How To Manage Your Time & Get More Done

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what's up everybody welcome to another whiteboard session you know what time it is you know what we're doing because you see the prop we're gonna get deep today and then today's episode we're gonna talk about how to manage your time and get more done you've heard me say this on the show before wake up an hour earlier go to sleep an hour later but what if that's not a possibility maybe life is complicated for you've got a lot of different things that you're doing and that's not possible what I'm gonna tell you how to get more done in the same amount of time that you're awake today so stick around for this there's some things that we're gonna do first up I'm gonna tell you you're gonna need some supplies so I'm going to everybody that's watching this right now you're gonna need a marker preferably a pretty fat marker or Sharpie or something like that okay you're gonna need something like that and you're gonna need two colored post-it notes two colored post-it notes it doesn't really matter what color I'm gonna use yellow for the primary one and blue for the secondary one and I'll explain why in a little bit I just want to make sure you have the tools that you need and I want to encourage you to do this along with us okay now in the studios is Jonah Jonah Jonah Jonah Ricky and Peter it's Peter all right Peters a pro member I'm not good with names that's why I'm choking on this part of it I could teach this whole concert but I can't remember your names that's okay let's get into it one more year and I'll finally get it okay so how to manage your time and get more done if you're interested in doing this in supercharging your time we're gonna get into it alright first idea first idea I want to point out to you is this is that time is money you've heard that expression before time is money and if you start to think this in a literal way start to imagine yourself using your time as if you're using your money so if you saw a rich person walk down the street and throw out $100 bills you would think that person is crazy is that something that you're doing with your time now you've worked really hard to save up for this very special thing called time discretionary time and then when you get it usually collected on the weekends and sometimes after work how do you spend that time and if you start to think about it just like the way you use money you may start to make diff decisions we have to realize no matter if you're rich or you're poor time is a non-renewable resource this is it we're all given a very finite amount of time we don't know when we're gonna expire another word for dying we don't know when that's gonna happen so we have to act as if we have to take advantage of every single moment of every single day and live it as if it were our last that's something from Steve Jobs excellent commencement speech I think that Stanford okay the other thing I'm learning from Peter Drucker's book the effective executive is we must gather the largest amount of discretionary time possible because time is only thing that you can use to positively affect and impact your life and the life of the other people that you care about okay so what we want to do is we want to collect the largest amount of time we have to think about time as money literally and probably there are other examples I can think of as we move along here like Ricky can you think of something how you spend your money you need your mic yes I pay for my laundry service you pay free laundry so I don't do my line why do you do that I'm curious because it takes about four or five hours and I'm just I really disdain it and I read an article was like spend money to make you happier instead of doing a task that you would hate the entire time that's a perfect example so you have somehow come up with the calculation in your mind my discretionary time is worth X and if I pay someone else to do laundry that's less than X you're out ahead and this is the best way to thinking about this I think that's fantastic like you're becoming smart with your time you have good time IQ perfect is there another example that you can think of Jonah what do you think he needs a mic to handle the mic he's like doing 45 meter what do you think then put it on the spot Peter I pay for ramen you pay for what ramen you pay for ramen well what choice do you have you can make it home I know people who do a long time you know you got a the broth takes a long time hours I see so Ricky's now jumping in on Peters thing he's like cooking so if it takes you a long time to prep to shop to cook to clean the kitchen and all that kind of stuff it's going to take some time so if you're if you're not really enjoying the process of cooking and preparing and cleaning up you may want to spend your money hiring other people to do that we do this all the time we have food delivery services we go eat out we may find other ways of getting prepackaged meals that are frozen or delivered fresh frozen and then we can prepare that there's even those meal prep delivery services that is allowing us to maximize our time cooking if that's what we love and eating versus shopping and thinking about the ingredients so this is really important so time is money if we can get our head wrapped around this we're gonna make a lot of different decisions so part of the exercise today and I'm asked Ricky to play along here actually I asked Peter because you have the microphone okay Peter what time do you wake up on average 10 so on an average day 10 a.m. no when do you wake up when do I wake up yeah when you work at 10:00 a.m. yeah okay so we're gonna say 10:00 a.m. that is really nice I'm like did I hear that right young Peter wakes up at 10:00 a.m. I don't remember the last time I woke up at 10:00 a.m. I think we may wake up at 10:00 a.m. on the weekends but that's okay all right so here's what I'm gonna do so we're gonna say this is when you wake up if I got that right 10:00 a.m. okay and what time do you go to sleep don't tell me a p.m. 2:00 a.m. Oh 2:00 a.m. okay so you're a late riser like late you stay up late to lay in bed late to rise okay so so for Peter he gets up at 10:00 a.m. this is what you want to do and you go to sleep at 2:00 a.m. right yep okay so how many hours awake is that for you so 10 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. that's 12 hours 12 1 to 16 16 sounds average that's 12 to 16 beautiful so for Peter it's going to be 16 hours so he's awake 