How to find angles with a speed square

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today I want to teach you how to use a speed square to mark out angles let's get started so if you want to make a right angle with your speed square put on your board like this you mark a line and you got a 90 degree angle a right angle let's go over some of the basics on a speed square here's my angles all the way across the bottom 0 to 90 degrees here is my common roof rafters right here and here is my hip and Valley roof rafters let's do a demonstration let's find a 35 degree get a 35 degree angle I put it put the square on my board and I pivot until 35 degrees is lined up with the top of my board just like that then I'll hold it and make a mark 35 degree angle okay let's move on and do a 27 degree angle pivot point stays on the board pivot the square over till 27 degrees is lined up with the board make your mark now I want to show you something else about that 27 degrees is also a 612 roof pitch because this is common rafters so 27 degrees is a 612 roof pitch so if I was cutting a rafter this line would be my flump cut that would go against a ridge board in the center of the roof now let's make a 54 degree angle squares on my board pivot until 54 meets the top of this board right here pivot over 54 and that's the 54 little angle now let's let's use the speed square to find out what angle it's cut on the end of this board so I'm gonna put the pivot point at a square on the corner of this board here I'm gonna line it up perfectly when I look right here it's at 45 lets me know I got a 45 degree angle right there I wanna thank everybody for watching today this is just a real quick video and it's really a beginner video but it kind of shows different ways to use a speed square thanks for watching please like and subscribe share this video see you next time [Music]
Channel: Sawdust and Wood
Views: 804,409
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Speed Square, How to find angles
Id: PQgcLbeZ8xs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 16sec (196 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 21 2018
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