How To Explore Efficiently! | The Minecraft Guide - Tutorial Lets Play (Ep. 5)

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[Music] how's it going everybody it's me your boy sheep father here welcome back to the minecraft guide episode number five you heard it here first the big news there's been a birth in our world we have a brand new sheep the sheep is i don't know which one is new but there's a new sheep you see in between episodes have been busy i've been shearing the sheep over and over and over again we're currently at almost a stack and a half almost we're a little short now today's episode it's not going as planned the initial plan for this episode was smashing that like button right now uh i meant the initial plan for today's episode was building our starter house we've been living out under the sky for way too long we're still homeless but uh then i started thinking about the build and then the blocks that i want to use and then i realized that i only have like half of the blocks that i want to use then i was thinking well hey that's fine we can get the blocks in the beginning but then i realized i don't really know where the blocks are so today instead of building we're actually gonna explore a little bit i mean after all we've barely seen like any other world and we've been here for a minute now uh we're actually on day 19 which is kind of crazy so in today's episode we'll be talking everything that you need to know for exploration including some efficient exploration tips now first things first we need to introduce a brand new workstation to introduce that workstation we're going to need some paper now rewind a little bit workstation what is that i don't think i've said that word in this series quite yet well a workstation is a one point fortune thing so far we've actually checked out a few work stations the stone cutter is a workstation and the blast furnace is a workstation the workstation blocks function as blocks that we the player can use like the stone cutter and the blast furnace and this next one that we're gonna make but they also function as blocks that the villagers use kind of they use them for their jobs at least but we'll talk a little bit more about villagers later on the workstation that's the star of the show today is this one right here the cartography table the cartography table is the table of maps if you want to make a map you're going to want to have this table but you actually technically believe it or not don't need the table to start off we're actually going to need to go over to a normal crafting table and get a compass and then some paper now thankfully i've been keeping up somewhat decently on harvesting the sugarcane we don't have a lot but we should have enough for today for one map right here is a map this is our very first map of the world we'll go ahead and craft it and then we'll take a look at it so the map is beautiful i actually really like zoomed in maps but we have a little bit of a problem this zoomed in map is tiny take a look at this if we move around that pointer which is us on the map is going to move around quite a bit too that's a good thing if we wanted a zoomed in map but it's a really bad thing if we want to cover a lot of ground and map all of that ground which we definitely do now maps on better arc edition and java edition are a little bit different the series is being played on java edition but a lot of the stuff definitely applies to better architection today some of the stuff won't first things first on better architection you actually don't need a compass to craft a map on bedrock you can put 9 pieces of paper inside of a crafting table and get a map that map is going to be a blank map though if you want a locator map on better architection you'll need a compass also on bedrock edition locator maps can be crafted inside of the cartography table on java edition basically every map is a locator map a locator map is the map with that little pointer now the cartography table this is the ui right here if we put our current map in the top slot we're gonna see it right there there are a few things that we can do to this map first things first we can expand the map that's exactly what we're going to use this table for today if we drop a piece of paper in here this map is being combined with this paper and being zoomed out if we grab it boom we just zoomed our map out a little bit but that's not the only thing that we could do here pretend this piece of paper right here was a blank second map a map that we didn't use quite yet we could put it over here and we would be able to actually duplicate or clone this map right over here i don't have a blank map or enough stuff to make another map so you're just gonna have to use your imagination let's go ahead and zoom the map out again though boom there we go now we have that now finally the third thing that you can do with the cartography table on java edition involves a glass plane a clear one if i put a glass pane right here i would actually lock this map the lock map would be output over here just like always the locked map will never change again so if i were to lock this map just like this and then move around it actually wouldn't fill in i could move around but it won't fill in anymore locked maps are cool for preserving things like treasure maps that you find in shipwrecks which uh yes i haven't forgotten about the shipwreck that we found in episode one yeah episode one was crazy but there we go we have a fully zoomed out map you know your map is fully zoomed out once you kind of just look at it no or once you get this in here if we can't