How to Fix Black Screen in Palworld (Steam and Game Pass)

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hello everyone welcome to the channel so in this video today we're going to take a quick look at fixing some of the issues that are causing the black screen problem in power world so this will fix some of the crashing issues as well and a lot of these are just housekeeping issues but we're going to go over the main ones anyway and some of them are going to work for Game Pass and some of them are going to work for steam so let's get started so first things first make sure you're meeting the minimum system requirements if you're trying to play this game without meeting the minimums you're going to have a lot of problems and also check out the recommended specs because they are quite high so the first thing you're going to need to do is make sure you're using your graphic settings correctly so don't try to push the game to the Limit stick with what your Hardware can actually handle so once that's out of the way if you're still having problems the next thing to do is to jump over to display driver uninstaller so I'll leave a link for this in the description so you can just download ddu So once you have it downloaded just run it and clean install your drivers so this is it here just extract it run the ddu exe and you'll get this popup window here accept the little Pro prompt you can close this window straight away again close the prompt so here we have options so we're going to do our GPU drivers it'll automatically detect your gpus so you've got Nvidia AMD or Intel Auto detected option works pretty well but if you do need to you can switch between them so obviously you're going to get rid of your drivers for your main GPU so don't bother about the gred one unless you are trying to play this game with integrated Graphics which I don't recommend so once you've done that just click the clean and restart option and then follow the prompts I'm obviously not going to do that because I'll have to go through the entire process and I don't need to so for the sake of this video just follow those steps then go back download the latest drivers and install everything and you should have no more issues with the black screen problem and it can also fix a lot of problems with crashing so once you've done that if you are using overclock settings make sure you re-evaluate those you don't want to be using an overclock that doesn't work for this game that'll cause you a lot of issues as well also suggest going and updating your bios and finally on the odd chance that you are already trying to use mods don't bother using mods just yet the game's getting a lot of updates and modders can't keep up so avoid using mods for the time being so the next thing you're going to need to do is to reverifying so I'm currently playing on Xbox game pass via the Xbox app so to verify game files just right click on the game go to manage and here you'll see General and files just switch over to files and click verify and repair let this process complete and it should fix out any of the bugs and you should be able to start playing the game properly so the next thing to do is to verify your game files in Steam so I don't have power world on Steam but I'll show you how to do it for a generic game so we've got the Adventure Pals go to properties and then you can find the option here under installed file F so for you you obviously going to go to power world installed files and then verify Integrity of game files once you've done that let it finish might take a little while and that should solve the problem other than that as I said make sure all your other stuff's up to date and definitely do your graphics drivers before anything else and remember the most important thing at this point in time is the game is super new so there are going to be problems it is still technically in a beta so you're just going to have to live with some of it for the time being until they optimize things and sort out the problems anyway that wraps up this guide as always thanks for watching don't forget to like And subscribe and I'll see you on another video cheers everyone
Views: 34,250
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Keywords: palworld, palworld black screen, black screen palworld, fix black screen palworld, palworld black screen fix, palworld black screen solution, palworld game, palworld guide, palworld game pass, palworld steam, How to Fix Black Screen in Palworld
Id: de98BHtJak0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 38sec (218 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 19 2024
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