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inhaling from Catskill New York his weight already 233 pounds this record 50 wins five losses two no contest with 44 big wins coming by way of knockout ladies and Gentlemen please welcome the youngest man ever to hold the head titled Undisputed heavyweight champion of the world introducing the one and only iron [Applause] my Tyson [Music] College [Applause] [Applause] foreign [Applause] foreign [Applause] how did Tyson become what he is today the remarkable Story begins here the professional debut of Mike Tyson in the white trunks against Hector Mercedes we're in the Plaza Convention Center Albany and this is not going to take too long we're in round one Mercedes already in trouble he is going down izzily's big swinging hooks to the body from Tyson and if that is it in round one that is a pretty impressive professional debut we're back in Albany for his second professional fight this time against Trent Singleton what people are really already starting to forget is that there was no great medal to win the Cubans weren't there the Russians weren't there if Tyson had been there trust me he didn't want a gold as well it's Tyson in white Trent Singleton in the blue with a gold trim we're in round one well we didn't get much of a chance to see Tyson what he had to offer in his first fight and already in what seconds Singleton touches down he gets a mandatory eight under New York State athletic commission rules and already from what little we've seen as Mike Tyson and his pro career Dango Singleton again left up this time this boy is tough doesn't throw many Jabs comes in Works close hooks to head and body and he's just a perpetual motion machine so far this isn't going to go too long Trent Singleton in all sorts of trouble we're already in round one the referee humanely has seen enough don't help him [Applause] who has got a record of nine wins and 18 losses and a 27 fight career significantly not one of those nine wins has been inside the distance so he is not going to hurt Tyson can he survive Tyson we know from what we've seen so far he is not a fighter who throws a lot of Jabs he likes to work in close just puts out a little left Feeler and then comes in swinging behind that helping nicely tucked up good technique these these body shots Tyson can use this experience to just try out a couple of new moves because there's a big difference between the gym and the ring as any pro to tell you any hurt help in there he backs it up against the ropes the more experienced man this is a much slower and much more measured Mike Tyson walking into my good right hand help him down you behind the camera have the most perfect view of that only difference is you saw the punch Don Halpin didn't mount it 3-8 early in the fourth compassion finish this I think so I think so that's enough foreign that was questionable Tyson celebrate one fight one win Mike Tyson three fights three wins two inside around the last one Don Halpin went over four rounds Tyson we've already seen in his group pro career hits like a steam armor a Ricardo Spain has already found that boy that was quick boy that was fast boy that was hard the ref takes a very clean look at the uh at the eyes the eyes of the giveaway oh left the legs have gone fish is all over yes it is I don't believe it that's that's well inside a minute Spain can't believe it Tyson absolutely destroyed him there Mike Tyson last fight was July 19th when he knocked out Larry Sims in Poughkeepsie New York in the third round Lorenzo Kennedy last fight uh six round decision Victory on July 25th in Birmingham Michigan over Vernon Richie and look at Tyson go right after Kennedy now Kennedy is a boxer but gets knocked down with a first left hook he takes look at the power already from Mike Tyson mandatory eight count seven given by Joe Cortez Kennedy little shaky now takes a right hand this one could end in a hurry study in serious trouble Tyson come for you better head in the other direction in a hurry right hand glances off the chin but it rocked Kennedy the left hook does it the same Kennedy's hands are really very low and heisen boy you have to like his how poised he is right here he is picking his shots well this one could be over he's it is Joe Cortez stops it perfect timing by Joe Cortez let's take a peek at the first knockdown this was as you said Tim the first good left hook to Tyson landed he dips under throws this left hook that's a nice move is that a Joe Frazier it really is and you know what's so nice about that was the way the old Dipsy Doodle round number one scheduled six but hold on to your hats nobody thinks it's gonna go that far oh there he goes he's just gonna pull his way in those rights to the body left jab right to the heart quickly want to point out first fight for Michael Jack Johnson in two years I'm glad you pointed it out because down he goes the left hook just buried him dug him in the ribs it was a fight left and a right Johnson went goodbye that left hook just caught him and sent him right to the canvas 23 pound weight advantage and he put it all there the right to the Head and it's all over goodbye I hope he's not hurt because that was a brutal wide open punch again Donnie Long out of the ring but he's returned for two fights the last August 27th a knockout of Frank Draper second straight knockout at 85 and Tyson with eight consecutive Knockouts put down Michael Johnson 39 seconds into the first round his fifth first round knockout in his eight professional fights again Tyson and the white and the red on the goal is Donnie Wong and Tyson goes right into the left hand Mike Tyson has enormous strength Tyson again another one of those fresh youngsters only 19 years of age long is 27. oh wow well that was quick Tyson putting him down here early in the first one cappuccino