How to Film Beautiful Bottle Shots

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welcome back and today I'm going to show you guys the simplest way to light a bottle for your product videos make your shot go from this to this [Music] and really all we need is two lights to do this and the first way that we're going to do this is everything is a little bit chaotic in the shot that you can see right now so we're going to first bring in our background and you don't even actually have to have a background for this but then that's going to involve more than two lights so I'm going to simplify this as much as I can for you guys the first thing we're going to use for our background is this and this is black duvetine and I get it from Savage there's a bunch of different types that you can get but all we're going to do is roll this down and drop it boom boom just like that and there is our background so let's look at this in camera you need camera you can see it's a very dark image but that is okay because that's what we want lighting Products or lighting anything filmmaking is all about controlling your light so bring this black background in it is really going to allow our bottle to pop and just focus on the product itself I did miscalculate so I do need to slide this over just a tad smidge so we're going to do that but again I recommend using teen or some kind of black background black paper works but it is reflective this duveteen stuff is absorbing light so when you're when your lights are all kind of spreading around it's still super black and it picks up very black in the camera so that you're going to get your purest black that you want now we're gonna first do our first light and this is our most important light this is our key light and our main light that's actually going to be lighting the entire bottle and stay with me because it's not going to look like a lot at first but then once you actually see this all come together you're gonna be like holy moly so the trick that we're gonna do is I always use double diffusion for this and let me change the camera angle it's just me today so I'm going to show you guys in a second so our key lights can be coming from that side I always typically have it on the left because you're reading like a book so you're gonna have your strongest point on your left and then going to your fill side on the right kind of like a book you read from left to right and you're going to always be attracted to your brightest side first so we're going to bring this in this is actually by Savage as well this is translum paper and this is great it gives such a soft image this is not our light itself but it's a great way to double diffuse your product and I already know that I'm going to need it so I'm going to bring it in as close as I can to the product and I typically always have my c-stand on the back side because that allows me to angle this in because when looking with a camera you're going to want this to get as close as possible to the product itself it's going to create a beautiful soft highlight especially on glass but the problem is if you put the c-stand on that side then you're not going to be able to angle it closer you want this part farther away otherwise it'll show up in the shot but luckily since we're working with black you can just mask everything out that is not in it but we're going to get this nice and tight I don't know what it looks like in camera right now you can usually have you know like a monitor if you want to but that's going to be pretty good for right now we can always do minor adjustments later and then I'm going to bring in my light this is going I don't know if you can see me but this is going to be our main light and the way that I'm gonna light it is I always bring it towards the back like this and instead of point it straight at I'm going to angle it towards the camera like so and what it's doing is you're getting your hottest spot here and then it's slowly rolling off like a gradient which is good because you want your edge of your bottle to be bright and then you want it to be nice and smooth going across now I don't know what this looks like in camera yet so we're going to look at it first so now that's looking pretty good and I like the angle with it I'm going to play with it more but I'm probably going to drop this back a little bit more bring it a little bit closer so it really wraps around the bottle and that is only one part of this the next part is to get our fill side in and we're actually not going to use a light for our fill side we're just going to take the same material and put it in here and almost make a nice comfortable sandwich for our bottle and again I know it seems weird but this is actually going to look really great all right let's slide this bad boy in she's a little heavier than the other one but that's okay because what we're going to do is make sure that we're secure I'm going to bring this nice and close and now make sure that doesn't fall off swing her in like so and we're going to lower her because that is not actually hitting what we want it to hit beautiful just like that and right now this is looking really good I actually haven't looked at it yet but I can tell bringing this in now look at the difference between before and after so now I'm going to show you guys my biggest Trick In Secret in filmmaking especially for bottles especially for whiskey bottles or any bottle