How To Fold Clothes In The Navy

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alright guys in this video I'm going to be teaching you how to fold Navy clothes so Navy has a certain way of folding their clothes as you will see in bootcamp now I'm making this video so you guys can't see how they fold their clothes and it will give you a little bit of an upper hand when you get there so it will be much more of an easier transaction from a civilian life to a military lifestyle alright so let's begin alright so the first thing that I want to show you is the standard Navy PT shirt now there's this PT shirt and there's also a blue undershirt now all the Navy shirts are going to be folded in this exact way that I'm going to be showing you so if you have it or any short sleeve shirts this is the fold that you should do alright so what you want to do first is make sure that all edges are dressed right see how the seam is on the top and and what you want to do is get the bottom side right and make sure the seam the right seam and the let seam are facing their directions and what you want to do is you want to bring up the bottom side all the way to the top touching the collar now you want to be accurate as much as possible so this is actually the front of the shirt right that's the front of the shirt and you bring it to the top and make sure all edges are dressed make sure it's nice and even alright and now you're going to see on the sides here that you have your sleeves you're just going to push that inwards and same thing to the other side and I know that screen isn't really big but it's going to have to then creatively all right after all that is dressed I try to make it as neat as possible alright from here now you're going to fold the whole thing in thirds so starting from the top come down in a third and half again so it as you as you would notice when I went down in thirds you want to make it along the edge line okay and from here so this is the backside so this Navy big Navy logo is on the back side you want to fold it in half and the way you know that you've done the whole thing right is if you look at one side you'll have a pair of lips right if you look at other side you'll see four lips alright and when you do stand close you want to have two lips facing each other all right now let's get into the socks the socks as you see here these are the standard physical training socks so whenever you are working out whenever you are doing some kind of physical exercise these are the socks that you will change into or with your tennis shoes now one of the things that's special about this socks in particular is that a normal socks would have the heels right so normal socks would look like something like this right but in this socks actually it doesn't really have that when you when it's first issued - you won't notice this actual heel line it's just a flat select - socks and so these socks are actually a little bit easier to fold then the other socks you can see that this socks has a heel line because I've worn it so many times and so how what you do here is when you fold it up right you bring me up in half and from here you bring it up fold it little by little and you're going to bring it all the way and you're just going to live leave right about two inches right and then from here right I see I write a lot I'll grab the outer lip and open it up because of all the petty officer I had in boot camps I'd write a lot and so it just became a habit all right so when you open it up what you want to see is a smiley face and when you turn it around you can see the opening side and there you have your smiling face now sometimes when you organize these when you have multiple socks they'll want you to have it facing up so if the backside right here helps it stay up so you'll have multiple socks and the smiley face be facing up so facing you alright so that's how you fold your socks alright so the next thing that I want to show you is my skivvies aka under words now you might have a boxer you might have you know briefs all that kind of different stuff but the folding idea is always going to be the same knife you have boxers I'm going to be showing you my shorts so maybe you can also fold it that way alright so your tighty whities right from here it's pretty simple bring it all the way up to the top to the waistline and then from here fold it in half and then you're done right so when you do stack it what you want to do is when you have another one you're going to bring it right on top and line it up towards the left side where it's just a single fold so you don't want to fold it according to the open side so you want to have your largest pair of underwears on the bottom and as it shrinks when you wash it so many times you want to have like a sort of it looks like a pyramid that it comes up and dress it to the left and the bottom side alright so the next thing that I want I want to show you are the PT shorts yes it's a little bit wrinkly or a lot wrinkly so the PT shorts if you see this is the right leg now left leg when you wear it but when I'm facing it it's the right side you want to put that towards the top make it line up and then make sure you fold it down make good creases and then get the other side fold it up and then from here right when you have your PT shirt the size has to be exactly the same because you don't want your shorts will go on top of your PT shirts so you don't want to have your PT shorts larger than the PT shirts right so you're going to fold this in half and then make sure the middle stays make sure it's lined up and then fold it in half and when you see here right two lips to lips you want those on top of each other so if you see here if the shorts are not overtaking the know it's a little bit done but for the most part you can see it's a good size the shorts are not overtaking the you know it's not coming out excessively and that's how you fold your PT shorts or any type of shorts and your shorts will always be on top of your shirts all right all right so the next thing that I want to show you are the towels now this is a extra particularly larger towel and the way