know we are right there so now that we got basically a picture frame or outside frame of this wall I'll take you care of this will anchor it now it's not going anywhere cords cutting my kings and Jack's for the door that's fancy carpenter talk for a piece of wood that goes from the bottom plate to the top plates the King and the deck is just a little bit smaller it goes to the top of the header we're gonna get those nailed in I'm gonna probably put it flush off of here the doors gonna swing out and then it'll come over to whatever what we're doing 35 inch hole for a 32 inch door that leaves you enough room with a 35 inch gap you have a 32 inch door 5/8 jamb each side a little bit of space and we shimmy a little bit of give you some wiggle room in case you didn't do it as square as you probably should have it's just good practice to get into so I'm gonna just line these up so then I'm not wasting space from my door now just know when you're doing something like this leave your wood sticking out over top your plate when you're screwing an angle a little bit we're gonna have that screw fit hits the wood it'll start pulling it in nice and tight you can line it up flush BAM I've got the line for the laser level there we go because now I'm gonna stand in front of my laser I need to see what the heck I'm doing right again pull it off the wall a little bit once you've got contact get your hand out of the way you're gonna tighten it right in a pinch of face done [Music] you know okay when you use a laser level you don't have to rush the round and say you hit the edge just kind of measure off the line one inch off the line okay huh toss that sucker read so what we do is we have a 34 inch gap plus the jacks is three inch makes a 37 inch header so if we've got the bottom level in square and we just put the jack in place there should be on our laser mark BAM perfect there you go anything you want to do with that is working fine nice there's a couple through hello if you're enjoying these videos subscribe to the channel hit the like button but most importantly comment on the videos by all means or a suggestion of video you'd like to see let us know we'd love to be in touch
Channel: Home RenoVision DIY
Views: 254,246
Rating: 4.764914 out of 5
Keywords: jeff thorman, home reno, renovation, bathroom, do it yourself, diy, how to, tutorial, step by step, door framing, framing, basement, build a door, 2x4
Id: VuolMWxqjpY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 45sec (345 seconds)
Published: Thu May 11 2017
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