How to Fight Like Mike Tyson

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[Music] a little bit too Square your right shoulder you see a little bit this way it should be more this way so when you drive it in you're going to do real damage you might drop the guy with one punch put your aim it here and bring the same hand when he gets here his life will bring it down if he's got his life bring down bang over here bang the glove took care of here see you got a chance of putting three perfect punches [Music] a fighter that young boxing students will forever look to to emulate a mythical style that gathers a continually growing cult following his artistic brutality coupled with the evil intentions he brought into the ring Mike Tyson was able to scale the heights of the boxing world and cross the line that separates the Mortal from The Immortals in this video we'll take an in-depth look at the teachings Custom Auto imparted to Tyson and elaborate on the intricacies of the peekaboo Style so join rainy day boxing as together we learn to fight like Mike I heard about this heavy weight that they were saying this guy is dangerous he's from Custom Autos Camp I finally seen him I was like man he was going through fight it was like a hot knife on butter the way he moved his head and the way he punches nobody ever did more technically proficient moves in the history of boxing he was knocking guys out every time he threw the punch he threw him with bad attention he wasn't getting hit it's now a well-known story of a troubled 12 year old Mike Tyson being taken in by legendary trainer Custom Auto and given a second chance in life after a few minutes of watching Mike's Spa the boxing Sage laid out the blueprint for the rest of Tyson's life Casa's Innovative mind invented a new style of boxing a combination of aggressive offense and defense with a Fighter's Hands Held at the side of their face it was dubbed by the model critics as the peekaboo Style it was based on his favorite fighter Maxi rosenbloom's uncanny ability to slip punches but rosenbloom's overly cautious style didn't please the crowd so cuss altered the style so his Fighters could defensively press forward as aggressive counter punches his students were to follow a simple yet effective formula move your head avoid punches and then attack originally people laughed at the unusual style but slowly as he produced Champions with the style his unorthodox methods became more respected and after Mike Tyson's blazing heavyweight Reign while employing the motto techniques to Proclaim peek-a-boo as a world-class style is now an indisputable fact it is no coincidence that Floyd Patterson Jose Torres and Mike Tyson all became world champions under the tutelage of custom auto the style worked the D'Amato style of boxing hands up chin down moving aggressively in an elusive bobbing motion exploding punches in flurry huss's style is a mixture of aggressiveness and defensiveness it's a very hard style to master but it's the most effective style the model in Tyson developed a relationship that was more than teacher and student they were like Father and Son as well I'm not a Creator what I do is discover and uncover my job is take the spark and fan it when you start to become a little flame I feed it and I feed the fire if it becomes a roaring blade and then when it comes a roaring Blaze I pour huge logs on and then you really got a fire though that's what I do with these boys he was an amazing guy with an unprecedented grasp of the mindset required for Combat Sports you know nothing matters you're nothing nothing my only thing that matters is the objective and accomplishing that objective by going through these methods of boxing Tyson was an incred incredible pupil so what kush taught him which was legitimate stayed with him I'd tell him that at the beginning when they start if they will do their job as well as I do mine the result is a foregone conclusion the fear of being hit is felt by every fighter and to combat that fear Custom Auto taught that a fighter needs to be protected from start to finish both hands up in front of your face almost as if you're a turtle that's constantly in its shell the hands protect the chin the right arm constantly protecting the liver the left the solar plexus hands below the eyes to not inhibit peripheral vision your hands and elbows move with you so that when your opponent throws a punch you block it as you're coming forward and then you counter peekaboo Fighters have a squared up stance with both feet pointing forward it was designed to better allow for head movement while pressing the action but with Tyson although his shoulders were squared up contrary to what many believe usually Tyson's feet weren't both pointing forward he stood with a slightly more traditional stance a fighter must always be balanced and poised to deliver the knockout punch the style is normally picked up by fighters who are short for their weight division or around the average height the idea of turning a height or reach disadvantage into an advantage seems attractive to a lot of shorter Fighters however with slight changes in tactics to your punch selection and how you avoid punches the style can work effectively for taller Fighters as seen with custom Auto's trained fighter Joey Hadley for shorter Fighters be not discouraged by your height as you have the spiritual Warrior within you Size Doesn't Matter early in his career Tyson was dismissed as too short for the heavyweight division but as Mike Tyson's opponents lay crumpled on the canvas they didn't think he was too short he got a short guy make him shorter he got a tall guy make him taller that you got those assets to utilize finally used to fighting opponent 6362 the average of heavyweight and I feel that I use the twi Advantage because I move my head I'm very quick and I'm low to the ground it's very