16 hours of the day that's a lot of time so he goes to sleep at 2:00 a.m. there we are so that's what that was supposed to be I was gonna have fancy magnets that we can move around but I looked at the magnets and I thought forget it a marker will just work just as fine so everybody right now what I want you to do is write down how many hours you're awake and we're going to do this without asking you to lose sleep because that's not healthy we're gonna say that within the margins of what you already do on a day to day basis we're gonna make this work I'm gonna tear this down we're gonna move on to the next page okay now keep an eye this hundred dollar bill because if this disappears we'll have it on tape let's do who who might have taken it all right Jonah and Ricky I'll help you with the props okay so now that we know that he has 16 hours and in Jonah and I'm sorry Ricky how many hours are you awake did you figure that out that's a good question I'm up at 6:00 and I'm at bed around midnight so so six is six is 12 and then midnight it's another six hours so you're up 18 hours yeah this is hard to believe are you really up that many hours it varies but I'd say on an average yeah on average yeah okay so 18 hours and what do we say says during the week that certain Monday yeah Monday to Friday that's fine okay so what I'm gonna do now is I'm gonna give you guys a yellow post-it note that will represent one hour of time since we can't write on dollar bills I'm gonna give you these pieces of paper as if they're dollar bills okay so you have 16 hours and you have 18 hours right I feel like I'm the banker that's ten and that's six okay now what I want you to do I'm gonna instruct you before giving this to Ricky is I want you to write down all the tasks that you do in 60 minute chunks now if you'd like to break one of your 1-hour chunks into two 30-minute chunks I will gladly exchange you for two blue ones okay so you have a 30-minute task and and then you have 60 minute time so I want you to write down how you spend your day okay so go ahead start with that you have a marker right no no this is how you spend it currently because we need to do a time audit okay you gotta be honest Peter how do you actually spend your time I he strikes me as a pretty honest guy I just was reiterating into the microphone here's ten okay and if I give you extra just know that you got to give it back we can't cheat this process you're only cheating yourself breaking that's true here you go eighteen well now go ahead and write that down so everybody go ahead and salt writing down what you do how do you spend your day so we need to do the math right so you're up again Peter sixteen hours and Ricky is up eighteen hours and then incredible eighteen hours because I think I am up 19 hours and I think that's a lot of time that I'm up and we're gonna see the differences probably between the way Ricky runs this life and the way I run my life okay let's just see so on an average day on an average day what are you gonna do alright so this is probably a good time for me to prompt our audience who have tuned in live you need a new marker or something you okay okay excellent so you just use that use whatever you got any more two blue ones but you don't need a yellow you got 18 right okay how did I do that how do I shortchange you Ricky I kind of care pair carefully don't try and squeeze an extra hour of your life in there you're only cheating yourself I just want to remind you okay I'm gonna go read our comments here Jonah people were tuning alive today 209 thank you very much 209 of you tuning in you could grab the mic I'm gonna kill a little bit of time here as these guys are writing down their task now if you need to have half-hour chunks exchanged one yellow for two blues I'm trying to find our channel here you might have heard it six hundred and thirty seven thousand subscribers six hundred how many six thirty seven I six hundred thirty seven thousand of you guys are tuning or not tuning in or subscribe to the channel thank you very much okay I see two hundred eight of you guys here is awesome okay Johnno LaRue is saying everybody that's watching this live gave it a thumbs up to give some support to the channel I appreciate you prompting I sometimes forget about that I do appreciate that okay this is a time management exercise and we're going to learn how to get more so whoever finishes first will put it up on the board actually while we do this I'm gonna take some of yours put up on the board okay Peter alright okay so we know Peter plays video games he told us this the other day oh he plays two hours of video games a day he does some media stuff alright looking good well what is media stuff consuming media okay so watching videos okay I would prefer if you wrote watch Netflix instead of just media I consider watching Netflix a little different than watching instructional videos that's under learning okay so I'm gonna add to that okay I'm gonna add to it okay I'm gonna do YouTube or Netflix in this case I'll do this in red Ricky what's so funny keep it pg-13 what'd you do I don't know where you're going with this Ricky we're trying to make this content friendly for everyone so learning is watching YouTube videos okay okay I'll just say YouTube okay I don't want to say the future cuz it's almost like okay and read so do you read an hour every day you do so is that under learning that's under learning yeah I would say one is YouTube and the other one say books okay I actually dedicate I have a blocked out time to read so I'll write read that's awesome that's amazing it you can do that every single day it may be a little different than Ricky's I'm suspecting that that might be the case okay you have a bunch more to give me don't you alright so I hit him over give me what you got huh okay okay here we go so he's doing work and what do you what do you do for work it's a lot of planning managerial tasks manage your tasks okay okay you go right with one hand no okay okay you work for yourself you work for a company I work for myself okay who are you managing myself you go do you wake up every morning and you're like Peter I need to talk to you you're not really living up to your standards you know there's a little problem here Peter in my brain in your brain yourself how does one manage yourself okay we'll get into work later okay this is fun I like this Ricky tell us some of the tasks that you're doing and I'll repeat it for the people that are tuning in all right here I'll bring you the