How To Fold The Coolest Origami Spider Ever!

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hey our friends I got my cool little Checkers with me dude what are we gonna do today yeah we're gonna fold a really cool spider [Laughter] pick your nose [Laughter] all right dude you ready to do this spider yeah all right I'm so excited this is can be a really tricky uh origami spider we are going to do some cutting so we need some scissors we're going to use some regular computer paper and we thought we could try this with black construction paper did it work out no no it didn't work out because construction paper is really thick huh yeah and that's one of the reasons why it's better to use uh computer paper and then you can color the paper so it's black or any color you want make it spooky or use black origami paper because you really there's a lot of folds in this and so you're going to need thinner paper to work with Okay you ready to start yeah so we first need to start with a square do you remember how to do that all right let's do it so what do we what's the first step you go I'm not teaching it but do it over here so they can see you yeah so you can start with your paper this way it's a little easier and then you can grab the top right corner and fold it down so that this Edge this top Edge lines up with the side edge right are you excited for Halloween man yeah this is actually what we're doing we forgot to show them that's pretty cool huh yeah it's really awesome it's this 3D looking spider we're gonna do that so it looks it's really looks tricky but we're gonna do it nice and slow and easy so that our art friends can follow along and make it themselves okay ready you're ready to cut so we're getting the square and then we do that by making this triangle first and then we cut off this extra piece right and if we go too fast you can always pause the video yes and really this one and on this one yeah because you may need to pause it catch up or you may need to pause it and then rewind it a little bit and watch one of the steps over again because it is tricky and but we're gonna we're gonna make it so it's nice and easy we've practiced a couple times huh this is really hard for us no yeah but we're going to make it easier this time huh yeah because we use uh we used the construction paper and it was hard okay so now we're going to open it back up and then we're gonna fold fold it this way okay we had fun decorating our studio huh yeah this video you got all our spooky stuff out all right we gotta open back up after you fold that and then we're gonna flip it over okay and then we're gonna fold it in half you want to make sure that all the edges are lined up nice nice and straight oops and Each corner lines up just right okay did you already open it up okay hold on wait for me oops mine isn't lined up I need to redo it one sec there we go oh okay now I'm cut up all right so you can use your finger to really crease it well too and then you do open it up and then we're going to flip it this way and fold it the other way right good you remember yeah not all of it after this time maybe we'll remember everything so now we got that did you open it back up yeah okay so we're gonna leave it how it is We're Not Gonna flip it back over we're gonna have it like a diamond and we're gonna pinch this together I could use any good over here so they can see it this one this one right just have it like a diamond and then pinch the right corner together scoot it up here so they can see it we're zoomed in so it's a little harder to keep it in the camera and then we're going to fold it down and then that kind of makes a little almost like a little box all right okay so now the next thing is we're going to grab this corner that's up here and we're going to do the same kind of thing Fold It Down and then we're going to fold this and kind of squash it all together so it should make a smaller diamond good yeah you did it good job man all right one of those so now we got it yeah and then we we've got it opened up at the bottom okay so do it over here so they can see you gotta make sure you remember to keep it in there and then we're gonna fold this this side to the middle so how many legs does a spider have eight yeah and that's what kind of makes this a little tricky is because you repeat a lot of the same folds over and over again so that we can make all eight of the legs and then I'm doing the other side yes you're doing that too so we're folding that this Edge to the middle and then don't you flip it over and do the same thing flip it over and then do the same thing do it up here man uh I'll keep reminding you oh I will keep reminding you don't you worry okay and then we're gonna fold that and fold the other side too so that both sides look exactly the same all right we got it okay so keep it this way and then we're going to open it up we'll open this side up first and then we're going to take this first page okay so we're going to re we're going to pretend that these flaps are pages and we'll keep calling them Pages through the whole video okay so we're going to open this page up and put our finger in there in between let me tip it up so you can kind of see so I put my finger in there and then we're gonna squish it down and then fold it together so we turn that one page into