I Played 600 HOURS of War Thunder and got Gaijined

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good morning everyone my name is Friesen and in this video I played 600 hours of War Thunder in this video I'll show you both the highs and the lows of my journey as well as the progress that I made through the tech tree and how you can do the same or so that you can tell me you did it in like 10 hours in the comments anyway this is going to be quite a long video so let's get into it and I hope you enjoy [Music] thank you another oh no button watch out there's a mountain mountain pull up pull up plop uh no I think this j29 okay let's have ideas closer this thing doesn't take much thought luckily [Music] oh the 30 mils do though I'm just gonna um oh wait no that on my team kill actually okay no thank God it's not an I know this plane is stupid you can just like easily win fights and full of tears it's it's not even fair oh we might have some takers for a hat on over here one down and two down two down new best plane in the game I'm telling you no this thing's awful seriously I get to use an aircraft carrier Charis is so cool I love this thing so much show me they don't have carriers on more maps because they are really fun to take off from look at us oh it's so cool this thing seems like it's quite hard to balance on Landing oh wait no what yo this guy made a friend I love the smoke so much dude look at us oh surely he's gonna yes yes or yo look we've got a friend again no watch your prop dude watch your prop oh my you are pushing your luck mate that was that was incredibly close to ending in disaster no oh no no no no no oh okay okay glad we left oh so much fun oh and what the hell just happened there what he just smacked the if it was the start of the game I would get it but like what's happening please oh and he's coming back in oh no there's another one and he's just yeah um your plane can do that don't don't go too fast or you will hit the ground okay I gotta reverse these two we can do the saber roll though at least oh that should have done more damage but oh what oh look does it say bro we get to watch him eat oh that's the missile bam that was cinematic yeah didn't have them in Korea did they unlucky yeah I wouldn't recommend playing the f-84 off actually no that's not even the ground strike one oh what a shot I'm going Esports oh no guys the 288 look they're so so hard to kill oh no he almost had me there oh what a shame oh wait my gun's actually jammed [Music] yeah how do you struggle with killing these things okay cool chat it would be a shame if some 6.0 property kind of embarrass you oh I love this thing so much and we've got our first victim it looks like no idea what plane that is but oh he got one tab that's probably my cleanest shot yet actually enjoying these us props come here come here bud all right why would you even pull into that that was such a bad head-on and just gotta wait a minute to get into range that was still probably too far up but we'll try to lock him up again okay that had more range than I thought that missile just went team cool mode yeah so this guy's been sitting into that field for like five minutes thinking that it's gonna save him from everything except he's sitting completely still so I'm just gonna dive on him and drop kick him uh let's just hope we can get into range yeah that's go dogs the player yeah a little tip for any of you in early Jets if you see this thing me 163 just run like it's not even for just leave that's your only chance of staying alive um what are you that really wasn't the best play dude all right I got a couple of you wondering how you like actually use energy in a plane and get good so I'm coming at this j22 like a lot quicker that was actually kind of a lucky head-on but all you got to do is just do this pull straight up and over him because he doesn't have the energy to try to go up after me so all you want to do is just go up and just sort of sit here until he until like he gives a six to you because he's just way too slow to do anything else and from there you just drop back down and you can pull this thing is too much ammo so you just keep shooting until he dies but that's how you play vertical essentially and yeah he's diving on me all right watch this we're gonna make him to compress into the ground I love doing this so much because he doesn't realize oh and smack he's gone way too quick oh wait hold on watch this this will give those A10 compilations a run for their money oh this is always fitted the two six two oh so satisfying um hold on I might actually get a good fight with this guy here just gonna do the same thing that I did with the prop earlier just oh wait no he's going up with me all right let's go I don't think this is what you want to do if you're in an A4 but I mean sure just roll under his guns right there and we still have more than enough energy to just pull straight over him again this thing is almost unrivaled on the vertical you need like an me163 or something to actually fight it oh we're just gonna have to take this guy straight on hold on that should not have worked all right I've never used this thing before so we'll see how this goes but that's the guns wait this what these guns are insane holy crap