How to Fix War Thunder Crashing,Not Launching,Won't Launch,Freezing,Stuttering,FPS

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hello everyone welcome back to the gaming flow and in this video we're going to talk about how to fix War Thunder the game is having crashing issue it is not launching won't launch or having freezing and structuring stuck overloading screen low FPS drop even black screen for many of the users and how you can fix these steps or how we can fix this issue so just follow these instructions that's going to definitely help you guys out the first one is all about you have to start with a simple restart and that's what we have to do for doing a simple restart you just need to go over here click on this one you have to find the gain okay the game is here okay now from here we just need to go over here click on this one go for this one and go for restart so restart is a mandatory when it not only four or thunder you can try with a restart for every single game when they started behaving unexpectedly and they're having these kind of Errors because simple restart is actually a solution to many problems you can start with a simple restart if that is not working we have to move to the next step that is all about we have to verify Integrity of game file for this we just need to go over here in the game right click and go to properties now from here go to install it files there is an option called verify Integrity of game file so if we click on this one what happens is this will be cross checking every single files of a game and they will be cross checking if any files are corrupted and they will be cross sticker from there and if any files are having missing over their character and these kind of troubles if anything else missing you'll be having the trouble at the same time if any files are corrupted you'll be having a lot of trouble so they're going to help you guys out to fix this particular issue so you can try with if any files are corrupted as well as if any files are missing we can try with this so it's going to take a bit of time because the game is around 48 GB so we are in the middle of shooting so I'm gonna skip the sub each but you have to wait unless it get completed and once you're done with this you can launch the game and see whether the issue is solved or not after trying with this one if the issue is still persisting we have to move to next run that is instead of launch the game frame steam try launch the game from the installation folder and this did worked for many users so you can try this out as well launch the game frame the installation folder not from the state for launch of the game we have two method one there is a shortcut from Steam another one we can navigate to using the file explorer so I'll be showing you both so first click over here in the game right click and go to properties now from here go to install it files over here and go to browse now as you can see just close this and you can see that you will be getting a folder like this with this PC local is C program file x86 steam steam apps common War Thunder so this is the game so you can launch the game frame here you can launch the War Thunder from here and you can check whether the issue is solved or not but in most cases when we launch the game from the over here in this one the issue has to be fixed because sometimes steam is causing the trouble so that's why we launched the game from the installation folder but sometimes this won't even fix so we can try two more steps from the same installation folder that's going that's why I'm going to show you this the next step is all about we need to run the game as an administrator so hence we're in the installation folder you can just click on the application over here right click and go to show more options properties Gucci compatibility now frame here go to rent this Pro sorry run this program as an administrator go for apply and go for ok and try launch the game and this is what we have to do so sometimes this also fix the issue you can try with launch the game from the installation folder that is also gonna fix you guys out so you can try with this next one is all about we can try with running the game in the compatibility mode the street worker for many users as well for this we just need to go over here in this icon right click and go to show more options go to properties go to compatibility now from here you can see there is a compatibility mode select this one that's called in this program in compatibility mode first set is to Windows 7 set this to Windows 7 go for apply and go for ok if Windows 7 is not working you can set this to Windows 8 go for apply and go for ok and see whether the issue is solid or not this is going to work for you as well in most cases the street worker so also keep in mind so we have done around three steps here but if you're proceed into the next few and even after trying all these things still not working but I request you can make one change over here you can go to the properties and undo this particular steps in the compatibility mode keep rest steps that is run this program as an administrator and move to the next step next step is nothing but we need to make sure the windows language is set into English so most users across the glopsum users end up in using the windows language in their native language for example like Chinese Japanese Arabic which can cause the issue so we don't know so we have we do we cannot take any risk so for this just go over here in the search go for settings now frame here go to time and language now go for language and region now from here you have to click on ADD language and search for English if you're in any other native language you can search for English and set the language in English and once after that go back go to the date and time make sure the time and time zone is turn it on you should not be turning this on you have to make sure the time and time zone should be turned on once you close this and go back and try launch the gate next one is all about you can try with launching the game using alt and tab so just click on the play button but keep in mind you can try with launching the game but by clicking on the play button you have to press alt and tab from the keyboard just press alt and tap from the keyboard This did work it for many users so you can try this out press alt and tab from the keyboard while launch the game while you're hitting on the play button which is green so that might work but in my case in my personal knowledge District worker for games for me the street worker for games like you know dead space and it did work out for uh you know Star Wars hit worker for me so we can try with this next one is all about you can try with the next step that is all about we need to delete the saved game file for this we just need to go over here in the file explorer over here go to this PC and go to documents and here you will be finding the folder and you'll be having the folder named War Thunder if you're trying to play the game and saving each progressions so you can delete the respective folder and keep in mind you will be losing all the saved game files but that is fine but that is that did work out for a