How To Fix FPS Drops and Stuttering in Games - Optimize Your PC for Gaming. #gamelag #fpsdrop

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hey guys how you doing so the last time when I uploaded the video about PC game fixes many of you guys asked me about micro stuttering FPS lags in game so today I would like to show you guys the best fixes you can do to stop your games from stuttering and improve your FPS and make your games more stable so let's jump back to the fix number one so first fix is going to be with your page file so page file is like a ram a virtual Ram that works as a loading assess game files and textures into it when you don't have enough RAM so optimizing a page file in a certain way can really help your stuttering and like millisecond stutters and FPS drops in games in general it's the best fix you can do to random frame stuttering and frame drops first you open your PC then press right go to properties open Advan system settings go to Advan St and in the performance menu go to settings and in the settings window go to add stab and there you can see uh virtual memory and in there usually there will show us some random number here with your automatic settings that Windows set for you then press the change and here you will see your drives and where your page file is settings like automatically so untick the automatically uh setting and there you can see where your spage file isting in my case it's in C drive and need system manage size so usually this is how you're going to see your settings so to set it manually you have to press custom size in here you can see initial size and maximum size so best Val is to put in here to eliminate the FPS lag and FPS drops and RAM bottleneck is to determine what's your RAM capacity and set it as like I do to put the best custom file size to your page file is to put your Ram size into Mega Abes so it's only putting the megabyte sizes on these fields so you have to take exact number of your megabytes of your RAM and multiply it by two if you have 4 GB Ram you have to put it to megabytes and multiply by it two so open your calculator so if you have 4GB Ram that mean 4GB mean 4 and to put it to megabytes you have to multiply by it 1,24 so it's like 1,24 MB is equal to 1 GB you guys know that multiply it by 1,24 it mean 496 and multiply it by two 8,192 so that's the size you put in here this field and this field so if you have a 8 GB Ram 8 multiply it by 1024 81 92 and multiply it by 2 it means 16 384 so that's the number you're going to put in this field like 16 384 and 16 384 so so that's the number you're going to put in here if you have 8 GB Ram if you have 4 GB Ram you put 8192 like we calculated before if you have SSD in your system choose it from this menu and set your page file in the SSD so the more the system run into your SSD rather than HDD the f fter the processing type so SSD is always faster than HDD so you always put your page file on SSD if you got one if you don't have SSD it's all right you can use an HDD normal hard drive but if you have SSD prioritize your SSD to put your page file on the SSD in my case it's C drive my SSD so I set it and okay and okay and restart your PC uh after the restart you can go to your C drive and go to view hidden items and there you will see your page file in your drive where you set up in my case it's three drive so in there you can see your page file with the exact number you put on the settings menu so if you see this file here with the correct number that means you've done the page file settings correctly I guarantee that this will fix your random FPS stutters and random Ram bottlenecks that causes your FPS to go stutter in like millisecond or FPS drops in general and for the second method to reduce your lag and FPS stutters in games press right on your desktop go to display settings and scroll down to graphic settings click on it and there you can see a hard accelerated GPU scheduling option it usually is turned off by default so you have to turn it on and restart your PC to apply the changes so this option does is that when your CPU is struggling with the frames and high intensity workflow the GPU is helping it to ease the workload and like helping the CPU to process the everything happening in your game and make the frames more stable without letting CPU bottleneck usually the most common thing to games to get stuck or let the FPS drop and have random stutters is the CPU bottleneck like usually our GPU is kind of doing okay most of the time but the CPU is kind of get uh like strangled with the system processes and other background running applications and in the game so usually this helps to reduce the CPU bottleneck like immensely so restart your PC and apply this change also so the next fix is going to be disabling your game DVR type registry editor go into registry editor yes and go to HQ current user and in there go to system and click on the game config store there you will see uh the file name game DVR enabled double click on that for me it's already offed cuz it's zero you guys will see a one on here so delete the one on here and put zero on this field and press okay this going to disable to your game DVR game DVR is like Windows inbuilt game recording system that usually running underneath your game all the time in the background and will cause a few drops and FPS stuttering so disable it then you go back into to your registry edit again expand HQ local machine expand software go down and expand Microsoft and go down to policy manager expand it then expand default and go down all the way to application management and expand it and go down into game DVR just click on game DVR and there you will see a file name value double click on it and there you will see a one on your case in your PC you will see one as value data is one erase it and put zero and press okay yeah close the register editor and restart your PC so next thing you can do is set off your high Precision event timer so to it go to your device manager and go to system devices and right down here you can see high Precision event timer you click right on it and disable the and do restart the high Precision event timer does is like mess up your timing of your hardware and it can make the game stutter like crazy in some systems you can see in this chart like so much of different it can make on game so always make it off and restart so other huge thing you guys never notice is startup apps startup apps like ruining your performance in games without you even noticing what got installed into you while you're downloading stuffs and everything and they automatically start up when you start your PC so to disable startup apps like easily go to task manager go to Startup here you will see so much of list of things that you don't want to get to started while you are starting your PC or playing any games so disable everything that you don't want uh to start up when you are turning on the PC so it will hugely improve your loading times and FPS so next is thing you can do to reduce your FPS lag and stutter usually the CPU bottleneck disable your background apps open your background appps and turn it off none of this like usually going to help you with anything just turn it off and try the FPS increase like crazy so those are the best fixes that you can do to improve your FPS and stop your FPS stutterings and FPS drops and to make your game play so smooth so comment down below what else you guys want to know and what else games you want to see on this channel and to see any fixes to games and stuff and comment down below anything you want to know about video gaming and PC gaming in general so have a great day see you in next video goodbye
Channel: Nightmare Plays
Views: 18,888
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to fix fps drops, how to fix stuttering in games, how to fix stuttering, how to fix cpu usage 100 windows 10, how to fix cpu bottleneck, how to increase ram on pc, how to fix game lag on pc, how to increase fps in games, how to fix fps drops in fortnite, how to optimize windows 10 for gaming, how to optimize windows 11 for gaming, high cpu usage windows 10, ram fps boost, fix lag, how to fix game stuck in pc, increase processor speed, fix low fps in games, gta 6 trailer
Id: mf_lprzt41M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 29sec (569 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 02 2023
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