How to Find the Love of Your Life with Neil Clark Warren founder of eHarmony

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well I welcome you here so warmly today and I welcome myself here too and I'm so glad to be here it's just it just makes me giddy to be here you know if this were the first century this would be the church at laodicea or an emphasis or it Phillipi or colossi or Rome or someplace I mean this is one of the great churches in America and you've got all these other satellite churches from all over the world and it's just such an honor to be here today you know Rick and Kay have made this church great and this church has made them great and it's just such an honor to be around them especially for somebody like me I have to tell you about me I know how fascinated you will be with this I went to a one-room schoolhouse and we had 17 kids in our school it was Garrett Grove Elementary School the outside of Des Moines Iowa and we had 17 kids in the whole school from kindergarten through eighth grade and I was the only kid in kindergarten the only kid in first grade I only could in second I was a valedictorian of my class I also was called in one time because I was at the very bottom of my class but coming to a church like this you just kind of you say don't make any mistakes don't you know this is a high-class church you learn one of the great churches in the country this is not like Garrett Grove and I sort of reminded of this man that I used to teach with at the graduate school of psychology of Fuller Theological Seminary and he he was a big tall gangly six-foot-two man who was sort of made out of rubber bands but he was a he was just a great preacher and the Air Force loved him they loved him and so they would have him come all over the world to speak at their services and one time he was asked to come to the to the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs and it was a circular pulpit that you climbed up you know around and you got up to the top and you preached from up there that's the way some pulpit used to be and his wife told him to be careful toward the end of his sermon when he got really passionate in his preaching his shirttail came out and she said it looks really bad with all those cadets looking so perfect so be careful of that so he was up there and he was he said I just preached with my left hand and he said with my right hand I talked left hand preach right hand tucked and he said I tucked and tucked and tucked and tucked and finally got it tucked in and so the time came for him to come down around that circular pulpit to the bottom to give the benediction and he kind of noticed that some of the cadets were wincing and then he hears this loud bang behind him he had tucked the airforce flagged into his pants so I looked around today to make sure there weren't any flags I have five points that I want to make today in this sermon if you really want to you can find the love of your life if you are a spiritually emotionally mentally and morally healthy person there is a person for you a love for your life I don't care how many times you've tried before if you are a spiritually emotionally mentally and morally healthy person there is a love for your life keep your hope strong now many of you are here and you've already found the love of your life but sometimes they vary a little bit and how much they're the love of your life right and you kind of wish sometimes that you could go back to the wedding day and sort of start there but you can get that love higher and higher you can maximize that love and we're going to talk about that today but if you're here and you've never been married or you're not married now and you want desperately to find the love of your life I'm here to tell you there's great hope for you I'm excited about that there's great hope for you I know more about that than maybe anybody else in the country because we've had a million people get married no not a million people a million marriages on our site two million people and our divorce rate is three point eight six percent oh I have a very close friend named John Ortberg whom some of you have heard of him he's a minister of the Menlo Park Presbyterian Church he's just a great preacher and when we go to lunch I say you want a prayer I pray and he always says yay God and that's what I want to say right there yay God he did it he 3.8 6% is God so I said to God the other day don't worry I'm not you know I'm not schizophrenic or anything like that but I do talk to God and sometimes I try to keep it under my breath maryland's say who are you talking to in there I said God and I said God how about zero how about zero percent and then how about great marriages we want great marriages and you can have a great marriage and you can have a marriage if you are what did I say spiritually emotionally mentally and morally healthy person number two finding the love of your life is an awesomely complex task God has made you so complex with so many needs and wants so many beliefs and values so many physical features and physical desires such different dreams and hopes and God has made all other people so different from you they're taller than you they're shorter than you they're wider than you they're brighter than you they're not as bright as you they're there they've got different they like Barack Obama and you don't I mean everybody's different right and and and some people just kind of you kind of say is there anybody that would be a love of your life and there is there's a love for their life I've watched it over and over I sat back here in between the services and people came came back there and that you know they they found each other in a eHarmony and I'm just so pleased about that I'm so it makes me nervous to talk about eHarmony because I know that there's some of you have had a bad experience on a harmony and we we fail so many people and all that and I just kind of have to ask sort of blanket forgiveness for the places we've failed but we're trying really hard to lick one