mic so everybody hold on I'll bring you the mic there you go thank you I got nine hours for work I got a half hour to drive nine hours for work are you sure are you sure about that what are you talking about do you see the 637 subscribers that's a lot of time effort are you saying you single-handedly bring in the 637 okay so I'm here I'm here ten hours at work you have to think really about what you're doing at work first of all we run an eight-hour day yeah I count so there's there's lunch in there yeah and write down lunch if there's checking social media put in that you need to have a better audit of your time just don't write work work work work because it's really not true I know because I see you most of the time I do I guess I'm managing you see I see okay here I didn't expect this to take as long as it's taking to write down your typical day well you know okay to be fair Peter hadn't thought about this yeah you know I was mindful of your time right so what we're doing right now is we're doing is what is referred to as the time audit okay and for this to be really accurate you'd want to do this over a length of time okay Ricky will get to yours in a second all right oh you know what I'll put yours on the side here okay let's see how Ricky spends his time yikes so he spends an hour in social media day yeah you can exchange it doing nothing so there's like yeah they're doing something I'm literally just like home just yeah just sit down and kind of like what's the word lady okay if you are dating Ricky right now please let us know in the comments is this true or not very good nothing wrong with that no judging all shapes sizes colors drive you drive half an hour a day okay it's part of your commute right so 15 minutes each way you look pretty close by I live very close yeah I'm gonna have to reexamine this whole work thing well okay I I just you know my only thing is that like I can't do anything else during work so it would be inaccurate right but what are you doing at work would you like this is like if you were an independent contractor mm-hmm you could start to evaluate like how you spend your warranty so you would students that you would like say like okay so for the first half the morning today for exemption female I didn't check email but whatever it is yeah I edited a video on brands with we're gonna try to do it like an average day so how much time do you spend editing editing how much time you spend in meetings so we're trying to recapture that because you may you may discover something that's really important okay but what about if like I find that I spend two hours in meetings every day but I can't allocate that time don't get ahead of me I say what we want to do is get an accurate snapshot first I understand so this is perfect actually so let's take some of your work things down and put more detail and oh good okay so when you say editing right at an angle okay so go ahead and do it grab your things and Peter let's keep going no no no no no what are you doing you're gonna take these and just write on them just transfer yeah go ahead write on it okay so while Ricky's doing that where your blue ones did you exchange your yellow that's funny right right so Ricky didn't write that he doesn't bathe you got to put that in there too what kind of chores do you do Peter that is more YouTube here Network calls okay more YouTube well you spend a lot of time on YouTube man okay that's kind of yeah I know I know but our audience doesn't know this right so I have to give them the same reaction I'm giving you what are you doing right now you're checking your time again here you got to keep the mic okay wait did you add an extra hour to your life no I didn't I took one you gave me you gave me one back right I gave you two blues okay great okay Ricky let's take a look at your time now what are you doing are you standing outside give me one marker back okay stay over here all right why don't you grab the microphone computer we probably have you should have two mics okay we still can do it it's not the end of the thing okay so you spend about 30 minutes driving what does he work personal work what does that mean that's so generic I don't know what personal work means just like side projects or something like that that's that's what I'm alright this down so everybody can see it okay key work okay it's very very important to us right now to know exactly how you spend your time so let's look at this so there's no time to shower right that's chores personal time like again time I can't add up because it takes well you know no let's let's do this so the way this works best is that we need to be able to break the stuff down okay so everybody that's doing this at home really get into the nitty-gritty of it how you spend your day so I'm gonna break that up into two pieces okay okay so we're gonna exchange a one hour block for two 30 minute blocks okay so you must at least spend 30 minutes showering and brushing your teeth every day yes twice a day so we'll call that bathing showering personal hygiene yeah okay I hope personal hygiene you smell he knows there's another person here that it's not here right now but questionable showering techniques I'm just gonna say and what our chores what do you do for chores I got a do you know more normal stuff I live alone so anything what vacuum cleaning dishes I got a fluff the pillows for who who you fall from the pillows for Lori there's an hour up there for something okay all right chores fluffing pillows you don't make me right yeah okay there we go now let's just do the math real quick this is was add up to 18 right 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 your time still works out so you're saying you're spending about three hours of the office doing editing that seems legitimate I do see you at the machine for about three hours a day what are these other two generic work things meetings oh look at this you got all this work I'm gonna get to write editing more foot edit anymore and you put setup there's gear set up okay about an hour's worth okay this one to two okay so it up so we'll call that production okay so we'll call it production so that we know this is like getting gear up and down right yeah I'd put those yeah okay now we're starting to see how your day works see versus just just being a generic look at it you still have three more hours of work here where's lunch yeah one of them is lunch well I know one of them's lunch yeah it's tough it's not it's not work what else there's review