difficult to hit me I get a lot of Leverage for my punches and it doesn't matter if I punch up a straight or down around I have good leverage it's not the size of the person in the fight so it was the size of the fight in the person what I learned from customized he showed me how you take a reach away and Mike really never had any trouble with tall guys he used to eat them up the bigger they are the harder they fall particularly in a fight perhaps like Reggie gross fight will Mike stood directly in front of Reggie gross and Reggie opened up with props 10 or 15 punches and could not hit mine in the history of boxing I had never seen a performance like that in 15 000 fight films head movement the most important aspect of the style to Peekaboo practitioners it is of Paramount importance that they not get hit most people didn't realize that Tyson was a very smart puncher because he knew how to hit and not get hit you throw punches with bad intentions and then move your head after every punch slipping straight punches in a side to side motion rather than forward and bobbing and weaving round punches in a u-shape having hands low and being stationary is a recipe for getting hit a constant variety of head movement is needed to keep the opponent guessing it does not matter how good your chin is the best chin is the one that doesn't get hit when facing a murderous puncher if he is continuously missing and then is on the receiving end of counter punches hesitation and frustration will overcome him forcing your opponent to either punch in a vulnerable position or run playing right into the hands of an aggressive counter puncher their greatest asset will become their weakness and they will fear you move your head move your head that was Casa's Mantra even on his deathbed D'Amato stressed the importance of head movement to Mike he repeated his Mantra even as he was dying it's clear to see why the Press referred to him as cautious cuss defense was always on his mind and he felt it should always be on the mind of his disciples professional fighter has got to learn how to hit not get hit at the same time be exciting that's what professional boxing about you got to be clever you got to be smart and not get hit and when you're able to do this you're a fighter for all his Brute Force Tyson is a student of his sport he works hard on his techniques to improve himself well the purpose of the slip bag is to get the fighter moving his head to get him in the habit of moving his head correctly you have to try to be able to see as long as the fight is trying to be elusive he's going to be all right Tyson was very good at slipping Jabs and that was one of his greatest strains is when you you thought that you had to just chat but then when they jammed you slipped the punch and I've created an opening and he would knock you out I haven't got no punches yeah my hands I'm having a little [ __ ] pound like when you move I broke up with him up to a right hand and that's okay we can't do nothing we've got to go standing yeah when I'm on a heavy bag with Michael I'm working on his form I told him you're not moving enough but you gotta move at least three times certain punches you throw straight punch move three times you throw a hook he'll move twice Mike was at his best when he was Defensive because in being defensive it always gave him the opportunity to land a big punch is it again he lunges in with the left hook Tyson very cleverly slips it comes back in a punching position and lands a left hook side of my right hand change them steadily when he got to the point with flipping punches we had a difficult time getting people to bucks on them because she proved to be a very hard punch for both hands Tyson not only has a very hard perfect punch in either hand but he has developed elusive qualities and has the most important quality will to win he has the desire to win he wants to be the best and he was taught that specific style not only to save himself but to create openings for his power and to explode punches in the opening the model always referred to boxing as the hurt business hearing the lectures he gave Mike instructing him to break his opponent's ribs and explode his eardrums it's little wonder why Tyson fought so viciously in the ring cost believe boxing was all about entertainment he desired his fighter to always press forward showing aggression backing up meant you were retreating it was all about action and giving the crowd their money's worth it was the model's purpose to train fighters to be the meanest most vicious fighters ever to step in the ring in Casa's words the peekaboo style wasn't designed to make a guy miss miss you make them Miss once and twice and then you get in you were to disable and dismantle your opponent in an exciting manner not to lay back and out Point your way to Victory a Spartan approach that Iron Mike wholeheartedly adopted while remaining defensively responsible Tyson would devastate his opponents with short punches his short shots had little distance to travel and a greater impact when they connected he also felt throwing punches and bunches had a higher percentage in resulting in a knockout wear your opponent out with continual attacks and no let up break their will break their spirit and then their body will fold Mike Tyson's actually just a cold business-like killer like that's it there you go there you go again again who's the last guy to stop Mike normally catches a guy with that uppercut after he's delivered a body shot by making the center and I try as the account if you count this camera right here and bring it up he'd always get them to reach down into his territory and tag him quick he's got this good speed that when he can catch you leaning down a little bit you won't have two times to do it Mike throws punches to kill you he has bad intentions as he was taught [Music] okay okay Mike