looking on closely you see long holding those clubs up to say is all right but Izzy Here Comes Tyson [Applause] left hand again well he nearly sent along out of the ring with that left hook Tyson oh long is down second time another knock down there is no three knockdown rule but the referee can stop it after three if he decides so this is very impressive Mike Tyson not expected to come out this strong against long five of eight have fallen in the first is it six of nine as Tyson comes out with a strong height hand barrage again this is as bad as I've ever seen Donnie long look but that's right wow the left hand puts him down he collapses and this one is over as the doctors rush into the ring Donnie Long came out with the hopes of boxing Tyson but there Tyson gets in with a very good left hook on which he had great leverage and hurt long I think long didn't expect that he would be able to be hurt young Mike Tyson has put away Donnie Long in the first the end of the fight that that's that left hand such a short left hand but delivered really well by Tyson a good clean fight that is what we hope to see Mike Tyson undefeated in his 10th professional fight against Robert colay coming off a win in his last fight already we can see Tyson giving away height this time giveaway weight before this time it gives away height weight as well about seven pounds to go late Dyson 5-10 go away oh a good six three as a man to create they keep Wheeling them out he keeps knocking them over well that has got to be one of the quickest and this is how he did it measured him up missed with that not with that and really kovate was out fight number 11 for Mike Tyson Sterling Benjamin the opponent Tyson and the dark blue trunks with the white trimmed Sterling Benjamin in the red last fight Atlantic City bit of a come down now we're in Latham New York State we're in round one Tyson's 11th fight 10 wins seven inside round one did I say seven make that eight perhaps in fight number 11. the count is five Sterling Benjamin just beats the count on they go is he gonna make the belt somehow you know I just kind of doubt it there's only so much punishment anybody can take that is the limit of Sterling Benjamin's endurance the referee was just about to step in anyway [Applause] I was a little Larry I know I wasn't there with a good fighter that went the distance with some good Fighters and I was planning I was putting the pressure on him from the beginning to the end I planned on coming out with a jacket I watched him in the DeWitt fight and he was counting with the right handgun and coming in the first round I got grades with a right hand and from Nino and I know to slit my head and just keep coming forward you know when I go down there I feel it he really hit that ever been hit it is the hardest hero yeah it is uh going to be a really fascinating contest to see how rich to you attempts to use that advantage in height and reach so of course right hand by Tyson oh my [Applause] God first punch he through what took him so long Eddie Richardson looking at the referee is in much disbelief as we are Eddie Richard said he was going to go after him and test it and you certainly see the punching power in Tyson one of the real rising stars in the boxing Galaxy today Mike Tyson a fellow for whom everybody predicts a great future if they can find some fights then left hand almost drove Richardson right through the canvas we not only knocked him down but he absolutely carried him through the air and it's over I see right now a major flaw and problem in Mike Tyson's career and that's going to be to have a fight that lasts long enough to get some good footage on it I'm telling I'm telling you it's hard to do Mike Tyson without a doubt one of the bright stars in the heavyweight picture now goes to 11-0 with 11 Knockouts it was the first punch thrown in the fight there you see Eddie Richardson I just turned his head around on his neck and Richardson looks up and goes I can't believe it and now the knockout left hook a la Frazier and down goes Richardson and you know he throws it from the same Crouch Frazier does and of course uh Smokey Joe is the fighter to whom Tyson has the most compared Tyson a very uh gallantly a gentleman Lee coming over to check the condition of his opponent he went over and picked Richardson up after they counted him out so here we go then round one both boys in white Tyson with the red trim and Nelson of the black Nelson as I say we'll try what has to use is height and reach to just keep Tyson that they try and draw the sting for the first two or three rounds because we know how dangerous Tyson can be early on he's been able to get away with Liberties in one or two of his early fights because he has known his opponents cannot hurt him this is not the case in this fight if Nelson gets if Nelson gets an opening Nelson can bing one in touchdown briefly there thanks to body shots the right knee just just clip the candle always shaky he's so shaky and we're only in round one another way through and getting through this first round but he doesn't look convincing has he tries to come back with a spearing lift of his own but Tyson left uppercut gets through and once again Nelson looks a little bit confused Dazed and Confused that term might have been coined for Conroy Nelson tonight in Latham hard to think that Tyson would have watched his Pro Debbie the 6th of March as what 22nd of November now boy is he coming on and boy is he making an impact on the heavyweight division Nelson hurt needs a breather I think that punch might have been a little bit low the referee allowing Nelson just a moment or two to recover himself gets clipped with a left on the Belt okay we're in the second and once again it's all Tyson and Nelson who was in deep trouble is in deeper trouble as the left hook which is fast