How To Find YOUR Life Purpose and Career (Ikigai)

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What is up everybody! Happy Friday, Happy Friday  to you, I wasn't gonna produce a video today but   that would just be me coasting today today you're  gonna want to stick around for this we're gonna   talk about how to find and do work that you love  we could all do work we all can make money but   we want to do something that's purposeful that we  follow our heart and our pursuit and we want to be   able to make money doing that so this is another  whiteboard session on a Friday stick around we're   to get right into it right now okay so the prompt  for this was really you've just graduated school   and now you have to make these big decisions  on what you're gonna do with your life are   you gonna do something that you love something  that you're good at something that pays really   well or something that the world needs and this  is kind of a tough thing so here you are you've   just graduated graduated congratulations by the  way you made it through a four year program and   which route are you nago which way you're gonna go  and I think the way that the world has told you is   you must think of these things as isolated things  that if you do something that you love you're an   artist you're a poet you're a writer you're  musician something like that but that means   you're going to starve and it's going to be very  selfish because the world really doesn't need you   to do this thing Jona is there something that you  love to do that you're like film and photography   let's write that down so Jona likes film and  photography what about you Jayden web design   well but you can't add to make money would you  do web design if you made no money okay so let's   put that out there and I'll put one of my own in  here too okay when I grew up I loved to draw so I   thought what I really want to do is to draw comics  that's really what I wanted to do I love this the   only problem with me drawing comics is I'm not  that good of a drafts-person I didn't have any   life drawing classes or figure drawing classes so  this is not something I was good at and I could   see that there were other people around me who  were our natural-born talents in terms of drawing   are we okay okay great so you need to do something  that you're good at so Jona what are you good at   what comes easy to you what do you do better than  a lot of people editing okay this is good I'm glad   the answers a little bit different okay so yours  is editing and then Jayden why your frame okay   like what is wireframe to most people okay so I  was just right wireframe then why I'm frame okay   so some levels self-awareness helps right now so  we wrote down editing wireframe things that I'm   good at I think I like business I think I've known  that for a really long time some people think oh   you're you've discovered that you want to be an  entrepreneur and you discover that after college   I said no when I was growing up I always wanted  to try to figure out how I could do something   that was valuable to other people and to sell it  for more than what it cost me to make so in the   beginning I sold candy when I was in junior high I  sold ninja stars which is illegal so don't do that   anything I can get my hands on to make that it  could hopefully inject a little creativity or give   somebody something that needed needed then I would  be able to make money so I was thinking like I'm   pretty good at doing business stuff I think and  the more I learned the better I got at doing that   okay so then this is usually the voice of your  mom or your dad or somebody who is taking care   of you your guardian they usually want to protect  you from harm so they advise you to do things that   pay well so they usually take a look back into  history and say historically speaking what has   paid well so Jona what did your parents tell you  you should go do this I'm pretty sure they tell   you to do filming and editing so we can't really  hear Jona but he said they certainly did not they   didn't say that so what did they say for you whoa  that's a good say for mechanical engineering and   okay and they would have been really proud of you  if you became a mechanical engineer I'm pretty   sure of it right they would have been and not okay  and while we're on the fly here Ricky can you help   us out since you're here can you get us a wireless  mic in case Jona and Jayden want to participate   okay mechanical engineer that's fantastic and  did it did you break your parents heart hey what   was the problem Wyatt why didn't you fulfill  their dream for their son did you even try so   you worked hard at school try to get good grades  oh you didn't work hard let's go so when you say   you tried what did you try to do then oh so you  did apply to the school to become a mechanical   engineer what's cool is that University of Houston  so you got into the school I see so you showed up   you're like this is not for me okay so they helped  you to pick a career that would pay well but you   didn't feel any love for it you were probably  not good at it either but they said it would   pay well and Jayden what about you an engineer  an IT person okay I like IT since we won't use   that so an IT person they thought that would pay  well it would make sure that you're not going   to starve they don't want to see the people they  love get hurt that's just the bottom line that's   why parents do what they do right we understand  that okay for me my parents wanted me to become   this is pretty typical of immigrant families a  doctor or a lawyer and believe it or not