How to Find $100k/Month SaaS Ideas As a Solo Founder

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if you want to start a SAS but you don't have an idea then you need to watch this video in the last 3 years we have built over a dozen different SAS apps some were my ideas some were for our clients and some were for the biggest creators on YouTube a few of these were great ideas and they're crushing it but others were a complete waste of time and money so today I'm going to share what a good SAS idea looks like and then I'm going to show you five different ways to find a $100,000 per month SAS idea and make sure you stay for the last one because it will make you by far the most money and you don't even have to find the idea yourself one thing I want to make clear when you're thinking about starting your own SAS is that you need to be self-aware you need to ask yourself why you why are you the best person for this idea why are you the best person to start this company versus anyone else the best idea for me is not the best idea for you you have unique advantages and it's important for you to be be aware of them and to lean into them for me I'm a content creator and all my friends are content creators so since I have a network of content creators I created a software tool for Content creators basically I already knew dozens of people who would want to use my tool I just needed to get it built if I were to create a software tool for electrical engineers I wouldn't even know the problems that they have I wouldn't even know who to sell it to and if I did I wouldn't even know where to Market it so that is a very very important question to ask yourself why are you the best person for this idea which leads us into the first way to find SAS ideas and that is to solve a problem that you personally have in my opinion the best sass to start is one where you experience the problem firsthand in a field that you are an expert in or what is called domain expertise odds are you see a problem in your line of work that your typical software developer could never even know exists this gives you an advantage because you will be able to solve the problem better than anyone else and you probably have the network to sell it to your peers having the problem gives you an edge since you are experiencing it firsthand you will know exactly what features to add and how to naturally improve it I have a full video on this if you want to go check it out now if you don't have a problem to solve don't worry cuz there are four other ways to find SAS ideas but before we get into those let's first Define what a good SAS idea looks like well first first we want to make sure that it's at least a big enough market now with micras it doesn't need to be a billion dooll idea but it should be at least a large enough amount of people to potentially make $100,000 a month from it as long as the market is around 10,000 potential buyers that is at least big enough for me to be willing to pursue it skimmer is a micras that helps pool cleaning companies optimize their pool cleaning routes and a simple Google search shows us that there are 90,000 pool cleaning companies in America skimmer does over $5 million per year and is valued at over $20 million so even if the market was 1/10th the size and there were only 9,000 pool cleaning companies that would still be a $500,000 Pere micro sass which is not too shabby now another factor to keep in mind is frequency SAS is known for charging a monthly subscription for recurring Revenue but for this to work the problem needs to be something that happens on a regular basis this way your users will need to use the tool again and again to continue solving their problem for skimmer the pool companies clean pools every day and the routes are constantly changing so skimmer's users will use the app every day this is called high frequency lastly it would be wise to have an idea of how you will sell your app it is really important to know who your customers will be and where they all hang out then think of a clear system in your mind that will turn them into paying customers I have a dedicated video on SAS marketing coming soon but for now let's recap make sure your idea is a problem that at least 10,000 people have it is something they will need to use frequently and you know where your customers are and how to get their attention all right let's look at the second way to find a SAS idea so another good way to find SAS ideas is to see what problems people are having with existing software tools that they use we do this by looking at bad reviews on a lot of people think they need to come up with a new idea and build a software tool that's never been done before but they don't realize that this could be a sign that no one actually has this problem or maybe they do they just don't want to pay for the solution so a very common strategy is to find an app that is proven in the market then just take a slightly different angle this positioning should give you an advantage in a subset of the market for example let's look at beehive a company I'm an investor in beehive was not the first newsletter provider substack had existed for years convertkit had already grown massively and of course you had the giant email providers like MailChimp and clavio but each one of these had a core competency substack was primarily for paid newsletters convertkit was simplified for creators with no technical expertise to get started fast and MailChimp was mainly for email marketing not a newsletter so how did beehive stand out they saw that none of these apps offered native tools to help people grow their newsletter so with this thesis beehive launched their newsletter platform with a referral program baked in they then added their boosts their ad Network and other features focus on helping people grow their newsletters hence their headline the newsletter platform built for growth this was their unique angle and how they stood out in a competitive market they weren't the first they weren't the cheapest they simply looked at the market and saw customers were complaining about not having growth tools and then they filled that Gap so G2 reviews is a great way to look at bad reviews for tools in your market and then find your unique angle if customers are consistently complaining about a missing feature or keep pointing to one pain point then that could be your company's unique value proposition when you go to market and if you're asking yourself well won't that company just add that feature and beat me well yes that is possible odds are they have dozens of other features that they want to add also adding a whole new set of features could force the to change their entire user flow of their app so if they are already seeing success in one section of the market it wouldn't make sense for them to completely overhaul their positioning to appease that slice of the market and there in lies your opportunity so if you have an idea for an app after watching this video and you want