How To Find Landlords That Let You Airbnb Their Property

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it seems to me that the hardest part about starting an airbnb business without owning no property is finding a landlord that will allow you to airbnb their property so in most cases everyone tries to go the easy way out and they go about calling every management company that they can get a hold of and they talk to the wrong people and now they fail and they come back to me telling them why they keep getting rejected why it doesn't work guys first of all you have to understand the real hustle of the rental arbitrage business and that hustle is to talk to property owners you have to go out there and do the work to find them it's not as easy as just talking to property management talking to the person in the front desk and asking them hey you guys offer corporate leases can i can we do short-term rentals this and this and that there are automatically going to turn you down because they don't have the power to to change the rules in the management company i mean there is some management companies that are way smaller and they can work with you so what i'm trying to say is that this business model is not as easy as everyone might think imagine if it was as easy of just calling management companies tell them hey i want to do this this and this and that i want your property i want to do airbnb and they can be like oh yeah sure just sign here and we'll give you a property imagine if it was that easy airbnb will be saturated literally everywhere you go there will be an and an airbnb in every corner it will be much harder for hoes to make money it just doesn't make sense so if you guys are brand new to entrepreneurship and want to start a business you have to keep in mind that you have to hustle and it's hard i'm sorry but starting a business is not as easy as everybody might think the hard part is looking for that landlord talking to them telling them what you want to do with their property and what value you want to bring to them after you do that everything becomes easy once you have the property you list it on airbnb you rent it out you start making money so in this video i want to show you guys how to find property owners that will allow you to do airbnb and also today i will be announcing the winner for the free mentorship so if you guys want to know if you guys won stick around for the whole video and the end of the video i will let you guys know who won and i'll give you the details to reach out to me so we can schedule that call also if you guys are interested in a one-on-one mentorship there's a link in the description so you guys can go check it out if you guys have not yet subscribed subscribe to the channel like this video comment any questions that you might have related to airbnb and without further ado let's get started with the video okay so let's start off by going over some different ways that you guys can go about finding property owners that will allow you to do airbnb remember guys focus on finding property owners first this is the real hustle of rental arbitrage later if we can't find any landlord then that will be our plan b to go and talk to property management but the whole thing about rental arbitrage is talking directly with property owners or landlords that we can work together so we can build a relationship and possibly get more units that they might have or they can refer us to other people that might have properties so let's start off with the first tip and that is going to be to go out and drive around your neighborhood and start looking for rentals i know i said this in the previous videos and some people actually comment in my video saying that i've been driving around and i can't find anything well to be honest i don't think you're doing it right so drive around in neighborhoods that you have never driven before uh go out of your way maybe if you have to go even 30 minutes away from where you live go about going around and soon enough you will find a sign that says for rent and it is uh handwritten so you automatically know that there's a landlord that's looking for a tenant so keep trying guys it doesn't happen overnight you might have to just um drive for a couple more days and uh until you find your first deal fun fact my first property that i got on airbnb i was driving around and i found a property for rent and i immediately call them and it happens that i got the deal you know i got the meeting with the landlord and i was able to go and get that property so don't tell me that it doesn't work because i started driving for rentals i started driving around my neighborhood and i found a rental that was available and that's how i got started so go and do that first and let's jump to the second tip the second way that you can find property owners is through realtors i know you might be thinking that oh no real estate agents only sell houses they help people buy houses you are wrong i'm a realtor so i can tell you that in the mls we have access to rentals and with those rentals uh most of the realtors work directly with homeowners so if you can get a hold of a realtor you give them a call you tell them that you're looking for a rental and you tell them specifically that you're looking to rent out somebody's property and so you can uh rent it out as a sublease or as an airbnb and just be honest with the realtor don't try to hide anything because at the end of the day they're the ones that they're gonna go talk to the property owners and try to convince them to uh to rent you that property now they work at a commission basis so if you can offer them an extra commission on top of that then they will be more than happy to help you out so talk to realtors in your local area and try to see if you can find the landlord that way third way that you can go about looking for property owners is to attend to local real estate investor meetings in my previous videos as well i've been talking about local meetups and i know that people don't do the work they don't want to go out and look for uh real estate uh meetings or events that they can go out and network and talk to property owners go out there guys go on and search your your