How to frame a window

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crazy framer here again in this video I'm going to show you how to frame a window this wall will have a 36 by 36 inch window in it so I have my plates cut here the wall is gonna go like this Oh like I showed you in the last video the first thing you want to do is mark where your walls are coming in just go five-and-a-half here so my window is gonna be three foot eight to the center nuts from the outside of the house this is gonna butt into this like this I need to take off a half inch for that outside cheating so three foot seven and a half will be the center of my window so my window is going to be thirty six and a half by thirty six and a half so you take half of what thirty six and a half is which is 18 and a quarter put that on your Center mark mark it here and then mark thirty six and a half then you want to go an inch and a half mark a C inch and a half whoops inch and a half mark an X and over here inch and a half inch and a half X so C is for that's the one that goes underneath the two by ten header the X is the stud over here same thing as the other wall 2 by six up bust down over here this one I just need a two by six up for this over here over here two by six down and then I'll square these all up the only place I need another stud is for the bottom of this window let's go right there I'm gonna make these pieces the stud cripples I'm gonna have to take nine and a half inches off the stud this is going to be my header I made it three inches longer than the window thirty nine and a half and then the two by ten is nine and a quarter so I'm gonna take nine and a quarter off of two studs they'll these up make sure I'm flush here wash on the sides same for this one build this wall over here I'll use this as a line to nail the bottom plate down to just attack it [Music] nail the bottom down sound flush my stud on the stud the on the mark up to the top take my header sure it's flush everywhere for now put it in here and keep it flush on the top not the bottom [Music] [Music] now I have these two two by sixes cut to 36 and a half that's the width of the window I'm gonna put one here then I want my window to be 36 and a half this way Peter saw you with 36 and a half plus the inch and a half for this and there's what you got here and it's about 43 and 7/8 so I want to cut three of those two by sixes I'll take this plate I'll put it here for now line it up there and just like this [Music] [Music] [Music] there's your window my cat plates on [Music] no I squared it now I'll just put my sheets on you now before I stand it I gotta put some paper on here since it's gonna have a lower roof coming in here also gonna have to paper around the window I think I can lift it [Music] there you go that's how you for a window you see it has a stud taking the weight every 16 inches and then because this is a big span it has the 2 by 10 that's sitting on here that takes the weight and then down here you got these studs top still and they're not starting I'm gonna go have a beer
Channel: The Crazy Framer
Views: 225,566
Rating: 4.8873239 out of 5
Keywords: Window, Framing, Framer, Carpentry, Carpenter, House, Builder, Building, building a window, framing a window, how to build a window, how to frame a window, how to, how to frame a house, how to frame a home, home framing, house framing, wood framing, youtube subscribers
Id: fDpIYoNzeqs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 5sec (605 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 07 2018
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