How To Fix USB Mouse Micro Stutter & Lag Problems In Windows 11

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this is Mike from mik unbox reviews and how to and on today's video we're going to be taking a look at something which is absolutely annoying but it's actually relatively hard to diagnose but I think I may have just dialed in so this video might be helpful to you if you're suffering from the phenomenon known as Mouse micro stutter now there's various reasons why you may have Mouse micro stutter so we're going to cover those first of all because it is actually important to kind of get some of the grind rules in place so you know whether it is actually a fault of your computer the hardware itself or maybe some other thing in your house which is affecting it so the first thing to do is to just kind of look over the basics now if you get your mouse the first thing to do is the obvious thing so if for some reason when you're actually scrolling around or moving around you find that every now and then your mouse cursor or your pointer just Skips a little bit there's obviously going to be a reason for it now it could be down to the USB some issue with the USB which is potentially what it could be we'll look at that later other things obviously physical damage to the sensor itself so you easiest thing to do is to look at the sensor which is generally at the bottom and just give it a clean make sure that it's got absolutely no debris on it whatsoever because that can trick the sensor so you can always grab yourself something like a Q-tip or cotton Bud as we call them here in the UK and just give the sensor a little bit of a clean sometimes they do get greasy and dirty Etc and even just by the human eye you may not detect it so do give your sensor a little clean that could be the answer to your problems now the next thing is going to be the fact is your mouse actually USB or is it Wireless if it's a wireless mouse then potentially could be Wireless interference Wireless mice generally work on the 2.4 GHz Spectrum which is also part of the Wi-Fi spectrum and also other devices in your house such as potentially a cordless telephone even your microwave possibly some smart devices so if you've got any of those in and around your desk area then potentially they could be causing interference so ideally what you want to do is if possible take your mouse and the wireless adapter into another room which has possibly less interference and give it a test in there perhaps with a laptop or some other type of device that you can plug your mouse into also something else you can try which actually in some instances will be better is physically plugging in your Mouse's USB port into a different port on the back of your computer if potentially you've got it into one of the front mounted ports those inherently can be unstable and are not always the best quality so as a little bit of a sanity check you can just plug in your USB to the back of your computer directly into your motherboard and try various ports perhaps try usb2 port or one of your faster USB 3 ports these can sometimes be problematic especially with the USB 3 ports as we'll see a little bit later due to the way that the drivers are actually installed in the system and they can actually increase latency or issues due to the polling rates but we'll take a look at that later on in the video so at this point now you've exhausted all of your kind of investigative things you've tried your mous on another computer and potentially you're getting the same thing or maybe you're not hopefully you're not in which case it does point to the USB port reports which is something we're going to take a look at next so we're going to go into device manager now I would say before you do this next process on your PC potentially you might want to firstly back up your PC and secondly make sure you don't have any other running applications on your computer so shut down as many things as possible if you've been working on a really really long word document and you haven't saved it yet of course do save that and uh get ready because we are going to have to turn off the PC in a slightly unconventional way so let's get straight on with it so this is our Windows 11 desktop and uh this mouse you can actually test your mouse to see if you've suffered from this problem so just do some gentle circles with your mouse and in some instances depending on your screen refresh rate you may see that there's uh more gaps in the mouse Trail than you would normally see or you can actually kind of feel it so it kind of almost like skips a beat now currently this is actually doing really well because I've actually cleaned this up earlier on today so it is working absolutely fantastic anyway let's take a look at what is going on so what we want to do is to go down to the start flag right click and we want to go into device manager now you can go to device manager other instances you can type in search bar Etc however you want to get there that is entirely up to you so when we're in device manager what we want to do is to go right down to the bottom here and these are the areas we're going to be looking at the universal serial bus controller and the universal serial bus devices so obviously USB Universal serial bus for those that weren't sure there's some things you can do if you look in controllers you'll see there's a whole bunch of stuff there if you've sorted over your motherboard platform maybe you've gone from AMD am4 to am5 or you've gone from Intel you've swapped out a motherboard and generally they have different controllers so what you can do is go into view and choose show hidden devices and you should see some in here which are gray out such as this one here so this is a device which has either been installed previously but is no longer in use or is not plugged in so the ones that are grayed out generally you can quite happily remove them so in order to do that highlight it right click and choose uninstalled device click on uninstall and it'll get rid of it so ideally what we want to do is have all of these solid and also for controllers and serial bus devices now yours may look slightly different but the principle is the same so we've done that the next thing we want to do is to actually make sure that the actual USB host controllers which are the important part of this actually have the right drivers so we can pretty much ignore all of these items down here such as The Root Hub Etc because all of these are actually extensions of these devices here so the top ones are kind of the more important one USB 2 is the one we're actually worried about least because quite often the USB 2 controller is actually a subsystem of the USB 3 controller sorry if this is going over your heads a little