of the biggest problems in America between nineteen forty-five 1975 the divorce rate in America went up three hundred percent three hundred percent we had divorces happening everywhere and some of you know you've been through some of that fifteen point five percent of all marriages in America today involve at least one person who's been married three or more times now what's the reason for that well I can tell you what I think the reason is the reason is that nobody's ever tutored us on how to pick a person to be married to us it's complex it's really hard my mother used to say I'd say mom how will I know when I found the right person to marry and she's she would always say you'll just know well thank you very much dad and she seemed to have three ideas about what would be good for me I should be taller than the girl and I should be a little bit older than the girl and if she's not a mirror if she's not a member of my religious denomination then she should be willing to switch if you get those three right you got it right and the fact is that I've never in 55 years of being married to Marilyn had a single fistfight to protect her so I didn't need to be so big like I am NOT and number two it would have been a lot better if I'd been about nine years younger than Marilyn because I'm gonna die nine years sooner than she is when it had been better we could have died about the same time she's going to be one of the little old ladies from Pasadena for nine years it would have been better if I had been younger than she was and then the third thing is she did become a part of our denominational group and then we switched and became a part of her denominational group and then we switched and went to an interdenominational group and then we went to a non-denominational group I think that's kind of what you are I know you have Southern Baptists roots and all that but but a lot of you people gone to different denominator so that's not a very good one but there are a lot of really good ones let me tell you what the most important good one is that you be in a right relationship with your God if you get into a right relationship with your God do you know that that's the definition of righteousness that you have a right relationship with God you get into a right relationship with God and the other person gets into a right relationship with God you've got the biggest one taking care of right so that's number one because if you get into a right relationship with your maker you will be into a right relationship with yourself and if you're in a right relationship with yourself your wife or husband doesn't have to make you right I mean you're right already you're right here it's okay and if she says I'm voting for Barack Obama you don't go crazy because you don't have to have her be exactly like you for you to be okay you're already okay and if she says that she's voting for Jeb Bush or somebody else you don't go crazy either I mean it's just it's okay they don't have to be just perfect in order to make you okay you're already okay right because you're in a right relationship with yourself because you're in a right relationship with your maker that's number one and then number two is well let me tell you this story it comes from Genesis the 24th chapter I just love this story it's about Isaac and Rebecca do you remember that story and here's here's the way the story goes Abraham was becoming an old man and he wanted a wife for his son his only son Isaac remember you many of you know this story every bit as well as I did I do I should say I did it probably because my memory seems to slip just a little bit every year but but I know this story pretty well at any rate he says to his oldest servant he said here's what I want you to do I want you to go and find out a wipe for Isaac he says here's what I want you to do I want you to go down to the land of my people you know which was a ways away because don't forget that that Abraham took all of his cattle and all his servants and all the others up over the Fertile Crescent and into the new land and he said I want you to go down there and here's what I want you to do I want you to go to the watering hole where the young women are coming at dusk and and I want you to see if one of them whom you kind of pick out will give you a drink of water and if they'll give you a drink of water to find out if they'll give a drink of water to - to your camels and so so this servant goes down there and the servant prays before he does anything and I always want to say right there if anybody's going to look for a mate for you you want him to pray a lot right I mean start praying real soon and he says Oh Lord God of my master Abraham please give me success today and show unfailing love to my master Abraham he's about to ask whether this woman will give him a drink of water right he says unforgive unfailing love to my master Abraham see I he's talking to God see I am standing here beside this spring and the young women of the town are coming out to draw waar this is my request I will ask one of them please give me a drink from your job if she says yes have a drink and I will water your camels - let her be the one you have selected as Isaac's wife this is how I will know that you have shown unfailing love to my master now now listen to this I love this next line before he had finished praying have you ever noticed that that when you pray to God sometimes you open your eyes and you say gee if I'd opened my eyes sooner I would have seen that God's already answered my prayer before he he had finished spring he saw a young woman named Rebecca coming out with her water jug on her shoulder she was the daughter of so forth and so forth all these names that are hard for me to pronounce Rebecca was very beautiful and old enough to be married but she was still virgin she went down to the spring filled a jug and came up again running over to her the servant said please give me a little drink of water from your jug I don't know you have ever thought of that as an approach to finding