BROKE vs PRO Gaming Keyboard and Mouse - WORTH IT?

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five hundred dollars versus twenty-five dollars [Music] all right we can start by searching gaming keyboard honestly i don't know much about keyboards and like brands and stuff but i do know that if i go here low to high oh nice keyboard right now i have a ducky it's a 60 keyboard and i really don't want to be using a giant monster to play fortnite but i guess if that if that's the cheapest one we might have to go with that one but we're gonna keep looking this has potential boys it looks fire oh my god you can pick any color you want hold on i want to find like a smaller one so let's search a 60 see if we get anything smaller all right we're making progress 16 wanna know why this half keyboard is worth more than a full-size keyboard what's so special about this you only get like half you're like half the potential huh okay this looks potentially good so the one before this that i was looking at it looked like spider-man just shot his webs all over it and for like two dollars more i think i can get this and it's smaller so it doesn't take up as much space on my desk so i think this might be the one and and it's amazon's choice like how do i turn that down recommended highly rated well-priced product potential it's not telling me whether this keyboard has like mx blues or reds or greens or whites or purples or whatever the hell they do nowadays but i mean amazon's choice amazon's choice 17 that seems like a pretty good deal at the cart we got a keyboard now we need to find the banging mouse to go with it one cent before dollar shipping so scammers why why is everyone scamming with the one cent what one cent for this but it's 18 shipping what a scam what's going on here is this allowed here we go we're making progress let's see eight dollars doesn't look too bad i mean it's got rgb it's wait it doesn't have rgb it only has blue led lights okay okay blue is a cool color i can do that you know what i think yeah let's do it screw it seven dollars this mouse online is like 300 there's no way that this mouse is like 200 and like 92 dollars more expensive than that mouse yeah we're gonna have to put it through the test boys let's enter code milo see if it does anything promotional code you enter is not valid well it works on fortnite i tell you that i actually can't believe i'm buying this what did i just do oh my god there you go we spent the money and now we just wait until it comes in so i guess we wait a week so you guys know what we're doing we have two cameras actually right here you can see my logitech brio so we got the hand cam desk camera and then we got my face cam up here so obviously down here we got the ninja air 58 which resells for about four 300 300 400 and you got the ducky one too many which is about 100 usd versus 25 so right off the bat obviously the ducky looks better but when you compare the mouses they're actually very similar in in size and shape this mouse if i remember correctly was like five dollars so five dollars versus four hundred dollars is the ninja a58 worth the hype i don't know we're gonna put it to the test as for keyboards i don't even think it's gonna be close to be honest i don't even know what kind of switches this thing has on it like i can't even pull it off i don't know what this is but i do know that this has cherry mx blues so i got that nice clacky sound five hundred dollars versus twenty five dollars the ninja air 58 one of the most lightest mouses on the market way lighter than this purex technology mouse feel in the hand they're actually really similar i'm not gonna lie they both have two side buttons i think the dpi on the on the cheap mouse only goes like where's the box box has all the facts according to the box on the dpi shifter three options six hundred sixteen hundred and one thousand no ten thousand that's really high the feel of the cheap mouse is obviously cheap because it's cheap but you know that's not what we're here to test we're here to test performance you know so we're gonna crank we're gonna crank a little bit so the difference between the two setups is actually 475 dollars also my normal dpi on the ninja air 58 is 800 and my in-game sensitivity is 6.5 x and y and the lowest dpi setting on the other mouse the 25 mouse is 800 no 600 no wait the closest dpi on the cheap mouse is going to be 600 i'm going to have to adjust a little bit just so we have some sort of benchmark i'm going to crank with my normal setup which is the ducky one two mini and the ninja a58 obviously so uh let's go bills triple edit again oh i'm so cracked boys it's like super smooth not choppy at all when i look side to side there's no skipping or anything it's really smooth this is gonna be hard to beat but the mouse i feel like there's like you can't really mess up a mouse to be honest this might just be over hyped we're gonna put it to the test so we're gonna switch to the twenty 25 setup it's gonna be interesting oh it's on rgb actually it's not rgb this is only like rainbow color you can't even change what it looks like um is my mic still working i might have disconnected something oh oh oh we're back i disconnected something on accident so we're back to my normal mic there we go this is the cheap i think it was like 17 keyboard it doesn't have any things to like flick up i'm kind of upset are we good oh we got action baby we're blue over here this is kind of an underrated combo look check it out we got the green red blue to blue looks pretty sick i don't know okay what the okay these guys got it all