so you guys what do you mean review you just got to go through other people's work you got to go through your own work it's not necessarily editing but you have to review the work and look at other work QC that's all part of that editing process as far as I'm concerned okay you can't help me out throw me a bone what do you see Ricky doing I see him standing there lor during making coffee most of the time oh yeah rambling about so we're gonna talk about no he already said that I'm gonna say at minimum at minimum every single day I see you ELISA on an hour's worth of breaks an hour's worth of breaks well you're not doing meetings working or reviewing okay yeah okay at least okay so I'm gonna put that there I mean I'm just saying at least and so tomorrow tomorrow what you can do is take out a piece of paper and actually write down what you're doing and this is part of Peter Drucker's thing he says our memory and our imagination of what we do it's drastically different compared to what we actually do oh no that's true because I'd be sprinting all the time and when you sprint you gotta take 20-minute breaks after so you know what that's right that makes it that makes sense yeah so this is not actually reality this is probably fiction but even in our conception of the fiction of how we spend our time we do really need to look at this okay what else is in here that's not in here you read an hour a day that's shocking this is a new habit yeah okay you can't like it started to talk about the last month to two months last four months okay that's four months you've been doing this that's great and I love that okay and so you watch one hour Netflix and you're eating okay this is dinner right so we'll just write dinner here at least at least it's not you spending your time you only spent an hour in social media are you sure you could probably put another out I already know it's gonna be another hour because all right if you check the social media report on your phone yeah it doesn't tell you like four and a half hours yeah you know it's a hundred percent accurate actually okay what does it say it says two hours two hours a week or a day two hours a day okay we have to take something down just change it up take it out another work I know you spend two hours in the gym yeah that's true there's really not a lot here that you can take away from it it's it's probably you know this this probably gets cut a little bit and this probably gets inflated a little bit I don't know if it's okay so break that into two parts okay so we'll do one for social media see how the your day is tracking a little bit different than what your imagination see this exercise just a smidge so what's changed that okay we'll take down read or exchange that for one read okay so everybody is tuning in remember the blue post-its are 30 minutes and the yellow post-its are one-hour chunks I just getting the streamed in the comments Jonah No don't worry about what you're getting creamed on okay all right okay why don't you step aside now thank you very much now in for Peter Peter let's look at you YouTube let's organize these things together why don't you block all the YouTube things together are they already there okay yeah yep take that out okay put it somewhere else yeah that's right and put this next to work so so there's learning there's working there's consuming media there's entertainment and I also see no do whatever you want to do I want it to be accurate is that work that work yeah I believe it is work this is you learning okay and chores I'm gonna keep over here let me do this you literally took that off and you put a little cap okay so a lot of entertainment time chores self-care working out this is self yeah okay these are all good I don't know this is you I didn't write that oh I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm not really looking at the yard yeah I'm just looking at now grouping them by the things that you do okay we're making a scenario so before you look at this in here you're wondering if I ever eat at all it's because while I'm eating I'm watching stuff so that's why I put it together I never just eat and not do anything okay so that's that's let me ask you something are you able to focus when you're watching and eating at the same time I find it difficult personally I could focus yeah okay I possibly eat you actively consume the media but you passively eat yeah okay so sometimes you you put in the wrong orifice okay so this is pretty important and we got to this state here we have a snapshot of your day okay so I don't see any social media on here oh there it is one hour only one hour that seems also sketchy man go look on your phone look on your phone it'll tell you know I was looking on our it's everything combined it's about an hour okay sometimes give or take like 20 minutes but yeah I probably spent four hours in social media myself so we'll get into that later okay so there we are that's what the snapshot looks like yeah okay we've learned nothing just yet we've learned nothing this this exercise was just for us to kind of record what we think we do so the next prompt I'm going to give you what camera I'm looking at that camera the next prompt I'm gonna give you is this is for you to actually then tomorrow with a piece of paper when you wake up start recording how you spend your time in 30 minute chunks okay now to act of you recording yourself will change what you actually do yes but since you were to kind of record yourself it shouldn't change too much right we just want to make sure so some of you guys who don't actively track your time you'll start to realize because you're watching yourself now that instead of going to get that coffee or just milling about in the in the kitchen which ricky who does quite often he will sort out sudden think oh my god i wrote down three hours from editing i better get on the machine again so this this is how athletes work this is how body builders work they measure record every single thing you while you're recording it because once you start to become aware of it you start to make different decisions because you know somebody's watching you yeah you you're watching yourself okay perfect alright let's move on next sheet here all right all right now okay Peter have a seat now I want you to think about something that you want to accomplish because I told you at the at the beginning of this episode I'm going to teach you how to get more done in the exact same amount of time I want you to think about something you