zoom the map out anymore we're done this is perfect we're going to want to bring this map with us when we're exploring but that's not the only thing we're going to want to bring we're also going to want to bring a lot of food here i have two stacks and a little bit more of sweet berries definitely overkill but also definitely more than enough we're just going to bring it all we're also going to want to bring our tools because we're looking for some blocks that we're going to have to dig out and considering the fact that we're going to be bringing blocks home we're going to want to remove everything that's unnecessary from our inventory bed always bring a bed when you're exploring if it turns to nighttime exploring is going to get a whole lot more difficult so bed for sure and finally and this one is definitely optional kind of depends on your world but a boat boats are crazy useful when exploring if you come across water we have already come across water so we're gonna bring a boat so let's see we're currently in this top corner but i'd like to be all the way in the top corner today we want to explore efficiently ah how nostalgic the starter field this is where we started this whole world wow it actually kind of to me feels like it's been a long time already which is like really weird it's been like a week anyways when exploring if you're trying to do things efficiently i recommend picking one direction from your starting point which could really be anywhere on a map and going in a straight line so for us today we're gonna move all the way down this map or most of the way down the map sort of depends on what we see we will have to make some detours to collect materials but that's not a problem now what am i looking for today well i'm looking for a handful of things first off we definitely want to grab some spruce saplings i'm going to be using some spruce wood in our starter house build and to get spruce wood spruce trees easy also uh sugarcane more sugarcane is always a good thing we're not really using the sugarcane in the build but eventually i would like to enchant because we're level 29 we're almost there if i want to enchant i'm going to need a lot more paper i don't have very much paper finally and this is a big one we need to find clay now sometimes clay can be a little bit tricky to find we should be able to look in rivers though and find hopefully enough i don't need a lot of clay i just need some clay now detour number one spruce island right here spruce saplings you're gonna come with me first tree i'm very sorry i hope you forgive me i'm despawning you you're going away this is the first spruce wood of the world now spruce wood is one of my favorite woods in minecraft the wood looks so good in so many different build palettes now i have an exciting build palette in mind for this world but actually we're not going to use that palette or that kind of like theme on the versa build the first build is going to be something probably entirely different the build theme that i've chosen is currently top secret because i haven't chosen 100 and i don't want to hype you guys up if i change it but i want you to do one thing go down in the comments and take a guess what do you think we're going to build like in this world is it gonna be like a modern build is it gonna be like a like a water bill like what do you think what would you like to see tell me down low so while we wait for these trees to break to go away let's check out this river do we have any clay over here we do have clay over there that's exactly what i'm looking for but a little bit of a problem i forgot to fix my shovel it broke last episode when we were looking for the diamonds which spoiler alert went insanely exceptionally well i haven't forgot about them but we don't really need to actually use them quite yet at least not today now clay clay is an interesting resource you can craft the stuff into bricks which are definitely divisive a lot of people hate them some people love them i personally like them in some spots but clay often gets neglected because it's kind of annoying to get clay is not very common usually to find it you're going to have to head under a river or under a swamp now when you dig up a single block of clay you will always get four pieces of clay fortune or not if you use silk touch you'll get the block itself that's something that i literally learned last season i genuinely didn't realize that you just could dig this up and would get four every time so at least there's that but it's still really rare like way too rare all right now it's becoming nighttime and we wanted a little bit of a ways from spruce island let's actually head back over here and check out the saplings hopefully we have at least like six if we had six would probably be good forever four would be our absolute minimum if we have to we can cut down more chorizo not a big deal but four should oh five easy easy okay perfect we didn't cut down a handful of trees that's not really surprising but uh actually that should be good here we should be good to sleep and then move on now when exploring when it becomes nighttime just throw the bed down really quick sleep right away as soon as possible the longer you wait the worse it's going to be and then in the daytime just pick the bed back up if you're exploring in dangerous areas maybe that's not the best idea could be a little bit bad if you get into a bad situation but if you're careful then you're going to be fine so we want to get back over onto this map when we're off of the map we turn into a square now the plan is to still head south we need to figure out where