bit but it kind of should make sense so what we want to start off with is like I said if you haven't done so already close down any open applications programs anything which need to save in do that now because we will lose control of our keyboard and mouse very very shortly so what we want to do is to first of all go to our as media USB 3.1 host controller we're going to right click on it and we're going to choose uninstall device we'll get a warning coming up saying you do want to do this we're going to click uninstall you'll get the USB dingdong going on we've still got control of our Mouse so we're all good so that isn't the problem so we'll go through the the listings from the bottom working our way up so do uninstall device click on uninstall you'll hear some dinging of USB devices being disabled Etc but we've still got currently control of our Mouse so this is not the controller which is at fault so you may get this warning come up saying system settings change do you want to restart your computer if you've still got control of your mouse the answer is going to be no so we're going to choose no and we're going to carry on so go to the next host controller right click on it and choose uninstalled device click on uninstall again and yep it's still removing bit so we're we're still good at the moment this particular host controller is not responsible for our Mouse input so we can carry on as it is and wait for it to finish so we've got the system settings change again we still have control of our Mouse so we're going to click on no we don't want to restart quite yet and it's narrowing it down so we'll do the last of the USB 3.1 controllers we'll do uninstall device again and click uninstall and yep our Mouse is still working as you can see our devices have dramatically reduced here so what we've got left so the last one of the host controllers is going to be this one so this one is actually likely to be controlling our USB composite device and also our USB Root Hub so we're going to right click on this we're going to choose uninstalled device and yep our mouse cursor has disappeared so now what we want to do just wait until we get the message come up on the screen saying about do you want to restart your computer you should still hear some uh USB Bing bongs to let you know something's been installed or uninstalled and that'll just keep on going but just be patient and let it do its thing okay at which point now we shake our Mouse we've got no control over the system whatsoever so we've got the option there to finish removing the device you must restart your computer do you want to restart your computer now now obviously you have no control of your keyboard or Mouse so nothing is working whatsoever so what you have to do now is to just press the power button on your computer don't press the reset button press the power button and it will still execute a smooth or relatively clean shutdown so I'm going to go do that now press the power button and it's shutting down Windows now this is actually preferable because if you do restart it's just going to basically ruin what we've just done we want a clean shut down the reason behind this is because when we shut down and then when we turn the computer back on which I'm going to do now this is actually now going to reload the correct windows W hql USB drivers before we actually even get to the point where we log into windows so that is very important that we do that okay so the computer has now restarted and uh we have control of our Mouse and also we have our keyboard as well so that is awesome and you should find now that if you uh have a problem with your USB ports that is what is causing your micro stutter then you should find it by doing these circles and waiting to see if there's any lag this should have cured the problem now if it hasn't potentially you might need to go to the motherboard manufacturer's website and actually install the specific usb3 drivers for your specific motherboard of course if you're not sure how to do that you can reach out to us on our Discord and we can try and help you with that it's really straightforward just type in your motherboard model number go to their website go to tools settings drivers Etc and just download the USB drivers for your specific motherboard is resolutely straightforward again could be down to the fact that your mouse hit has actually got a fault you can validate this by using your mouse on another device or maybe taking it to a friend siiz plug it into their PC and trying it see if it what happens there that will obviously give you the reason why your mouse or whatever is lagging in Windows but overall this should help you towards fixing the problem hopefully it will do again if you're not too sure or there's anything you didn't understand feel free to reach out in our Discord chat so go there are some options on how to uh try and remedy the dreaded Mouse micro stutter it is an absolute pain in the backside I've had it with my Intel system actually and it's been uh driving me slightly mad I thought it was down to a wireless connection but it turns out I plugged in a Wired Mouse and I was still getting it so I went through did the driver thing and it actually helped like I said also you might need to actually go to the manufacturer of your motherboard and download the appropriate USB 3.0 drivers sometimes the Microsoft Windows updates will actually kind of interfere and include their own drivers where really it needs to have the motherboard's own specific ones but again that's possibly a a job for another video so anyway hopefully this video has been helpful to you if it has smash that like button also if you want to see more content of this on a daily basis then maybe you could consider hitting the Subscribe button and also the CH notification that way you be notified of future video releases but for now I've been Mike this is Mike's unboxing reviews and how to and hopefully we'll catch you in the very next video thanks for watching [Music] h
Channel: Mike's unboxing, reviews and how to
Views: 3,876
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mouse lag fix windows 11, mouse lag in windows 11, mouse cursor lagging windows 11, mouse and keyboard lag windows 11, mouse lag and beeping windows 11, lag fix, how to, how to fix mouse cursor lagging in windows 11, mouse lag, micro stuttering, mouse lagging windows 11, mouse lag after windows 11 update, how to fix mouse cursor lagging windows 11, mouse lagging in games, how to end stuttering, lag, stutter, fix, usb, windows 11 stuttering, mouse lag windows 11
Id: whsf2yYFJ4A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 38sec (698 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 06 2024
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