How To: Fill In Eyebrows for Beginners | Sparse Eyebrow Tutorial

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hey guys welcome back to my channel today's tutorial is going to be a how to do our brows I was really hesitant to do a video on brows just because I think personally that brows are so boring and I didn't think that anybody would really care too much about it but honestly that has been the number one requested tutorial that I have gotten I have received like dozens of even like a ton of my friends have been asking me for a brow tutorial so I'm gonna show you how I do mine I'm gonna show you how I fill in the spots that don't have very many hairs I'm going to show you how I like to darken up the hair that's there but this is so light that you can't really see it and then I'm gonna show you how I shape them and all of that good stuff so if you are interested in a brow tutorial for sparse hairs then please keep watching and I hope you enjoy it [Music] okay so you can start however you want to you can start with a blank face today I went ahead and put on some foundation the first thing that I like to start off with is the Anastacio brow is in the shade medium brown and the first thing I like to do is I like to take this bully end and I like to brush my brows upwards okay so the next thing we're gonna do with this brow pencil is we're going to map out our our brows so the first thing that I like to do is I like to take my pencil and I want to put it in this little crook of my nose right here and that is where the brow point is going to start you want that stick to be straight you can measure it on the side over here with your eye and then I'm just going to take this and make a line out there the next thing we're going to do is we're going to take that pin so that same pencil and we're gonna put it on the edge of our nose right here look straight ahead and we're going to angle it through the center of our I like the center of our pupil and that is going to be where the arch needs to go and then the last thing we're going to do is measure from the corner of our nose to the corner of our eye and that's going to give us our endpoint so now what I'm going to do is I'm just going to connect those dots and what what I like to do is go with the shape of my brow originally and I'd like to stay in the lines where I actually have hair even if it's faint I like to just connect that now this right here needs to be kind of a straight line here is going to be our arch and then we're just gonna connect this okay and then what I'm going to do is I'm going to brush the brow hairs down and I'm going to do the same thing on the top you so the next thing I'm gonna do is I'm gonna brush those brow hairs right back up and the thing is is that I like for my brow hairs the boat a little bit above that line because it makes it look more natural and it makes it look like you have like more hair than you even do so the next step and my brow process is to go in with this product dragging it and it is called wonder brow now there's a couple of ways that you can use the wonder brow it comes with a wand of its own and you can just paint it on there I don't really like that option it's too thick for me I don't want to look like I have big blocky thick eyebrows like that are just too dark and I feel like that that's how this makes me look and by the way I am in the shade brunette I'd like to take a flat angled brush what I'm using is just one from Kylie cosmetics that I've got with like an eye liner so I'm just gonna take that get a little bit of the product on my brush because what I use this for is really just like a base and it also will color in the hairs that I already have that are just like too light to be seen so I just want to stay in the gods and I just want to take a little bit of that product and get it in there I like to steer clear at the very end of my brow I'm gonna go to about like this point and I'm not gonna put any of the product right in here the reason that I like to do that is because I want my brows to try and look as natural as possible and then the next thing I like to do is take the spoolie end of the anasazi and brush again and I like to just blend this out and I like to go in upward and outward motions and if you feel like that took away too much you can always add more back in and just keep repeating that process and you want to fill the till in just a little bit more because your brow should go from light to dark and it doesn't have to be like a really drastic change and when I was fully this I go very lightly I got just barely touch it and pull it through and then I just do the same thing on the other side you I'd like to go in with his Anastacio brow pen and this is in the universal light shade so I want to be very careful with this because this couldn't get out of hand I also want to mention while we're at this part that if you already have really nice thick brows and you just want to fill in little bitty parts I would not suggest using these products because this is more for like spares hairs like no hair at all if you already have thick brows I suggest using like the Anastasi of dip brow so the first thing I'm going to do with this is I'm gonna start on the outer edge and I'm gonna just flick it and hair like strokes and I'm barely barely touching this to my skin now if you use this without the wonder brow it's gonna be too light it's not gonna it's not gonna look right I've tried it and I did not like that but this combination seems to be the best for me so I'm just gonna flick it out to make it look like I have hair even in spots that either I don't or they're so like that you could really can't see them and then I'm gonna take that spoolie brush and I'm very lightly gonna run that back through I'm gonna do the same thing here no my brows kind of run sideways so I'm gonna slant them in this area and so hair also starts changing from here and it starts going straight so I'm gonna start flicking my hairs and all of those angles and when I blended I'm gonna blend it the same way I'm gonna go up and then I'm gonna go out and then the last part which is the most important part and you must be very very careful because if you press down on this - art it's gonna make really thick hairs we want to be very careful and we're gonna start at the bottom of my brow and I'm going to I'm actually gonna go right over this line so I'm gonna do that and I'm just gonna do a few hairlike strokes and I want to blend this out pretty good because like I said I don't want it to be super dark and I can see that this area needs just a little bit more and I kind of like for my brows to look a little bushy on the end here because I just feel like it just makes it look more real and then I'm just gonna go over and I'm going to do the same thing on this side you okay so now that we're done like actually building our brows what I like to do is go in with just a little bit of concealer I have to go in with a different flat angled brush and I'm gonna be using one from Ecotools I'm just gonna dip that in but I'm gonna put most of the product here because I don't want to go in with like this really with like a whole lot of product and mess up the brow that we just did and then I will just take a mini meaty blender and finished blending that out and that's also what I will end up using to set my eyes and I like to take it with like no product on it you can see there's like no product and I like to just run it up through there a couple of times it just brings what a little bit of product is still down here up in there a little bit and makes this part of the brow ladder and then it also makes this not look so harsh now if you want to you can go up here and clean up I don't always do that every now and then I will okay so the very last thing that I like to do is I like to go in with the Anastacio clear brow gel and how I like to do this it's not to start at the end and I like to brush my brows backwards first and if you look you can see that it is lifting all of my hairs even the ones that were really light but the Wonder brow has darkened up a little bit and then even some that aren't even dark you can see it just gives your hair so much more volume makes it look like you have more hair than you do and then I like to go back in and very lightly brush them back in the direction I wanted but I don't press too hard in there because then it's gonna like lay all of our hairs back down flat and that's not what we want we want more of like a 3d effect so yeah that's that's it that's all I do that's all I do for my brows it might seem a little time-consuming in the beginning but once you get down like your shape you don't have to worry about measuring and once you get used to using the products you can go in there pretty quick but for the most part this is all I do for my brows I hope that you guys enjoyed this tutorial thank you guys for coming back to my channel I hope to see you next time bye [Music] [Music]
Channel: GlamByAngelic
Views: 215,969
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eyebrow tutorial, sparse eyebrows, sparse brows, sparse brows to full brows, jaclyn hill, nikkietutorials, babsbeauty
Id: 17e1Rd5j8cc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 52sec (772 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 20 2018
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