How I Went From $200 to $130,000 Within 5 Years In The Navy - JustYoon Military Money

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Everybody welcome to today's video I'll be sharing with you how I went from 200 to 130 000 within five years of being in the navy This video is a summary of what I did from june of 2015 to june of 2020 If you have a question leave it in the comment section down below as well as I highly recommend that you join the discord community where I created this community because you can interact with me as well as other people who are Well on their way to achieve financial independence through the military It is something that I wish I had access to early on in my financial journey Prior to joining the navy I do not come from a money background. I only had a strong desire to achieve financial independence That desire has led me to read books such as robert kiyosaki's rich Dad poor dad george s classen's richest man in babylon four laws of debt free prosperity by blaine harris secrets of the millionaire mind by t harv ecker think and grow rich by napoleon hill And the list goes on and on there's a there's a good handful of books that I have read that I can't recall But those are the ones that still stand in my mind that I would still go back to even till today to remind myself some of the philosophy some of the Strategies that was talked about in that book that I still applied to today. So the first thing that I want to share is I Consistently learned learning about finances learning about business and investing Was instrumental for me to achieve what I was able to achieve in 2015 I consumed a lot of content on youtube. I would type in the search Anything related to money money management and one person that stands out to me in that space during that time Was a youtuber that goes by project life mastery in? 2016 I began to take interest in investing and I would search on youtube any videos that I could get my hands on related to investing one person that stands out to me is jeremy newsom by But that was trading and not investing And the other person that I consumed a lot of content from that time was tai lopez That's when he really popped off and you know He had that here in my garage lamborghini and books type stuff and I enrolled in his accelerator course where I paid a thousand dollars Which was a lot of money for me at that time in 2017 I began investing in april, and I continued to consume a lot of content as much as I could get From whatever sources from youtube and also tai lopez as well as books In 2018. I continued to consume a lot of content on youtube one person that stands out during that time was pat that david from valuetainment continued to consume a lot of tai lopez's material from his accelerator course as well as his youtube material and I Continued to read a lot of books and one book that stands out to me the most during 2019, uh, 2018 Excuse me is tony robbins is unshakable When I read that book, I think I I believe I paid 30 For that book and I was reading it right about december of 2018 and during that time the market was going into a correction And that book helped me understand exactly what was going on with the market And I was able to pivot really quickly and invest heavily into facebook that I still have today two years later And that investment Right of thirty dollars to read that book Has turned into well over eleven thousand dollars in unrealized gain currently from my facebook shares In 2019, I went on deployment and I read a lot of autobiographies From muhammad gandhi helen keller nelson mandela robert iger Let's drought survival stuff and I downloaded a lot of videos as much as I could whenever we hit Different countries and I had wi-fi from gary vaynerchuk cooper investing jeremy from financial education pap david and etc in 2020 after I finished my deployment in january, I still continued to consume a lot of youtube content about anything related to Money financial management investing and etc. I also enrolled in an investopedia course 350 for three courses Joined jim kramer's action alerts plus membership As well as joined jeremy from financial education's financial fortress, and I paid 5 000 Which is a lot of money for me And the lessons that I learned within his course, I am very confident that i'll be able to get that 5 000 back and probably within my lifespan i'll be able to Get a hundred times return that five thousand dollars. So my personal philosophy Is that my level of financial knowledge? directly reflects my level of financial net worth Because I educated myself on personal finance before I joined the military I made sure that I got rid of any debts as well as Not have anything and not have any expenses that are going to hold me back So when I joined the military I had a clean Slate for many years. I keep track of my money using an excel spreadsheet down to the penny It is very important for me and my own personal philosophy that I can keep track of one percent of my money Eventually, I want to achieve becoming a deca millionaire right having 10 million dollars And I the way I view it if I can't manage even one percent of my money I don't know where it's going when I have 10 million dollars one percent is a hundred thousand dollars That's a lot of money if I can't figure out where that's going. It's a big problem so I wanted to make sure I developed a great habit very early on and I keep track of my money using an Excel spreadsheet if you haven't seen my video where I talk about exactly how I keep track using the excel spreadsheet I have a video about it highly recommend it in the comment section down below My golden rule to military financial independence is to save a thousand dollars each month I joined the navy as an e1 getting paid a thousand four hundred dollars every single month And I realized within a five-year contract as long as I saved Consistently I should be able to get out with sixty thousand dollars and with the other four hundred dollars that I got I needed to live a humble