6 Proven Techniques To Pitch Landlords on Airbnb

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alright guys you want to sell landlords and letting you run an Airbnb business I'm about to give you six solid sales techniques that I use not only in my Airbnb business but I use these to save newspapers from going out of business because believe it or not I run a sales consultancy so I'm gonna help you sell people so that way you can grow your Airbnb business and make millions like me let's jump in [Music] before we get into technique number one I'm gonna lay some ground rules for sales you can learn all the techniques in the world but if you don't understand the core of selling it's gonna cost you and like ground rule number one is never disagree with the person you're trying to sell so if they're going to argue points with you you're gonna not along you're gonna agree you're gonna listen you're gonna empathize with them and you're going to then try to find a way to bridge the gap never get combative with your customer that's a big one and another one is make sure that you listen more than you talk they say the people two years in one month for a reason you're going to get information from your client or your potential buyer and that's going to be how you can start to structure things in a way that they're going to understand you have to listen first use good body language practice good eye contact smile and nod when they're talking to you convey all of the emotions and all the qualities that you want them to possess when you're trying to sell them on your idea okay so with that said let's get into technique number one technique number one is called the yes ladder it's basically stems from psychology which is the more that people say yes the more likely they're gonna say yes the future things I'm akin seeing a little rudimentary but it's pretty powerful door to door encyclopedia salesmen used to use this use this they were not gonna door and they you'd answer say hi do you live here and then you'd say yes and like oh great this pretty place is this do your yard is this your yard and you'll be like yeah of course it's my yard and they'll just ask you yes questions are the sake of getting you to say yes so that way by the time they're in the presentation you're saying yes is you're not going along so you can do the same thing with a landlord when you're in the process of negotiating with a landlord and you want them to say yes to future terms cover the things that they're gonna say yes to right away and you could say what would you prefer your next tenant to sign a year or longer lease yeah okay cool and would you like them to get their own utilities yes you know things like that and that way you're just getting him to say yes or her to say yes get them used to saying yes so that way by the time you get into things like I want to put your property on the Airbnb they'll hopefully say yes right yes ladder small words big differences technique number two the porcupine close this one's really fun if somebody gives you an objection you can rephrase it in order to restructure that objection and get them to give you things that they are cool with so let's just use the very obvious one that you are all worried about which is I don't want you listening my property on Airbnb and then you say well okay what what marketing channels are you comfortable with me listing your property on see the the porcupine closes I don't want that okay what do you want right so and the key here is to get him to realize that he's cool with some marketing platforms if he's cool or she's cool with it at all and then try to use logic and analogy to get him more comfortable with Airbnb later if he's fine with you putting something on Craigslist Craigslist is sketchy and it should be easy for you to walk somebody from talking about craigslist properties to putting it on Airbnb and you can talk about the benefits of Airbnb versus Craigslist later on in the conversation and again the ground rules do not argue with him if he says I don't want you to put it on Airbnb you don't get combative and argue use the porcupine clothes and say well what you know marketing channels are you comfortable with us putting it on and then just put that your pocket for later and try to build a positive conversation again and then compare the features and benefits of Airbnb versus whatever once he was comfortable with and if he doesn't understand what channels there are this is an opportunity for you to talk to him about all the marketing channels that there are you dindt reduce craigslist and that brings me to number three technique number three is a straw man argument so you're going to put something up in order for you to be able to knock it down with that person so Craigslist for example like we just said is a terrible platform to try to find tenants on I think that just the bottom of the barrel I've actually I've used Craigslist before so not only the bottom of the barrel but you expose yourself to the bottom of the market so by him normally being used to something like Craigslist because it's been more normalized more you know mainstream you can put that up get him to say you know he's comfortable with Craigslist and then now you can basically make the argument that Airbnb is better than Craigslist and knocked down you know Craigslist with him and he'll feel more empowered to choose Airbnb because you helped him you know decide he didn't like something else strawman argument there that one's fun for technique number four feel felt found this is another way to overcome the I don't like Airbnb argument and this has been one that I've used an impulse sales a lot I know how you feel I actually know other people just like you who have felt the same way but once they found out this key detail they were on board they change their mind so let's phrase this for Airbnb short-term rental operators so yeah you you don't you don't want us advertising this online I get it you don't want other people living in your property where you know I'm paying rent you just want somebody thing right you're not used to corporate housing or something so let's use that like okay so you don't want a company signing a lease for your property and I know how you feel I know other landlords who've actually kind of have felt like you for years where they buy a home they just want somebody to live there and they think that's the best way but once they found out a few things I mean like for example the property has to be stepped in for sale condition once they found out that a company like mine basically keeps this place looking as picturesque as possible or that you know essentially differently than a regular tenant where a tenant can just like live in it not you know not keep the place looking good but they also another thing that that was a factor for them is that tenants don't make repairs once they found out that companies like us we just like tenaciously keep this place in perfect operating condition there's not going to be a cabinet with a loose screw because it affects our relationship with our guests once they found out that companies like ours actually keep the property in better condition than a regular tenant as opposed to popular belief they were they were much more excited about having somebody like us care for their property during their lease so take this and start to hone it in because you're going to have to adapt this feel felt found for any landlord you talk to or any sale you do because it's not going to be a script feel felt found is the framework in order that you empathize and you redeliver information but you can't say like