I'm really bad at using this thing but we'll see how this goes um keep pulling keep pulling this Milan is not gonna win eventually nice I think I'm still trying to like overlaid in this thing but you can get some insane shots in there just like that gosh I love this thing's guns so fun all right now we just gotta try to blame with this thing oh nice I'm actually starting to get better with these guns but they're still so hard to use so why do you want to take this thing in a head-on oh he's just never experienced sorry and here we go a lot more planes below us yeah this thing has a pretty good climb rate the one good thing about 50 counts is it doesn't matter how much you miss there's still enough Hammer to get the kill I forgot just how much of a pain in the ass these things would deal with [Music] hold that hey [Music] uh he looks like he's getting shot at oh oh my how did he not kill me what uh this probably won't work but I'll try it anyways might as well wait that actually is gonna hit unlucky come on bud please stick this look you can do it oh he's actually chasing us let's go this thing is unrivaled on the vertical you're just gonna dunk on absolutely everyone oh okay I shouldn't speak too soon yeah hey what's the matter Bud where's your energy gone huh might need that and yeah that's just a skill issue unlucky I've never actually flown this thing so it might be a bit interesting but looks like he's pretty occupied I'll just go down this verbal should be easy oh oh got a shot on him what people said this plane's guns were bad what are you on you you can't tell me this is bad uh-huh I am the FX Predator now stupid su-11s one of the most broken premiums in the game only one by one of the most broken planes in the game all right I'm gonna head on them because that's the only play I have oh no he dodged wait hold on I'm just gonna oh that was clean just slice his wings straight off Ash no no no no no oh wait he's going way too fast oh this thing is actually so good if you know how to use it yeah skill issue this thing has all the aerodynamics of a brick with a rocket engine strap to it okay well it does have two nine dollars though so I'll just try to make the most of these this will probably be my only kill on this thing to be fair so please hit him he's flowering yes saying this but this guy probably has flurs but watch he just won't flare anyway yep I I don't it's just one button bind it all right hold on I'll just deal with this guy okay I couldn't pull it in time that's fine these guns are pretty good I wonder if I can just like oh oh yes I can wow I've been fighting this guy for like a minute now I think I'm finally getting ground on him or he's trying to pull me vertical which is not a very good idea for him because I've got a rocket booster no one else is around here I'm just gonna try to take this then [Music] um yeah all right we've won look at the speed difference that was an incredible fight by the way and that's the end good fight I'm just gonna kick this guy to the curb real quick [Music] um yeah that's your level I hate head-ons on this thing they're so janky Explorer Mr xb50 I'm just gonna pitch up into them why isn't he going vertical okay whatever I'm not even gonna question the xb50 players anymore for reference all he needed to do was just I'm working my shot too bad hold on Hawking and aiming sod all you needed to do is just like go up and I would be dead but instead he's now on the defensive and he's just turning straight into my shots I'm yeah there we go I cannot hit these guns anymore I've been playing Jets way too much [Music] uh unless if I can just get a finishing here no I'm just gonna yeah you need to do that like 30 seconds ago unfortunately yeah xb50 everyone best premium there is all right looks like those two have got the f80 unlock I'm just gonna keep running back to base and I should be all good but what the hell happened there they'd hit each other nice well done uh leave me alone oh my God this thing is such a pain in the ass I think he actually left though finally yeah alrighty's gone nice oh wait no we aren't making this no no no no no no no no no all right I'll be not gone to gone to um how are we gonna okay this looks all right pull up pull up nope ah okay [Music] I think he wants to fight us we gotta be a bit careful because he's a horrible boy but we have a lot more energy so I think we should be all right to take it there is another plane down there we just got to make sure we don't get third party but I don't think we will no one else is on the radar so we should be all right I think I haven't seen anyone else around either so I think we're actually free to take this fight um I'm just gonna drop Landing flaps install out on top of him oh wait you yeah I yeah [Music] um I will be the first to admit this is not optimal um we dodged the lightning at least he's got to make another oh Harry's behind us no no okay how did that not hit away we can probably get a shot here um under lead this this okay nope and the Lightning's come in we got to take the head on again please all right those are way too high oh and that's a friendlies missile thank you oh wait what oh he rammed me for I was just beating a kid in Clash Royale really uh this is not an honorable way