you fold your towels so this is going to be a little bit difficult for you guys to see the whole picture but all right so this is the middle right so how you find the middle in the first place is just fold it in half and I promise I'll show you guys I just want to find the path point first all right so I found my half point and once you find your half horn right just make sure you push that down so when you open it up you can see the crease you can see where the half line is it'll be much easier for you guys alright so I open it up so I can't really see the half point but I do is just see a little bit coming up here now what you want to do is you want to fold these sides towards the half point but you want to leave right about a finger finger space you just brighten it up for you guys right now you want to leave like a finger space on either or both sides okay so let's do that leave trying my best just to eye it without enough space all right okay so from here turn it to the side you guys can't really see turn it to the side make sure there's a lot of fingers length of space throughout and you're going to put the bottom side on top so you put the bottom side well the left side over I should say okay now from here you're going to fold the whole thing in thirds so how you find thirds fold it in half now you have your half point right here fold it up to that point actually just ie thirds that doesn't it's not going to apply in this one actually all right so when you have your thirds you should see multiple lips on this side and three lips on this side all right and when you're facing it you can open it up and you can see your name when you do actually go to boot camp and this is one of the things that they look for all right so that is how you fold your towels all right so in this one I'm going to be showing you how to fold long-sleeve shirts now this is also going to apply for your uniforms alright so once you open it up you want to put the left so one of the sleeves so this is what I'm wearing it it's my right sleeve fold it over so you want to have it lined up towards the sides here so you don't want it excessively all right line it up and then hold it fold it down same thing to the other side fold it over make sure it lines up and then from here you're going to fold this side towards the middle and the other side towards the middle okay all right so one of the things that you will notice you show you better you can see the seam line that's a side seam line for the whole shirt and that's going to be facing each other okay so at after this point you're going to fold it in half to get the center line open it back up put the bottom side towards the center line and fold the whole thing up and adjust accordingly adjust accordingly and after you finish you should have a nicely folded long-sleeve shirt alright so in this one I want to show you how to fold your pants now how you fold your pants is always going to be the same for your uniform it's a little bit different for your dress uniforms so our progress uniform I'm not going to really show you that's something you'll have to learn in boot camp but I got my jeans instead of my uh my working you know uh working uniform just so you guys can relate to these folds better and these this folder I'm going to show you is the fold that there are going to be teaching you in boot camp ok so what you first want to do is you know get your jeans and fold it up make the make sure the crotch material is popping out away from you and make sure these sides the sides are facing the sides as same as before and what you want to do is you want to get the half line so as you guys will notice they really stress making sure that it's always to be half or making it in thirds okay so so that's the half line and from here this is a part that differs from instructors too dr. okay so some instructors want you to put the cross material in to make sure the whole thing lines up properly right and some instructors want you to fold it and then up put the cross material in so for sake of this video and for for you guys they'll be much more easier for you guys to put the cross material in in the first place and then fold the Jean N and then from here fold it over now you guys can see because it was done in half and a half the two neat part and the the up bottom part of the Jean lines up and turn it around and you guys should see it lines up the cross material comes a little bit out and that's okay and you can see the back pocket coming down so that is what how you want it and when you stack it when you stack your clothes you want to have your shirt on top of your pants accordingly alright so that's how you fold your shirt and your pants and all other stuff alright thank you so much for watching guys if you have any questions if you have any video recommendations on what type of videos that you want to see leave it in the comment section below this is a remake video of what I had before that my camera angle wasn't all too great so I did we make this video so if there's something that you guys want to see make a video and I'll and I'll make it accordingly and some videos some suggestions are some of the students suggestions that I have to do some of my own research so it might take a little bit and I'll tell you guys accordingly but for the most part I always post every Wednesday and weekends all right thank you
Channel: Yoon Kim
Views: 174,187
Rating: 4.8604145 out of 5
Keywords: Navy Clothes, Navy Boot Camp Folding Clothes, Navy Boot Camp Clothes, How To Fold Navy Clothes, How To Fold Navy Boot Camp Clothes, how to fold clothes in the Navy, how to fold clothes in the military, how to fold clothes in the army, how to fold clothes in the air force, how to fold clothes in the Marines, navy, boot, camp, 2017, 2018, yoon, kim, just, folding, clothes, in, the, military, usn, marines, army, recruit, sailor, airman, bmt, rtc, coast, guard, air, force, grunt, instructor, drill, to
Id: aZC1gBFGvjo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 42sec (1062 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 30 2015
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