this ocean goes hopefully this ocean is a warm ocean somewhere in here because warm oceans are amazing looking the watercolor in the warm ocean is hands down the best watercolor in all of minecraft in fact i would literally give up all of this nasty blue stuff right here for just warm ocean color everywhere uh okay maybe not that would be kind of boring like the old oceans but it would be cool so let's talk exploration while we sail there's usually not too much to see out here at the ocean in my opinion there are three different types of exploration exploration type number one is what we're doing today i would call it a gathering exploration trip a gathering exploration trip is a trip where you're going out to find materials usually if you're going out to find materials i don't really recommend trying to be so organized or anything like that look for what you need and go there if you're looking for a job force biome and you see one or you kind of have an idea as to where one could be then just go right there don't worry about being organized and going in one direction and trying to cleanly fill in a map it's just a waste of time if you know what you're looking for go for it so the point of a gathering exploration trip easy materials and hey hey hey look at that we're definitely gonna visit that village that's the first village of this world and it's not a warm ocean i think or at least lukewarm maybe this is lukewarm yeah this is lukewarm but still wow okay we're gonna come back for that but we're gonna go all the way to the bottom of this map i wanna see where this ocean goes it seems like it's a gigantic ocean that really goes nowhere but we'll find out anyways exploration type number one gathering looking for materials exploration type number two exploration this type of exploration is literally to just explore let's say you have a brand new world like us you probably want to know what's around you maybe you want to find a new spot for a base or maybe there's just some kind of cool mountain that you wanted to go check out if any of those are the case you're just exploring you're not really looking for anything in specific you're just looking around finally right here at the edge of this map the third type of exploration map making exploration maybe you have big plans for a map wall or you just need a single map in an item frame but you want that map to be filled in all the way because otherwise it would look really really ugly if that's the case you're going to want to start exploring while carrying maps around that's also what we're doing today now map making exploration trips are the type of exploration trips where you want to be organized do exactly what we're doing here so we went all the way down to the bottom of this map we filled everything in then we moved over a little bit and now we're heading back north and we're going to fill the next row of things in now honestly filling in maps is a whole lot easier from the sky with an elite trip but right now we're obviously not at that point so a boat and on foot is definitely going to have to cut it when doing a map making exploration trip make sure you stop every once in a while and check your map make sure you're filling things in actually and make sure your map is actually updating honestly when doing one type of exploration you're probably going to end up doing the other types as well because exploration is called kind of the same thing you're looking around for something but sometimes you actually need to find something other times you don't also other times you're carrying a map sometimes you're not yeah exploration all right tyga villagerville how you doing over there look at the campfires the tiger villages look so good they're probably the best looking villages in minecraft hopefully we can find a banner in this town to show off what banners can do on maps on java edition if not hopefully we can at least find a few living villagers because this place honestly looks like a ghost town which definitely isn't good i'd love to see some villages hey look at that this is uh what do you call it a grindstone we're gonna take the grindstone sorry villagers it's mine now uh chess with some oh okay obsidian uh iron leggings three pairs a pickaxe dude wow that's a good chest that's really cool yeah minecraft villages have loot chests not every house but some houses it's definitely worth checking out each and every house inside of a village to see what it has now honestly i love the bed colors in the tiger village the purple beds the blue beds ooh those look really good and now my gosh this looks even better potatoes potatoes are amazing and pumpkin seeds too a little bit more berries and a log wow thank you villagers that apparently don't even live here this is amazing i definitely don't feel bad at all about taking any of this stuff this is sweet now we're definitely looking for the bell too i'd love to bring the bell home that would be oh i hear him i hear him i hear a villager oh hi villager oh okay wheat you want to buy wheat or carrots nice i could totally harvest these crops and sell you them right now but inventory is a little full kind of on a mission you hi eyepatch man how you doing sharpness too sword very cool very cool what i'm looking for is the chest inside of here oh yeah that's exactly what i'm looking for look at that two iron chest plates even more bread but even more importantly diamond horse summer we don't have a diamond horse yet heck we don't even have a normal horse but one day we will i can feel it that's gonna come with us now the inventory is kind of full here we're gonna need to