when I   took my high school high school aptitude test and  I filled it all out and it told me I should be a   stockbroker so I thought maybe maybe I need to be  a stockbroker they seem to do okay an investment   banker a hedge fund manager yeah that seems right  now did anyone of your influences or did you ever   consider what does the world need from you what  does the world need from you you do not did you   you have to talking to Mike Jayden go ahead  so the world didn't need nobody thinks about   this right yeah and this is usually the missing  component now some young people today who's the   girl who Greta who sailed across Greta Thunberg  she sailed across the Atlantic solo something   She sailed with a team oh she sailed with a team  but she's like a very young girl and she's very   mission driven a super confident self-aware  human being it's such a young age it's amazing   that somebody like that exists in the world and  she's speaking out against climate change right,   climate change is either both good or bad right  speaking out against climate change that the the   impact that humans are making kind of our carbon  footprint and destroying the world okay there are   a lot of people that upset so what is the world  need very few of us ever even think about this   and where is this all going let me introduce you  to this concept if you're not aware of this ready   the concept is the Japanese concept it's called  IKIGAI and hopefully I've been able to copy/paste   correctly in Google and I hope my Japanese  friends, konichiwa, that this does say ikigai   now you guys that were laughing at me about my  Japanese pronunciation I did have somebody who is   of Japanese origin say thank you for saying that  thank you but you Ricky Ricardo was laughing at   me so hard careful the mic it's still hot right  so IKIGAI is just concept about it's a Japanese   concept it and it means thing that you live for  a reason for being a reason for being and it's   broken down into four circles like this is kind  of a four circle Venn diagram and it talks about   what do you love what does the world need what do  you get paid money for and what are you good at   I'm going to talk about this in a second so we  talk about reason for being a reason for being   should I switch colors or there's a black okay  the reason for being a thing that you live for this sounds pretty good this almost feels like  a millennial concept because it's like in our   generation it was just about going to work and  that's what you did you did your 9:00 to 5:00   and then you live for the weekend you become a  weekend warrior right so the weekends were your   escape from work and it seems like we're in a  different era now where the thing that you love   the thing that you're good at should be also  the thing that you get paid for and if we can   design our lives around that idea we'll be happier  healthier and wealthier than we've ever been and   this is the key okay so what happens if you love  something if you really truly love something and   the world needs this remember the world it's  like this the world needs it and you love it   but you don't make any money you're naturally very  good at it this is considered a mission and a lot   of people do this missionaries do this people  that are very religious go out into the world   and people who support disadvantaged people they  go out because their purpose is filled but they   don't make any money doing that now if you're good  at something and you love it but it doesn't you   don't get paid for it that would be considered  your passion so I think Ricky is really good at   baseball he does love it but he didn't get to  that upper echelon for whatever reason and only   a small small percentage of people actually make  it they're like what is it point zero one percent   a very small percentage of people make it into  professional sports we get that and if you're   good at it when you're paid for it that's called  your profession I think you guys may be kind of   figuring out where I'm going with this if you're  good at it and you get paid for it but there's no   love it's just what you do it's what we call a J O  B, a job you show up you do the work you get paid   and you can't wait for work to be over when we  had Seth Godin on our show he talked about this   I think he talked about the difference between  work and art work when you go to work you feel   like when is it over and when it's art it's like  how long can I do this for so what we're trying   to do is combine those things and people often ask  me Chris how is it that you do what you do do you   sleep do you have more hours is there a secret  time machine are you cloning yourself what is   going on well I want to be very clear there's a  whole team of people who are working with me but   even if they weren't working with me I am filled  with mission passion and things that get paid for   so I'm supercharged that way and then the last one  is the world needs it and you're paid for it but   you may not be good at it so we're going to call  this a vocation and there's a difference between   the word vocation and profession okay I don't know  what the difference is but I'm telling you there's   the difference there's Ricky do you know the  difference between vocation and profession I don't   know ask you okay well somebody has the Internet  look up what the word vocation means and then let   me know okay so ikigai is to say that we must find  something here this will be our reason for being   and this is really important you must love it you  got to get paid for it so all these things are in   balance and I just it's such