to start building it we are hosting a 10we MVP challenge inside of the WGI Academy starting on March 4th this challenge will give you a clear track designed to take you from idea to launching your app in just 10 weeks each week we will provide you with a step-by-step list of tasks that you need to complete to stay on Pace from validating your idea and getting it designed to actually building the functionality and launching on product hunt we walk you through the entire process start to finish and we will be by your side with weekly calls to help answer your questions and hold you accountable this 10 week FastTrack sop is what we have used to build over a dozen SAS apps at our agency and we want to share it with you so you can bring your idea to life now let's talk prizes to make this a little more interesting we will be flying out the top five teams to Arizona where you will spend a weekend with me and my team in our Scottdale office for an in-person Workshop we will give you handson advice on how to improve refine and grow your app the top three teams will be featured in a video on my channel and the winning team will get a dedicated sponsor slot on my podcast to promote their SAS now the only way to enter this challenge is to be a member inside of the wgm academy so if you want to be a part of this go ahead and click the link below and join the wgmi academy and start the future Dev program immediately if you don't know how to build software yet our future Dev program will teach you how to bring virtually any software idea you have to life with no code and the 10e challenge gives you the structure you need to learn bubble and work on your app at the same time so if you're watching this announcement right now and you want a head start I recommend you start the future Dev program and start learning bubble before the competition starts by joining the wgmi academy today when you join the challenge you will be surrounded by hundreds of other SAS entrepreneurs inside our community and will receive Hands-On help from my team so whether you are a complete beginner or a season Dev this 10-week FASTT track gives you everything you need to launch your MVP so if you are serious about starting your own software this is your chance click the link below sign up for the WM Academy and I'll see you on March 4th now the third and most fun way to find SAS ideas is to go to and look at companies that are selling right now on you can sort by SAS and by their monthly Revenue shows you a brief description of the app and then shares their trailing 12-month Revenue as well as their profit and their asking price there really is no need to validate these ideas because their revenue numbers speak for themselves objectively you know they work based on how much money they made but fair disclaimer there is no information on how they actually got those customers until you submit a letter of intent so it is a crapshot on if they are still growing or if they just got lucky and now they're steadily dying either way it is still a lot of fun to see a wide variety of software ideas that are working across every industry this is a great way to get your creative juices flowing and if you see an an idea for a SAS app in an industry you're an expert in well you might just be ready to start building another way to find SAS ideas is to go on Reddit or Kora and search for howto questions people are searching for how to do something but no real solution exists that could be a sign of a SAS opportunity this is simply a game of doing research getting leads and digging deep to ensure it's a good idea now the last way to find SAS ideas is my favorite and it's something that my development agency has quite Ely started doing this is something I call Creator Le SAS you see we are in the era of the Creator economy and large creators like Mr Beast have figured out that they can create billion dooll companies by selling their own products to their audience he is doing it with his chocolate company febles KSI is doing it with prime Emma Chamberlain has a coffee company and The Rock has a billion dollar tequila brand but the interesting thing is no one has done this with SAS yet Mr Beast has some of the best podcast on the internet teaching creators how to make better content and each one has millions of views from creators just like him so wouldn't it make sense for him to create a SAS for YouTube creators I use a tool called tube buddy that lets me split test my thumbnails and then automatically chooses the one that performs better and this is something I pay $50 a month for all Mr Beast would have to do is replicate this product call it beast and then offer it to his audience in one of these podcasts and boom multi-million dollar software with zero costs so the idea is to find content creators with a large following then build them their software idea in exchange for Equity this is called a venture studio and it is something that my Dev agency is testing out as we speak a few months ago we quietly partnered with one of the biggest Finance YouTubers to help him build a software for his audience he had a good idea but he didn't know how to get it built and so he asked us if we could help now we could have charged him our typical monthly subscription but but since it was a good idea and we knew he could sell it we decided to partner with him and take Equity instead sure we're missing out on The Upfront cash flow but if the software is successful we could be looking at a multi-million doll exit in the long run this makes us 10 times more money and in the short term he doesn't have to take a big upfront Financial Risk to get it built it's a win-win and the best part is we didn't even have to come up with the idea we just found someone who was an expert in their field and partner with them to build their idea so if Creator Le SAS sounds like an opportunity you want to get in on our 10we challenge will walk you through the entire process of building your SAS step by step all without writing a single line of code we will take you from idea to launching your own software company by the end of the challenge click the link below this video if you want to learn more but other than that hope you have a wonderful day and I will see you in the next one
Channel: Brett Malinowski
Views: 50,737
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: saas ideas, saas business, saas product ideas, saas startup ideas, micro saas ideas, software as a service, finding saas ideas, b2b saas ideas, software as a service ideas, saas business ideas, saas sales, no code tools, saas examples, no code apps, tech startup ideas, get saas ideas, startup ideas, saas marketing, how to start a saas, software company, y combinator, ycombinator, ai saas, ai no code, bubble,, no code saas, 2024 saas ideas, how to build software
Id: zvisP3ai9VI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 57sec (777 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 26 2024
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