How to fix an UNDERGROUND broken sprinkler pipe

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okay so here's the sequel to the bubble that was in the grass that was so awesome the bubble was right here and here's where that post was I took the post out I'm assuming the breaks gonna be right here I'm gonna try to cut this out as best I can so I can put it right back in place really easily so I'm going to cut this open like this okay guys so I haven't actually pulled hardly any dirt out I just took the plug out the plug of sod right here then I went to got this flashlight if you guys haven't seen this thing it's so awesome milwaukee's making some awesome cordless tools and I picked this up I've got a couple of the other cordless tools and I'm down with them they're awesome this light is awesome so there's the issue right there that dirty old steak that t-posts you failed me look at this clay soil guys see my soil here it's like super clay this is a testament that you can grow grass good looking grass in any soil look at this this is what's down there in this hole this clay crap there's the break right there see that it's broken here and there okay guys so here's the problem right here the t-post came in there and crush the pipe right there although was awesome yesterday when this was going down with that bubble now it's turned into a big fat chore which I'm okay with cuz it's you know what's it's enjoyable work so I've got to cut this about right here I'm just gonna use this little cut tool look at that oh you can get a very clean cut I need to go look in my PVC bag of tricks see what I can find to fix this connection I'm back from sifting in my pile of tricks and I've got these little things right here I'm gonna put a drain in there and I'm gonna add another sprinkler head right here so I can get a little bit more water that's dry areas over there so I found a piece of pipe in my junk pile this actually came from a broken sprinkler pipe that I had over there when I was drilling a hole with an auger that drilled right into one of my pipes over there when I was planning that tree over there by that trampoline so that's what this pipe that's where this pipe came from and I had to do the exact same thing that I'm doing now and back then I actually added a sprinkler head as well over there so when in doubt add another sprinkler head okay guys so it's the next day I've got my plumbing parts that I need got this little sleeve that I'm gonna use I'm gonna put a drain in and put a new head in with this like this the brake was right here and so I'm going to put this in here right here this blue thing is a drain and then this black thing right here is going to be for another sprinkler head that I'm gonna add so this thing's called a pipe dream got this on the inner screen is dead taro would say okay so the first thing you got to do when you're making PVC connections is put the primer on there I'm not sure what this stuff does but I think it just wraps up and makes it so the glue will stick better so now I need to glue these two together like that and put this piece in the center so to connect those get a little bit of glue on there so if you want something really nice when you're doing this get glue all over your fingers it's a it's a drill pleasure that one's gonna go on there like that and this one needs to go on there like that just push these on so I made this little black mark right here when I was dry fitting it so I'd know exactly how to put that together so I wouldn't have to question it it only takes a few seconds to set up so now you need to put this on there like that so this thing's a drain and then this is gonna feed my sprinkler pipe after you push it on hold it just for a minute there whew that is gonna be tough that is gonna be hard to get this thing on there like that okay so I've got this thing primered here got this side primered i primered here primer there and so the idea is to slip it over this way like that all the way and then slip it back onto here like that so I'm gonna go ahead and glue this and hope for the best like allen hain says oh this is scary okay so gluing the side glueing this side trying not to get dirt everywhere okay gluing hair and gluing hair so it says says slip it on to here first like that and then slip it over like that that should do it you freaking kidding me there you go pal the end of the pipe should be there there and that's how you fix a straight pipe without having to do a bend sometimes you have to do a 90-degree Bend like this and then back that could be a real pain in the butt so to get my funny pipe put on there and backfill this thing so this pipe should go right on oh that doesn't fit dang it dang it dang it guess I got to go get some more pipes that's not gonna work for me look at that it's draining in there the drains working if you can see it's dripping in there so now I got to try to get this pipe on there like that I was not very easy to get that on there so I need to know if this my connections that I glued down here leaking so I'm gonna pinch this like this and then I'm gonna have her turn on the valve and I'm gonna watch this to see if it leaks if it doesn't leak then I'm gonna backfill it and be done okay so I've got water coming out the drain down there and oh that just sprayed me dang it no not yet so I've got a leak right here I got a leak right here so I need to tighten this up right there [Music] okay so just tighten this up right here whoa and I'm not getting any leaks so that is good good so the only place is gonna be coming out as that drain right there so I've got a little bit of gravel right here I want to put that under the drain so I want that drain there so when I when the zone isn't on the line will drain and hopefully if I possibly forget to winterize the sprinklers over the winter it'll drain there and then hopefully I won't have a another broken pipe and cause another water bed so I want the drain in there some people like drains some people don't like drains but I'm a pro drain kind of guy [Music] I want this thing to be straight up and down and I want that to sit just under the soil like about right there maybe a little bit down right like that okay so once you get that kind of just where you want it I need to hook up this pipe to there I've cut this to length and I know it's perfect so I just need to put this on here like this put this on as tight as you can get it okay so I've kind of jammed the head right against this corner right here and now I want to backfill it with the dirt that I took out of the trench and I want to I want this to stay just right there so I'm gonna grab some of this dirt right here and pack it in here like that [Music] okay okay guys so without the projects done its was really easy to fix it just takes a little bit of effort and time I had the parts on hand keep these things on hand because I always have issues like this and I like to fix fixed stuff myself I appreciate you guys watching these videos and I will see you in the next one
Channel: Connor Ward
Views: 173,953
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sprinkler pipe repair, how to fix a sprinkler pipe, sprinkler, sprinkler pipe, broken pipe, lawn bubble, reel mower, kentucky bluegrass, underground sprinkler system, connor ward lawn, connor ward, conner ward lawn, golf green lawn mower, lawn care, diy lawn care, broken sprinkler pipe grass bubble, broken sprinkler, how to feed your lawn, golf course maintenance, how to cut your lawn, how to fix your sprinkler system, lawn mower, irrigation sprinklers, ryegrass
Id: 14I2P9JznSM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 2sec (602 seconds)
Published: Wed May 16 2018
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