the love of your life or not please give me a little drink of water from your jug yes my lord she answered have a drink and she quickly lowered her jug from her shoulder and gave him a drink when she had given him a drink she said I'll draw water for your camels too until they have had enough to drink so she quickly emptied her jug into the watering trough and ran back to the well to draw water for all his camels the servant watched her in silence wondering whether the little or not the Lord had given him success in his mission now doesn't that remind you of you I mean you pray to God a specific prayer he answers the prayer and then you say I wonder if that was really God answering my prayer or if it was just happenstance you know you say maybe that was just happenstance I can't believe how unfailingly I want I seem to want to test God how come I don't get that but he's he's she's running back to get this water and he says he wonders whether she this has been really an answer to prayer then at last when the camels had finished drinking he took out a gold ring for her nose may not want to try that and two large gold bracelets for her wrist whose daughter are you he asked and please tell me would your father have any room to put us up for the night that's just part of the story the fact is that it takes a little while according the family sometimes to get them on your side but this servant goes in and tells the story about how Abraham is his master and Abraham is looking for a person to marry his son Isaac and he has been told by God to ask a woman whether she will give him a drink and whether she will give water for the camels and tells Laban who is the brother all this story and he says will you let her go back because I believe she's the one God has said that she's the one to be Isaac's Isaac's wife and and Laban and his people kind of talk to each other and you can imagine they kind of wonder you know if she is the one and finally they say give us ten days give us ten days to figure out if she's the right one or not and he says and the servant says oh please don't don't don't interrupt this this is too too too perfect I prayed to God and he's given us this woman it's the perfect answer to prayer pre please don't please don't hold us up and so they say well tell you what why don't we ask Rebecca well now that would be kind of a good place to start and so they do they say we'll call Rebecca and ask her what she thinks so they call Rebecca are you willing to go with this man they asked her and she replied yes I will go so they said goodbye to Rebecca and sent her away with Abraham's servant and his men the woman who had been Rebecca's childhood nurse went along with her this is what I cried about this this week as I thought about this they gave her this blessing as she parted our sister our sister may you become the mother of many millions may your descendants be strong and conquer the cities of their enemies that's a story isn't it that's a story about finding the love of your life I got to read you the end of this is what I always say to Marilyn I say Marilyn just just a minute she's reading her paper and you know what I'm trying to keep her attention on me and I say just a minute let me read you this last part then Rebecca and her servant girls mounted the camels and followed the man so Abraham's servant took Rebecca and went on his way meanwhile Isaac whose home was in the Negev had returned from another one of those words one evening as he was walking and meditating in the fields he looked up and saw the camels coming when Rebecca looked up and saw Isaac she quickly dismounted from her camel who is that man walking through the fields to meet us she asked the servant and he replied it is my master so Rebecca covered her face with her veil to show respect then the servant told Isaac everything he had done now this this this this verse will really touch you I think and Isaac brought Rebecca into his mother Sarah's tent and she became his wife he loved her deeply and she was a special comfort to him after the death of his mother is that a great way to find find the love of your life okay now let's just point out two or three things sometimes you want to have somebody else find the love of your life for you you may not be the most perfect person this is not a commercial the other day I was in Nashville and I said are you sick unto death of hearing these EE Harmony commercials they gave me a standing ovation but sometimes we get a little too bent on certain ideas and we don't keep enough perspective on all of them there we've come to the conclusion there are 29 variables you have to look at to get the right person selected for the right person and getting this 3.86 percent divorce rate down from 40 or 50 percent to 3.86 if we're ever going to get it down to zero we're going to have to have them why is this people we know helping us with this right because if you women are like I think you might be George Clooney comes along and asks you to marry him you don't even try to find out about his intelligence and some of you men you you have some woman who you know I mean I happen to be proud of the fact that Meryl Streep is my favorite woman actress but you know if Meryl Streep came along and you know wanted to marry me I suppose and I weren't married I wanted to add that really fast I suppose I might be kind of taken by that but the fact is that that that Abraham didn't go down to his people to find this woman to be his son's wife sometimes you need the help of the community the help of your community your community nobody is nobody has modeled this better than Rick and Kay in terms of your community is the world get the community of people who have values like yours to help you find the love of your life that's one thing second thing pray passionately to God pray passionately I haven't the slightest idea as a psychologist why prayer works you don't either I don't think you don't know exactly why it works but here's what I believe I believe there's a God who has a very close and deep