city for any real estate investor meetup so right now things are opening back up so a lot of investors are trying to gather up together now and do network meetings that you can potentially find a property owner that's looking to make more money with this rental and or try different things you know so in those real estate investor meetings you can meet a lot of people that are open-minded that are willing to listen to your ideas because they go there for a reason they want to go network with people they want to learn something new or they want to learn how to make more money with their real estate property so if you can go to and just search real estate meetings or real estate investor meetings or events you're going to see that there's going to be some events coming up put that in your schedule dress nice and just go there and have fun and talk to people and and i can guarantee you you will meet people the fourth way that you can go about looking for landlords is gonna be to go online go to facebook craigslist or on google and search sub lease just literally type the word sublease and i can guarantee you that you will see results because if you guys are not yet aware the did you know that there is a such thing about that when college students rent out an apartment or a house they can have the option to sublease it because for the most part a student is not going to be there all year round you know they have summer vacation spring vacation they have uh thanksgiving and all that stuff all the holidays so they're probably not gonna use the rental for about four to six months out of the whole year so the landlord gives them permission to sublease it to somebody else instead of just having the property just sitting there and they have to come out of pocket to pay the rent so that's something that landlords are willing to do with them so if you go on online and look for sub-lease apartments or houses and you talk to them of the idea that you want to do with airbnb i can guarantee you that you can find a landlord that will let you do that and also did you know that if you search up rooms for rent there's people that are renting out their rooms so that means that either that person is as a homeowner or maybe it's renting another property that has the option to sublease it because the landlord allowed them to rent out an extra bedroom in the property so what you're gonna do is you're gonna talk to them maybe give them a phone call uh and tell them what what you can do for them like you can possibly put that room on airbnb or you can help them um manage their airbnb listing so there is a lot of ways that you guys can go about finding property owners the fifth and last option that you have is to simply ask your landlord if you are currently renting an apartment a house i can guarantee you that that landlord has different properties talk to them guys maybe they are having trouble renting out one of their units it's just a simple call just call your landlord you know or next time you pay the rent on hey do you happen to have uh more rentals i'm interested to rent in another unit and technically since you already have a relationship with them you pay the rent on time they're gonna take the time to listen to you so you're gonna pitch them the idea and hoping for them to have an apartment or a house and and you can do airbnb in one of their property for the most part many investors have other friends that are investors and that they have properties so share the idea that you have about airbnb and if for some reason you already have a house you probably ran with a property management then talk to friends your cousins that are renting and tell them if you can have the number of their landlord so you can simply just talk to them and tell them your idea so guys there is unlimited amount of opportunities out there you just are not looking right and you're not doing the work so these are just a couple of ideas that you can start doing right now to look for a property owner instead of calling property management but let me tell you guys uh you you want to just do it right and build the relationship with property owners first and then once you have the experience you can now move to property management or present them your business model and hoping that it can work out with them too so that is it for today's video guys hope you guys enjoyed this video and now let's reveal the winner for last week's giveaway of the 2000 subscribers for the free mentorship okay guys so we're gonna start the raffle and see who won the giveaway so let's press start good luck to everyone and the winner is sarah fajardo congratulations you have won the giveaway of the free mentorship so once again congratulations sarah for hartle all you have to do now is send me a direct message on instagram at the real greg pimentel and just take a screenshot like right now and send it to me and i will get in touch with you and we can schedule that free collaboration call and mentorship look for you guys if sarah doesn't get in touch with me within 24 hours i'll do another raffle again and i'll choose another winner so if you end up winning i'll personally send you a message on youtube and try to get a hold of you for those of you that didn't win the free mentorship i still want to thank you for supporting me for commenting on the other video and i will be doing more giveaways in the future so keep on watching the videos and stay tuned for more giveaways but that is it for today's video hope you guys learned something new and uh keep on hustling because although it might be a little bit hard to find a landlord that will let you do random arbitrage there are people out there that that want your business so keep on looking keep on hustling and i'll guarantee you that you will get that deal so thank you so much and i'll see you in the next one guys peace out
Channel: Greg Pimentel
Views: 11,172
Rating: 4.9504642 out of 5
Keywords: airbnb, real estate, rental arbitrage, Entrepreneur, make money online, short term rentals
Id: _WYW4mdoQfY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 28sec (748 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 04 2021
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