a Japanese concept  they come together now you may have seen a diagram   like this before a Venn diagram where they have  three bubbles usually what what you love which   you're good at what you pay for they leave out  this part what the world needs and I just want   to say something here for 23 plus years I ran  this company I love design I love business I'm   pretty good at these things and motion graphics  and making video and we got paid handsomely for   making commercials less so music videos but we  were part of the circle and I don't know why but   that felt like there was a hole missing inside of  me that I couldn't fill and I wanted to get out of   this even though I loved it and I was paid for  and I was good at it there's something else and   it wasn't until I started to teach and my wife  had noticed something she had said to me it's   really great that you're able to impact the lives  of a few students 810 students every semester and   you spend time and you give so much of yourself  and I can see their eyes light up when you share   something but is there more is there more can you  do more with your time is this a good exchange of   your time it sent me down a three to six-month  rabbit hole of searching and trying to get out   and then I figured it out it's doing what I'm  doing with you right now I'm I get to teach you   the things that I know what I'm good at the things  that I care about that I love and I'm gonna make   money off this but I get to help the world the  world needs us so for me my ikigai is exactly   this it's the future teaching a billion people  on planet Earth how to make money doing what they   love now so that we don't make this so abstract I  don't want this to be an abstract concept Jona's   gonna roll a video where we actually apply  this in real time to some students from Cal   State Cal State Sacramento calcic I think they  were here from Sacramento or Sac State I don't   know whatever I apologize until they should have  prepared this part but we're gonna roll the video   and then you guys gonna watch how we do this in  real time I'll see you back after the jump go and   leave your comments and I'll be answering them  I can narrow it down and and do the same thing   just stick with motion graphics you can have a  successful career with never exploring any other   form of design I think it's kind of helpful for  us right now in that a lot of us don't know what   direction we want to go run so it can help inform  those decisions yes we would make later down okay   that's you right you're still young relatively  speaking and you need to explore lots of things   right because you don't know what you like you  don't know if you like sushi or salad or you want   to go vegan whatever it is you're exploring lots  of things and that's really important so there's   that time that you want to explore it but anyways  at some point you got to make a decision and so   you're gonna pick one of these things like I like  that one so we're gonna pick something let's call   it whatever it is right and then that becomes  another thing like for me I like typography   but I could spend all my life studying type and  still not get to the bottom of that thing this   time line let's say this is like birth sorry  I'm gonna butcher this baby there's the baby's   crying okay whatever and then it's game over dad  at some point in life hopefully you recognize what   that point is like what do I really love what am  I good at what is the market value and get there   my theory is this the sooner you can figure that  out the better off your life is so I think it's   important for us to explore but as soon as you  think you got it go all-in on that we all agreed   to that then so what Kaylie is really saying is  well we don't know yet I think you're not knowing   is yours your freshmen your sophomore but right  into the middle of junior you got to get to know   what that is really fast here's the problem I'm  gonna get real real with you okay most schools   don't have enough teachers period most schools  most schools do not have enough good teachers   that teach the thing that you love so what they do  is they get a couple of teachers and they teach a   lot of different subjects some of which they know  a lot about most of which they don't know anything   about unfortunately you're the sucker who has  to take those classes and you're getting taught   by somebody who's never reached the top of their  field hasn't done it enough and now you're getting   some pretty diluted information sometimes even  looks like they're reading the book before they   teach the class so this is where the danger is  so we're trying to explore lots of things they're   gonna expose your lies and things so what they  want to do is they tell you this story and it's   a fantastic story they tell all students and not  in all schools you know what's gonna get you hired   breath of work that's what they tell you you need  to be a diversified human being and that's what   the markets gonna hire and then you get out in  school out of school you graduate you put in a   cap and gown you do the walk and yeah then you  reach out to me this is when I see you Chris I   got no work it's been two years out of school  the only thing I can do is production work at   a local print copy shop that's what I got Kaley  do you have an idea about what you love what you   think you're good at what the market needs so I  went back to school cuz I changed you a little   bit older yeah I'm okay so I changed what I was  doing and I know that I love design and so it's   just finding out those instances of that what were  you before I