want to accomplish in the next couple of weeks let's try to do a two-week sprint it could be a four-week sprint it could be half of your goal I don't really care just think about that thing okay do you know what it is that you want to do Peter and do you do you know what it is that you want to do Ricky you do right so Peter you're first Peter what do you want to do I don't know you don't know okay Ricky come on in here it's about it what do you want to do I want to read more books how many more books do you want to read I would like to finish the I'm currently reading in two weeks okay you just want to finish one book yes that's a perfect goal so I'll use a different color as to not to confuse our audience which I don't have I have purple I suppose so Ricky ones to read a book mm-hmm okay that's his goal in two weeks read one book in two weeks what book are you reading cinema cinematography theory and practice oh that sounds like a heavy subject there okay Ricky's goal is he wants to read one book in two weeks in order to accomplish skull what do you have to do allocate more time to it how much time if I read if I doubled every day how much more time do you have to spend every single day an hour a day I'd probably have to devote an hour more a day so or more yeah okay let's say an hour and a half to make it two hours total no to out you how much time you so if we say don't know just follow along with the program how much more time do you need every single day to be able to read this book in two weeks you know yourself better than me right yeah I need two hours two hours okay so we're gonna give you two more of these tokens right so we're gonna say read in order to accomplish this goal you're gonna have to read okay this right here and you have to read okay so far so good okay now would you have to do is you have to look at this and figure out what things you have to give up taking off two hours from this looks like a lot right so now you have to make that decision I'll leave you to make that decision okay so when you're done you should have to you have to put two things two units of time down here two hours worth of time it could be done in chunks of 1/2 hours whatever it doesn't really matter if you want to dice these things in half you can as well but you have to basically take that and put it down here so if the math still adds up so your total time if I recall was six no eighteen hours you spent a lot of time awake all right yes ten hours okay and people always accuse me his maths is not good and like I just want to make sure it's still good so your total time awake is 18 well that's a lot of time and you in theory should be able to accomplish everything you want in your life given how much time you're awake seriously because you're a single guy relatively speaking right with that imaginary girlfriend imagine a lady friend okay so let's go at it so go ahead move things on here and you can play around with this and then put something down here okay go ahead you just put the mic here and step on this okay so Peter did you figure out what you want to do in the next two weeks I want to create content a YouTube video great you want to create a YouTube video right what kind of YouTube video educational one I want to teach a concept that I know okay have you made youtube videos before yes I have okay so you want to make one new YouTube video in the next two weeks or one week or how many videos do you want to make one a week one per week so we're gonna do this as a two week sprint mm-hmm that's fine it's it's okay you want to do it's all just say one for two weeks video really slow per week okay okay so I'm gonna leave your go over here off to the side so we don't confuse our audience okay I'm gonna do one YouTube video per week I also now want you to take the post-its and write down the tasks that you have to do so get really granular if you can so you probably wanna use the blue one you might have to research you might have to write you produce shoot edit do post do all that kind of stuff so go ahead and do that okay whatever you need however much time you need if it's one hour ten hours whatever you want okay entirely up to you to you okay Ricky are you I need you to transfer all these things over here while removing two hours worth of time just track what do you do just moving one at time because you have to do that anyways literally you're doing this right so I'm curious when we're done yeah cut your gym and a half yep okay you're still half an hour short okay so you have the big decision to make that this is perfect okay so let's review real quick so Ricky's transferred all of his tasks from over here to here things that he wants to do with the additional goal of reading one book for the next two weeks and he knows he needs to spend additional two hours a day to read so given however many days you can read okay we're looking at something like that probably we're talking about weekdays right mmm cuz it's all work-related boom we have this okay I'm probably more accurate way to do this too is also look at your weekend time how much discretionary time so the things that you're doing on a weekend this might be also very helpful to do this just for the weekend because the weekend times gonna look a little bit different okay so I would instruct our audience to go ahead and do one for your weekend as well and do the same exercise to repeat it so how are you gonna steal another half an hour away you have to break something into yeah gotta get the blue posted pad back from you Peter you have enough take what you need okay alright Ricky what's going on this is a hard decision I don't see a whole lot of things to steal from so it's gettin it's gettin down it's getting down to it gotta give up something yeah well I'm just trying to be like realistic there's things that you can't move right example you have to be at work yeah I can be at work you can't not brush your teeth right you can let's look at this let's put a red dot on anything that you possibly could live without put a dot on it right even though those are work-related things right that's kind of okay there you go that's perfect okay this will help us now step back a little bit so everybody can see to that side yeah okay so now Ricky has put red dots on things that he could possibly live without so now he has to just steal another half an hour away from this and he's gonna be able to hit his goal so Ricky what do you think gonna do social media cut it in half can you do that to 30 minutes a day