becoming a Tyson trademark sends him down the gum Shield has been spat out Nelson says that's it thank you very much scheduled for 10 but don't go away [Applause] all right tonight and it's an already coming in got in a short left hook there's the big left hook and that rock Sammy it sure did he's all right hand he's yeah he's taking his time he's pinpointing his punches he's not uh he's not over actions that's the first points he's missed so far look at the legs look at where the power comes from when he bends and gets his body into those punches you gotta watch this one real close flood coming from the nose of Sammy scaff already a big left hook got in there he might have broken his nose that's right it looks bad [Applause] GAF is on the Run clutch is pouring down from the nose of Sammy scaff [Applause] Tyson does not throw wild punches [Applause] seven this was over this one is over all over he tried to make it Sammy scaff tried to get up his nose is cut look at the side of his nose there if you blink in the first round you'll probably miss a Mike Tyson fight he's young strong guy who jumps right on his opponents and uh I think this might be another early stoppage because this guy's been a little wild he's gonna get caught with something Mark Young out of Charlotte North Carolina Comes Out Swinging that Jeff pushed him back oh this guy is like a like a ball of granite awesome is an overused word in the 1980s but Mike Tyson is absolutely awesome just sit back and watch but don't blink because you can miss it a low right from Young [Applause] and down goes Mark Young he's gone it's over first round Mike Tyson of Catskill New York I'd like to see that one myself you know I've said this before but well here's another person who could stretch my Tyson David Jacob the white fighter in the dark blue trunks mixed it with the best Tommy Tucker beer kutzer he's knocked out razor rudder can't fault this quality of opponent for Mike Tyson this time 19 wins 15 inside the distance he can punch he's durable he's got height he's got reach what can Tyson do he can attack him that's what he can't he is no respecter of anything Mike Tyson he's young he believes implicitly in himself and Jacob will I promise you have never faced a human Whirlwind like he's having to face in Albany tonight and he's clipped with the right hand lucky he was going back he wasn't then left hand how many times have we seen that how many times have I said Tyson left hook down well round one this is Tyson's 16th fight of the previous 15 11 inside around and this is going to be another one this is against a good opponent no disrespect to David Jacob that's it that's all she wrote no the referee's letting them go on I thought he'd stopped it Tyson thought he'd won but the end surely can't be far away the right hook almost dislodges jayco's head from his shoulders they should stop this he's really had enough well they didn't get go on jayco's shipping a lot of punishment now there is no way he is going to win this contest it's the 11th of January and if they fought until next new year he wouldn't win this fight it's not if it's when Mike Tyson wins and when could be any literally any second he's taken two counts three it's all over Mike Tyson is the story the young man originally from Brooklyn product of the troubled childhood now on the verge of becoming a world-class man don't Flink this is round number one so to speak boxing experts are are wondering now what happens when this young kid it can punch so hard hit someone and they're still standing there and comes back and hits them back is it going to be discouraged or what this is what experience will tell everybody's yet to find us out compete in these 84 Olympics in Los Angeles Jameson has asked has suffered a cut over his left eye he was a pretty bad cut just over the left eye it's in a very bad position because if it stops bleeding profusely it's going to go on the iron it's going to all affect his vision yeah I think it was opened with some of those nice uppercuts that Dyson's been thrown when it gets close to him quite a contrast in conditioning here Dyson superbly conditioned Tyson does not have that extreme Heist he's five eleven has the huge neck 19 and three quarter inches Tyson the strong left to Jameson in round number two Tyson showing something showing me at least some tremendous poem his opponent weighs 236 pounds and he is just pushing this big guy all over the rank pushing him away maneuver him from maneuvering him into position so if he wants him to be so as he can land the best punches he's showing me some tremendous strength in there and the blood on the face of Mike Jameson very evident here in the second round hey Jameson this morning had a full beard he was informed by the boxing folks here in New Jersey that that would have to disappear and it has good right hand landed Aaron if as you've seen Jameson shook his head as if to say no he didn't hurt me but 99 of the time it did hurt him the left the right to the side the longer it goes the more he learns you learn everything you learn things from every site that you're fighting [Applause] Tyson takes two steps forward let's go with a couple of laps now a right a left he's got him down Mike Tyson sends Mike Jameson to the mat here in round number four and very quickly Jameson gets up shakes his head Joe Cortez right there the referee and Jameson wants to continue watch the quick flurries that Tyson throws Ken he throws flurries and punches like a welterweight it's very seldom you see a heavyweight through a combination of five and six punches but Mike Tyson does it here he is again the word explosive really not enough to describe the punches of Mike Tyson at age 19. trying to extend his record to 17-0 and if there is around five that'll be an extremely unique position for young Mike Tyson [Applause] [Music] here we have the knockdown can see the explosive punches before the flurry one two three four five six seven or eight punches you don't see that heavily divisions that the knock down in the fourth round this is live action in round five Mike Jamison the 31 year old from Cupertino California near San Jose Mike Tyson Sports Illustrated cover boy trying to end it here in round number five Jameson is doing at this point what I think he should have been doing from the crossbow he just took the right hand down down to one knee Jameson Joe quartz has the referee with a cow and Jameson suffering his second knockdown here in the fifth round back up in the corner and one thing he's a Showman Jameson wants to continue Referee Joe Cortez says no but of course professional boxing an entirely different Prospect than amateur boxing and it has been kind to Mike Tyson here we go he is a fast starter one thing we should mention Jimmy before the action heats up too much [Applause] going to the body and already Ferguson has lasted longer than have some of Tyson's Club [Applause] the guard [Music] a major league body puncher one of the things that distinguishes him even in the amateurs Mike Tyson could throw great body shots he takes what you give him and right now Jesse Ferguson Ferguson is just giving him the body [Music] [Applause] seconds ago one of the things that makes Tyson so special he threw a tremendous left foot Miss with it and didn't go off balance always in position to punch [Music] [Applause] you would find almost no one in the arena [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] up at 9 . I think that uppercut broke Ferguson's nose Jim he is in Desperate trouble he will not last much longer Rivera almost stopped it there Mike Tyson's known as a great finisher let's see how he does with Ferguson Ferguson gainly hanging in having trouble covering up four seconds three seconds Jesse Ferguson barely made it out of round five Tyson punching from very close quarters the obvious punch right here is the uppercut he turns around digs right to the body and then comes straight up with the right uppercut Tyson has a tendency to turn left-handed he turned left-handed to land that combination a sixth first time [Applause] the Ferguson trying to jab every great Champion has to know how to finish an opponent when he has him hurt Jesse Ferguson is murdered let's see how Mike Tyson doesn't take him out the left hook did some damage Jesse Ferguson not taking the break holding on to Tyson's left hand just going to hold until Rivera has to absolutely pry them apart it's not going to be enough for Rivera to say break he's going to have to get in there and force him a point another left delivered in close quarters [Applause] see Ferguson just is not listening to Rivera at all he's just going to continue to hold until he just physically forces him out can't say I blame him the only thing Robert could do is what he just did give him a warning and take points away if he continues to do it Tyson's making a mistake by letting himself get this close to Ferguson he must maintain a little bit of distance he's going to take a point he disqualified Jesse Ferguson and round number one is underway out comes Tyson has always pressing straight forward doesn't wear a Grove into the ring doesn't wear his socks just puts on the shoes the Trunks and the gloves and he's ready to go to war he's already shaking zauskeep with the first shot of the fight and he almost looked disgusted that zowski is hooked ready to fall what a funny shot with the left hand by the converted cell phone Mike Tyson who unlike many southpaws can Crush you with either hand his left hook of course his best punch but his right hand right behind that his jab is just an awesome weapon but his body punching he's one of the most awesome body punching heavyweights I've seen in years Steve zowski though promised he said he wasn't afraid of Mike Tyson that he'd be out there Swinging with Tyson boxing with Tyson he has been in there with some real tough opponents one of them World Cruiserweight Champion by the ibf Leroy Murphy beat him on a 10-round decision and hit him with his best shots and couldn't take him off his feet he's also been in there with Scott Frank Mike Perkins Benny knosey but he's never been in there with Mike Tyson there's no question Tyson can punch salski doing what he can to survive keeping those hands high he's sacrificing the body by protecting the head every time he puts his hands up high Tyson moves in and smacks it that time is a short left hook to the Head salski took it well his legs though are doing a Mr Bojangles he's in trouble against the ropes and that's one place you don't want to be against the Slugger young Mike Tyson who has 12 first round Knockouts to his credit today he weighed in at 220 and a half pounds zowski was 210. a swelling around the left eye of Steve zowski who is now taking the best Tyson has to offer and you know that this guy is going to feel it after the fight is right on the left side from the body shots he's red on the right side his face is written his left eye is swollen Tyson standing directly in front of zowski there bends down with a left hook to the body right hand to the body zowski doing an admirable job throwing back catches Tyson with two right hands coming in and a left hook [Applause] s up with a solid combination of about six floors zowski dropped back on his heels but still comes back bounces the right hand off the head of Mike Tyson who's not exactly thinking defense in there now [Applause] awesome shots from Tyson solid right hand to the body by Mike Tyson who looks to be just getting trouble against the Rope but Tyson lays back because Tyson is an outstanding finisher I think he's just trying different things the one thing I don't like about that