How To CATCH Trout Using MICRO BEADS. (EASY In Depth How To)

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hello everybody and welcome back to yet another addictive fishing tutorial today we're talking about a super simple method and a very effective method on how to catch trout and creeks rivers and streams and that's with using microbeads on a float and on a fly rod so if you guys want to learn more about this technique stay tuned it's coming at you right now [Music] so why these micro beads work so good in any kind of creek river stream is because of the the capacity of fish in that river either fish are spawning or they're just looking for that natural presentation of an egg or some some sort of sustenance for them floating down the river these fish are living in certain areas of the river they want to be able to feed and expend as little energy as possible so fishing certain methods and fishing with these microbeads along in certain holes like you see behind us is going to be really effective and it's going to help you catch more fish the two ways i like to use this method is either with a float setup which i have here a little micro float and an ultra light rod what i have here is a just an okuma salilo ultra light two to six pound rod i have a rtx 30s reel on here i have 15 pound braided line on here tied on with a fluorocarbon bumper that fluorocarbon bumper is imperative for this little mustad float so that it can slide up and down my line and regulate my depth that doesn't work so good on that braided line but the braided line is very tough it mends well on top of the surface of the water and it's very durable and it lasts a long time the way i've connected this braided line to this fluorocarbon is with a double uni knot and we have a bunch of tutorials on addictive fishing if you guys want to learn how to tie some more of those knots but that's a unified knot between that fluorocarbon and that braided line so getting that knot down whether it be a blood knot whether it be a double uni getting that knot down and securely getting it tied is gonna really make this method work a lot better and it's gonna help you lose a lot less gear so what i have on this line for my indicator for my float is just a fixed float now this has a line that runs through each of these rubber grommets and that slides up and down my line to adjust whichever depth that i want to be fishing in that particular run now next is the easiest part of this setup and why i like it so much because it's so simple and it's so effective in the way that you can change out your colors change out your beads and change out your profile very quickly and easily and also change your weights so what i'm going to do here is i'm going to take just a really nice bead you can see the different colors and beads i have here pretty good range i have the pinks i have the reds i have the pails and i have the orange having a good a good variety of those beads and being able to change up quickly and show those fish a different color or a different size of bead throughout the drift it can be very imperative at times and it can key in on those bites but i don't like to use anything over about a 10 ml bead when i'm targeting these trout so these ones here are six these beads are eight and the bigger one right next to it is a ten millimeter bead so i don't like to go over that ten millimeter bead so what i'm gonna start with here today i'm gonna go with the nice fuchsia pink i'm gonna slide that up my line then i'm gonna use a number four mustad hook here i'm gonna tie just a normal fisherman's knot to that so my bead is still up my line i don't have any weight connected yet that's coming next i'm gonna do seven wraps go back through the eye that i created and pull that thing tight there we have it we have our hook be sure to cut your tag end into your tackle box and what i'm going to do here to secure this bead to this line you want this above the hook you don't want that bead sitting on top of the hook because it can cover up the hook gap so when that fish eats it it can grab that and it starts to roll around and it can actually become unhooked very easily if that bead is sitting on top of that hook so what i do here is a very simple bead knot you can peg this with a toothpick you can do a variety of different methods to do this but i like to just do a double overhand over the hook just do two loops over that shank of the hook pull that thing down slide that bead up your line a little bit and then pull her tight because odds are the smaller fish that we're going to be fighting in these creeks and streams maybe you have big fish in your location but these smaller fish aren't going to be able to break that 8 to 10 to 12 pound fluorocarbon line which you're going to adjust to depending on what size of fish you have in your local area so this is a 10 pound fluorocarbon i got my number four hook and i got my bead tied in just like this now the way i'm going to get this down is i'm gonna leave myself about a foot and a half liter here i'm gonna take a number four split shot and i'm just gonna pinch that right onto my line here and these have little grooves in them so that when you do pinch it down with your gribber pliers or whatever pliers you have it connects to that line and it doesn't make that line brittle it doesn't pinch it at all and it doesn't fray that line to where it could become fatal in fighting on that fish and actually break so i have that one split shot on there i'm actually going to add one more little guy there one more number four that way i know i'm getting down this float setup works a little bit better with the extra weight contrary to the fly setup that i'm about to show you because you can adjust that weight and it's not gonna be dragging on the bottom quite as much as it would with the fly setup so there we have it everybody we are ready to fish we got our ultra light rod we got our braided line connected with fluorocarbon under a fixed float we got about a foot and a half and we can adjust that depth with that bobber again that thing is in line so we can pull that up if i'm fishing a four five six seven foot deep hole i can slide that up to that depth i can drop my split shots down and be right in the strike zone so there's our setup fixed float two split shots on our line about a foot and a half or so above that bead bead tied in with an overhand knot and a number four hook so the other setup i have here is just a six weight fly rod you can use any kind of three weight four weight five weight six weight the six weight's a little bit heavy but we might find some big trout in this stream today so i have my six weight fly rod this is nine and a half feet long any maker model of fly rod will work for this the nicer rods cast a little bit better and it can help you learn a little quicker but i have a floating line all the way down to