Highbanking Ancient Gravels for Gold

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did my first test pan here pretty darn good got about 30 colors I got West Coast prospecting with me here today he's got a good pan too I think oh yeah oh yeah look at that nice dude and as you can see we've got the high banker set up today and we are going to be working this upper bench that we worked last time and we got really high hopes because our first test bands are so good yours are better dude look at that that's joke yes so we better stop screwing around and get that high banker running [Music] [Applause] well welcome everybody to another inside Bend Adventure here with Damon at West Coast prospecting hey buddy he was really nice and hauled his big ass high banker down in the canyon for us and we are running buckets of this bench deposit we found uh last time we were here got about almost three quarters of a gram just panning we've got a nice crevice running the length of this bench we moved some big rocks and now we're running [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] nice set there nice bit there running good [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] we're about six buckets down we're doing a clean out we got some nice gold there's our little picker oh you're right just lunch up there and there's probably stuff in there too yeah just so many heavies [Music] but luckily we didn't oh there's there it is so this is the stuff that was under the mat and Damon is cleaning out the map cons right now [Music] [Applause] [Music] so much black cement here holy moly did you see that [Music] wow that's pretty good [Music] in there that's pretty good some bigger chunks too yeah there's a lot of fun getting there we've got a couple little Pickers in there yep little baby ones nice hell yeah dude sweet all right let's do uh six more buckets well we had a pretty good clean out there now we got three more buckets Damon's getting started on him let me show you where we've been taking them we're up on this ledge of Bedrock about six feet over the water and there's this crevice going this way in this way on this bench here but we also have ancient river travels in the wall here and my guess is that as things erode down this stuff washes here and gets stuck uh the river does get this high but not very often so my guess is it's coming more from the walls than from the flood gold but there is a mix of both and I just popped a chunk out of there and I'm going to do a test pan out of that right now just to see [Applause] [Music] oh that's cool [Music] [Music] next test pan we got more colors but man it is all the micro stuff so let's dig around a little more next test pan right from here [Music] [Applause] [Music] let's see what we got here [Music] yeah all right been testing around Damon got like a 30 specker from up there real fine stuff I got like 20 right here so we're gonna start filling buckets again [Music] yeah this is old gravel makes you wonder what's on the bottom of it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you all right get to work [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] look what Damon just got along with 20. oh my gosh look at that along with 20 30 pieces nice job dude so that was down way down low huh oh nice dude wow look at those bits there's lots of fine gold in here too nice cheers the cons from the second stage Robinson boatload of heavies oh there's a little bit there's like a lot of fine gold in here but there you get that nice well we ran two extra buckets too yeah but that's catching the fines man how many did we find in the in the Robinson oh just five yep real tiny all right well we are both really happy with that Damon got his picker out of there we got most of that gold out of there yeah I'd say there's each each run we did it's been about a quarter gram which isn't bad so I'm just doing a little test down here and I think we're just gonna keep working this area until we're down to bedrock well we just started running after we're filling our buckets and we are out of juice earlier than we planned which is unfortunate because uh we want to get all the way to the bottom of the Bedrock there so it's time to pan like maniacs I guess for the rest of the day [Music] check it out we got ourselves a little picker [Music] oops yeah there we go nice that's got some thickness to it cool [Music] there you can see we got an interesting spot here we got Bedrock just drops it kind of goes back up but in this this stuff it's been here a long long time it's just ancient and then you can see the sand layer this is where we would find in most our gold in this sand but I'm curious so this pan is pretty much only this more clay silty stuff from the old gravels so let's see what we get all right next pan here about 30 little bits not bad [Music] all right I think it's time to start panning those buckets [Music] all right grab some buckets here from the high banker that we didn't get to run I'm just gonna run it's about a half bucket I'm going to run it all through the pan in one shot and uh we'll see [Music] check it out we got a pretty good pan here a lot of fines nice nice yeah I think we've confirmed it's it's coming from flood and from a big