worked in the outdoor industry so I   did a lot of recreation I was a river guide and  climbing guidance just so you're active outdoors   person and then at some point you're like you know  what I want to have career and I want to do this   other thing so you go back to school so you have  life experience okay so you're going to school now   yeah this graphic design degree so what do you  think you're gonna focus in on I've always been   interested in in like infographics and translating  in foreign um in a way that's a lot more easy to   be understood yes I've always been interested  in motion graphics which I know can somewhat   go together but also couldn't be totally different  yes um but I haven't had that much experience with   that so I'm really excited to trying to dig into  that on my spare time cuz that's actually been   taken out of the program okay and so the program  is great in kind of getting you started but it's   it's only a starting point okay now I want you  to go back in time just a little bit just humor   me I want you to go back in time like when you're  like between seven till eleven years old what is   it that you're doing all your free time what are  all the things you love to do it was all art like   what be super specific so I spent mostly time in  a sketchbook with pencils and I would just doodle   stuff from movies I loved Lord the Rings so you  know a bunch of fantasy stuff everything from my   daily life as well so I like to i would also what  is now lettering but just write down information   in a way that's easier and visually kind of  aesthetic and combining essentially infographics   with with words and text just doing that as a kid  I would yeah are you pretty good illustrator I'm   I'm alright alright yeah yeah okay and you can  record you make stuff is anything I was like   yeah I used to craft a lot so when I was really  little yeah I would make tangible 3d things from   paper I would glue I would tape things and to  make boxes and things that you could open and a   lot of different yeah okay I guess can I tell you  a little secret about myself sure when I was much   younger the only thing I ever wanted was younger  and you guys would judge me for it it's okay all   they wanted was an easy bake oven I know easy  bake oven cuz I dreamt about making cookies and   things so I can go and sell them that was the  young entrepreneur and me trying to get out but   then my brother's like so you want to be a girl  so there's some gender issues like you know these   kinds of things association with that so it's kind  of sorry I kind of killed that little dream but   maybe there's something there is there anything  else you want to pull out you may have like Oh   somebody said you're not supposed to do that so  you didn't do it and always recommend going the   safe route which ended up not being so safe that's  the problem with safety yeah and so I couldn't   understand that aspect of playing it the safe way  yeah and so I still went out and did adventurous   things but I kind of put art to the side for a  little while okay yeah now I don't know if you   guys can see what's happening here Kaylee has  a bunch of diverse interests she's done lots of   things she likes making crafting drawing doodling  seems like you're just really a creative person so   I'm really happy to hear that you found your way  back into art and design after having done what   your parents thought you know that kind of stuff  and so you're back into design can you find a way   to bring all these things together that's the  magic of creativity okay and an accountant an   attorney a doctor probably just lists all these  things for you here's all your symptoms Kaylee   this is what you suffer from create a tight  create I have ideas or something like that   you suffer from something right but creative  people are like oh I see a connection between   this this that and it looks like this that's what  creativity is is about being able to pull things   that don't seem to belong together and find some  kind of beautiful elegant combination if you can   do that that's your superpower so here's what I  think I don't know I'm just gonna throw it out   there what if you can combine a job where you  make infographics doing hand lettering for an   outdoor recreation company would that make you  happy or no that'd be pretty cool I'll be pretty   cool so infographics outdoors you know recreation  lettering okay so if you can work for one of those   companies doing that or many companies like  that how do we make that cooler what do you   could build 3d mock-ups and installations and  point-of-purchase displays so you bringing all   that crafty stuff that you used to do that you  haven't looked at in a while wouldn't that be   cool so you're gonna create the entire brand  experience for outdoor recreation companies   backpacking hiking shoes tents whatever it is  would that be really cool that would be pretty   cool ya see are you getting excited about your  own fake career yeah it's pretty cool so that's   what you want to do now that you know that take  all these weird classes and say does that plug   into this dream or not so this is where you get to  take what you want to combine into something so if   the instructor gives you an assignment to do like  corporate rebranding for some airline or some tech   company I don't feel that that doesn't speak to  me that portfolio piece does not take me here so   you want you tell the teacher do you mind if I do  it for what's what's the favorite outdoor company   of yours there's one called keiko that's you go  yeah okay you go okay you're like you mind if I   just do