yeah because I'm cutting an hour I'm cutting an hour off okay social okay so you're gonna do half an hour of social media right yeah okay this has to be something you could commit to right now when you grab that iPhone rubber meets the road gonna you're gonna have to like say that's it okay so social media okay so I exchange you there and turns out we could have just grabbed the one our social media dropped into the bottom mm-hmm you weren't quite ready to let that one go just yet yeah what is P work again personal work what is personal work just side projects I'm trying to work on at home yeah okay what kind of side projects so you work on her photos yeah yeah that are just working on like trying to make a video or something like that okay so let's just make sure our math adds up again 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 and a half mm-hm 15 16 all I messed up 17 18 okay I did all right these got to dangerously close down here let me just move these up okay so art art I'm still adding up to be 18 mm-hmm so this is perfect now if say for example you could not possibly cut it away half an hour you know what you have to do sleep less sleep last wake up earlier mm-hmm so or potentially learning how to do the things that you're doing more effectively or efficiently I see okay now is this something that you can possibly do I think so okay yeah this is great why don't we take a picture of this on your phone yeah so that we have a map of this and then we'll clear this and then we'll get Peters in here okay that's it that's one made of social yeah all right okay did you take a picture of it okay okay so now we'll take this down then Peter will bring up the other board in a second so Peter how much time did you add count you gonna have to give up a lot man but you have a lot to give well this is a week yeah so you have to make it a day yeah you have to keep the units of time consistent right okay so so theoretically if you multiply it 4/5 it will give you what you need to do in a day right yes okay are they any questions from the people who've tuned in thus far Jonah people are trying out okay I'm glad to hear that trying out and if you have questions just let me know so we're gonna put this one back in here so you want to do one YouTube video and we will bring back your chart okay so you have a total of 16 hours right yeah why the heavy sigh because I just realized the process for making a video is that a good sign that's a lot of work I think is half and half I think the reason why I'm so slow to begin with us because I didn't I didn't write this out so I was just kind of going with the flow of things sure now how much time are you going out of your new task on to be able to create one YouTube video a week what do you have to do alright it's not to write the script right well have to this is actually doesn't matter basically I have to create an idealist you need to hold that mic close your mouth right create the idealist yeah then I have to prioritize the video ideas okay I have to where's the oh right the scripts okay I tell you what you did this the right way but for the sake of our audience yeah I'm gonna have to do this a little bit differently okay okay I'm going to have to just say one in one day how much time do you have to dedicate because let's say it's a five hour work week yeah you have 5x how much time do you have to do all this stuff how much time you need every day no no like total and then we'll just divide it by five Oh total I counted 10 10 so you need to put it two more hours two hours every day okay so that's what we're okay so see that you can take all these things moving to the side I'll give you two hour pieces and I'm gonna do it like this this is perfect okay so you're gonna need to write produce and edit video okay and we're just gonna write two of these things all right okay it seems a lot of reason yeah yeah that's two hours a day right so write produce right Ted again produce video so the granular steps I'm glad you mapped it out now you know okay now you two have to eliminate two hours from your day you have a lot of room to give up so go ahead and transfer these over and we should be able to see two hours down here okay I was writing so I didn't see how this process was I just tacked you just move them over all right but you know that at the end of the day you're gonna have to take two hours worth of time and put it down here oh this is what I'm throwing away yes okay so you've added two hours to your day I realistically I'm gonna take this one out first I have a very good idea of what I do and maybe a little carrot let me just take the mic so you can do this a little bit faster so he's got to go through this process whoo so after auditing his time he's come over the new goal something that he wants the complex cuz he wants to get more done in the week so he's going to transfer these things over and start to make the hard decision of where he's going to spend his time that's gonna contribute to his overall goals that's what he's trying to do no no you keep doing your thing dude oh it's okay he's supposed to like zoom in zoom out it's all it's all good do it dude push in push in right here just give us to give them a more active breathing camera right there so he's transferring this is perfect and then the wide camera is a white camera working okay or not it is right I just need to step in a little bit yeah okay if you I'm gonna take the moment right now while Peters doing this while he's moving things around I'm gonna take a moment here if you'd like to sponsor this channel of your high-end fashion label a sneaker manufacturer or something like that we'd love to have your support okay none of the clothes I'm wearing is sponsored by anybody yet I would love it to change very soon cuz we all can walk around with amazing clothing here right like Nike should sponsor us their collaborations adidas should sponsor us g-star should what do we do you took about two hours okay let's want you step over here I'm gonna give you the mic in here you go okay thank you so I can remove this now get this out of the way this is a powerful magnet all right let's look at this for some reason you were able to cut these things really fast I maybe had a harder time Ricky had a harder time because those are all like oh what do I do with my life right so you cut away an hour's worth of YouTube videos and our video games did this hurt you not really why don't you cut more than I want to but I don't know that's realistic so did hurt you