make some decisions um i'm thinking that the pickaxe is probably a little bit more useful we'll leave this armor here kind of hurts a little bit but also it doesn't our armor is doing good here are you know what you know what you know what hold on hold on hold up we'll trade you there we go more villagers what are you okay you're the that one you are this one very cool there's a child over there there's a bell right here don't worry about this villagers we'll talk about villagers a little bit more when we're actually checking them out by the way but let's see dirt we don't need that bells are not craftable if you find a bell uh just take it but if you take the belt you are technically stealing but also the villagers don't really care it does kind of mess with the whole raid stuff though what do we have more potatoes and more seeds i like it this right here is a fern we can get that off of the ground with their shears so i'm not too worried about that one and then the wood definitely want to take the wood the sign it'll have to wait here just because i'm out of space now if you're exploring late game it's definitely a big brain move to make an ender chest and bring it with you or even shulker boxes if you have access to those early game though you're gonna have to make a lot more decisions you're gonna have to pick and choose what you actually want and what you want to leave behind normally i would love to take these arrows but i kind of want to keep everything on me i know i do have two sand in my inventory that's kind of taking up space but i think i'm actually gonna try and dig up some sand so i'm gonna just keep the sand on me now let's see i think we checked out uh all of these buildings definitely right yeah definitely let's keep moving down this way and see what we have so far the loot in this town it's absolutely crazy this is like some good stuff here the potatoes are definitely going to be planted asap back of the base potatoes are like a clutch early game food we already have the sweet berries so probably not going to switch over to potatoes but still oh tough decision so with berries you get to stay here maps you come with me and compasses swap the wood there we go perfect thank you good deal all right moving into the final two buildings what do we have in here anything nothing i think i actually maybe already checked that one how about this temple do we have a brewing stand in here i have a feeling we do yes i see it right there now usually i would take that bergstan but we're kind of full so the bring sand is gonna stay here we'll be able to make one easy later on uh and also this looks like the perfect spot to sleep for the night alright so our first minecraft village cleared unfortunately i didn't see any banners in the sound though we'll have to just kind of remember where it's at and come back later in market ideally i'd like to have everything of interest marked on my maps in this world now we explore we're gonna sail back north and actually coincidentally we're gonna kind of be in line with our base so the plan stop at the base clear out the inventory so i can carry more things and then continue exploring a little bit more big exploration tip when exploring put the map in your off hand even if you can't see it like while you're sailing that map should be updating but uh just to be safe i like to stop every once in a while and check it well well well home sweet home at least for now this biome is amazing look at the mountains in here they are so cool now i think our base is right over there i think i saw the fences so we're going to want to move over this way exactly just like i thought right here back home now we need to drop all of this stuff off and then get back out in the ocean how much more clay am i going to need let's see we're probably going to need at least double that just to be safe so i'm going to need to look for a lot of clay honestly though because that chest is so crowded i'm thinking we'll just make one more chest this will be the final chest out here i promise maybe uh but one more chest we'll put it right right there for now that's perfect all right so this time i think i want to switch it up a little bit instead of going south which we already did i want to go over this way and see what's over that way in the map i think there's a little bit more land over this way so hopefully a little bit more things to actually check out i remember on episode one when we moved over this way there was a gigantic birch forest which looked pretty uh pretty boring and hopefully there's a little bit more than just a gigantic birch forest over here hmm the birch forest that's what i'm talking about okay uh well at least uh there's like clay over here that's gonna be good and sand i need to remember sand too i want to get at least another stack of this stuff now honestly when filling in a map you don't need to necessarily go like right along the edges or in straight lines you could just go crazy and random and fill it in however you want but if you do things that way it'll be a whole lot more likely that you'll have to end up backtracking across things that you've already filled in things that you've already seen traveling in a clean organized predictable way helps to make sure that you don't waste your time traveling across things that you've already seen ah sheep ah ha that's another thing that i like to do when exploring take all of the wolf from all of the sheep they don't need it out here i needed more back over at the base and look at that off on the horizon a swamp biome which actually has vines which is huge i kind of forgot about