the same thing but for he go but change  these kind of parameters and most teachers if   you approach them the right way they'll be cool  then you can tailor that to what you need because   they then day I need you to remember this after  graduation you're kind of dead to them so while   you're in school they're dead to you just take  care of your life because when you're in the   unemployment line when you're serving coffee  at Starbucks as a barista that advice they   gave you you have to live with the consequences  and at them so here's the thing it's hard to hit   a target when you don't know where the target  is it's hard to score goal when you don't know   what the goal is once you know the goal once you  know the target man everything comes into clarity   into focus so classes move from here to here  classes move from here to here and that's how   you do it that's the kind of breath that these  guys dreamt for you but they do not articulate   so now you have to do this part the convergence of  those things and now you can express it this way ...and we're back whew, we tried something  new today first of all thank you everybody   who's sticking around for this livestream slash  pre-recorded thing we're trying to blend the best   of both where we can actually have a nice meaty  piece of content for you that's been edited so   you don't waste any time watching it and to do  some live things so I can demonstrate with you   and also respond to comments both Jayden and Ricky  are here now monitoring your comments so go ahead   and write any something in the comments down I  wanted to just quickly recap like what happened   here with is their name Kayleigh with Kayleigh  what did we do there so what I wanted to do was   to explore to her without the parameters of  needing to make money or anything else like   what she loved and there's a very useful exercise  to think back between the ages of 7 and probably   14 when you weren't so wrapped up in the world  and adulting that you could just sit there and   think about the things that you love and if you  travel back in time a good trigger is to think   back to the house that you lived in when you  were 7 years old try to think about the street   name the car that your parents drove the color and  it'll start to trigger memories as I'm doing more   research on how we learn it's interesting how  a smell a sight a texture will trigger memories   so we as human beings we record everything it's  our ability to recall things the difficult part   so some things will trigger memory so think back  think back to one year seven eight nine ten years   old what did you love to do and make a list so I  love making lists what I would suggest that you   do is this make four columns and just try to fill  it up each one regardless of anything any kind of   reality don't ground it in that just write as  many things as you can remember what you loved   generally speaking what you're good at requires  skill requires training and requires practice but   if you put enough time and effort into it you get  good at these things sometimes they're the same   and sometimes they're not it just depends on the  opportunities you were given in life next up is   make a list of where opportunity is this in the  world today what is trending what is shifting in   the culture of today what's happening right now  and we'll go through this exercise one more time   to help solidify this and make it super concrete  for you and last but not least think about what   the world needs right now forget about your skill  set what you love just sit down and think what do   we need what is the world want right now what are  big problems that really could use some help and   make a list and then step back and look at those  four columns and trying to build a bridge between   as many of the words you wrote up as possible  some of you guys have been part of my either my   Makino or one of my workshops on finding your  superpower I do all of this except for I had a   fifth bubble into it when I shared this finding  your superpower framework with somebody they're   like oh that's just like ikigai Chris do you  know about ikigai I said no that's what led me   here okay and while we were at the break I found  out the difference between profession and vocation   profession usually requires training and education  it's professional while vocation is probably like   somebody who doesn't go to school but they had  innate skill they still have to get training but   it's a very different kind of training so that's  the difference between vocation and profession   just written in blue here so what want to do is  this my friend Jayden he's going back to school   pretty soon he has to finish up school and he sat  and we're sad to see him go but since he is not   quite done with school this is the perfect time to  apply this exercise to him and maybe we'll do one   for me too so I'm going to switch colors I'm gonna  use my red marker here and before I do that before   I do this with Jayden are they any questions worth  asking answering no okay so first of all I'm sorry   and I'm sorry I know that there's a spectrum of  experiences that we all have in terms of how we're   brought up that our parents sometimes well-meaning  sometimes not even well-intentioned and we suffer   through that there there may be moments even in  the darkness and even if you've had to deal with   abuse or drugs or just whatever you've had to  deal with there's still glimmers of happiness   in there somewhere it may require greater effort  for you to find it one of the things that you love   could be like what I did which is I love playing  