if you're working on certain things you're just getting headbutted or maybe taking a thumbs if not tonight there's a solid right uppercut I don't know what's keeping Steve zowski on his feet he said he was most proud of the fact that he's never been off his feet before and now he switches for a moment to the Southwest stance and tries to rock two right hooks so if he Tyson's head and there is a strong shot but Sadowski stayed up after that one I don't know doesn't look like he'll beat the count the count is eight nine ten and this one's over oh for McKenney says you did not beat the count and indeed he did not a third round knockout not TKO but throwing around knockout the referee is Joe Cortez there are three judges who will score the fight on the round system with supplemental points scoring in case of a draw three knockdown rule is in effect no standing eight count the mandatory eight count is in effect Tyson in the black Trunks and James Quick Tillis in the white laid in round one a rounding which Tillis has not acquitted himself too badly as he has managed to stay away from Tyson's Thunderbolts although he just took a right hand lost to Tillman in the Olympic trial right hand lands plush on the Jeep uh quick to list but that was an extended right hand all right he won't not fill us out with it but he will wear him down and bring his hands down so he can land punches to the head he got him with the left and you saw momentarily right now all of the aggression is out of Mike Tyson he is keeping his distance he's trying to learn how to box with James Quick Tillis oh Williford said that he had been working with him for the last six weeks tying up Tyson's arms at that time Tyson got the left hand through again after ducking Attila sponge looks to me like Tillis is open hold up the middle the same way [Applause] this is an important learning experience for Mike Tyson he's going to have to be able to handle the Quick Tillis to get those up even he is right now Tillis is making a mistake of trying to trade with Mike Tyson he should be moving off the ropes round three coming to a close and Mike Tyson warms to the task once again as the round you'd have to say that as a fluke if they lost the winner tiller's claims he slipped on some water in the corner and was distracted before he got punched again the left hand drops Tillis onto the seat of his pants as round four is coming to a close all right let's stay right here and take one more look at the knockdown clearly wrong that was just a clean punch he was off balance we talked we said that Tillis could not lunge in with the left hook he lunges in with the left hook Tyson very cleverly slips it comes back in a punching position and lands a left hook that was not the full power of Mike Tyson all right the longest Tyson bout was the fight against Jesse Ferguson a dko at one minute 19 seconds of the sixth round now round five begins here in Glenn's Falls Tyson waiting for Tillis to open up and those two potty punches didn't you tell us his attention and he grabs come on just a Grimace on his face alone I think indicates that Quick Tillis was hurt by those two body punches spent two and a half weeks with Steven Spielberg and crew in Los Angeles where they call him dark Gable it was a right hand by Tyson will be interesting to see how Mike reacts to this posing with a flurry the Bell is going to sound [Applause] judge Bernie freaking scores at six rounds to four [Applause] judgment scores [Applause] in the state of Nevada and with so much a factor in the last fight that we showed you here on HBO that between Larry Holmes and Michael Spinks round one Mike Tyson right on top of Mitch Green just as expected Mike Tyson comes out like a locomotive going straight for Mitch Green that was uh I was working for quick tillage remember this is only the first round it's a very up-tempo first round good uppercut there by Tyson and shots to the body this question by Mitch Queen is going to frustrate Tyson because it has a tendency to really uh frustrate to fight him good Left Hand by Tyson he missed green makes it has a bad habit of leaning back watch the left hook of Mike Tyson land every time Miss green moves backwards you shouldn't be inside with the fight like Mike Tyson's arms are shorter so he's able to throw pick a shot there's the left hook I was talking about those short shots Prairie are very effective you notice that there is no mouthpiece in this in his mouth it was knocked out by left hook to Green's credit he hasn't taken a backward step whether that's wise or not remains to be seen you know it's time and time again that left hook and those little short shouts man and he did draw a warning from Luis Rivera the referee about holding Greens in trouble those shots to the Fighters doing is taking his toll really working a lot of body a lot of Leverage The Body Shots watch for the left hook there it is again Barrick as advertised inside of 10 seconds that hook is getting shorter more powerful and more effective the uppercut's working beautiful for Mike Tyson also that was a good round for Mike Tyson a very impressive round one two time up don't fight him inside you don't have to fight him inside time up one two jab jab move this round move this round when you get inside look stop fighting his fight move this round throw the one two and time up all right when blood green was a gang leader they say he had over a hundred men in his gang right now he needs some of them and again Mike Tyson bolting out of his corner right on top you know the last fight that Tyson had against Tillis and what a shot that is an awesome shot that was just a jam you have to appreciate one that jam and the mouthpiece is gone once again those little inside shots is really busting up the mouth of Mike uh mystery I'm sorry yeah there was blood inside the mouth