How to draw eyebrows tutorial- when you don't have any

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hi everyone it's Annika and welcome back today I'm going to talk about how I draw my eyebrows as you can see I don't have them drawn on right now and for those of you who don't know my eyebrows and the rest of my hair fell out due to alopecia which is an autoimmune disease I'm pretty much since then I found different ways on how to recreate eyebrows I created a video and eyebrow wigs that you can check out but today I'm going to show you how again I draw them on this is what I mostly do um not what I mostly do it's what I do everyday and let me just a little bit a close-up so you guys can see I really don't have any eyebrows it does look a little bit different you can't see a lot of facial expressions especially with me if I don't have any drawn on and well let's just go ahead and get to it first thing I do recommend now if you're just starting out trying to draw on your eyebrows like right now I have Foundation and all the rest of my makeup on I would say try it without any foundation just bare skin just so you can get used to it and um you can rub off some of the eyebrow makeup a little bit more easily and do it over again and with the shape that I do of my eyebrows I do look at old pictures of what I looked like before my eyebrows fell out just to you know try and repeat that to make myself look like what I did and sometimes I do play around do a little bit of the more square I'm just different shapes so it's up to you guys what you decide to do again this is what I do for myself every day first I do use my eyebrow powder and I've bought different eyebrow powders like Urban Decay NYX Maybelline I haven't noticed any huge difference between like you know the high brand the high cost and um you know just something that you get at the drugstore so this is what I'm talking about this is the NYX one I'm going to use right now I'm just going to test it out to make sure the color does look okay on me because sometimes with different foundations it seems like sometimes the color will appear a little bit darker than expected and whatnot but let's see how this goes and the brush that I use this is the brush that came with the urban decay eyebrow kit and I've just been using this ever since I haven't ever cleaned it which is probably disgusting to share with you guys but I know and um and I'm just so used to this shape that I've tried a different other brushes and I'm like no I just always end up going back to this one because it's what I'm used to so let's go ahead and I'm gonna dip in we'll get some of the eyebrow powder on the brush all right let's see if I can do this okay so with my shape again this does take practice you guys I normally start drawing it from where the inner tear-duct is and um I do you can see like there's a little bit of a curve right here um and I start so right around here a little bit below the curve I used to actually draw my eyebrows a little bit too high and I didn't realize it until I was looking at pictures of myself and I was like okay I need to learn to to try like just a little bit lower just to tweak it a little bit so I'm going to draw a little bit below here and then I'm going to go up and typically where the outside of my irises that's where I start to do a little bit of a curve and then I go down and um and then where I stop it sometimes I'll get like a pen or pencil and I'll just line it up right here and that's like the farthest out because again there was one point where I was drawing my eyebrows and there were a little bit too short so then I started doing that and that helped me out a whole bunch but let me just go ahead and draw on well this hair just gets in the way Oh Sara excuse me for a moment all right let's try this out okay so right now and I do a little bit of a curve to at the front I'm just gonna go up and then down grab some more you're gonna have to dab this in the eyebrow powder quite a few times okay I lied you're a little bit 2n this is a different angle for me and then I'm going to draw the other part and I do use all sides of this brush to help create the shape and again like I said it is easier to do this without foundation on because I'm just kind of rubbing off the eyebrow I don't have my foundation in here or else I would help you know cover this up a little bit but I'm just gonna use my finger for right now all right and there you go so there's one eyebrow slightly drawn on that's just like what I like to call the base that gives me a nice shape and I'm gonna try and do that on the other side and they don't have to look identical a lot of people say they should look like sisters so that is also what I kind of go along the lines of and plus I can never draw them perfect on each side anyways I'm just not that good all right so here I go on this side up towards the middle okay sorry guys I had to fix a little bit of that for a second put a little bit too low I'm gonna go up at an angle a little bit right here I'm going to curve down I'm also going to look at my other eyebrow too because this one's a little bit thinner just grab a little bit more of the eyebrow powder go down a little bit alright alright so this is what my eyebrows look like with just the brow powder on them so just pretty plain and simple you guys can stop right here if you want to because some people just use the brow powder but I do take it an extra step and I use a brow pen to draw in some airs pretty much I keep dropping everything on the floor