video games a day yeah that's a lot but I feel guilty doing it so it was really easy for me like I know I should and if I'm like kind of forced to do it with a plan then I'm like I can but realistically if I took off one more chunk of an hour I don't know if I could do it I would like to but now I'm gonna share a personal story with you I used to play video games quite avidly like I would spend probably at least two hours a day playing video games whether it's halo Call of Duty or whatever other video games Skyrim I was playing a lot of video games and here's how my life has evolved once I started getting really serious about the future I cut out video games entirely I don't play video games at all I have a brand new PlayStation 4 sitting in the box with the video game that I want to play and still in the box my son from time to time was like that are we gonna set that up no we're not gonna set that up because as soon as I set up I'm going to feel like I have to play it and I don't want play right now so I've given up a lot of things I've given up like I said to everybody gym time I've given up the video games I've given up a lot of stuff I've cut out a lot of news watching and watching on TV mmm okay so just let you know these are the choices we have to make on the one hand we say to ourselves and to people we care about we want to accomplish some goal but then when it comes to the action and the follow-through we're not willing to give up any things that we like for the things that we need so these are kind of the big decisions that you need to start working on okay if you want to stay really fit you might want to take another half an hour here and steal from half an hour of video games because you might soon be developing that video game body yeah you know I'm talking about dad but no just be the game buddy take off Netflix and sad because I mean I work in video games so I kind of want to you know stay in touch with that okay all right well whatever so those are the decisions you need to make okay so when you add in the thing that you want to do you're gonna have to give up something how did this process feel for you in terms of what look at the camera in terms of how did it feel like do you feel like this is an easy thing to do was this enlightening for you it was this like oh no no no big deal I think in the back of my mind everything that I did I was very aware of how much time it took away from the things I really didn't need to do but because I go through my life like I just go through my life right I don't really think about it I'm not very aware of it until you put it all out here and then you kind of see it and then once you actually take the challenge to dedicate two extra hours towards doing work that's when I'm kind of like okay it might be easier to take this off now because one it's a challenge and I like them too it's easier when you put everything out and visually see it yeah so the next step to doing something like this would be to be able to do the same exercise but for the week so what I would do is take tasks like working I would try to combine them all together so that you get the largest amount of work time now I assume learning in here is part of your personal development this is really important I like seeing that you actually spend more time on personal development than you do work some of this may be cheating because you're saying like you're eating and doing all kinds of weird things while you're learning right that's this Oh media media yeah yeah okay okay so this is your learning time you've spent at least three hours of your waking day to do this this seems shocking to me that you can make a living while only working , how many hours three and half three four hours yeah okay I'm not making a living yet so you're saying you're not quite making a living just yet no I'm sponsored by my mom what does that mean responsible your mom she's helped I live on my mom your mom okay yeah she's helping me out you know she's helped yeah yeah I mean I do I do jobs on this side so because we we said this as an average right yeah I do contracting contracting jobs here and there that allow me to not spend her money you have possible yeah right but it's not enough for me to sustain my own living okay so this is a big print of moment right here this is a big moment may I ask how old you are if you're not comfortable 26 you're a 26 year old guy still living at home which I applaud you for because you got to get focused here so I would say if I was mom or dad I was like you know Peter we're cutting this stuff out you got to get on the program right now okay got to turn the screws on you a little bit because before you know you're gonna be 35 and you're gonna be whatever so I want you to get really focused with their goals because whatever you set out to do I believe you can do it in the little time that I've gotten to know you you said you strike me as a very focused person who's very goal-driven we just need to focus on what goal we're trying to accomplish now I'm ask you one question are you gonna turn pro anytime soon playing video games no are you close to turning pro anytime soon no you're like my son guys okay so what I want you to do is I would love for you to chop away I know it's going to be very difficult you have basically for five hours in video games consuming media and doing social media that's a lot of media consumption right that's a third of your day it is to me this is where we need to look at this now if I were to go in there and if you hired me as your personal coach your life coach is like you know we're changing these things we need to get you another half an hour in the gym we need to do all these things and then get you on a plan so that you can afford to pay pay for your own place to get your career in line and then you have a ton of time to play video games yes okay so those are things we need to look at okay so are there any questions right now thank you very much Peter thank you also Thank You Ricky for doing this coach the applause for you too all right all right okay my hundred dollar bill is still on the floor so things are good there are no thieves in the in a building just yet okay so Joan are they any questions I need to answer for the people tuning in zero I'm just they're not asking questions you guys have no questions for me okay that's fine I'm gonna do the wrap-up then and we're not here Oh a different episode i you know follow-up episode I'll do this because I don't want to waste her time to