How to FRAME a Wall - 3 EASY STEPS

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hey guys welcome back to the channel today we're going to work on basic wall framing how to do it in three easy steps come on let's go so Step One is layout okay so with typical wall framing we have a top plate and a bottom plate we lay out our studs every 16 inches so every 16 inches there needs to be a stud so let's do that now as you can see here I've laid out a top plate and a bottom plate I'm going to start by adding a stud on the very end and then every 16 inches we're going to add another stud I usually go three quarters of an inch back from my 16 inch Mark so that any boards or drywall that we attach to the wall is going to land directly centered on that stud so instead of 32 I'm going to go 31 and a quarter and so forth and so on [Music] thank you so now that we've made our marks every 16 inches we're going to transfer them onto both plates and keeping in mind that the X goes to my right so we'll continue and lay out both plates [Music] done so now guys as you can see we've taken our bottom plate and our top plate which is the same length and we've laid out a stud every 16 inches okay the marks are identical they're in the same place on both plates Step One is done okay guys so step two now is placing our studs and securing them to our top plates okay so we're gonna lay our plates down put our studs in and then secure them let's do that [Music] and I make sure that I don't change the direction of them I just take simply take this one and roll it over I don't want to flip it because if I flip it and it's wrong we'll have a problem and then I take my studs which are right here and I start putting them in place so I'm placing one on every X [Music] we have one stud on every X we move our plate down in place keep in mind guys your stud height is determined on you know your existing conditions so standard stud height nowadays is 92 and a quarter inches so in this case we use 92 and a quarter inch studs now we're going to secure our studs to our plate a couple different ways to do this it really doesn't matter you can use screws you can use Nails in this case we're going to use Nails what you do want to do is use two screws or two nails going down in from the plate into the stud okay so two is important so every stud gets two screws or two nails so let's do it okay guys so first things first when we nail up our studs we just want to make sure that everything is flush and nice sand even and then we fasten the stud using two nails so two Nails into each stud and keeping in mind while we're doing this guys we're following our marks we've got our X on this side and we're working our way along we make sure to do do the top all of them and then we'll switch and do the bottom [Music] Now we move to the bottom [Applause] keeping in mind that our X's are in the right spot all done so step two is placing our plates putting our studs in and securing them keeping in mind that you don't have to use Nails you could use screws if that's easier now we move on to phase three all right guys so step three in building our wall is blocking okay so a couple tricks with blocking usually what we do is we measure from the bottom of our plate and in this case we're going to use this as our bottom and we measure up four feet okay we make a mark four feet on one end and then we go across and do the exact same thing on the other end four feet in order to connect the two lines I use a snap line if you don't have a snap line that's fine snap it you guys can see that I've got a nice line all the way through that indicates four feet now measuring our blocks and cutting our blocks what I like to do is instead of measuring the blocks where you snapped your line I like to measure at the top or the bottom and the reason why is because these studs that we bought may or may not be perfectly straight and in the event that they're bowed and crooked if I take a measurement where they're bowed and crooked obviously it's not going to be an accurate measurement the goal here is to have all your studs perfectly straight from top to bottom in order to do that as long as I measure in between at the bottom or the top will have a firm block measurement so just so you know every block should be aside from the first one should be right around the same because we did an even layout even layout for blocks 16 on Center is about 14 and a half inches so you can see 14 and a half 14 and a half 14 and a half 14 and a half that just goes to reinforce that our stud layout is in fact 16 inches on Center so we're going to cut a bunch of blocks one two three four five six of them 14 and a half and then the two on the ends they're special 13 and 7 16. and this one's five and seven eighths so now we're gonna go cut our blocks using a circular saw to cut these thank you that's one [Music] if you don't have a circular saw a chop saw works fine it's my last block at 14 and a half [Music] [Music] a place in each bag [Music] when fastening and securing the blocks guys same thing screws or Nails either one it doesn't matter whatever is more convenient whatever you have around the house is fine in this case I'm going to use nails but same application two Nails what I do is I'll nail my blocks staggered so when I mean stagger it is the blocks will kind of alternate on either side of the line so my line is at four feet which we measured first block is going to go below the line Second block is going to go above the line the reason why we do that is so that it's very accessible to get your screws or your nails in [Music] and I'll go through and mail all once again go all the way down and nail one side now I come back and nail off the other side while I come back and nail off my blocks I'm kind of fine tuning them with my hammer straightening them out [Music] so now we're done and you can see we staggered our blocks and we got good nailing on each side the reason why we do that obviously is so we have access to it the blocks help straighten out the studs so as they're milled and they come in from the factory sometimes they warp and twist because it's real wood the blocks help straighten and align everything so it's nice and consistent last step in blocking Etc is to put our second top plate on let's just go grab it so the last and final step in our building our wall guys is adding our second top plate most walls come with two top plates you don't have to use two top plates unless it's a structural wall but in this case we're going to use two and we fasten our second top plate after all of our nailing is done and then we throw the wall up so on the second top plate I just same thing a stagger my nails I went up on that bay I'm gonna go down on this one up [Music] down up down and the one on the very end and we're done basic wall framing three simple steps we put the wall up and we're done Ben you want to help me do I have a choice he has a choice so basically guys when you're throwing up any walls or doing anything like this it's always best to do with two people just to make sure nobody gets hurt use the old eggs what use your legs flip them all up and block it into place as you can see very simple right we've got our studs at 16 inches on Center which we did in Step One by laying them out top and bottom plate then we placed our studs and secured them with two Nails on each side right and then we went through and marked four feet for our blocking and then staggered our blocks so guys super super simple if you think that this is helpful in any way let us know we'd love to hear your guys's feedback if you want a more detailed description on how to frame a wall maybe with a wall or a window opening or door opening in it there's a link up here where we go into a little bit more detail but basic wall framing 101 three easy steps hope you enjoyed it [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: GrantMaury Builds
Views: 42,857
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to, tutorial, diy, wall framing, how to frame a wall, framing, construction, remodel, home build, framing basics, how to frame 16 oc, diy ideas, how to build, carpentry, do it yourself, build a home, remodeling house, remodeling
Id: Bjuwpo9d3cQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 59sec (659 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 01 2022
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