two pages now can you see that you got it it's okay so hold on so let's open it up open it up and get that crease in there nice nice and crisp okay and then we'll open it back up we'll put our Thumb in there and then you're going to push that in like that and then fold it back okay so I'll let you do the next one okay we're going to do the left side okay so we're going to do the same thing grab the page on the left put your thumb in there and open it up and then you can kind of squash it down like that and then fold it back in so we've got two pages now so that Okay so keep that crease so open it up open it all the way up all the way up like that yeah good job you did it okay now we're gonna flip it over and we're going to do the same those both the same thing that we did on that side we're going to do it on this side so take the right Page open it up and then you can squash it down and then fold it back in I got it there you go I'm gonna full I'm gonna do this one open it up open it all the way up squash it down and fold the page back so now we should have four four pages on this side four pages on this side right does that sound like a spider four pages are gonna turn into four legs so we want to be careful when you open it up you don't want to open everything up yeah yeah okay squash squash that down and then fold it back it's okay it's practice that's why you're doing it with me huh so let's let's tip it like this and count how many pages we got on each side we want to make sure we have four four on each side right okay all right so now we're gonna do we're gonna start making the legs and we're gonna to take the right the first right page and we're gonna flip it over so it should look like this okay then we're gonna come in here and make this this Edge right here we're going to fold to the middle of our paper okay and we're going to do this same thing on the other side you're right pretty much remember it but in some but I still like uh mess up on it but I really okay I remember it yeah remember the steps okay we've got that folded in okay now we're going to open it up and screwed it up a little more there you go and then we're going this is this is a little tricky but it's not too bad so we're going to put our thumb inside and then put our little finger right there first finger and start opening it up okay and then when when we open it up you can take these two flaps on the side and push them down so I'm going to do this part slow so that we can make sure our art friends do it with us okay I think so now that I was so hard yeah okay so now that we've got it like this we've got to make two new folds kind of towards the top so we're going to take my fingers and we're gonna open we'll do one side at a time how about that we're gonna fold it open and kind of Squish it so I'll do the same on this side squish it foreign so it should look like that this is a little tricky we're going to do it a couple more times so our friends can watch we'll and I'll try and do it a little easier the next time or easier to watch so if you push this down here we go let me see what you got this one's folded over a little bit too much so let's open it back up and then we'll make sure that these are folded down and then kind of straighten those we got to remake those Folds and then push it down like that so it'll lay flat so you kind of have to work with it a little bit just to get it to lay flat but you want you want there to be a little point up here at this top right here so see that little point okay now we're going to fold that back so that one's done we're going to fold back over to this side and we'll do the same thing okay okay so fold the bottom into the middle you know what I'm going to do I'm going to zoom in on mine during this part so that maybe our art friends can see it a little bit better okay okay all right and then you can you don't have to worry about yours being in the shot so we folded that one now we're going to fold this one this side and I'm going to do something that might make it a little easier for art friends and maybe for Me Maybe for you I'm going to take this this uh point up here and I'm going to fold the whole thing in half down here to this point and that might make this a little easier to make this fold and then that way there's a little fold right here I just folded it to the point and open it back up okay then we'll open this back up and now that fold should be a little easier to make so seriously you know everything it's made it easier did I yeah yeah I'm so glad look it worked was that easier yeah so we'll do that next time so then you just you just want to make sure that that's nice and flat and then you can fold it back fold that pitch right we'll start now we're back at the beginning you see how we're making it more of a an actual diamond whole shape huh okay all right let's flip it over all right and then we're gonna fold this page yep and we're going to fold this page back over and we're gonna do and repeat you folded too many pages there you go okay so we're going to do the same thing we'll repeat this and maybe we'll even speed up some of those some of these parts because this is repeating so it's the same thing we just did so I'm going to fold this back up to the center I like to flip the [Music] so it looks like that and then we still