of getting RP but it's the one I've chose at this point uh [Music] oh that wasn't intended we become a yo-yo the hell okay this guy's made a horrible mistake going vertical we should just be able to clean up this kill for the win why did it all I had to do is just go straight what and there's no more players left so we're just gonna start taking out some AI teammate stole that one before this one I think that's all the planes left so I just go kill some tanks kinda wish we had more maps like this like all the tanks and stuff like fighting each other what ah really come on dude you hold the button for like five seconds that wasn't even accidental really I'm just gonna return the favor dude that's so stupid you can't even say that like your finger slipped or something that was so completely intentional all right but actually I just hit the wrong keyboard but stay mad I'm gonna go post this on Reddit to show how old German made it so salty damn well I have no ammo the stupid plane before eight at all why these guns are so awful now I that's why I can't kill anything with them ah I swear I've been trying to shoot this guy down for like an hour and a half finally a crib you just die please you're kidding I I don't even all right let's not overdue here that should be good all right now I just oh are you joking no this guy thinks that I stole his kill even though I really didn't he didn't even hit the guy it was ages away and he's still pissed about it okay piece of crap all right we're just gonna pull over him I swear I've seen his name before what shot that hit come on [Music] what the actual Gaijin for sake do your job I hate 50 cows I hate 50 cows what the is that what we've got this guy dead to right hit hit critical four 30 mils I hate this game I hate this game I hate this game I hit please finally Why didn't it let me move why why can my teammates stop moving I'm trying to kill oh I hate that what am I supposed to do here how am I supposed to be killed is I think we got him [Music] really dude holy he's actually aimboarding teammate teammate helped me help me please oh [Music] all right why am I still going up why am I still going up what is this I can't control my what oh off dude excellent shut the up and before we get into the next part of the video I just got to interrupt you really quick to ask you to subscribe like and comment and I know this is really cringe and generic but essentially making these videos takes a lot of time and I don't really have that time essentially without you guys without the community I wouldn't be able to do this so if you could please help me out it goes so much farther than you think either way if you have thank you so much I appreciate you and let's get back into enjoying the content actually one more thing before I do that one is I just want to say that I read all my comments because I didn't put that in the video anywhere so I'm lazy I'm just gonna throw it in here and two this guy commented on the last video and I don't know about you but that seems kind of terrifying I I wouldn't I wouldn't leave that one down to John's I would recommend subscribing oh my tablet for like half a second of my teammates dead um okay he's still on the runway who killed him then oh this guy is he trying to I'm just gonna kill him anyways don't kill your teammates kids uh you're welcome no worries oh no I gotta Dodge this guy um well we we dodged him I guess but uh what now oh this Yak tree is about to steal my burning key 84 kill isn't he what no he actually isn't on Mad props dude thank you like everyone else would have just taken it thank you for actually being decent I swear the vampire looks kind of like a fish is that just me or is like oh no someone's behind me aren't they no okay yeah we got God Spot It God's smartest Swedish man behind me that's it oh no no no there's a tongue twister and a half I hate these guns so much okay we couldn't at least wait what the well what wait I had to watch this footage like five times to figure out what happened so I was shooting at the f84 here on the head-on this me262 is flying towards me those rounds right there that I just missed keep your eye on them and the other me262 flies straight into them I could not have done that if I got a thousand attempts at it that is insane oh let's see if I can still hit it yeah yeah it makes me like nostalgic for the 400 hours does damn that was a while ago I can't believe bro what the hell his landing gear just ejected from the Burning Plane what the oh I hate these guns oh wait no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no don't worry guys we didn't dive because I installed defens hack so I just bounced off the ground but I can't actually show you that or otherwise Gaijin would ban me no don't take my kill I want to get this please oh [Music] all right that was just beyond embarrassing oh my gosh I am intercepting the interceptor no the ground beat me to it nice oh no no no no no no no no no ah that missile was so intimidating that my wing just broke off out of fear interesting the whole team is on my one teammate bro no way the two savardest US jet players and let's watch this let's do 11 stuff it up without fail if you're wondering why I'm in this Relic or will be explained in a minute if