vines i didn't really need them but having them would be gigantic to say the least so vines here i come sweet sweet vines mossy cobblestone mossy stone bricks wow the visions have already started this is amazing this is amazing ah look at that over to the north oh there's a savannah over there with the acacia wood wow that's sweet okay okay nice i'm not really worried about uh savannah wood today though so don't know if i'm gonna go over there but wow okay we have a savannah right near here too that's awesome this seed is so sweet and swamp here i am and squid you know what we might as well take out some squid too dyed glass it's always a good thing and black stained glass that's my favorite vines hi vines how you doing it's been so long oh my gosh look at this vines who would have thought we would have vines that is crazy wow amazing and grass useless don't want you wow i could stay here all day in harvest vines i really could but i probably shouldn't that would be a big waste of time um so i'm just gonna take some binds and then maybe plant some temporarily on like a wall back at the base i think that'll probably be a better move because i want to keep exploring oh no way a ruined portal oh this is sweet this is awesome with the crying obsidian wow i should have made that diamond pick now what do we have oh some gold armor absolute garbage but we'll take it we'll need it when we go to the nether and golden carrots too that is awesome what a crazy find this is cool okay and it's like right at 1 000 too that's actually kind of crazy wow awesome that's really cool i definitely don't have enough wool for a banner that's okay now these swamp flowers are some of my favorite flowers in the game we have too many flowers already so i'm not going to take them but they are really really nice looking i love those flowers and hey would you look at that something that i haven't seen an ocean that's crazy oh wait that's right i've traveled across an ocean in the whole first part of the video that's right all right i pulled up on the edge of the map right here which means it's time to turn south and head back home unfortunately all of this over here is just ocean as well i have a feeling that when we move to our long term base we might need to move in the nether that might be a little bit more efficient what i'm seeing so far is nice but it's not exactly what i'm looking for but now it's time to get back home oh would you take a look at what i found right over there dark oak forest i like it and look at how close it is back to our base we're like pretty close now which is like crazy super excited about that one kind of can't decide if i'm gonna stop and get the saplings and the wood from there today i don't really need it anytime soon uh but maybe i should just get it maybe i should just stop oh yeah dark oak wood i like dark wood a little bit the a little bit it's useful sometimes we're back i made it back over to the base now here's what i have from the second exploration trip i weigh more than doubled the clay check this out we have so much clay this should be way more than enough for the next episode which is sweet i got some dark oak saplings which is pretty cool there's the stuff from that ruined portal right there and then a few other random things now the vines i definitely want to get to use these things but i don't really have a good spot to plant them so for now i'm going to go ahead and plant them right there we'll let them grow down this hill and then i can harvest them whenever i need to it's not going to be the best but it's going to work for now but now i think it's time for the comment of the day today's comment of the day is from shuzo since you talked about how to not get burnt out today my question is how do you get back into playing like after you're already burnt out that one is a whole lot more difficult see there were times in the past where that was actually my problem so i've played minecraft on and off since like 2011. there were definitely times in there where i just couldn't play the game at all i ended up getting burnt out just tired of the game for me fixing that problem actually kind of came unintentionally basically i would just give the game a break like not play it for a while and then one day i would get the urge to play it again that would dive into a world go somewhere completely new and start building if you're already burnt out on minecraft the best thing that you can do to get back into it is just take a break don't force yourself don't try and play the game just wait a little while try it out once in a while maybe if you're into it keep playing it if you're not feeling it then don't push it thank you very much for the comment and thank you all for watching this video if you enjoyed it and you haven't yet hit that like button and subscribe don't forget about the notification bell today big shout out to my patron lord zenera if you're looking for some elite tier merchants right down below the video as always you should definitely check it out until next time stay fresh has been me your boy waddles good bye everybody [Music] you
Channel: wattles
Views: 572,032
Rating: 4.9707422 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft exploration tips, efficient minecraft exploration, minecraft 1.16 lets play, minecraft world exploration, minecraft lets play, minecraft survival, minecraft exploration, minecraft world, minecraft survival lets play
Id: 6kD68nXJCJs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 24sec (1464 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 11 2020
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