NOOB in F-16 VS PRO in Lower BR Plane - Pro Wins, Plane Gets Worse - WAR THUNDER

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today we take a pro who's one of the best pilots in War Thunder deafen also known for his incredible videos on YouTube and put me who's never flown a jet before I've even taken off from a Runway against each other to see how well a pro can do in an inferior aircraft against a noob in an F-16 well the technological Gap proved to be all the noob needs or will the skill of a pilot show just how important they are today we find out [Music] oh you're pretty new then yeah pretty new all right well should we dive into the first one yeah sure uh let me I'm going to start with the 29 I think okay what you're gonna play this F-16 I'll do F-16 I'm not sure if this map is too small but we'll see I wanted to mapping a little bit of terrain because like when I start transitioning to props and stuff uh I don't want to get missiled across the map oh well I don't even know how to use those so all right oh I'm sorry to move see if I can see you I think the map is big enough okay this boom cloud is yeah that's only that I run you at like Mac one so a little bit over and a little bit on the I'm gonna keep my smoke on because you I'm on the deck by the way you're I'm directly below I see uh Howitzer at about three kilometers right below me you don't see me like have a meter behind you you're behind me oh okay do you want to put that on the on the key that you can just press I don't forget about and what it's going to do it's going to put or paint a box in front of your nose and if you put me in that box you'll get a local me so you can actually also use radar missiles oh deep and and that's and that's all you need Sonic Boom Cloud really blinds here yeah you just push through it all right definitely I'm not gonna let you pass me this time you gotta find out where you are now I know where my C button is no secret technique the C button I feel Pro already oh you might want to look down then let's go down dang all right we're getting the 4GS and I lost control already barely okay that's one more thing we have to do then the first one is sending you back to the hangout but the second one is going to uh oh deaf and you're brutal but right now you have a crew that shut up for a biplane and you're flying at Mach 1 and now I don't have radar missiles and stuff either anymore well I have something but it's not really worth it now like in ground battles how I can turn grass off can I turn off the sonic boom that blinds me uh yeah you can by going to ultra low quality but the game just looks horrible so I'll spare my viewers eyes now what's the fe8 is that a 10.0 you said yeah yeah times right okay now this thing kind of specializes in dog fighting but it's no F-16 you know I've I've noticed when I lose control my turning tends to work better no now how do I know it's locked on it's flashing yeah you get like a rut Circle oh I think I I think we've got you I think we've got you oh no no no no I'm uh almost to you already I'm like yo side of the map oh you should be able to see me I'm low I'm low I'm on your left left low in the valley you helped me so much Devin you shouldn't be doing this yeah well I need you to come to me because I'm not quick enough [Music] how are you in nine uh it's an A40 A3 uh 9.3 yeah can we do it I'm going to get one shot if I miss it I'm completely screwed [Music] oh can we do it oh the countermeasure thing oh I hope you forgot about it I I actually had to push four or five buttons before I think actually finding it okay I see what you're trying to do there my engine's gone 8.3 now okay which one did I have selected oh here it is me 163 this is fun this is both going to be super easy and super annoying at the same time okay okay oh wait I forgot about something I don't know oh no I could build about one very important thing and that's that I don't have flares anymore oh yeah I lost control again watch out my turn he's gonna get lethal okay dude seriously I don't know what it is but my turning just gets so much better when I lose control it might be a severe effect of placebo maybe if I oh can I do it yes until even worse Beyond okay what do you where are you at now uh seven seven fatc no this is this is not gonna be fun this is probably the worst BR to get through I'd rather be in a pro really I'm not gonna lie yeah I'd rather be in a probe wow all right just don't see me are we good okay can I can I catch you off very close oh dang you are very close no don't run away don't do it you're good just I I maybe just stay here just stay here just don't don't run don't run we good I'm actually trying to go towards you okay oh no we're just still going to tune in here oh no oh you're flash fitting oh yes Victory is that it I can't even get out of this now I can play another rat vehicle as we call it I'm gonna get ripped to shreds for sure uh this thing might actually be really annoying okay so what are you doing right now well the bi1 6.7 uh better turning uh not necessarily yeah I got my engine off so you can do that so my missiles don't lock on because yeah I took my engine off yeah this gun does absolutely nothing holy holy man this gun does absolutely nothing I don't even have any control of my plane there it is this is it oh man oh no I don't I'm not looking forward to this in the slightest okay now you're so fast hold well eight I'm going 600. speed has not been an issue for you aiming these things is hard yeah I'm glad so I can't quite turn in and get you but if I get myself a little bit more distance and then come back at you yeah I'm basically done yeah let me try and do that instead half the battle is just fighting Finding Me force and finding you oh yeah wow that's a little loud it's only 800 meters guys yeah it can be no I'll try to try a 109 I guess okay no mercy I feel like the only chance I have is the missiles that's why I wanted this map now you see me don't pretend it's a matter of okay Jed out okay go to a biplane or something uh what play no I know a biplane actually oh this this is actually going to suck because I'm just going to be flying in place basically everything that you've you've done you said this is gonna suck and it always ends up sucking for me all you do make a point but this is truly going to suck because I am actually going to be flying in place and it's just gonna turn into headlines basically that's how I cannot oh my gosh and you actually hit me did I even get you no the thing is like I can basically only pray for headons and per second it's a different angle I I can't really do anything okay so I'm basically forced to just pitch into these shots try to get a shot in and then move yeah that's what I mean I can't Dodge that's the issue I'm literally just a helicopter
Channel: Thunder with Muffin
Views: 1,202,753
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 52sec (592 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 07 2023
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