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to craft better air prompts in mid-journey one of the things you can do to speed up that process is to find other prompts that have created images you love this can be a great way to not only improve your prompts in the journey but also improve your art and discover more art styles that you can play with so I'm going to share with you where you can find mid-journey prompts to actually improve what you're creating using this platform I'm gonna get this one out of the way is uh we've got a couple of paid platforms I'm going to quickly mention and move on with which is this prompt space where you can go you can sell or pay for mid-journey prompts but also there is prompty dot Ai and this is also a paid platform except if you go up the top here to the menu you can click free prompt and you actually have some free prompts you can use as well so it's not all entirely paid one of the best things I've discovered is actually Facebook groups you can see here I've got a mid Journey prompt tricks where someone has shared this image with the prompt in the description all you need to do is go up to your search type in mid-journey prompts and you'll see here groups or you can choose groups from the left over here and you can go through and explore some of these groups to see which ones suit you the most the best some of the found ones I found to be pretty good are like mid Journey prompt tricks they've got some pretty good imagery here you've already seen this one a bit of information but people sharing the prompts and the results they've been getting using those props mid-journey prompts share is another great group again people are sharing their images in the prompts they use to get to them you scroll down someone here has this particular image where they actually got the prompt here and the image on the left we've got this close-up of a person with a colorful face another good example also prompt Hub another great place you can see where people have shared their prompt and the result they've gotten and then also people have commented with what they've actually been able to achieve as well they're checking out those groups is a great way to discover new prompts you can use in mid Journey next one is free flow AI which is a very powerful place to get prompts from because what they've done is curated the images they yeah and they're not just simply posted by anyone they've been hand picked because what their goal is is to find professional looking images that you can use in commercial work or design projects as opposed to what we normally get out of mid journey and a lot of prompt sharers which is like a lot of Art and sort of crazy off the cuff stuff but uh free flow actually has all these images that you can choose and they're all designed and sort of engineered to be used commercially they're carefully chosen they have a commercial look and they're beautiful high-end images now free flow are actually the sponsor of this video so I just wanted to sort of share this with you it is actually a really powerful platform because it's kind of like unsplash for mid-j so instead of going to something like unsplash looking for an image getting what you want and then being stuck with that image you get to create your own variations so let's say I've got this image here all I need to do is actually click get prompt and I can copy this prompt head over to me Jenny paste that in and maybe I say young woman in the city street with neon lights so I can change it around if I really want to and click enter and this is our final result you can see here the images are really well done and a lot of care has been put into this prompt to create stunning images now I can even just adjust this further I can hit my I can turn on remix mode and hit the button here and I can say young woman with blonde hair submit and again we get these really Crystal Clear results very clean very photo realistic and I don't think I've ever had photorealistic prompts as good as this myself so I think this is an amazing resource for anyone trying to use AI to create these style of images and this is entirely free you actually don't have to pay for anything you can just come here check it out you can do a search and actually look up for images you want see we've got some very busy looking images here you can type in artistic and we get more artistic images there this is a really excellent resource for finding prompts online to get a really really high end result something beyond what you would normally expect to get from the journey so check out they're the sponsor of this video and just excellent excellent stuff the next one is your mid-journey account head to sign in and there's a few different things you can do here for one you can find a user but I'm going to go to explore here on the left we have the Community Feed so we can scroll down find something we like we've got this R2D2 image and the prompt is sitting right here or I can go to the three dots over here and copy full command or the prompt and then I can actually take that over to Mid journey and play with it myself again but it doesn't just stop there if I like what this person has done I can go check out their profile and see the images they've been able to produce they're actually very high-end so this user is someone who's had a lot of experience getting very particular looks so we can also then check out their work and do the same again copy that prompt we can follow this person and then we actually get stuff in our personal feed if we come in here a fair bit and see what they're producing and also we can go over here to rank pairs here is the idea is that we want to rank which images we like the best but underneath here we actually have the prompt so I can go through I say I like this one see I like this one here I've got the prompt down here that I can also reference if I want to do that as well so don't underestimate the power of your actual mid-journey account for finding cool prompts that you can use yourself the next one is actually the mid Journey GitHub page there's a link in the description to this but they actually have a Styles area you can go and explore so we've got design Styles themes materials lighting if I go into lighting this will help me find certain terms that I can use they actually have different uh sort of like models I get a version 5 Alpha and I can explore these different types of lighting now these aren't full props but these are definitely handy areas handy things you can play with and add into your existing prompts so we've got here backlight we've got front light we've got things like that there's Rimmel heading it's actually but uh so you can actually find some good descriptions here of lighting types you can use in other styles isn't it like I said there's an entire range I head back and you can see all of the various options you can explore uh to check out different way different terms to add to your prompts next one is to find a mid-journey prompt generator so I'm using prompt.noons shot here and I can go into Styles and there's a bunch of styles here I can reference if I find something I like or something I want to play with I can simply add it into my prompt and generate a prompt so we've got diffraction grading and I can actually add a prompt weight to this I'm going to hit continue I can check out the lighting types so there's Candlelight glowing radioactively and I can actually add an Incredible Hulk as a grasshopper I can add in these areas and here it produces a prompt so checking out various prompt generators is a great way to go I'm going to put a video card in the end screen soon showing you where you can find more prop generators for mid-journey but finally check out my channel I've got some videos plenty of videos in mid-june but also a playlist one I'll also link to at the end of this video and in the description with various videos that are purely about different styles you can try with mid-gen so check out the two videos on the screen right now one or the other on Mid Journey prompts or styles to further investigate things you can try using mid-june otherwise thanks for watching the video hope you have a great day see you again soon [Music] foreign
Channel: Wade McMaster - Creator Impact
Views: 9,774
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to find midjourney prompts, how to find prompts for midjourney, midjourney styles 2023, midjourney v5 prompts, midjourney ai art styles, ai art midjourney prompts styles, midjourney, midjourney ai tutorial, midjourney prompts, midjourney prompt tips, ai art, midjourney ai, midjourney v5.2
Id: z9GMiRLO3yU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 39sec (459 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 20 2023
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