connection with you and he cares he cares deeply about you and he wants you to be wonderfully happy and somehow or another he's more likely to answer your prayer if you pray earnestly the the earnest prayer of a righteous person availeth much he really cares about that and he answers your prayer so pray passionately that doesn't seem too hard does it I mean to pray for that I mean pray with all your heart the third thing that kind of impressed me is that when he found this woman Rebecca he immediately seemed to know that she was the right person for him and he wanted to share her with the person that maybe meant more to him at that time than anybody else his mother and I say all the time you know I ask people who are really great people I say tell me about your mom I mean you know you women have such a hold on all of us I mean we were in your womb for nine months you're having all kinds of influence on us before we ever see anybody else so you've got a massive and we know by the way that there's all kinds of prenatal learning going on in there so the fact that he wanted to take her right into his mother is a good thing you always have to be careful though to not to let a mother that has a few problems of you know wanting to control the whole situation to take your control away but it's such a lovely thing when he took her into to to see his mother you want to share her with your family well let's jump over to another way of choosing the love of your life you remember David how could you forget David David had a couple of wives and then he gets his binoculars out I don't know what they had binoculars in those days but he stands out on the top of his high and it looks out over the village for the women who are sunning in the village I guess as I haven't looked at that for quite a while and I may been the way that I saw when I was 13 but that's what I think he did I think he looked out over and he sees this one woman who was very beautiful and her name was Bathsheba and he said there is the love of my life right there and they said well she's married already he said well bring her over here I want to at least meet her you know that's always the start of trouble when you want to at least meet her and he finds out that she has a husband and I wonder how many of you today can name that husband pour me Uriah you're right and so he still has and the Bible just tells the truth he has intercourse with her and God had a hard time with David over that one and then he did the worst thing of all he called Uriah's um officers in and said send him to the front of the line and and he they did and Uriah was killed so that David could have Bathsheba do you want to find a love of your life that way Wow I mean that just strikes me as the height of of sadness and awfulness and evil that you would want something yourself so bad so so selfishly so we come to the New Testament and the first thing we read about is in John the second chapter when Jesus went to the wedding feast in Cana of Galilee do you remember that and his mother was with him and she says they run out of wine and so his mother says to the servant just have my son over there fill though just have him turn the water into wine he says well I'm not in it I haven't come into my power yeah now here we have one of the first encounters between a strong mother I'm not going to say anything else about that too much but a strong mother and and a son who wants to be a good son and she says no no no no just bring the good pots over there full of water and he'll do the rest well first of all it's interesting isn't it that Jesus was at a wedding feast in Cana of Galilee with his people when he had so much to do do you understand how little time Jesus had to do things on this earth he was only here parts of three years which may have been as little as about a year and a half or so because they measured the years in parts so he had a very short time and he and his some of his disciples were there and so they bring the water into him and he turns the water into wine which was his first miracle right his first miracle was at a wedding feast that's sort of touching to me that Jesus blessed marriage that way he was he was not married himself none of his disciples were married as far as we know except for Peter that's right and boy some of you have really studied the Bible and and and he and and Jesus though turns that water into wine and what does the wine storage say the wine store says this is odd usually you use the best line first and and then later you use the lousy wine but here you use the lousy wine first and now you you using the best wine laughs I mean whatever Jesus did was done with class I want to tell you about something that happened in relation to your church so we're just getting a harmony started there was a guy who was on the ministerial staff here at this church his name was Lee Strobel some of you know him he wrote a book yeah yeah he would love to hear that he's down in Texas now I just had contact with him the other day and he had a daughter he loved very much like like Sarah like I a bream had a son and her name was Alison Alison Strobel and she got on eHarmony and I was so excited when I saw that she got on eHarmony she had a very precise kind of view of the kind of man that she wanted and we matched her with 50 different men you'd think that that says a lot of bad things about us that we're not very accurate and you're right it does and we weren't but we eventually got it right and we measure with a man by the name of Daniel Morel and it was his first match this is a biblical story too you understand in a way and it was his first match and they fell deeply in love and they got married so they invited us to the wedding we came to the wedding was over here someplace and Lee Strobel did the marriage don't you got it and got the story right right and he was one of the ministers at this church he was very famous he'd written this book the case for Christ and he stood up in the front and he said this is the best matched couple I have