verbatim I know how you feel mr. landlord about not wanting a corporate housing company but when other landlords found out that corporate housing was a better model they found that they were felt like they would like it better that you can't to make a verbatim for feel felt bound you have to know the framework and then and move forward with that so keep that one that one's been great for impulse sales and your you're introducing testimonials there which is which is a good opportunity to talk about other if you have other properties you can talk about other hosts specifically who have felt the same way but found out that you're awesome make sense technique number five this one is proprietary I've actually I developed this technique myself and I teach it to my sales staff to this day we call it turning the corner turning the corner is an emotional sales leveraging technique so when somebody gives you an objection I want you to feel their objection like they were absolutely right almost like in the gut like oh wow yeah I can I get it did that's that's terrible this terrible that you had a bad tenant before or that that's you know terrible that your neighbor has had Airbnb parties or you know whatever you want to feel that objection with as much force as they feel you want to basically grab them by the hand and walk through their objection with them through the darkness of it and you want to in the middle of responding to their objection and with how right they are about their objection you're gonna turn the corner like a light bulb comes on be like oh my goodness I've got an idea and so you're gonna turn the corner with them right so you're walking them emotionally along their path and when you introduce your solution you it's almost like this emotional aha moment that is turning the corner and it can work with any objection that you overcome so like for example we don't want you having guests any shorter than 90 days or any shorter than 30 days we just don't like the risk thank you yeah and you so you start to talk about it you ask them questions like I get that so you're you're you're worried about are you worried about like maintenance are you worried about them like you know wearing the property to like doing damage are you worried about parties and like get into detail about the discovery of what it is that they don't like about 30 days or less agreeing with them and discovering them and you're like you're basically like you know Sherlock's Sherlock Holmes Inge what's that other guy that uh Dick Tracy that's it you're gonna pull a Dick Tracy and you're gonna like investigate their objection and get in there and they're gonna talk to you about how they don't like certain aspects of the tenancy for example and as they give you their facts you're gonna like believe them and you're gonna go wow that's you know that's valid yeah I feel you you know and then as you walk through this like yes and yes yes and your objection - I totally get it and then you go yeah oh I've got an idea okay so you don't want ten it's less than 30 days and it's because of this this or this yeah which I totally get how about this this is a perfect solution to your problem that perfect solution to the problem is that every tenant has to like give their driver's license on arrival and put it on file or they have to do a soft background check for a criminal record things like this and I've negotiated background checks for buildings in order to be able to be an Airbnb host so this allows you to meet somebody in the middle where they were actually they're actually going to respect you're meeting them in the middle because they feel like you truly understand their objection which is which is absolutely powerful meet them in the middle bite walking all the way to them and then walking them back into the middle by living out their objection and then turning the corner make sense technique number six the choice closed this one's super simple we always do it would you like paper or plastic right so now what you're going to do is you're going to give them a choice clothes let's say you're trying to negotiate terms like they want a big security deposit you don't want to put a big security deposit and you try to negotiate where you get like a good concession stuff like that like they want first month last month and security deposit right so instead the you can you can state that you don't want any security deposit at all and that's absolutely awesome tatius request well you know that they're not going to agree to it so now you give them a choice close and meet in the middle like would you like this to pay you first month and last month with like a $500 security deposit because we have so many of these properties we don't want to like just throw money and let's lock all of our money up in security deposits or would you like us to pay you first month and then the security deposit that you're asking for without paying the last month's rent you get them two options that are both in favor of whatever it is that you're looking for where now instead of them saying yes or no they're just going to pick one of the other this helps you along the along the way to negotiate in terms that are better for you and this could be where you're trying to get permission to do something - it doesn't actually have to be a line item as far as budget goes but you could get them to agree to the way that you operate your building so if you if they're like not on board with like the whole short-term tendency like two-night three-night stay or less you can say well would it be better for us if we put in security cameras or would you like us to put in a noise detection software or noise detection hardware to be able to constantly listen for when people are too loud which one do you think would be better for you if we're gonna take this lease from you choice close do you want security cameras or do you want noise detection or both right both that's cool we'll do both bind here sign here right so great way to oice close is a great way to take no out of the equation alright so that was it guys six solid techniques that we use in sales in my sales consultancy saving newspapers from going out of business and if these techniques work to save newspapers from dying they definitely work for negotiating real estate deals like I said before I use these all the time myself so hope you you can practice these drill these understand that these aren't scripts these are techniques you have to put a script inside of these techniques and you have to adapt them for each customer because you don't just get to overcome objections with some sort of word-for-word thing you have to respond to each person's unique objection because they matter to all right sales is a mutual thing not some aggressive divide-and-conquer roman thing all right so thank you for watching everybody be automated I hope you become better salespeople and get more properties I will see you on the other side [Music]
Channel: Airbnb Automated
Views: 78,185
Rating: 4.9516277 out of 5
Keywords: rakidzich, airbnb, sales techniques, contract negotiation, rental arbitrage, real estate, sales advice, sales tutorial, how to sell, negotiating, closing deals, selling, landlords, airbnb.business, making sales, mastering sales, scripts, overcoming objections, million dollar renter, dallas real estate, becoming successful, become wealthy, airbnb strategy, hosting on airbnb, texas, dallas texas, wework office
Id: 9FS3nprFD5E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 52sec (772 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 24 2019
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