few users we can try this out as well next one is all about nothing but we have to allow the game's Windows security for this reason we have to go over here in the search and search for control panel here go for control panel and click on this one now go food system and security and go for Windows Defender Firewall now go to 11 amp or feature through Windows Defender Firewall now keep scrolling down and navigate to W and over here you will be able to find War Thunder so over here in the W you can see the War Thunder is already added make sure the private and public should be checked this is an important step so if it's not and you can add it by default just click on the change settings and go for hello another app go for browse now from here go to this PC go to local list C go to program filex 86 go to steam go to steam apps over here now from here go to Common now frame here go to war Thunder now frame here we have to find the launcher and you have to open it and go for add I'll be getting the error because it's already added so once you add it you can try launch the game next one is all about nothing but we have to unclick all the USB devices so you might be connected with many things like Mouse joystick Logitech Wheels any other hotels Etc so you have to remove everything from the game launch the game once the game is successfully launched just connect back the mouse even controller if you wanted to continue the game with these controllers so once after that you can check this for cut for few users I found this firm Reddit so you can try this out next one is all about you what you need to do is we just we need to disable the steam overlay for this we just need to go over here right click and go to properties now from here you can check this has to be turn it off you have to turn this off and try launching the game if this is not working we have to move to the next one that is nothing but we have to go for launch options here so the first command is dx11 you can try with dx11 and launch the game if dx11 is not working we can go over here and type this dx12 try with dx11 or either dx12 any one of the thing has to be worked so either go for d x 11 or dx12 and most probably that's going to help you guys out as well so try launching the game next one is all about we can try with the next step that is all about we need to run the game on dedicated graphics card for this we just need to go over here in the search go for graphic settings now from here we can see they have already added the game same way we need to add the game so just click on the browse now from here we need to go to this PC which will actually see go to program filex 86 keep scrolling down go to steam go to steam apps go to Common now frame here go to war Thunder so you have to select the launcher and add it so now it's added but we need to make few more chains that you just need to click on the option and set the performance from let Windows decide to high performance and go for save save this and try launch the game and that's going to work for you as well because when we are launching the game this will be utilizer in the maximum performance so you will not be having any kind of crashing issue so just close this and go back and see whether the issue is sorted if it's not working we have to try with the next one that is all about we need to increase virtual memory for this reason we have to go over here in the search go for view Advanced system settings go to Advanced go for settings go to Advanced once again go for Change and over here as you can see this has you have to select the local disk where the game is installed and in my case it is C but you have to make sure this is unchecked and go for custom size give the value for initial size and maximum size initial size is 1.5 times the total dram and maximum size is three times the total drum go over here in the search go for calculator so type your RAM so my Ram is 32 GB so I have to multiply this with 1 0 2 4 that brings you this and multiply with 1.5 that brings you this as well go for 49 152 so just paste it next one is all about you have to try with 32 GB into one zero two four and multiply this with 3 that brings you ninety eight thousand three not four and you have to copy this and paste it as well set this up a restart is a mandatory and try launch the game if that's not working next one is all about we need to update the windows for this just go over here in the search go for settings over here go to Windows update update the windows to the latest version and try launch the name because for running these kind of games which is high end beneath the windows up to date as well as graphics card so if the windows is up to date you don't you just need to move to the next step that is all about we have to go to graphics card so I'll be providing a link in the description to both Nvidia as well as AMD the Nvidia users they just have to go over here select the respective product type product series product operating system Etc so over here you have to select the gfos you have to sell the respective predict type which is according to your computer's configuration once you select this one you have to try with the next one so with respective one so I'm on Windows 11 so I have to select Windows 11 you can do accordingly based upon your operating system then go for start search and you'll be getting the latest released versions over here now as you can see 536.40 is released 1 so you can download this and install and restart the PC if you run the AMD you have to go over here in the graphics you have to select this one now from here go to submit and we'll be getting the versions over here like if you're on the Windows 11 you can download this one if you're on Windows 10 you can download this one install restart is a mandatory and try launch the game even after trying still not working you can also try with installing Microsoft Visual C plus plus so you can search for this one and I'll be providing Link in the description so you don't have to worry so you have to download this one if you're on x x 64 based system either on and x86 you can download this one in start restart is a mandatory even after trying with all these things and still the issue is not working the last and the least step is all about you can try with uninstalling and reinstalling it back for this just go over here in the game right click and go to manage and install the game but keep in mind when you wanted to reinstall the game you should not be installing back on the same local disk you can change the position of local list from C to D or any other thing so this is what we have to do so these are the possible workaround which you can try out when you're having an issue with War Thunder is having an issue and I hope this video is helpful and if you find this really helpful don't forget to subscribe and click on the Bell icon for more these kind of videos bye bye see you soon
Channel: Gaming Flaw
Views: 8,067
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Id: TPAzyLqkkvg
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Length: 13min 24sec (804 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 10 2023
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