Dungeons and Dragons I love role-playing games   I love reading comic books and this didn't have  anything to do with my external world it was just   me and my experience being able to do that I also  for a period of time enjoy skateboarding although   I was not good at at it at all as evidenced as  the marks on my shins here okay so just do your   best to kind of push past the dark memories and  the bad moments in your life and just try to find   the glimmers of excitement or hope and if you  come up empty there's nothing there just think   about today like what is it that you love to do  when nobody's watching on nobody cares what is it   you love to do it could be playing video games it  could be hunting or fishing it could be building   boats whatever it is that you like to do just  make that list as long as possible without any   regard for what pays well that's what you need  to do there so any other questions Jayden no no   okay all right Jayden would you like to do this  exercise or do you want me to do it on myself are   you ready to do this maybe I can try you can try  okay that's that's the right attitude first of all   let's just try there's no consequences right you  can just tell me you want to come in you didn't   have to you can if you want okay okay all right my  brother from another mother Jayden's here okay all   right hey guy okay so let's talk about the things  that you love to do what do you love to do that   gives you such pleasure and joy you didn't have to  be good at it just what do you love so I love to   make video okay videos do some design when I have  some free time okay people so you like to teach   yes these all sound very professional oriented is  there something else that you love that isn't one   of these things just for pure joy do you like  eating do you like yeah I love to try different   type noodles just noodles okay he loves noodles  okay that's good interesting that's cool do you   like traveling yes okay okay this is fantastic  so as a thought experiment as an exercise do not   route this in reality at all just what would you  do if you could do anything what would you want to   explore what makes you happy so you're still stuck  in this parts like the world right now just focus   on the things that you love anything that you want  to write there do you like watching anime playing   video games jump roping do you love do you like  to buy fashion like are you a fashion guy yeah   I would love to collect a lot of shoes okay your  sneaker head yes because I used to sell sneaker so   yeah I know about you okay what else mm I would  love to play basketball all day okay you got it   kinda okay can this be verified yellow flag on the  field you just told let me give you anything and   then you break that okay what else mmm I think  I would love to yeah I think that's it that is   for now yes okay so this is really interesting  I spend a lot of time personally thinking about   the things that I love my list would be so deep  you don't even know well why it's like how many   hobbies kind of human being having it's like I  love it all okay so we'll put a part we'll hold   off on that okay what do you think you're good  at it doesn't have to be the same thing it can be   totally different things forget this part what are  you good at I think I'm good at motivating people   okay I think I'm good at making content okay  sometime cooking oh yeah I hear you're pretty   good cook okay what else I'm starting to see  something in my head already keep going I think   I good at you know be persistent whenever I do  something so okay I'm usually quit so you're not   a quitter yes okay you can laugh it's probably  fine keep going I think just this exercise is   quite hard yeah you'd like to learn right yes  but that's not up here anywhere is it mm-hmm   yeah maybe I'm good at learning and trying some  new thing because created people happy you know Shining object synchro where you see something new  I would love to try it right yeah okay anything   else yeah thing is it's good for now it's pretty  good okay and then we're gonna get to like what   what opportunities exist where where do you see  the world moving so it seems like a lot of people   are predicted the death of print and the death of  advertising so I would not put those like those   are trending those are opportunities there's a  cultural movement behind those things okay so   what's happening in the world right now where do  you see opportunity I think the opportunity right   now is that you can make content for company so  that they can promote himself okay so content   marketing yes okay what else keep going and maybe  we can try to soak their problem by because people   have a lot of problems so we can use what we  learn by doing this I spring for example or   these I thinking oh okay design thinking strange  things right yes and I'll help you out here what   and this usually everybody can help because these  are kind of universally like what's happening   what we're recognizing yes I think there are  opportunities right now in education yes people   are looking for more affordable and effective  ways of teaching yes sustainable living right   yeah those are these are minimalism right yes  not necessarily the same thing but minimalism   okay what else the digital Nomad this is the  thing with young people now right yes yes to   live wherever you are in the world and do what  you love yeah okay what do we just call that did   you don't know man oh van life which is right  right next to to van life right because now   we live in a world where just with an internet  connection you could do work anywhere