you take a look at my SL count oh in the top corner there you'll see we have almost 1 million and I want to get to exactly 1 million and all we need to do in order to do this is just keep waiting until the repair cost goes down to 41. any moment now there we go and exactly 1 million SL beautiful I don't really know what the purpose for this was actually but wait hold on what if I just say I was tabbed out dogerman and he162 just fight me oh wait he's just there all right but oh it sits too late for that now you've made your choice I don't even feel bad he he quite literally asked for this so I thought that would have hit I don't know how we joke that I'm gonna go in for the dog fight okay I should have had that okay we hit the two-ton though that looks like a water leak no that's oil not mine oh no no no no no no we're alive and we are out of ammo okay this is an ideal um I'm gonna have to try to get close and I think I'm gonna go on for the ram this is such a scarfed fight but I want to win I want to win I want to get the kill I don't care I'm just gonna Ram this guy straight up come on oh oh he hit the tail nice oh Lord I was looking at the xb50 I was not paying attention to that guy okay we gotta reverse him here I'm just gonna try to stay away and tip to wingtip and no all right we're gonna nose counter [Music] and he's gonna try to pull us into this rolling scissors I think [Music] he's starting to slide out in front he has much better retention than we do which we can kind of abuse and oh no he's gonna go vertical wait what what's he doing oh yes I've made friends this is genuinely like my favorite part of the game at this point oh if you see me please say hi this is so fun not only did I randomly meet someone who I already knew someone else recognized me as well incredibly low odds but I'm so happy it's so fun wait did they do they recognize me surely hold on I gotta kill these Grand targets first surely yes they do know me if you guys are watching hello anyways if you do see me in game um make sure to say hi because you might be in a video and anyway progress update time because I forgot to do that last video and I got yelled at so sorry I thought last video I'd finally remembered everything but I somehow forgot a progress update which the comment section quickly reminded me of so I'll give you one this time I've got nothing much has changed up here got a couple more planes spaded um as for down here we've got a couple new additions and this is where the real changes have been happening as you can see I've spaded this spated this spaded this the done the me163b I've done the A1A um I've almost got this thing done and as you can see I've unlocked the Mig 19s I've unlocked the f86k I've unlocked tl13 Mach 5 and then they changed it so now I need to unlock the cl13b Mark 6 to get to rank seven so thanks for stalling my grind there guy didn't real perfect timing as well as that I also need to get this thing now if I actually want to unlock the big boys in rank 8 so I have to get these two yeah I I don't even know at this point it's so slow um I'm not gonna show you my ground tree and I'm not going to show you the us because that is for another day another video it'll be coming soon don't you worry um as my British tree I have um researched quite a lot but I just haven't bought anything mostly just because I've been playing the C Vixen for SL because it's quite a fun plane to get sln and by that I mean less boring than the ju-288 which isn't really hard to beat and the last three which I've got to show you guys is the Swedish tree I don't know if I showed you this last time but I've got almost every rank sorry every rank one two and three I've got almost all of the rank fours and I'm 5 krp away from the sk60 so I think I'm gonna finish this progress update with unlocking this thing in a quick Swedish Montage so let's get straight into that and that should be more than enough RP there we go the sk60 done it all right that was too far for a head-on might be able to pull back in and get a shot okay crit I'm surprised I didn't one shot him because these guns have been really consistent um we should just be able to pull around behind but the guy below us go oh no there he is there he is um this will be this will be a bit difficult hold on I'm just gonna just got a break we gotta try to reverse him this thing is an insane roll right so we should be able to just sort of this he's gonna go off I bet no we didn't go up all right well we're done oh clean shot um let the other guy go um see oh wait he's behind us some okay he should have killed us there okay you're getting punished for that nope unlucky there's the 2V1 I cannot hit my shots again to the sky finally a crit jeez we got no ammo so I just gotta try to smack him roll roll oh okay I think we got a swing oh that was so stupid we I did not think I was going to hit that nice see ya bud bye bye Jesus Is My Friend you're gonna meet him soon please no it's not ready yet I've got so much stuff to do and this is the guy can you say hi to Jesus for me hold on ah there we go goodbye and finally occur and all right absolute legendary aim there let's go I hate Gaijin servers Gaijin what are you oh can't I can't the game let me it's over [Music] no crit why why [Music] off dude why what do you gain from that I don't what a Chad the other sk60 killed them thank you sir you have definitely gained my respect foreign [Music] okay the servers have been messing up all day I don't think it'll do anything though okay what what just happened huh that's a scale as you buddy what the hell why am I playing like bounce oi stop oh it's done that's an enemy I thought that was a teammate I wasn't the rolling shuttle please repair it I'm gonna get striped oh oh no there's one right there there's one right there oh my God don't kill me don't kill me don't kill me I'm just trying to repair why is that allowed I'm actually going to lose this game to ticket bleed incredible all I have to kill is just those two oh the game just ended they're right there this is such a dumb system what the what uh and we got another 100 hours reference nice [Music] whoa why what look at what is happening the shaders are having a stroke Jesus uh I think someone has stepped on the server hamster again oh I might want to might want to find another one pretty quickly here this is not looking too good what the hell is this emotion blur huh I don't think you needed to build a bridge there uh some janky terrain generation odd whoa it must be really windy [Music] whoa either here's a time machine or someone sat on the server hamster again and oh I think we might have actually DC this time everyone's just flying straight yeah rip [Music] yeah I just killed itself again [Music] oh that just kills you ah all right major update Sky Guardians just dropped go this thing which is uh it's another Phantom hooray of course the German MiG-29 this is the new girl we got this thing which I thought said something completely different um I should I just should finish researching the cl13 oh this is new [Music] Hunter 9.3 it probably won't be good probably just like a worse mig-19s then so I don't think this one will be good yeah just the 30 mil for items so I don't actually think it has flowers these look really good actually yeah these are these are really good for 9.3 hold on you can yeah you can buy this for GE right what it does wait what it has less hold up yeah oh my god well I'm just gonna joint this real quick slap it just the um in that case I'm just gonna pretty good reward modifiers as well I'm just gonna pop the missiles and flares immediately I think we just found the star of the next video because this is incredible luck that it was dropped here at this time because I was gonna have to use the Mig 19s which has better performance but it has no missiles at all and no flares so when the majority of you the play-ins that you're going to be playing against is like the a6e which has missiles it has m9l's which can lock you in from like a frontal aspect so they in your head on they can lock and kill you from up to two kilometers away and from the back it's around four and a half kilometers away and you just haven't like no defense mechanism against it except for flares which none of the German planes had at rank six but this thing has just saved my ass this looks really good as well like even if I wasn't grinding this out this is kind of insane at 9.3 I think oh wait and it just bypasses this thing as well because we got four out of four now are sick and you've reached the end of the video good job um before you click off I've got a couple of announcements as per usual of course if you haven't already subscribed like yada yada please do that that really helps but additionally we have a Discord if you want to chat with me or chat with anyone else from the community I am like almost always online there so feel free to join that outside of that the next couple of videos aren't going to be War Thunder I've got a Call of Duty video and a Terraria video which hopefully should be done soon even if you never played either one of those games it should be fairly simple to follow it either way so I am going to be taking a short break from creating War Thunder content I've got a couple other videos which are in the making but they'll be a bit farther down the line um I'm just burning out of making videos on War Thunder more so than anything mostly just because the videos and channels who do succeed creating War Thunder content is um uninspired would be a good way of putting it anyways I've been working on this project for the better part of two months now so it's I'm glad to finally have it done I hope you enjoyed it and as always I'll see you next time so goodbye [Music]
Channel: Freezed
Views: 1,705,669
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: War thunder, Freezed, War, Thunder, Freezed war thunder, 100 hours war thunder, Germany war thunder, War thunder guide, FreezedVegtal, Freezedvegetal war thunder, Gaijin, Gaijined, Gayjin, war thunder, bf109 war thunder, war thunder gaijined, war thunder skill issue, war thunder clips, war thunder rp, germany air, 100 Days War Thunder, 100 Days, me262, war thunder free to play, war thunder highlights, war, free to play jets, War Thunder gameplay, War thudner, freezed vegetal
Id: a0cv483Qsms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 32sec (2252 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 24 2023
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