even between rounds as we mentioned it can't help but he's breathing through his mouth Barry wants to left him well he reassured him that he is a conditioned athlete he can go 10 Rounds so there's no need for him to slow down the momentum both hands [Applause] good enough took solid left hook green now waving off to his coin to let him know that he's okay but instead of dropping that right hand and the left hook of Mike Tyson is very very fast that was another big shot right there by Tyson he's tied to really become very loose with his head slip punches big right hand big and that wobble Miss green for a second there the reason you're trying to fight up is to at least clear your head or either to um to throw off his time well just how hard Mike Tyson hits can be learned in talking to some of the people he fought look at here look at here and green seems to me ready to be doing all the wrong things that's very good body movement by Mike Tyson I'm impressed with that no breathing room no punching room [Applause] good beautiful upper left hook right uppercut [Applause] another big left hook boxy I mean Tyson there good uppercut just straighten Mitch Green right up come on there was his right hand a huge right hand see also Mitch Queen is not time is made up properly he's holding behind the head which he allows those shots like that to land when the time man after you hold the breath around his arm that was another good shot to the ribs by Tyson Tyson said one time he said I understand Anatomy there again oh what a left hand what's gonna happen um as um Tyson gets further fur into his career he's going to figure out a better way to approach fights like this those sets it but I love those body shots they really do a number on a tall opponent the crowd come here to see a fight boxer puncher and um it's been uh pretty much of a dance floor Mitch Green I'm sure Mitch Green is going to be disappointed uh in this performance and we've come to just about the end of it here another day in the classroom big left hand to end things judge George de Gabriel observed the fight 8-2 judge Pat Dolan watched it at 9-1 and judge Georgie colon observed the fight 9-1 for the winner for his 21st straight win in his many fights Mike Tyson [Applause] all right we're all set to go here this is scheduled for 10 Rounds scoring by the New York State athletic commission by round scoring system three knock down low is in effect [Applause] [Music] last month [Music] [Music] [Applause] thank you [Applause] very much the man in the middle Tyson in the black I'm not gonna say here's an opponent who can stretch him because I've said that in the last three or four fights William Hosea although having said that two of Tyson's last three fights against James Quick Tillis and Mitch blood green have gone the full 10 round trip so is this gonna follow suit Mucky Reggie gross only lasted one round in his last fight so maybe not we shall see Hosea in the blue Tyson in the black but he's still got he's still such a devastating one-punch finisher and already how's that well he slipped early on that little twitch of the knees that was definitely not a slip Harry the ref separates them good ride uppercut and once again the legs twitch because they're in trouble [Applause] and down the crowd as you would expect from a local boy this is Upstate New York Tyson from practically around the corner and the cat skills didn't beat it well I thought he did Hosea thought he did Harry the ref quite adamant he didn't Tyson looking a bit bemused having his arm raised Lorenzo Boyd giving away an awful lot of weight to Mike Tyson 21 pounds sick right hand by Tyson Mike Tyson's fastest knockout 37 seconds of the first round Robert Coley lasts October 25th I got something in it what angle he's just a devastating puncher to the body with a right hand 14 men have fallen down in the first round [Music] again to the body boy trying to answer back all their shots kicked off body shots very effective for Tyson thus far as the department kind of urged him on to become a fighter and then it's gone full time he's also taking criminal law courses at Oklahoma State right now he backs off from a sharp right uppercut to the body by Tyson again a double right hand to the body and the chin down goes Lorenzo boy so count is five the count is six the count is eight he will not get up it's over Sam show me what heavyweight throws punches that quick those were two right hands one to the body and you snap your fingers it was turned into I believe it was a right uppercut that's how fast it was I think one of the hardest hitters in heavyweight history and here it comes there was a hard left hand he didn't get full extension on it then right hand to the body just like that upstairs with the right uppercut tonight wow and Lorenzo void saying what hit me watch the side of Lorenzo Boyd's body you think the body shots of Tyson I mean the body just about collapses in there now we're gonna hear your expert commentary as we take a look at the devastating punches which ended the knife for Lorenzo Boyd well as you see here I'm just picking with the jab and I'm looking for the body punches boom I'm trying to hurt him with my boom and I brought it up but as you noticed earlier I was hitting them to the body making his man his mind preoccupied on the body shot and he had no intention of the right uppercut coming he said that he said he was trying to keep the body trying not to bring the hand down but he said he just couldn't help it that when you drove the body shot you hit him again most definitely because that's my plan round one big out is about to begin the referee is Joe Cortez in New York State scoring is done by three judges the referee does not score scoring on the round system supplemental four-point uh scoring system if the rounds wind up even and the