have that fold there but I'm going to fold it again in half and then open it up and then we'll fold that open it up and push these down yeah seriously that was so easier good all right so we got that so I'm going to fold the page back and then I'm gonna fold the left side over and we're gonna do it one last time a little this fold this in there it is all the pages yeah it's a little hard to if you keep flipping through the pages because then they get all stacked up on one side so it's nice to fold it back and then flip it over okay so I'm folding that back okay now I'll open it up fold this up am I going too fast this is where they can pause it if we're going too fast huh whoops there we go on this side this one didn't makes a very I didn't really make a point up at the top but that's okay it's a little flat there now I'll fold it back awesome now we got a diamond we got a actual diamond you got it I'm gonna Zoom back out all right we'll speed it up [Music] there you go all right you got it okay then fold the page back nope oh you got Pages open on both sides so let's see let's get it back so we're in the same spot so when you flip it you should have four pages on this side and four pages on this side and we want it so that it's nice and Plain on both sides like this okay it shouldn't look like this you don't want to see that little Diamond those should all be closed up okay all right okay so now we're going to take this top page and we're going to flip this up this is where we're going to make eight legs and we're going to cut it okay so we're gonna cut right down the middle of this page or flap or whatever you want to call it and then you're going to cut right to that Center where we've folded it right there okay got it okay now we're gonna flip it over and we're going to do the same to this guy so we've got this little flap I'm going to cut right in the middle and this is going to make eight legs so we have four of these and we cut four in half what does that make eight yeah four is half of eight huh you should have okay so we got two there and we got two on this side okay so now we're gonna fold one two and we'll have another one okay oh that's true that's correct so we're going to cut this one all right you fold it up you got it good okay now pull them back down peel oh yeah if you got little strings hanging off you can pull them off if you want okay fold those legs down back down to where they were then we're going to fold the pages back so one two so we're back to where we started right okay so now we're going to fold two this way one two oh did you okay and then we should have another one this is the last flap that we need to cut and cut right to the middle and if your scissors don't reach you can kind of tear it the rest away to the middle you got it good job man okay we're almost there we're getting really close we're about halfway all right so we're gonna so I folded two pages back turned two pages back so now we should still have four on this side four on this side okay and then it looks plain this way all right watch this we're gonna fold one page over and we're gonna flip the whole thing over and then fold one page over the same direction so if we turn it this way we should now have four pages and four pages right oh that's weird It's tricky huh so if you stay with us and do everything we're doing then you should be in the same spot and if not you can rewind and see where where you missed the spot all right so we've got all these legs all right we're ready to make them thinner okay so we're gonna take the same Edge right here and we're going to repeat this a lot just like we've done we're going to fold that to the middle we're going to make all the legs of the spider really thin okay and then we're going to do the other side and then we'll flip a page and we'll do more that's tricky huh because you want to I don't want it to look really nice when you're all done so that the legs look nice and Sharp okay so we got them huh okay so let's flip over we'll flip this way let's flip right page over one two and we should look it should look exactly the same so we're going to speed this up but we're going to fold we're going to fold these legs okay okay [Music] cool you got him okay now we're gonna fold back the two pages one two and we're gonna fold two more which one sorry did you fall back nope so you go this way one two and you're where I'm at now so now we're gonna do two more one two yes and should look the same we'll speed this part up we're gonna do the same thing get those legs really skinny red right now cool you got it okay now we're gonna go back ready one page two page we're back where we started two page okay now we're gonna flip it over and should look exactly the same oh we got one more this is the last one okay we can speed this up but we're gonna fold those edges in just like we've done with all the other legs okay okay let's speed it up you got it okay we're almost done I promise it's so awesome huh so now we've got all these are going to be all the legs up here at the top this is going to be the back of the body okay so this is kind of what it's looking like huh so we're getting close so here we go we're gonna fold the back so that it looks like the kind of round not sharp huh like a spider so we're gonna fold the point into the other