again a fluorocarbon bumper but this bumper that i've tied onto my line just with a simple overhand knot to that fly line to that floating line i have about six to seven feet of leader on here and what i've done here you can add a little inline fix float to this or a thingamabob or any kind of fly indicator but i like to fish this method down and dirty on the bottom and actually drag it through the strike zone so what i have here is the same setup we just showed you i have two number four split shot about a foot and a half overhand knot down to a different colored bead now this fly setup minus that indicator can be a really effective way to get down and deep in some of those holes and stay in front of those trout both methods work really good this one's fished a little bit differently than this one so let's hit the river and i'll show you how so as i've walked up to this hole the thing about trout and the beauty of trout is they can live in every nook and cranny of the river so what we have behind us here is just a beautiful bobber run something i'd really want to use this six float the fly fishing setup is going to be really effective in that super fast super heavy water but we're not going to be able to get down here we have a very nice walking speed these child can be sitting right in those bubble lines the foam is home as they say those trout can be sitting right in those feeding lanes relaxed easy not expending too much energy and waiting for that food to come to them so i put two split shelves on here to begin i'm actually going to take one of those off i don't recommend using your teeth out there everybody you're also gonna have chip teeth like me and i'm gonna use just that one split shot so that i don't get snagged up so again here's my setup i'm gonna start shallow i got my bobber sitting about three and a half four feet i know it's about you know four and a half to five feet deep out there and i'm going to start close the method that you want to always utilize is cast close and then to the middle and then far you don't want to cast over those fish that are right there at your feet to start your drift throw that out there the key here is to keep your line up and off the water just enough to allow that bobber to get a nice natural flow as you can see there i was a little too deep so my bobber sucked under before i got a good drip i'm gonna come down about six to ten inches here now i'm fishing about a total of two feet and here we go again let's start with that inside cast we're going to watch that bobber and let our line go straight with that we don't want to inflict that float at all we want it to be floating as naturally with that current as it possibly can you can see i'm letting line off of this reel my bale's open i'm watching my float go down with the current and i'm lifting my rod tip four to five feet each time to give it that four to five feet of line so that i can naturally drift the current if you let it just pull that line off of that spool you start to create resistance against that float and don't get a natural drift at the same speed as your current now that i made that first close cast i'm gonna cast to the middle i'm gonna cast about five to ten feet further here see i went just to the side of that bubble line i'll let that thing start to work down through that zone i know i'm fishing at an adequate depth because my bobber isn't laying sideways it's not snagging and it's floating again at that same speed on this next cast i may even add a little depth because i don't see that thing dragging bottom as much as i want it to i want that split shot down i want that bead right down on the bottom rolling around just like a natural leg so you saw there i went four to five inches deeper this is going to be my third cast i know i'm casting into the deepest part of the hole so i'm going to add about three to four to five inches about a bobber's length each time and i'm going to keep continuing to cast until my bobber starts to lay down river which is going to indicate that i'm touching the bottom [Music] there he is got him got him so you saw it with that natural drift by working my way out into the middle of the run with each cast not starting too far across there going a little bit deeper each time i finally got that thing down in the zone and got this absolutely gorgeous cutthroat on my line you see the importance of that number four hook so that it actually is is not going to do too much damage to these beautiful little trout but there it is you guys first fish of the day super easy method we worked our way down in depth we didn't start too deep and we worked our way down into that strike zone and into the fish okay so now that i've fished the top of that hole with about five to six casts i worked my way all the way across change my depth i'm going to slowly move down on the hole the key to this bead setup a lot of the time you want to very you want a good angle to set the hook and i'm going to explain that hook set here in just a second but as we're going to move down river we don't want to just let our bobber float all the way to the end of the run every time because we're not going to get an effective hook set on those fish that's what i always say close middle far two steps down close middle far two steps down and fish with your feet not your bobber so we take about five six steps down the river here i'm gonna go back out i'm guessing the depth should just about be the same i'm gonna start on that inside cast once again second cast i'm gonna go right into the middle right into that foam line and the and again the key to this method and actually hooking the fish is when that float goes down less is more with your hook set you want that fish to be able to grab that bead which isn't on the hook turn and swim away and allow that hook to slowly hook into the side of their mouth or right into the top of their lips and the key to that is to not set the hook too hard when you rip that hook through their mouths and it goes too quickly it hooks them in all sorts of random spots in their in their face hook some on the bottom of the jaw on the top of the jaw and what ends up happening is you're going to lose those fish after a couple of head shakes so keeping the right angle not drifting your bobber too far down the run and setting the hook very lightly when you finally do get a bite is going to be crucial in actually landing these fish all right so now you guys have seen the effectiveness of that fixed float setup in this slower water let's grab the fly rod let's head down into some faster riftly water some different trouty water and show you how to fish that method that actually bounces along the bottom and can stay down in that strike zone so what we've done is we've grabbed our fly rod this method also works just as well on your actual spinning rod if you don't want to fly fish or you haven't