ever seen I bent over I began to sob I sobbed and sobbed and sobbed didn't want anyone to see me we tried to cover it you know when you're crying and you don't want anyone to know you're crying you'd probably make it even more obvious your crime but I I just cry said I I never want to go to another one of these weddings and well let's show that picture of her do we have that our first film conversation was four and a half hours time whole time I was thinking oh my gosh this guy is amazing their second full conversation was four half hours long - and the part I did it my way for 30 years and I did it the harmony calms way for two weeks and I got an Allison that's Allison Strobel so I asked i I we asked Alice Lee Strobel the other day how they're doing because this was probably back in oh five or oh no four he said they're doing great and they have two of the most beautiful little girls and I said I'd love to play that but I'm scared to death you'll think it's a commercial for eHarmony and you'll walk out nobody walked out but you might have thought it was weird I haven't the slightly from this but I haven't the slightest desire to profit from anyway but I can tell you this it's the passion of my heart to get the divorce rate to zero we will do something we will do something wonderful for the children of the world if we can get the divorce rate to zero we to do that we think we need something called broad-based compatibility everybody's grown up in a different place with a different mom and different dad in a and a different set of values and all the rest we got to find them one person for you we have a commercial on right now and the lady says I'm on 17 different dating sites and I say is one of them a harmony calm she says no she says I won't I don't I don't want to ask answer all those questions and and I say you do do you want do you want how do I say that do you want something that lasts forever or do you want something that's fast and that commercial has done so well in pulling people in I just want to say to people I don't care what it takes you get you get a the right person to marry and you'll have something so great for yourself and I tell you what you have to have you have to have about 29 variables let me tell you how we came to that we took five thousand married people and we said let's see how good their marriages are five thousand married people from across America we said let's see how good their marriages are so we tested their marriages and about a quarter of the people had fabulous marriages fabulous about a quarter the people had pretty good marriages about a quarter of the people had not very good marriages and about a quarter of the people had miserable marriages so we took the top group and we took the bottom group and we compared them on very sophisticated factor analytic tests to find out what are the variables that determine whether you'll have a great marriage or a one that's miserable or very difficult and we came we found 29 variables and we can tell you specifically what those 29 variables are and now what we say is we we think that everybody ought to have an opportunity to have a great marriage somebody showed me a sign the other day that says 90 percent of your happiness or misery in life will depend on the person you're married I'm not putting anybody's marriage down right now and I'm not putting anybody's marriage up but I'm trying to say it's such so important who it is you wake up with every morning and who it is you go to bed with every night and who it is you spend time with and all the rest find the love of your life in a way that it will be wonderful for you for as long as you both shall live for as long as you both shall live I Neal take you Maryland to be my wife I solemnly promise before God and these witnesses that I will love honor and trust you Wow when you take those when you take those oaths you're taking such important oaths and it's a covenant between the two of you and the Lord God Almighty and you want it to be the right person so we look for the 29 variables and you say to me Neal I've been on eHarmony and never work for me I say I know it doesn't work sometimes for people and sometimes it works wonderfully well and we're trying to get it so it works for everybody but we're not so great at it yet but we're better than if you try to do it by yourself and we're better than if you let the movie industry do it for you you're better than if you let George Clooney do it for you you're better than a lot of up we're better you get my point well I have one other story to tell you so my dad and mom were married for 70 years wasn't a great marriage but it was a good marriage I mean it was a good marriage they were they treated each other with great respect but my dad was brilliant and my mom was a sweet country girl and he had picked her I think out of a need for safety and and not taking a risk he knew she would be true to him for all of his life and they didn't talk very much and my mom was depressed during a part of the marriage and that was the part when I was born as my first five years she was really pretty depressed but then they worked it out I left and they got better and and so here they were married for 70 years my mom had been 17 when they got married my dad was 19 and so he was 89 I guess when when she died and and and he and she was about that same age two years younger my math is going to pot right here in front of you and he prayed to God that God would let him die on the one-year anniversary of her death he prayed passionately to God and he told me about it we had put him in a nice condominium in Long Beach I didn't think much more about it you know my dad was like Abraham he was a it struck me as a little kooky sometimes I'm a psychologist you know and and I'm supposed to you know not go for any of that kind of stuff and so one night he calls my secretary says it's your dad so I said oh yeah put him through I was in between patients and and I said hi dad how are you doing he said well he said is it's dusk and I said