How to Box Like MIKE TYSON ? (Peekaboo Style) | 2021

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hey everyone it's diego vitelli welcome to a new video of the televox and today i'll talk about one of the most ferocious ambitious heavyweights in the world mike tyson how the peekaboo works and how it's connected with the footwork and how you can work at home let's begin [Music] the peacock style was created by costa mato costa mato was mike tyson's trainer but he was actually not a boxer he he learned it by watching his older brother's stream but he had a lot of questions without answers and since he had a lot of questions without answers he had to study a lot and read a lot of book of philosophy human behavior and most of all he got he got inspired by books in for the from the late 1800s books in the late 1800s were not specifically about boxing they were a combination of fencing boxing and wrestling and you can watch all the the resemblance of the footwork that we use today in boxing that is based on fencing but and costa mata was the first trainer to actually start with all this scientific approach we used to have scientific approach in other sports but kotamato was the first one to implement it in professional boxing that's why he revolutionized complete all the boxing training and how to always look for the position before attack and that's what we're going to look today how to use the footwork and how all the system of the pickup works where does the peekaboo name come from the peekaboo name comes from the enemies of cozamato cozamato used to fight all of the corruption of boxing he was always against them so they actually made fun of him and they gave the name of peek-a-boo using the children's game of peek-a-boo when you uncover your face so actually it was not cuz the motto who gave this name but we all know the his system by the peekaboo name so the most famous boxer to ever use the peekaboo style is mike tyson without a doubt so mike tyson is not just an aggressive fighter he's actually a technician he's a pressure fighter and a counter puncher if he didn't use that technique it wouldn't be possible for him to be a world champion remember that he's a small fighter compared to all those giants he was fighting so the the two most important things to to know about his fighting is that his his style of the peekaboo it serves two purposes number one is to be defensive and it's number two is to be a counter puncher so let's begin how to use the pickable style so let's begin with mike tyson's stance first you have to step forward with your left leg and then step right to your right but the most important thing is that mike tyson's stance is a square stance meaning that he is open to any shot because as you can see i'm squared to my opponent the reason for this is to give power to both hands if i'm square in this stance i can i can punch with with power with my right hand or with my left arm this whole system is designed to move forward or laterally it's not designed to move backwards because when you're in the square stance it's difficult to move backwards and one of the best things about being in square stance is that you can move to both sides when you're sleeping when you're using your head movement you can move to your right or you can move to your left with ease uh compared to the side stance to the normal stance it's it's more difficult to move to both sides so using the squared stance it's a 50 50 50 attack and 50 defense then let's go to the arms your elbows have to be in front of your body your hands or be in front of your cheeks protecting that's why it's called depictable and the whole point of being close to the body is to allow your body to have a better mobility if i have my arms to the side it's harder to move faster so once you put your arms here close to the body you protect your center line since you are not sideways you have to protect your centerline by putting your elbows here and you can move sideways now let's look how footwork works combined with the stance remember that the peekaboo is not a stance is a whole system that has to work as a unit so once you have the stance here you need to be able to put pressure to other fighters since you are smaller because this is a style designed for smaller fighters you have to be able to put pressure in a in a quick way like tyson so what he does is whenever he uses his defense he doesn't rely too much on the parries because he has his hands like this but he relies on his head movement which he actually moves like a pendulum he moves side to side and when he's putting pressure he combines with a shift or with a step each time he steps he moves to the side if i step with my right i shift my weight to the right at the same time if i go to my left i go to my left with my body so what he does is he put pressure moving to the sides and walking at the same time as you can see in this clip in addition to this aggressive footwork tyson what used always a low center of gravity he used to squat to bend his knees and that actually gave him an advantage because he was completely out of sight his opponent couldn't see him so they were punching down and when they punched down they were leading spaces where actually tyson could punch them and knock them out one of the most iconic moves of tyson is that the model shift once you move forward and close the gap using your aggressive footwork you need to look for the position that's the whole point of boxing you look for the position where you can punch to either side you can go to this side or to this side there's two ways of doing these shifts or two distances where you can use it the close range and the mid range whenever you are in the mid range you have to do two steps in order to to close the gap so what tyson does is whenever he is going to step he uses his job his job to distract his opponent once his opponent is here he goes to the side and this allows him to punch to punch his opponent in a 90 degree angle when he can punch and it's impossible for his opponent to punch if he goes to the other side it's completely the same thing he has to step to one side and then shift his weight if it's in the close range it's only one step it's only one step you're here and you just go to the side and punch to your opponent [Music] and if you go to the other side it's the same thing you shift from one side to the other to punch to your opponent why is it called a shift is because you shift your weight from one leg to the other so now let's look in in uh slower version okay so if you are if you are close to your opponent what you're gonna do is as you're doing the peekaboo you have the weight to this side of the leg to your left leg and what you're going to do is you're going to shift your weight to the right one so you go to this side and then you shift to the other side so the whole point is at the end of the at the end of the movement you have to be loaded already loaded to punch to your opponent one of the biggest mistakes is to go like this and then you have to do one more step you have to end up loaded it's the same thing to the other side if i'm if i'm here i go my way to the right i have to shift to my left i go to the left and i'm already loaded to punch to my opponent so it's a shift a weight distribute weight distribution if you are in the mid range is exactly the same but you have to look for a distraction first so you step with your jab your weight is in the right leg and then you have to shift the weight to the other side so i shift my weight to the other side already loaded and i can shoot my punches and it's the same thing to the other side i step and i punch to distract and then i shift my weight from my left leg to my right leg by turning my hip and pulling my shoulder like this i put my shoulder and then i'm loaded to punch now we're going to use the side hop really really useful in the peekaboo style and the whole point is to change your line of attack as you can see here i have a line of attack with my opponent and what i'm gonna do with the side hop is actually changing the line of attack i'm in another line which means i'm completely safe and i can attack from this angle so how to do it it's really simple if i'm going to the left i'm going to use my right leg my right my right my the ball of the foot you're going to put pressure on it and you have to hop to the side and make sure to never slide never slide your your your footwork has to always be over the top like you're floating like float like a butterfly sting like a b remember that quote over and over again whenever you're using your footwork if i'm going to the right you're going to use the left foot and the left ball of the foot and make sure you end up with the ball of the foot if i use the right one i end up with the right ball of my foot make sure you end up like this and always keep loading as you can see in this clip tyson uses both to both sides to the right and to the left it's a really useful way to attack your opponent and also to defend mike tyson and kotamato completely inspired all of the modern boxers we've seen how positioning is actually one of the most important things in boxing today to be in a position where you can attack and your opponent can you have to always be a step ahead like in a chess game using tactics and strategies that are more important that brute force that's why i decided to create human chess which is a new philosophy a new discipline a new martial art which you can you can't take your opponent's head off but you're always looking for a better position using technique creativity and strategy before that boxing used to be a linear you have to work always moving forward it was all about getting punched and punch your opponent and whoever was uh standing up at the end won but now we can have a a really nice game using all of these strategy and tactics uh please subscribe to my channel thank you for watching my video and i'll see you next week
Views: 340,972
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mike tyson, peekaboo, cus d amato, technique, viteri boxing, ko, punch, gazelle hook, how to, human chess, footwork, training, tyson motivation, tyson vs jones
Id: 2ywWseSEME4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 9sec (669 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 07 2021
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