yes okay Is it pay for it no no where are the world needs  yet yes just like what opportunities what seems   to be trending what's happening in the world right  now well we know the social network is not getting   any better not any weaker I wouldn't use it's  just growing right what else maybe there would   be some great advances in medicine we know about  CRISPR right and and now they can like 3d print   anything yes so this is cruelty video of on-demand  manufacturing right yes now I also know a couple   things that you guys may not know of is we are  craving now transcendent experiences transcendent   it's like a educated word transcendent experiences  and things are becoming D materialized do you know   what that means like I'll explain both of them  in a second yeah treinen transcendent experiences   like when you buy something or you go somewhere  and it's more than the thing itself like when   you when you open up a beautifully packaged good  it makes you feel like there's beauty and there's   art and it makes you feel hopeful and inspired  that's that's what we're talking about ok ok   it doesn't have to be like going to Disneyland or  watching a movie but anything that you experience   that lifts you up like that dematerialization  is as we're moving towards the future what's   happening is we're consuming less physical things  and more intangible things give you an example   dematerialization is we used to buy CDs for  music and DVDs for movies now all that stuff is   living in the cloud people of my generation or  older are uncomfortable that we'd like to have   tangible things we feel like we have to have some  kind of possession right but it's like the more   things you own the more things own you and you and  your generation is like let's put everything in   the cloud put all our files we'll have to just  trust that it'll be there and we don't want to   own physical things anymore okay okay yeah I see  right okay so that I just want to explain those   things here okay let's keep going now what is the  world need right now there's it's similar to paid   for what does the world need right now I think  new innovation needs innovation okay anything in   any specific area like in technology okay there  okay but like to do what to make people life   easier okay okay so you're talking about the world  needs automation right yeah that's the innovation   of using technology to remove tasks like read  what is that called menial tasks mm-hmm okay   yes menial tasks is like should not be the work  of human beings okay what else there were need   better company to stand and you know stand up and  hop the user or something say that in a different   way mmm the world need like better company that  make good product for them good product for user   okay it's not exactly okay they just need how do  you know it's good product they so a problem that   that gives everybody could argue that maybe maybe  this is tied into a better product this one that   thinks of the entire life cycle of the product  so that all the components can be recycled or   it's kind of does the least amount of harm okay  okay I think the world needs that right yes more   conscious capitalism I'll say that okay oh sorry  I'm just I was waiting for an opportunity to say   so there we go mmm-hmm right yes and I think we  want more equity in the world right you know what   equity means equal opportunity for people of all  shapes sizes colors races religious preference or   none we need more equity I think we need more  transparency yeah and we need I think we need   to oddly enough feel more connected accessible  you know connection it's like as we push apart   in the digital space like you and I could sit on  a train ride and not talk to each other because   we're connected social like on an apps but not  you know human to human yes experience yes and was   the next one that you said accessible everything  needs to be more assessable okay everybody right   yeah and through platforms like Google and other  platforms out there yes everything's getting tied   together it's like the world's knowledge database  is all being pulled together and shared yes i'll   wikipedia all those kinds of things this is  fantastic okay now what we need to do is we   need to step back and this is usually the magic  trick we need to step back and start to tie in   as many things as possible so we can get to your  ikigai mm-hm you're a reason for being okay the   thing that you live for okay the magical part is  when you're able to do this you never be late for   work again you'll never feel work is a chore you  would do something that you love and you'll make   money doing it that's terrific okay so what I  would encourage you to do at some point jadynn   and everybody that's watching is to take your own  list and circle a bunch of things and see how you   can bring them together and this is the gift  that you were given as a creative human being   to see things that other people can't see to be a  lateral thinker to be a divergent thinker to grab   these things and put them together if you can  take as many of these things together and put   it together in the center and make one career one  profession you'll be working playing having fun   doing something that's mission driven all at the  same time all right great do you have some ideas   yet hmm I think I have some idea already okay  yes so what we'll do is this and so we don't   want to spend more of your time Jayden we'll  think about this and then he will then drop it   in the comments somewhere okay okay Jayden will  you do that yes I will okay fantastic thanks very   much Jayden all right all