what does that mean he said well I don't think I'm gonna die today I said help me to understand that and he said well you know I told you that I prayed passionately to God he said that he would take me on the one-year anniversary of your mother's death and he said I went in took my shower today and I got my best clothes on he said I've been sitting here in my chair waiting for it to happen he said I feel just as good as I did this morning and so I said well what do you think he said well he says I think I need to do something else he says I don't think he's gonna take me home I said what do you think you need to do he lived next door to the church so I thought maybe he needed to go over and help the janitor of the church you know I mean here he was 91 or something and maybe he needed to help the janitor at the church he said well there a couple of things I don't know if I've told you he said the first thing is that I have been so lonely I said I know it's really hard when you lose your mate of 70 years he said Jim he says it's really been hard I've looked forward to this one-year anniversary when I could die I said what's the second thing he said well I don't know if I've ever told you he says but I've got such a strong sex drive that's the first time my dad and I had ever talked he had never mentioned the word sex of me ever before I said wow I mean inside I said well I guess I said so what are you thinking he says well I made me a list of seven women I think would make great marriage partners I don't know if you've ever had your 91 year old father talk to you about his list of possible marriage partners or not but I wasn't ready for that I said well does one of them rise to the top when he said yeah he said I think and he told me about one of them and I said do you have a copy of my book there he said yeah of course I you know I wrote this book finding the love of your life and if there are any of them left out there you're they're yours um and I said have you read it he said yeah of course I've read it I said well you need to read it again and I said see if there it that caught the tie secondary title of the book is 10 reasons 10 10 reasons to see finding the love of your life 10 principles for finding the right marriage burner and said you go read it again and see if this woman is the right woman for you so he calls me in about two days he said I read it again and he said I think she would be a great wife for me man you know I don't know what to do I wish I just been thinking who could I call to find out how to get out of this and so I said well have you talked to her about it she says no and I I said you know you might want to talk to her about it before you go too far so I talked to her later I said when he called you she was still back in Iowa I said when he called you and said that he might be interested in marrying you and you were 88 he was 91 I said did that shocked you she says shocked me she just held my heart and she said but I always thought he was a great man to make a long story short we talked that through and I'm ordained and we had the the wedding at the church in Long Beach and the entire church came out I mean this was an entertainment the event that no one wanted to miss I heard this young man in the kitchen as I was kind of strolling you know kind of going over my remarks and I heard him say to his friend you can't believe what's happening down here he said this old old old old old he's at it five times really hurts it really hurt my feelings he said this old man is gonna marry this old woman so they got married I don't think my mom would have been real happy with that but they got married and they loved each other I you know marriage never loses its allure I told Charlie Rose the other day on the CBS this morning show I said you know right now he harmony has 88 thousand people who are over 80 years of age you never quit wanting a companion somebody you can share life with do you and you want to do it with great wisdom the Lord God Almighty has made us the persons we are and he's given us a chance to do life together with the right person and he wants us to be very thoughtful about it and to pray about it with all of our hearts and if you're tonight today or if you're thinking about finding the love of your life I just promise you something there's somebody out there for you and if you will work really hard you can find the right person and if you do I want you to call me but give me some warning depending on your age we ought to ask God right now to bless us we're all in different places some of you are young and some Biewer old some of you are married already and you want marriage to get better and some of you are not married let's let's pray to God dear God how very very very very very much we thank you for marriage how very much we thank you that Jesus blessed with his presence the marriage in Cana of Galilee how very much we know that you have thought about marriage through all of your creation and how much we thank you for that and we pray for every single person in this place today and in these on these campuses all over the world who are thinking about finding the love of their life that they will be filled with the spirit and they will be they will move with precision to the truth we pray for our very close and our gifted leader Rick in Rome that you will bless him with a blessing that's beyond anything he's ever experienced before we thank you for his marriage with Kay we thank you so much our God in Jesus name amen
Channel: Saddleback Church
Views: 158,976
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Neil Clark Warren (Organization Leader), EHarmony (Venture Funded Company), Marriage (Quotation Subject), Love (Quotation Subject), Saddleback Church (Structure), dating, how to find true love, relationships, true love, Spiritiual dating, how to
Id: HSKqjFFk3-U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 48sec (3168 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 17 2014
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