point right here do it up here I can see you there you go squish it and squish it down nice and tight you want it to stay folded okay then we're going to flip it over this is going to be the top of our spider okay okay now let's start building the we're going to start folding the legs so we're going to take this first leg right here I'm going to zoom in on my side is that all right yeah okay there we go all right so we're going to take this first leg and we're going to fold it back in so it's sticking out and you want this side in the middle to be right you want it right there at the where we cut all the way to where we cut okay and then this I'm gonna fold I'm going to fold It Off so that it's pointing out actually I'm going to fold it down even more a little more there we go put it right there okay now we're going to do the other side and it's a little easier if you keep a thumb kind of in the middle that'll keep everything together so we're going to do the same fold it down and you want it to look symmetrical so you want them each yeah same on both sides huh hold that so it's flat got wrinkled I don't know how wide wrinkled there we go and sort of pointing off in the same direction okay got it all right so now we're gonna fold the next leg and we want the inside to be in the same spot so right there we want it to be in the same spot but then we're going to have the leg point in a slightly different direction so they're kind of Fanning out making this fan okay okay then we're gonna do the other leg same way so it's symmetrical so we're pointing in the same direction and you can squish it down got it good okay the next leg and grab it and then do the same fold and have it pointed off in even further Direction and we'll do the same on this side it's looking so awesome huh that looks so cool okay you got it good job okay now we're gonna do the last legs and these are a little trickier because we want them pointing kind of forward so we're going to have it point like that okay now we're going to do the same on this side there we go it should look like that how's yours looking awesome you're doing really you're really close these ones are a little tricky I think it's easy if you bend it kind of like that so if you just stick your thumb right there and you do the other one but I'll do this one for you there you go like that so do this one this one you kind of already did huh let me just make a little crisper there you go it looks awesome it's looking really good okay we got one last thing we're gonna do one more bend on these legs okay and we're going to open them up a little bit so let's start with this one we're gonna do just a little Bend right here at the end so it kind of gives them a knee on the leg okay so you just kind of twist it so you grab it like this and then twist and then fold it whoa whoa what so grab grab the leg and then twist it so it's going to fold it kind of down like that okay I'll fold this one mixed up the legs it's all right okay I'm gonna pull that side it should start looking like he's crawling and we're going to do the same on this one fold it fold this side yeah you're going really fast oh sorry they can pause it you can't pause it though huh yeah you're doing great man you're doing a really good job okay and then the last one fold this one and we'll do the same just bend it so he's got kind of a knee a joint we'll Bend this side too more and then when you we've got them all folded flat like this wait which one was this that one you do the same thing so that's the front one you just grab and then bend it like that oh you can do the front yeah there are the front one so you should lay flat you should be able to lay them flat and he looks pretty cool like that huh but we want them to look like he's crawling like this one so we just turn them on you can kind of turn them like this and then just open up his legs see that gonna move his legs forward and then we'll flip them over on this side you can grab his legs and then just kind of bend them up a little bit more open them up and then it should look like he's crawling look at that that's awesome huh yeah where's yours we gotta see yours that's awesome look at those creepy spiders man those are so cool did you have fun yeah it was still a little hard a little difficult huh there's lots of little folds that we do over and over again but if we if we did go too fast you could always pause it rewind it and re-watch the step again and also leave a comment below let us know if this was too hard if we explained it okay if you got stuck or if it was really easy so that we know in the comments whether we did a good job or we need to work on it and make it better so thanks a lot we'll see you later our friends happy Halloween [Music] wow [Music] hey our friends I got my cool checkers with me what are we gonna do today full spider yeah we're gonna fold an awesome Halloween spider are you dancing [Laughter] that's not scary at all no don't dance
Channel: Art for Kids Hub
Views: 1,298,686
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: art for kids, Art projects, Art Ideas, Art Tips, Origami (Hobby)
Id: P_ODZl3rms0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 43sec (1843 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 28 2014
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