How To Fillet Catfish The Easy Way

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hey guys this is Steven I'm gonna show you something that has made my life a lot easier of Klingon fish what got me wanted to make this video is we went to Kentucky Lake this past week and I've seen a couple gentlemen that have been out there catfish and they had a few catfish and the way that they were cleaning their fish but I'm not gonna say that it's necessarily wrong but I know it's not nearly as easy as what I'm about to show you these guys were taking their catfish now they brought their own nails and their own hammers and they were nailing the catfish as heads to the trees its skinning the catfish and then cutting them up throwing them in the cooler or whatever and they were taking them home they had lots of bones in on the things like that and I'm gonna show you guys how to go from this to this bonus play really really easily so now we went we went jogging last night me and my daughter and we call someone rotten real - so I just want to show you guys the easiest way that I have found to do this and my dad taught me this was a little kid I prevent skinny fish since I was six or seven years old I'm not an expert not saying this is the only way to do it but this is the best way that i have found to do it for me all right so you start have your this is your cat fish's dorsal fin right here have that facing you and sometimes it can be a pain because of this fin out here I can't remember what it's called sometimes you can take like wire cutters or snippers or cutters or some some kind and you cut that in it'll lay over sometimes you can just push it over like that anyway there's a bone right here sticks out and you can feel that bone and there's another bone right there so you cut in behind those bones careful not to cut yourself I always hold it hold the catfish by this and helps hold it steady angle your knife back that way slight angle cut up under those bones and then come back see how slightly got my knife angled down towards the fish's backbone don't poke all the way through just go through there and you'll feel the rib cage in there and I'm going slow I could skin these out really fast but for the sake of this video I'm gonna really slow alright and when you get to the end of the rib cage you'll feel it and your knife will poke through the other side now keep your knife at a slight angle you'll feel the bones in there you're going on top of the bones not under them because you don't want the bones in your meat cut all the way down and I'll go ahead and cut all the way through and I'll show you why here in just a second but you go down like this hold your hook slip the catfish up on the belly and you'll cut down like this right here and you'll fill those ribs just go right along the top you see that's right against the ribs I got all the meat all right there's nothing on that belly alright so you do you cut it right like that and you got this meat now you got skin on the back and I'm gonna show you what I'd do with that alright so now we've got to this point like I showed you we've got the skin on here still there's absolutely zero bones in this meat and that is the maximal amount of meat you could have got from this fish there might be just a little hair right here that's not much this is just straight on bone right here so anyway I'm gonna set this catfish over back in the cooler just for a second and just for the sake of the video and get this off for you all right I use a flight board this is what I clean my bluegill and crappie which one's got a bunch of those in the cooler over here but I think this that's the reason why I cut this completely off the fish let's take the fillet board and clamp down the skin right there which makes it a lot easier and now you take your knife you need a sharp knife some people will tell you a dull knife I really don't recommend using dual life first there's a little bit of skin from the belly left on there inside the lining I just take going to angle cut that off nobody wants to eat that take your knife go out an angle right on top of the skin I'm just kind of you kind of hold the skin with this hand and go at an angle there you go all skin take the skin pictures any trash bucket and what you have is a fillet from a catfish that's the exact same way that I spin out I clean bluegill crappie or anything and you always want to remember especially with catfish things like that you cut off what you don't want to eat so there's a bunch of red meat which this catfish doesn't have a whole lot of red meat in it and I'll wash this in a minute that'll be just as white as can be but with catfish will no never usually on the back side there be less red meat this one has a little bit right here and you just take and cut that you can cut that out and it'll make your catfish have a lot better flavor so I'm sure any of you who've been eating fish for a long time you've had some bad fish that some people have cooked from time to time and it's because they don't cut that out some people call that the mud vein or whatever I don't know the technical name for it it's not really a vein but it's just some red meat I cut that red meat out I don't like eating it you still got a big chunk of meat that wasn't a real big catfish anyway so we've got a good fillet off of it alright guys let's just the tip from me I'm no expert cleaning fish but I have been cleaning fish for a long time that's just what I found to be easier for me my dad taught me that a long time ago and I really really hope that it helps you out no more nailing catfish the trees and pulling out the skinners and the pliers and all that and try to pull their skin off and creating yourself all that extra work cuz you can actually skin you can actually filet a catfish just as quickly as you can Flay a bluegill or a crappie or anything like that and you're not going to worry about bones being in your meat there's not gonna be any bones because you're not cutting down into the bones and you don't have to worry about your kids or someone you'll come over your house and get the bone in their throat or something like that but anyway I hope you guys have a really good fishing season hope all your lines are Titus
Channel: Experience The Outdoors
Views: 1,157,830
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Id: e6IPCfz9kVo
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Length: 6min 27sec (387 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2019
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