Tyson comes out like a locomotive going straight for Mid green I've been hearing social Nations he's not letting up he works his way in the Americans has so so much power he has done like both hands there again oh what a left hand I have a lot of shot that is an awesome shot that was just a chance the jab a crucial punch that many do not associate with peek-a-boo Fighters but a punch the Custom Auto stressed his pupil should learn despite what many people think in his early years the jab was a tool Mike often included in his offensive Arsenal always urging his fighters to jab often cos felt it should be just as damaging as every other punch it should be as a battering ram that breaks through your opponent's defense they are working like a piston to snap your opponent's head back leaving them defenseless to your following attack Tyson referred to the jab as a Blinder that would blind his opponents for a split second as he would either spring to the side or follow up with a furious combination take it right to him with stronghold jab and just work them over jabbing is all to do with timing if you throw your jab at the right time you can be 5'6 and I'll jab a guy six four attention so I can make another move today two times in the world I said keep it up that's it that's it that's it boom boom when I'm at the side where you can't hit me like if you expect me to be here you don't punch it here the don't punch is here but I'm here already and I'm that's gonna hit you already a couple of times yeah while the fighter focuses on being defensively sound the anticipation of their opponents throwing punches May inhibit them from throwing a punch with the full power they possess the D'Amato shift a sidestepping move where you jump and twist to your opponent's side would allow you to get a position where you could unleash a punch with as much force as you are capable of delivering all the while being completely free from the fear of being counted a twisting pivot move that is becoming more and more prevalent in boxing today he does it all the lightning speeds he can strike a blow and that's the second attention might be at your side and almost to complete surprise of his opponent and in that position he can let a bomb go trying to get the angle is Tyson use that right foot and pivot swing around on your opponent's side and then crash [Music] then he stepped back and did it again stepped off and around and ripped that uppercut to wear magic right into it Mike will be movements head the right way side to side bottom step into the side aiming for the liver aiming for the song legs remember from the side you can let that punch go with the worst kind of intention because you know he can't hit you back so you can throw the bomb with all the power you can generate Too Close numbers and Rapid succession and we'll go something like this one nothing to do boom two right here four right uppercut five left hook to the lever six right hand to explain seven jab the head ajab to the body the number system a method of coding specific punches with numbers that they were not commonly associated with custom models purpose for using this system was to allow the boxer's corner to be able to yell out random numbers and the other fighter and trainer would be clueless as to what the instructions meant although the numbering system is not absolutely necessary to learning the style Jose Torres world champion and practitioner of the style felt it was so effective he'd refuse to fight if cuss wasn't sat ringside to call out the numbers we use a number system where I call out the different numbers for the different punches Now give me one five one when Kevin tells me the numbers of 456 I know exactly what they are I don't even have to think I want you to find money out since seven coming in okay to the young peekaboo Fanatics who dream of being the fighter to successfully bring the style back to the main stage regardless of how well the style was designed an unquenchable desire and an unrelenting will is needed to reach the Pinnacle of the sport and although Mike Tyson was a legend those who attempt to follow his movements style and aspire to emulate him should always look to surpass their Idol and more efficiently execute the style learn your craft and perhaps someday videos will be made about you for 12 year old Mike Tyson perfecting the moves he learned became an obsession long after lights out in the reform school guards would hear Tyson grunting as he practiced into the night in the dark in his room perfecting technique became Tyson's Obsession Tyson was like a sponge and he just absorbs everything that cuss had to teach him the head movement and throwing the punches with bad intentions I remember question how to throw the uppercut with the proper snap and Mike would come right over here in the mirror and just practice it well long sustained periods of time 10 15 minutes is over and over and over I don't want to have a perfect fight I want to be the best fighter in all of my life I've been thinking in terms of developing a fighter who was perfect and that's possible you know as Perfection as we know it what would you want to say to a youngster to a kid that maybe wants to get into the boxing profession always keeps the faith I will lose Faith the idea is to keep going and never give up even when times are hard that's when it's easy to give up thank you [Music]
Channel: Rainy Day Boxing
Views: 237,736
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mike tyson, rainy day boxing, impregnable defense, defense master, mike tyson vs, iron mike, highlights, peek a boo, cus d'amato, boxing, boxeo, бокс, Майк Тайсон, showtime, dazn, how to, learn
Id: hoDhxfjMZRs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 41sec (1181 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 26 2023
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