lifestyle and not spend all four hundred dollars Throughout the years as I started to rank up and the longer you stay in the military the more you get paid that golden rule turned to a platinum rule of maintaining a humble lifestyle And saving the rest so that thousand dollars each month turned to a thousand two hundred and fifty Thousand and five hundred thousand and seven fifty to two thousand two thousand two hundred and fifty to now Two thousand and five hundred dollars each month next is investing I've always had a youtube channel ever since I was in high school It started out by doing origami card games men's style Despite how I look now. I had a men's style channel I also have a watch repair channel to what you see now at just you Military finance youtube channel when I was most active from 2016 2017 to 2018 I made a lot of videos and through that work through that period every single month it generated me two To three hundred dollars every single month to now that i'm a little bit inactive. It still generates me 150 Each month but going on with the platinum roll. I was able to utilize those funds To live off of so every single month my military paycheck went straight to savings and straight to investing In the stock market, I started investing in april of 2017 and during that time by the end of 2017 I put all my money I had right about 20 000 into the stock market It was very common for me from 2018 to early 2020 this year to have one dollar in my checking account and one dollar in my savings account because all the money that I have and made always went to the stock market the only exception to this glass cannon lifestyle was when I like to take Vacations every single year I go to brazil Korea, or disney world or when I was stationed in virginia? I would like to go home to pennsylvania to see my family every two to three months and so from april of 2017 when I had about 20 000 to june of 2020 to 130 000 the compound annual growth rate is 86 which is factoring in all the money that I made from the navy going into the stock market the money that I Made from google that went to the stock market, uh, the realized gain as well as the unrealized gains is what makes up 230 000 Lastly is humility Inside and out inside humility to me My definition is not being cocky not saying oh I know enough that I can be good on my own if you see Throughout the years and even still now i'm spending a lot of money Educating myself within five years. I spent right about ten thousand dollars on courses as well as education material and books So that's inside humility in practice and outside humility is not bragging not Flashing money and you might be thinking well You you're you're you're gloating of how you're at 130 000 and I see that in the comments section down below there's a clear difference between marketing and bragging and gloating right and showing off materialistic things If I could could I buy a tesla and show it on my instagram and say oh look how successful I am I could but that's that's not outside humility. That's the opposite right that's gloating that's the thing that I want to stay away from right so maintaining Inside humility as well as outside humility throughout the years was very important to me and I still continue That practice and it's something that I personally still believe in that's going to contribute to my ultimate success of becoming a decca millionaire All right Here's a bonus two mistakes that I made and i'm sharing this with you in hopes that you don't make the same mistake On your military financial journey number one is I didn't focus on making rank it took me a very long time to make rank had I focused a lot more on studying for the military instead of studying with the stock market and all that kind of stuff those could have Coexisted I could have studied a lot about finances in the stock market as well as the military But I was all about the stock market and business and all that kind of stuff So it hurt my military career very early on because had I focused and made rank faster. I would have gotten A lot more money within my five years I personally believe just a rough estimate. I would have made anywhere from five to ten thousand extra money. Number two is I learned incorrectly I didn't have anybody to talk to I didn't have anybody to interact with I didn't have a mentor That's why my discord chat discord community is so important Because you can interact with not only me but other people who are also like-minded and as well as there's two individuals that I know Verified one person two and a half years in he's got like sixty thousand dollars Another person about four and a half years in he's got about eighty thousand dollars you can interact with them You can interact with the community share your thoughts share your opinions See what mistakes you're making see where you need to learn Uh, it's so important and I highly recommend it If you haven't joined the discord community link down in the description So that's exactly what I did within my five years Hope you got a lot of value from this I enjoyed Doing this series from the very beginning from how I went from 200 to 10 000 to 200 to 20 30 40 50 60 80 90 100 to now 130 000 It's a big milestone for me. Thanks for watching guys. Thanks for sticking around. See ya
Channel: Yoon Kim
Views: 2,835
Rating: 4.9106145 out of 5
Keywords: JustYoon, $200 to $130000, Money, Military Money, Success In The Military, Navy, Korean American, Sailor, Yoon Ho Kim, Money In The Navy, Money In The Military, Money In the Army, military money, Military Pay, Navy Pay, Army Pay, Marine Pay, Air Force Pay, military benefits, getting paid in the military, how to join the military, how much do you make in the military, military pay and benefits, single military pay, enlisted pay, military pay 2020, navy payment, army payment
Id: iPfPG75EqaU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 49sec (769 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 20 2020
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