bounce this out I believe we understand the exercise I'm not trying to hide guys I'm really not I mean I was Joe you've got a post on this I did if you guys go to Chris's Facebook page I've seen it there's a whole post RAM or a new Instagram he shows how yellow gates it's done yeah I show you how I look at my time and I will tell you I've already told you I spent about four hours on social media this isn't the first time he's done this do this for you right to help you guys but I know you're curious and I will show you I promise I'll show you okay just keep you accountable so let's do the wrap up now the wrap up here okay I want you to start acting thinking and behaving as if time is money time is money and be literal about it to be literal about it like how you save up your money to buy something and if there's a sale or promotion going on you're reading the fine print so you you have to be really thrifty about where you allocate your time it's an investment you put your time into things that pay off for you for your life goals your career your personal goals your relationship goals your spiritual goals whatever it is spend that time very wisely and be very frugal okay be frugal okay so if you think about the constraints that you apply to time I mean for money if he applies at time you have a different idea okay so try that exercise to think about your time as money and behave accordingly next thing is we have to understand and this is a quote I found being busy is the biggest distraction from living so we're all kind of running around trying to keep up with what we have to do we don't take a moment to ask ourselves is this important is this contributing to my life because you have to remember we all have a finite amount we're all going to expire one day and you need to squeeze the most from every day that you have okay another idea about this is this is just a different idea this is kind of like from brogni we're like don't die living someone else's dream so this is tied to this idea that we're busy doing something if you're going to school pursuing a degree that you don't love you are busy living somebody else's dream and then you're gonna come to me when you're 35 45 years old and say I've just discovered I want to be a creative person Chris what do I do well you've spent in my opinion some of the best time that you have it's never too late you've spent the best time that you have on things that didn't mean anything to you so if you haven't done so go back and watch the episode when we did how to find what you love how to do what you love the ickey guy exercise do that first and make sure it's for you this is really important okay I really believe in this you have one life to live one shot to do what it is that makes you really happy and you need to find that thing the sooner the better because that means you have more time to invest in that okay what we want to do also is consolidate the largest amount of free time possible so I would have loved for this exercise for some of you guys to be able to write free time free time free time and start to remove the other stuff the free time I spend dreaming thinking planning the future this is what I do okay and this is directly lifted from the effective executive from Peter Drucker this is from Jim Rohn don't major in the minors this is a very very cool way to remember this concept in that we make a major effort to achieve minor things in our lives so right now you may be doing something that seems like it's really important and you're putting a lot of time and energy into it because there's a looming deadline there's a fire that you feel like you have to put out there's somebody barking in your ear in your face telling you all the time you need to do this thing and it's actually not going to add too much so don't major in the minors and how do you do that you have to say no to almost everything you have to be the thrifty aspersion when it comes to spending your time and so when somebody asks you hey you want to go out you want to hang out you want to do these things and we were talking about this other day about Joan and I were having a deep conversation we're headed off to the Sony lot we're talking about how many childhood friends I have and I just told him I have a couple not many but I don't make a giant effort to spend time with them because where we started out in life I'm just so different today I just don't know what we would talk about how we could relate so usually my relationships are kind of in the moment because I'm always advancing evolving and growing I want to find people who challenge me challenge my thinking and who inspire me with things that they're doing and so I'm constantly trading out friends all the time I do have a large pool of friends I have a few people I keep very close to my heart but other than that you don't maintain a lot of those relationships and they're gonna be people come knocking on your door all the time it happens to me quite often out because I'm a kind of a public person now people are DMing me all the time is saying hey can we have can we jump on a call can we jump on a call no we can't I'm so sorry we cannot jump on a call can you speak at this event what depends on what you want from me I have a speaking fee that's how I'm able to say no to almost everything and that's how I'm able to get what I need to get done this how I manage my time I hope you found this whiteboard session to be helpful to you if you have don't forget to Like comment and subscribe hit the bell notification for future whiteboard sessions we have at least one more of these things already planned for next week so stay tuned we'll be back thanks for watching guys I'll see you next time take care remember one thing you're not defined by the past the future is what you make it I'm out air peace have a great weekend
Channel: The Futur
Views: 561,327
Rating: 4.9263639 out of 5
Keywords: the futur, futur brand, disrupt design education, chris do, business of design, how to, time, waste, get more done, how to get more done, productivity, be more productive, time waster, stop wasting time, how to get more time, make more time, hours in a day, day in the life, how chris do manages his day, how to manage your time, gtd, get things done, get more from your day, productivity management, time management
Id: Gxdk27u9UwM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 16sec (3316 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 06 2019
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