messed up so on my ninja f58 mouse this front one does my stair and this back one does my wall this mouse like mixed it up and it has it the other way this mouse feels like a brick in my hand because i'm so used to the a58 i don't know if you guys can tell but when i move my mouse a little bit like quicker it's like kind of jittery it's like a little jumpy sensitivity is weird oh i can't really edit as fast i can't edit as fast these keys are dumb okay and the side buttons i have to click really hard to get them to bro i can't double edit i can't double edit it's like this keyboard is like slow tracks again i i can't double edit edit edit okay i have to like take my time more i have to like click harder this keyboard kind of sucks i have to like sort of press harder than i normally do just to get f to activate i think it's the keys whatever keys this keyboard has on it like the switches i don't know if it has keyboard switches is it membrane is that what they call it membrane keyboard i'm not a tech youtuber so don't ridicule me for not knowing i'm gonna go into a public match and try and get a w now keep in mind that this is like the cheapest of the cheap so we're just gonna play this game out and then i'm going to give you guys my final thoughts and suggestions as to what you can go for for cheaper gaming peripherals the movement isn't asking why does it do that when i look side to side it's like it skips around so oh we're gonna get another dub in the books right now starting good my main complaint about this mouse is just like the sensor at the bottom the little red light uh it's just it's too jumpy i don't know it's not smooth whatsoever so for long gaming sessions this would probably get annoying because you have to kind of press a little bit hard and also the uh the mouse is pretty heavy super nerdy but you know if you're gonna play a lot it really does make a difference how much your mouse weighs but then again it's all personal preference if you're like not super picky about it you can go with cheap peripherals like if you're just gonna be playing simple games like minecraft or something it really doesn't make that huge of a difference but if you're playing like a shooter like fortnight or call of duty or something it's gonna be pretty annoying to play with cheap peripherals like this the mouse kind of feels it just feels cheap i know you guys know what i'm talking about like there's just plastic that just feels cheap and this mouse is that sort of plastic oh i'm a controller boys he's dipping no i can't get him no oh oh oh that was sick i mean if i'm being honest it doesn't really affect my gameplay so much but i know like i can see the difference whoa come here come here oh no my aim no no no no no no no no oh okay you know what forget what i said it does affect the gameplay my aiming is sort of garbage because of the sensor in here i don't know if you were to give this exact setup to any other like little kid they'd probably love it but yeah but but i love but i l and i love it and i love it and i love it i love it so much just like [Music] come here boy oh oh there it is again i tried to edit but i had but i didn't click hard enough to actually get the edit undefeated who's next this little guy come here oh oh oh oh oh oh where you going why is he why are you leaving why'd you push me if you're gonna leave little literally these guys know that like i'm killing them with a 25 keyboard and mouse setup they probably have like duckies and ninja air 58s model o's and here i am with my prx mouse and unbranded keyboard rocking them supposed to show you don't really need really good peripherals but it definitely helps skill majority of the time will outweigh uh did he face through my wall it's kind of funny how just as i was saying that skill outweighs like equipment i just got wrecked but you know i stick by what i said i stick by it anyways i'm gonna give you guys my final thoughts you got the ducky one too many and the ninja air 58 combo super good quality can go wrong but if you're on a budget i'm sure you guys can spend more than 25 20 on keyboard and mouse setup at least go with the ducky one two mini or an anne pro 2. they're both like around 100 per mouses definitely don't go with this i had high hopes to be honest but i guess not just it's just too cheap it's just too cheap it doesn't work for a mouse i definitely recommend the model 0 the ninja air 58s the only reason they're so expensive is because they're all sold out like you can't get them anywhere but if you go with like a glorious model o or something you can get a model 0 for 50 a really good deal if you ask me if you want quality you're gonna have to spend around 150 at least that's what i think that's my opinion and remember i'm not a tech youtuber so don't destroy me in the comments for anything i might have said or did in this video this is just for your guys entertainment you enjoy the video leave a like and subscribe if you're new peace
Channel: SoaR Milo
Views: 6,663,952
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best gaming keyboards fortnite, best fortnite keyboard, gaming keyboard, best keyboards for gaming in 2020, the best keyboards for fortnite, gaming keyboard for fortnite, gaming, gaming mouse, best gaming mouse, pc gaming, mechanical keyboard, cheap gaming mouse, best mouse, best keyboard, cheap, budget, broke, setup, broke vs pro, cheap vs expensive, fortnite battle royale
Id: NqOB_3BXjX4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 34sec (634 seconds)
Published: Thu May 28 2020
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