right now those are the  rest of you guys that are watching this hopefully   you've played along and you've made your list  now I'll explain to you briefly how I found my   ikigai in the future let me find my marker first  of all and any other comments we need to anything   else we need to address No okay now I won't draw  this because it'll take up too much time but I'll   explain to you something so for many years over  two decades I showed up to work I worked in my   company and made money and provided for my family  I did the responsible adult thing safe for my kids   on college education safe for my retirement plan  and all was working out really well it took me to   this point in time in which I was talking to my  financial advisor his name is John I said John   how many more years do I need to work so that I  can retire this is a couple of years ago and he   said Chris I ran the numbers and I have some news  for you somebody says that you're like oh my god   it's gonna be a really long time and he says the  way that you live the amount of money that you   spend in your lifestyle you could have retired two  or three years ago that's a shocker for me and I   looked at my wife I'm like why am i working woody  got me going to the Salt Mine every single day and   she goes I thought you loved to go to work I said  no I go to work to provide for our family it looks   like love because I put the passion and energy  into it but I'm missing something here and so   with that revelation that I didn't need to work  anymore I had to ask myself to dig deep inside   why do you show up to work every single day and  this is where it takes me on the next adventure   and what I've been doing the last five years okay  so let me outline it for you I love design I love   typography I love teaching I love learning I love  sharing I love helping people this makes me feel   really good what I learned in school and in my job  is running the company I learned entrepreneurial   skills I learned business management sales  marketing negotiations I got really good at   doing video production directing a story leading a  team those are all skills that I learned by going   to school and developing luckily for me they pay  very handsomely and doing work for our big fortune   500 fortune 100 companies they had hundreds of  thousands of dollars for their budgets so I was   able to apply what I was good at what I loved to  make something that people rewarded me for quite   handsomely and I was smart I saved a lot of that  money I didn't spend it frivolously I didn't go   out and buy the fancy cars and watches and all  that kind of stuff but this is the hole that I   was missing so for 15 years I taught at a variety  of schools private art schools and I did that and   I loved it and I loved it so much but I thought  that more people could benefit from this kind   of Education this kind of training but it doesn't  exist it doesn't exist because tuition today last   time I checked is get this in the u.s. twenty  to twenty two thousand dollars a semester get   your head wrapped around that so if you have to  go to school for eight semesters you're gonna be   out over a hundred sixty thousand dollars just  in tuition alone don't mention supplies books   rent food what's that I was going to say the  interest on the student loans too that's where   the interest afterwards will kill you okay so by  the time you're done you're talking about over two   hundred fifty thousand dollars for an education  and I thought there is a better way because also   what's trending opportunities exist are distance  based learning a global connected network this   idea that there's there's free platforms that  allow any content creator to share what it is   that they know and I wanted to exploit that once  I figure it out that becomes the future and it's   what we're doing today so I found my ikigai and I  hope you're able to find this for yourself because   today every single morning I get up when the Sun  comes up I go to sleep like after usually around   12:00 or 1:00 o'clock at night and I'm not tired  because I'm filled with this purpose the mission   not passion and I get paid for it when you don't  get paid for something after a while it could   feel like you're gonna get into burnout so you  have to make progress there as well so finding   that balance and we're living in the best time  ever in the history of man in that we have great   technology or connected for the most part anybody  out there that's listening to this already has   all the tools and technology that they need to be  able to achieve their own level of success that's   it for me since you guys don't have any other  questions I'm going to sign off for now thanks   for tuning in you guys don't forget to Like  comment and subscribe and I'll see you guys on   the next livestream remember you're not defined  by your past the future it's what you make it.
Channel: The Futur
Views: 1,293,194
Rating: 4.9407487 out of 5
Keywords: passion, find your passion, find your life purpose, career advice, life passion, work that you love, do work that you love, ikigai, How To Find And Do Work That You Love, purpose, find your purpose, do what you love, ikigai diagram, find passion, ikagai, how to find your purpose, discover passion, career change, how to feel happy, how to be happier, how to find your purpose in life, finding your purpose, life purpose, happy life, self help, how to find work you love
Id: G2SqqjRn_c0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 15sec (2775 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 22 2019
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