so I give am gonna reach for this stuff alright so I've used a few different types of brow pen today I'm no using the Kat Von D a tattoo brow this color is in light brown and I've used Anastasia brow pen that says it's supposed to last really long just for my experience I feel like the best one I found so far is this Kat Von D I'm a purse and I like to touch my face as you can see I'm trying to brush hair out of my face and I usually end up touching the eyebrows and and with this it doesn't smear smudge it too much I've never I just haven't had really any issues with that so I've been sticking with this one and also the tip is very pointy which is something else I do watch out for I've been using this one for like a month now and the tip is still really fine really pointy so I can draw on those hairs and that is really important so let's go ahead and get started with that part so what I'm going to do is I don't draw extra little hairs towards the center I just stick with drawing hairs within the shape of the brow powder you guys are welcome to draw some hairs outside of that sometimes I do that myself when I try and do a little bit of a different shape but again this is what I typically do now to copy what my old eyebrows looked like when I had hair so let's go ahead and do that well another air in the way okay and I normally set my elbow on the faucet sink or you know on the faucet and so it's really weird my elbows kind of floating have nothing to set it on so I hope this look okay these little strokes and I do start off at the bottom first and I do make them oh the mirror was in the way no all right so I do start out doing the bottom strokes and I don't fill it in all the way again it's just little strokes and then eventually I'll go back and draw a few more in there okay so that's kind of my base right there and now I'm just going to fill in extra I do kind of do it and like two layers like I do a bottom layer or bottom row and I do like a top row of hairs and I do draw the hairs like a little bit you know sideways slightly curved I don't do like straight you know up and down and everything you can draw some here's like a little bit outside of the brow powder to make it look more natural if you get brow powder on the end of the pin I just wipe it off okay so that's kind of it with that the front this time sometimes a tad more brow powder just to cover up some of those dots right there um so there it looks like I don't know if you guys can tell really well like with the drying of the hairs on there and there it is without normally and better lighting you could tell a little bit more the difference of it but I'm sorry guys you can't tell too much it seems like here but I promise when you do it in person you can tell and you can tell the difference there and just make sure also I forgot to mention this that the brow pin is like a shade darker than the brow powder that's what I typically do and here I go on the side all right so I think you can see the strokes a little bit better in this one all right so if you feel like the strokes stand out a little bit too much I sometimes go over it again with the same color brow powder and I just fill it in a little bit more just so it kind of blends in I don't want the SERPs to stand out too much but yeah so that's just up to you how you like it to look you can also go in with the second like different shade of brow pen like I still have it on Astacio this has been like a different shade the universal light shade so it is a little bit lighter than the Kat Von D and sometimes I do mix those two in there just to kind of you know give it a little bit more depth but again really what you guys prefer to do you can definitely just play with it another last tip I would say is if you're going to be out in the heat with whole bunch you're afraid you're going to sweat a blot and your eyebrows might come off one tip is to always bring your eyebrow makeup with you wherever you go you can bring big sunglasses to help cover it up just in case or you can have wigs with bangs um or this nice product that I did buy I think I bought it from head covers calm it's called model in a bottle and it's long lasting eyebrow sealer and you pretty much just put a light layer of it over your eyebrow makeup and it dries it's not shiny dries really quickly the only and it does help with it lasting like a lot longer but the one problem I do have with this is because I do draw those fine lines on to like make the hair on my eyebrows and sometimes it blurs those like you created these amazing little lines on your eyebrows and it'll smear it just a little bit if you use this product but sometimes you know it is just worth it to use this if I don't want my eyebrows to come off as easily and then at the end of the night to use makeup remover and it'll all come off so yeah so that's my eyebrow routine that I do again if I you guys are always welcome to tweak whatever you want this is just kind of something you know that I do daily and again here it is after they are drawn on so ya can definitely do more expressions now with everything well I hope you guys enjoyed my eyebrow tutorial have a great rest of your day and please subscribe bye
Channel: Anneka's Life
Views: 463,664
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eyebrows, eyebrow tutorial, alopecia, no eyebrows, makeup
Id: OEiSjSMqmqc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 2sec (902 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 21 2016
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