How To Lease An Apartment In Your Company Name | Aurorah Dey

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all right here we go happy Tuesday secured entreprenuers and we are going to wake it all the way up let's wake it all the way up Oh into the G I was totally dragging this morning I really have been but I don't get this party started oh my gosh I hope you all enjoyed your holiday weekend this Labor Day weekend hope you had time with your family your friends and for those of us entrepreneurs who come alive on the weekend I hope you've got so much done and your numbers are in line what are your sales goals for this week for today what did you do yesterday did you have any Labor Day sales I mean what's going on and comment below oh my gosh finally okay but those of you who not know who I am I am all wrong a day and this is the securit entrepreneur movement and you all know that we are dedicated here to the lifestyle that you truly desire to live as an entrepreneur and you know that there is a difference between being committed and being dedicated you know I speak to the dedicated secured entrepreneur and you know that I am here Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. Pacific Standard Time to answer your question okay so alright let's get started and if anybody is making comments hello I can't see them I don't know maybe I need to press a button I don't know believe your comment below I'm not ignoring you okay so today I'm gonna answer Tony's question and Tony and I have not had the opportunity to speak to one another yet but based on the email that you sent to Jessica Tony you are asking about leasing an apartment in your company name and you stated that you have tried to do it and you have been all right now it sounds to me like your company is not established all right now now I'm just gonna go up I'm just gonna give this information because I don't have any details about how you have tried to do it and why you have been rejected okay so here's what I'm going to share with our community this morning first of all what you're asking about is something called a corporate lease all right now if you were going for an apartment in an apartment complex you know that's at the discretion of the management to recognize and take on corporate leases all right now many you know large name-brand companies you know we're familiar with if there's an employee and they have their human resource department or whichever department that they're using to call on behalf of the employee to state we need to create at least they're going to ask for the individual the officer of the company or the employee who will be residing in that apartment and they may ask for that individuals information sometimes they'll just go off of the company you know and take whatever whoever the information of the individual is calling about loosing the apartment but for the most part they still want to know who it is that's going to be residing in that apartment and they will ask for that individuals information they may also do a background check on that individual all right so if in fact you have tried to do this in whatever word and was denied it could be that you definitely don't have your company established yet so you need to go ahead and organize whether it be your LLC organize that or if you're saying you're doing a corporation and you plan to have several people and things of this nature you're gonna have shareholders things of that nature then you need to go ahead and incorporate all right but here's the main thing when I say that your company is not fully established possibly what I'm saying is that you have not put your company on the map does it have credit all right and I talked a lot about this and I help entrepreneurs out with this because that's the part that's actually missing anytime you go to get established and you want to get something they're looking to see ok does this company have a profile alright do you have your dun & bradstreet number do you have any trade lines what are the references that your company has to prove that it can actually pay on the lease that it can make good on the lease ok so I would say that you need to go ahead and organize that company get your dun & bradstreet start building your company credit start building that corporate credit on that entity alright and then also here's the thing once again I talked about this last week and it's a true entrepreneur movement group they're on Facebook what is your time in on the company if it's a brand-new company and you don't have anything established then yes they're going to be asking you to be the guarantor you must guarantee that you can actually pay the least and what that means is that you yourself needs to have established credit and I'm not saying you have to have a 1 credit but you can't have any judgments ok and you need to have a decent score so you at least want to have a 650 and above to do this because one of the things that a lot of these complexes can do they can ask you for two months of that security deposit they can ask you for an additional amount as it relates to that security deposit meaning that they sometimes the complexes have a security deposit of by 200-300 dollars however they can ask you for a full month's rent as a deposit because you your credit is just not there or you may have some type of judgment on your credit so you want to clear all of that up if you have a new company that doesn't have any you know established connections you don't have any credit there there's no reference for these people to go on to say ok I trust that this company is gonna make good on this lease alright here's the other thing and you know this is something that's very very popular if in fact you want to lease an apartment under your company name and you are new you're not established you can find an independent home owner who is looking to rent their space okay now some of them may still want to know who you are they still you know for their safety they still want to know about your criminal background about your credit history they need to know who the heaven is coming in here because your credit is not that great okay boy your company's credit is not there we don't know and you're an individual coming to save you want to lease in your company name all right so you must be mindful of other than all of these things in the long run what you want to do is definitely make sure that you yourself have the ideal credit profile and you know I talked a lot about that and if you need more information you know I have the links up here and in the description box bitly backslash the profile alright because what you want to do is make sure that as the entrepreneur and the CEO of your company you had the ability to financially secure your business you have to financially secure your business alright in the way that you're doing that is that you are personally financially established all right so your cash flowing and you have personal credit that is stable and a-one all right and also you have established your company to the degree at which you don't have to be a guarantor anymore it has its own independent credit good morning very informative enjoy your day thank you so very much thank you so very much for tuning in I look forward to hearing from all of you okay so that's really what I wanted to share today to the secured entrepreneur community if in fact you are trying to do this you know whether it be for privacy whether it be for financial reasons or you're trying to come away from putting things in your name to which you know that's what I always stress if that's the case your best bet is to actually create a solid trust all right and this is what we do here okay everything is under the name of one of our trusts okay the automobiles the homes the offices things like that there's way more security in creating the solid trust and then having a trustee all right go and obtain these leases why because the trust is not operating in the public the way that corporate entity is operating in the public so when the trust comes they're not saying well let's check your credit oh let's do all that they're not doing that because that's a private entity you're gonna have a better luck actually creating that trust and having the trust do those leases okay so it would it would you would come away from okay I want a corporate lease and now I'm just saying this for individuals who are not creating you know companies where you have several people who need dwelling now that's something different but it sounds to me like Tony you're saying you're you're wanting this for an individual purpose if you're wanting this on an individual purpose and your company is not established I would go the trust route simply because they're not looking at you say okay we need to check your company's credit what's going on what they're saying is we will put this lease in the name of the trust because here's the trustee we had the documentation to prove that and then you know they'll ask you know who is actually you know who is the person who's actually going to be living here and if that's you once again like I'm saying make sure that you don't have a criminal background that is going to you know cause the owner of the of the of the home or the complex to say you know we don't really want you living here trust or not you know what I'm saying so make a decision as to which direction you're gonna go in all right so that's for everyone here in the security entrepreneur movement community on this Tuesday morning tonight I'm going to be talking about CEOs gone wrong okay there's so much going on in the CEO world that we need to be very mindful of and once again come on people less cash flow less cash flow because once we had that going on all of the other things that you know you guys are emailing Jessica about you won't have those issues anymore and what that is is creating the money engines so we want to get your entities correct because the entity by itself is a money engine you don't have to kill yourself in your business when you have your entities structured properly and they are set up to cash flow and multiply themselves okay financially and so we teach you how to actually do that so you don't have to be out here I'm dabbling in this dabbling in this and trying to make money here and there no you are a secured entrepreneur who learns how to turn credit into cash flow all right so you all know that you can reach me at Aurora de and if you want more of these juicy millionaire secret strategies wwt millionaire secret strategies club and you know that you can leave your questions here on the thread or email Jessica info at Aurora de and I will see you all tomorrow Tata
Channel: Aurorah Dey
Views: 32,973
Rating: 4.9348836 out of 5
Keywords: how to lease an apartment in your company name, how to get a corporate lease, how to use your business credit
Id: 2eNpHACzp74
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 12sec (732 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 04 2018
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