got the opportunity to learn how the same setup is going to work just as well on that speeding setup set up the exact same way but we're going to show you how to do it on the fly rod here but the same thing rolls over into using a spinning rod here so we have in front of us here big tree laying in the river a nice current break where those fish can reside nice and easily they don't have to be swimming too hard in the fast current they can sit right back there in that feeding lane those eggs all that bait everything that they're eating is coming down that foam line swirling in so that's what we're going to target first we're going to set down cast up river behind that log and start to drift our stuff down the bottom right behind that structure every time flash at it so one of the biggest keys again even with the fire rod is starting close and then working your way far the line management is what's going to be crucial in this setup in this fast water so what i'm going to do i'm going to go over my head i'm going to plop that thing over there i'm going to get it to go right down behind that structure and i keep my tip high and keeping my tip high is going to keep me out of that sort of water current that i don't want to be in this fast water current's going to rip me out of the strike zone that slow stuff over there is going to keep me in it so i'm going to keep my tip high whether i'm using my spinning rod or my fly rod keep my tip high and slowly fish it down through that zone okay so the major difference you're gonna see in the difference in this switch up of techniques is that when i'm using this fly router i'm actually bottom bouncing with my spinning rod i want to pick something that's a little deeper and a little more swift as you see we moved out of that slow hole we moved up river we have a nice steady current coming right at our feet we have a nice little back eddy pool on the other side and the way i'm going to start my cast with this again whether it's with your spinning or it's with your fly is i'm going to start casting in a 45 degree up river you don't want to cast straight out or straight down because you're not going to have time for that bead to actually sink down with that split shot so i'm going to start my cast at a 45 up river just a nice little poke i'm going to keep my tip high and i'm going to wait to feel for bottom and with this drift setup or with your bottom bouncing technique you're going to want to feel that bottom or else you're going to need to add split shot or take it away if you're instantly getting snagged you're going to take weight off if you're getting through there nicely feeling a tap every about five feet you're fishing perfectly so i can feel bottom just right down there i'm going to keep working my way out into the current starting in close yet again i'm going to keep a high tip wait to feel that bottom and then wait to feel that fish a lot of times when these things hit this bead it's going to be a really really reactionary bite they're going to grab it they're going to swim back to where they were so you're going to feel that tug and you're going to see your line actually shoot out if you're using an indicator like that fixed float we were using earlier you're going to see it shoot down in the current so i'm going to keep working my way out getting a few feet every time hip high letting that drag you can see my tips actually bouncing up and down every so often that's making sure i'm down in the strike zone on the bottom it's the steelhead that's the steelhead going off the big putty dammit i wanted to get a picture of that all right so so far we haven't been able to find any luck really on this on this drift fishing setup so we've just been moving through covering a lot of different water hiked up river a little ways here and came upon just an absolute little juice bucket here great spot for these fish to be living a lot of overhanging brush a lot of cover i'm just going to slide this bead through this structure i can see there's a big boulder see there's one a big log in between me and that rock i'm just going to get some nice drifts on the inside inside seam here work it through and start working my way back out to the middle of the river man that's fishing nice through there get a nice slow drift it's barely tapping bottom down that strike zone the whole time i'm fishing through there going right on this inside here it's just perfect oh oh there he is there he is there he is that's a really nice one oh he's got me down around that tree here we go here we go oh that was awesome the way that hit that thing so close to the bank look at that little guy what a beautiful cutthroat trout you guys look at that munching on beads you can see these things are probably like post spawn so they're starting to get to that stage in their life cycle throughout the year where oh slippery fish better than keeping them on the bank too long though but those fish are seemingly getting that that stage of the year oh marlon's like oh we lost it they're eating the worms today too so it seems they're getting in that stage where they're kind of coming off a spawn it's late winter time out here but this kind of goes for any time of the year you can use this in summer you can use it in the fall you can use it in the winter time whenever these trout are going to be spawning or whether there's salmon or something in the river that these fish are going to be eating their eggs these beads can be an absolutely deadly method as you guys saw here today well everybody we hope that tutorial helped you learn a little bit more and maybe a new technique to go out and try to target these awesome trout that we have all over the world if you guys want to see more awesome videos just like this one that help you learn how to be better at fishing go up here and click this link to this next video go down hit subscribe turn those notifications on give us a thumbs up and drop a comment below of what you thought of today's video and you could be the comment of the day just like this guy right here thank you so much for tuning in guys you stay fishy we'll see you out there
Channel: Addicted Fishing
Views: 107,758
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to catch trout using micro beads, how to catch trout, catching trout, how to fish for trout, how to fish trout, trout fishing, trout fishing tips, trout fishing tips and techniques, trout fishing tips and tricks, trout, fishing for trout, fishing, addicted fishing, addicted fishing trout, how to trout fish, trout tips, trout fishing creeks, trout fishing rivers, creek fishing for trout, trout fishing in creeks, trout fishing techniques, bead fishing for trout
Id: -u58UPbfSN8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 57sec (1017 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 17 2021
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