How to repair PVC pipe: The four 90's method

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hi Greg chick Ramona's plumber here in this video I'm going to show you how to make a PVC repair where there's very little pipe movement available and very tight quarters I'll demonstrate using the four 90s method for 90s are required to make this coupling joint and it has its advantages and disadvantages Vantage is that it'll take a high pressure in the pipe this advantage is that it has to be solvent joined therefore it must be dry to do so and it takes curing time afterwards here on our rig we have this pipe strapped down so we can get a good example of what it's like to work in a tight quarters this is a simulated crack in the pipe and so we're going to take the crack section out somebody put a pic throw it or something the sequence of this procedure is important you can't do the wrong part first or it won't work and I always like to be neat with a rag because sloppy work is sloppy looking you put too 90s on your fixed pipe that's in the ground first you always do that first and you put them aiming straight up and how I achieve that I'll show you first I will primer and I've already coned my pipe so I'm putting some solvent on here a little bit of a twist and then I hold it for a second that one straight up and how I know it is they got that to tell me it's straight up now I do the other one same way a little bit of primer no puddles a little bit of solvent not too much no puddles a little bit of a twist straight up you could accomplish this a couple of ways but that's that's about the easiest way right there just put in a piece of pipe dry-fit and see that it's straight up now the second procedure is you need to know how much is going to span the distance which this is a little less than which is good because you want to get it just push those two fittings together and push it down all at the same time but what we can do first without any time issues is we can put solvent join why bitter cone these first here what you want to not do that the short pieces here can go into the 90s and where they go how far whatever isn't important so that's why it doesn't really matter about the timing or anything a little bit of solvent a little bit of a twist and hold there's one and I'm dripping now all over my towel there instead of all over the cement or somewhere else and making it look bad which is a good thing twist and hold it for a second so it doesn't pop out of there now see the next piece determines the distance so what I can do is I'm going to take and do all these at once this is this is a somewhat of a rush fit because time is of the essence the the label on the can says I got 45 seconds to do this so I'm not too too big a rush but we don't want to Billie down prime with the sockets first then the pipe next is the solvent and that's when the clock starts okay you got to hold your tongue right on this one now we take this this this we push them together and a little bit of motion and that's for 90s and I hold for a few seconds and then let go one of the things I want to make sure that I don't do is that I don't have these two elbows at a different angle so that our fighted or that this piece is too long so that when I push these together they won't get close enough to stick down in there this can be quarter inch shorter than it needs to be it's of no consequence to the fitting integrity thanks for watching can you do it yes you can and I can help for more information go to DIY plumbing advice com you
Channel: ramonasplumber
Views: 409,485
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: plumbing, pvc, repair, pipe, break, fix, solvent, glue, 90, DIY, HD, yt:stretch=16:9
Id: WdYTg3oDKfU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 43sec (403 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 10 2010
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