three knock down rule is in effect Tyson comes out slugging he comes out smoking like marvis's father Joe Marvis must move or we're going to be out of here very very quickly cut and Marvis is hurt now Joe Cortez moves in to have a look and he's going to stop the fight it did not last 20 seconds but with each succeeding bout any skepticism about his punching power has to evaporate thank you and the good news is I believe Marvis Frazier is standing up [Music] the crowd in that corner of the Ring Mike Tyson is going back over there now we'll take another look live at what is happening in the ring after you finish seeing this third replay of the very quick knockout at the Smart money is saying that it won't go fine round number one Ratliff comes out quickly you have to see how uh Razzle opposed his fight whether or not he's going to move and stick try to stay out of Harm's reach or try to exchange punch for punch with Mike Tyson his best bet is use that chair here rediff is actually running he's not actually boxing and moving and utilizing the ring that of course was the tactic of Mitch Green one of the two fighters who has gone the distance with Mike Tyson well he's one of the few guys that was able to test the chin of Mike Tyson and exchange punch for punch with Mike Tyson the other guys are more reluctant to stay back and just run as Relic is doing here yeah so far it's tracked me there was a right hand by Tyson and that stopped rattling now what happens Barry by moving away all you're doing is giving Mike Tyson momentum and we give Mike Tyson momentum you ask for problems I left that are right behind it no knockdown says Davey Pearl I was a sled let this can do because he's so tall and grangy he can try to catch Mike Tyson reaching in like so that was a good opportunity there [Music] and there was a left hand and Ratliff will set it up foreign [Applause] eight nine Ray it looked like a short left hook it was classic punch and Ratliff wasn't I don't think he'll get out of this round and Tyson right on top of Alfonso Ratliff another sign of course that you look for is can the man finish Tyson has left a little doubt about that so far right hand that should be just about it Davey Pearl looking very closely and that's all it's over let's take a look and see how Tyson very professionally has cornered and has cornered Ratliff and then a short left hook and the reason again as I've stated before his punches are so effective is that he's always moving forward always looking to hurt the other guy now as he moves in to end the fight Ratliff is hurt that right hand hurts him some more it's just a question of letting him fall and get away from the ropes thank you left to the body Left To The Head Right To The Head good night this is the main event of the night 12 rounds of boxing for the WBC championship of the world introducing in the blue Corner fighting out of Catskill New York weighing 221 in one quarter pounds he is undefeated in his professional career with 27 wins no defeats 25 peyos he is the Challenger Mike Tyson [Applause] foreign ER formerly of Jamaica now fighting out of Miami Florida weighing 218 and one half pounds his professional record consists of 31 wins four defeats one draw and 23 Kos he is the WBC heavyweight champion of the world Trevor birthday foreign says it's imperative he keeps his man in the middle of the Ring he says Tyson will not push me back like he's pushed other Fighters back and I'll push him back and I think therein is another key to this fight Ray if burbik can push Tyson back easier said than done but if he can then he can be in the hunt well what is up to is imperative for both Fighters keep those hands high [Applause] both wearing black burbik with the high black stockings [Applause] he's trying to overpower Mike Tyson and he's abandoned in doing what he normally does best that is to use his whole body use those broad shoulders I will not be surprised when these guys go down because they're throwing big shots in both Fighters are a little cold a little stiff here real tight right hand Tyson and a left behind it [Applause] perfect as he told us he would trying to go to the uppercut so far ineffectively big right hand Tyson [Applause] [Music] [Applause] case has to be patient as Laura stated because he's fighting a guy that's been the ring with top counter Fighters so he knows how to get a breathing get that second Wing going [Music] the big left hook by Tyson mentioned this earlier but Tyson Tyson's punches even sound different than most heavyweights [Music] another good Left Hand by Tyson and are right behind it and Burbank is rocked Burbank in trouble here Berwick just trying to get through the round he's hurt no question [Applause] [Applause] that was a big big round for Mike Tyson okay always coming forward Tyson the punches are short because he's coming forward and harder to see we have to remember that Trevor berbick has never been hit by punches as hard as he's being hit in this fight and you'd never know how a man is going to respond to that Tyson is everything that people could have hoped for in that round remember I should point out has been down twice there's another big shot by Tyson a heap of trouble down he goes [Applause] the punches are coming in such a succession that uh Berber can't deal with them they're short powerful devastating punches trying to time Mike Tyson up here just kind of hang on and get the cobwebs out oh another big right hand and Burbank is in trouble again Tyson is perpetual motion and the reason he's so dangerous bro because he continued for those punches but I've noticed then Tyson he actually turns southfall because he can knock out with either hand it's good lyrics because he keeps his balance balance he missed with that uppercut but didn't miss by much [Applause] I was a right to the body in an