where you want to illuminate the product inside and it's literally just taking some more of this diffusion paper and cutting it out to the shape of the bottle and all I do is put it on the table the bottle trace it out with a piece of pencil a piece of pencil and some scissors and it doesn't have to be perfect it just has to be enough to cover the shape what we're going to do is take that shape and we're going to take a c-stand and actually hang it behind the bottle in my previous tutorials I've taught you guys oh just taped to the back of the bottle but I've actually come up with a better way of doing this is just hanging it in the back of the bottle with another c-stand and what that allows us to do is it allows me to spin the bottle without showing this and keeping that same beautiful glow so you can have a lot more Dynamic movement with your product so let's do that now before I move it into place I just want to show you guys what I'm doing here so here's that piece of paper that I told you guys to cut out of this average translum and I got a barbecue skewer that I painted black because why not just make it easier on my life and I just have it attached to a c-stand knuckle like so and then I just pinched it in between here right then we're gonna put on the c-stand and then all we have to do is bring it in ready and here I come I'm going to set this up nice and beautifully we're gonna get this as close as we can to our product and obviously this isn't straight on but that's okay that's the whole point of this and we're just going to drop that down like that I don't know if you guys can see me I apologize again I'm just filming this by myself it's nothing fancy but this will show you guys how to light your bottles now I'm using the forza 60c by Nan light this is perfect it's small it's tiny I have it on a c-stand but you can literally probably hold it up with The Twig if you wanted to because this thing is miniature and all we're going to do is flip it and point at the back of the bottle make sure that we're hitting the paper and I'm just going to turn it on right here and boom like that I got it at 11 at 4 400 on my white balance or CCT and that's given a little bit more of a warmer look which is perfect because now as you see it in camera this is beautiful now let's set up our camera next and I can talk about my settings there then we're going to turn off all the lights and get our shot now that we have our lighting dialed in we're gonna fix our bottle and how we have it positioned and we're gonna add a little bit of movement to it and the way that we're going to do that is with my edelchrone head one you can use a cheap turntable you can look at my product my product video product list guide I don't know what I called it but nevertheless I do have a bunch of different products that you guys can use and I'll also list everything down below this is a little bit more of expensive option but it is controlled by my phone which one I'm solo shooting is awesome so we have our product right here at this Raleigh uh whiskey and we're just gonna bring it down beautiful bottle by the way very very beautiful Bourbon and we're gonna place this right here and then what I'm going to do we're going to have to put a little bit of height on it this is going to allow us to spin but I'm just going to grab this we're going to use this like this and then we're going to grab this like so and try to make sure everything is Center because we're going to be focusing on our bottle like that and then let me stand up but we're going to want to place our bottle and obviously our all of our height is all messed up now but that's okay because that's all what product filmmaking is about is positioning positioning positioning repositioning making sure everything is stable making sure that's relatively Center and then we're going to reposition this all right with some minor tweaking and such I'm kind of dumb sometimes I realized that it was a lot easier I remember that I actually put the Nan light below and shoot it up because it's lower and then we're not getting any flares in it and it can be directly in the center so I've changed that and then just did some minor adjusting on the diffusion paper but we're ready to rock it so let's hop on over to the camera I'm using my R5 with my RF 100 millimeter macro best lens for product filmmaking hands down and I'm just going to do a stationary shot at first and then I'm going to turn this slider around and get a sliding shot but I'm gonna turn off the rest of these lights and you guys that's it so thank you so much for watching I hope that you enjoyed these shots but that's it for making beautiful product videos just like this oh yeah that's probably the point where I'm supposed to say please like share subscribe it's really important this helps grow my channel I really appreciate everybody that's been supporting me since day one or even just joining and enjoying what I do I do a lot of different things so you know if you want to come join cool [Music]
Channel: Austen Paul
Views: 16,364
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Filmmaking, How to, Lighting, Bottle, Product Photography, Whiskey, Wine, Drinks, Film, Napa, Wine Country, Kentucky, Burbon Trail
Id: v1nVvfUrtEE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 53sec (593 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 28 2023
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