flood and it's in this the Black Sands not so much in the gravel the old gravel we are losing our sun and I think Damon are both running that juice but we're gonna do a few more pans here see how we do Oh What a Beautiful Day see I've come down to where this fast water is running past and here we got fast water and slow water we got a nice pile up of gravel here right next to this really busted up bedrock and then right behind me here that's the crack we've been working in high banking today where we got so much nice gold just up through there so I figure I'll give this a test this stuff's really jammed in here but we will get a pan out without too much effort that's actually a really good pan yeah what do we got one two three yo that's good 30 bits I mean yeah I mean yeah sure they're small but hey that's really good I mean that was just a shot in the dark there I'll take it a lot of good Heavies in here this this whole area is definitely worth working as well that'd be a harder job because those roots make it tough all right we're back over helping Damon and we got a pretty good pan about 25 colors two really nice flakes awesome [Music] okay we are back in our little divot here and even though we kind of proved already there is great gold in the uh old gravels it's just such a good dip right here I I just want to see because whatever's down here it hasn't been washed out in a long time so we know the water hasn't rolled over it too much you know it's interesting the gravel from that Old layer it just has a totally different look you know maybe it's because it's stained a little bit or whatever but uh it's just more jagged it's not quite as water warm you know there are pieces like this but uh on the whole it's kind of more angular it's still water warm but at what angular stuff kind of starting to think that maybe there was some really big flood to put that there [Music] yeah yeah it's got like four little colors in there oh well on our last pan here I'm gonna try up here yeah yeah we'll just give it a go we actually pretty much got this whole area worked at least except for moving a couple of really big rocks I think we're gonna end up doing pretty good today you think we got our Graham Damon I hope so [Music] okay I think my eyes are bigger than my back here that's a huge fan all right we'll see if I get down in one piece and last pan of the day it's not the best but hey we got some color I'll take it all right time to pack all this Gear Up and lug it up that hill did a lot of work here let me show you we worked all this all the way down this little crack here crevice that cracked up worked all this all this all this and under here that's a lot of digging but yeah unfortunately you know we got this nice crack here but there's really not much gold in this uh really compacted clay and gravel mix it seems all the gold is in stuff like this it's like this sandy stuff here yeah right there that's where the Gold's at sista which doesn't look that good but there's a ton of black sand in it and a lot of gold so it's always worth digging something weird just in case all right we're gonna get the high banker cleaned up I think we only put three shovels in it before we realized the battery was toast and then uh yeah we'll dump our snuffers out and we'll show you what we did and then Damon's gonna take all the cons home and clean him up and uh we'll see what we ended up with I'm hoping we got a gram Damon's saying we probably got a gram so we'll see all right here's my Snuffer bottle from the second half of the day we got our nice little picker and a starry night of small flower gold we'll take it man Damon he got a lot of fine gold here holy smokes okay and here we go this is all we got just from panning the second half of the day it looks like a half gram almost to me uh it's hard to tell it's so fine but I guess we'll see what we get when we wait up well hey I'm pretty happy with that we did good time to head up the hill Damon's going to take the console and clean them up and uh yeah we'll see what we ended up with let's go Graham anyway we'll see you back for the way up and we're back home so that footage was from about a year and a half ago it was the very first time I ever used a high banker uh we had a ton of fun and we ended up working that bench I don't know maybe three or four more times and pulling probably three or four more grams out of it and including a really nice Court specimen that Damon found so the way up for that gold was just over a gram and my half has been mixed into that vial for that year but I figured just so you guys could see some color let me show you some of the pickers I got last year well a big thanks to Damon at West Coast gold prospecting uh for bringing that high banker down had a really good time and thanks everybody for watching hope to catch you on the next video
Channel: Inside Bend Prospecting
Views: 5,870
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gold rush, inside bend, prospecting, high banker, gold, gold panning, sluicing, southern oregon, oregon gold
Id: D0d_kIkYV8Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 22sec (1102 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 30 2023
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