uppercut to the head and Burbank was down [Applause] this one is going to be over I believe it's over that's all and we have a new era in boxing announcer Chuck pal will get the official decision ladies and gentlemen referee Mills Lane stops the bout at two minutes 35 seconds of the second round the winner by a TKO and youngest and new WBC heavyweight champion of the world Michael Tyson I refuse to get hurt I refused to get knocked down I refuse to lose there's no way in the world I was gonna go out this ring walking I had to be carried out I had to be dead there's no way everybody leave this ring alive it looked it looked early in the second round that he had already recognized your power and that he was starting to hold on and just survive even as early as that well I don't know about that that was so that was his problem I was coming to destroy and win the heavyweight championship of the world which I done I like to dedicate my fight to my great Guardian custom model and I'm sure he's up there and he's looking and he's talking to all the great Fighters and saying his boy did it smiling that's right I think I can predictably say that he'll become probably the youngest heavyweight champion of all time which which title was held by Floyd Patterson I believe he will be the youngest heavyweight champion of all time and if he remains dedicated interested and without any distractions I believe that eventually he'll go down in history at the greatest Heavyweight Championship and there he is the main man then in the fight game today Mike Tyson and Caitlin Thomas has a pole of a left-hand function he's going to need it and seem to genuinely fancy his chance against Tyson but that didn't sway the oddsmakers at six to one on Tyson and what a start by this incredible young Champion the youngest in history he really must have worked out in the dressing room now just left up there he switches that well it doesn't look as though that left-hand jab that corner man Angelo Dundee has been telling Thomas to use is going to be much use to him now this is the Tyson we really know isn't it trying to wipe out that memory of a Bone Crusher Smith Waltz and he's really laying into Thomas at the start well he's not going to get tangled up At Close Quarters in this fight Tyson as he did with Smith and he learned to break the spider's web and not get entangled at it and he's really unloading some terrific punches and he'll do well to get over this round now pink and Thomas it's almost looked a bit sluggish in his last fight that I saw here against Danny Sutton he won it well it was just a little bit dangerous a couple of seconds ago well it certainly was there but not with his head [Applause] that's right so now the crowd of bird now Jim a bit unfairly because they're fighting inside and that proved it and then they immediately switched to Cheers there yeah well just as I said by Tyson's own standards this is a making a cam stuff do they expect to see the dynamite all the time oh you got the job done there I think he must have heard you there Jim what a peach of a left hook that was and he's gonna do it in the six because he's only Midway through and this is the way he finishes him off now the master of the the finishing stuff what a fighter absolute ferocious and what a game man he took every punch in the book there pinklin Thomas he is not going to make this in the sixth round and you really your heart goes out within the embarrassment of him being knocked out like that with all the heart in the world he can't control the legs but what a tremendous finish there by the Iron Man himself he's following the loser over to the corner once the Bell is gone and it's all over he's the most compassionate guy in the world great supporter of kids Charities here 20 years old and here's the Finish so once he gets the opponent in trouble every punch that comes over is a finisher there's a cracking uppercut I mean his head almost departs the shoulders there Jim doesn't he just got no chance and what a brave guy he took some really hard punches before he went down look at that absolute on the back and you knew he went down there his head flopped like worzel gummies there and he couldn't get up Jim yeah every single punch from all angles and he gets full coverage everyone that was a second of the punch that come up the way and then the overcome the left hook and that was all over for the night integration that's attached in the chief second let's get it on come on there's a line in the movie Full Metal Jacket you can talk the talk can you walk the walk it's time for Tony Tucker now to walk the walk or run the run as it were and we'll see what kind of tactic Tucker takes I was expecting Mike Tyson to jump right on Toyota Tucker Tucker I had figured that he should at least tie his man up try to frustrate Mike Tyson like that good body shot by Tyson that was a little bit low and I think it's going to draw a warning if you go down there again you're coming to come on [Applause] Tyson too good Jabs that voice you're hearing is the voice of Kevin Rooney where's that back here we go what a good shot at Tyson with another left hand you see the intensity in uh Tony Tucker there was a big Left Hand by Tyson and that was the one big punch and another one there was a good left hand and that staggered Tony Tucker [Applause] [Music] advantage and a good boxer and I'd say he impressed me with his foot move because I didn't expect that much though but the fact of the matter is it's making matters very very tough for Mike Tyson to get it to get inside Tyson looks right now like he's in it for the Long Haul and there was a big right hand that's not being stationary [Applause] body shots but again Tucker shakes his head I'm okay A lot of times when I left book of Tyson's landed because that's the direction that Tony tuck is moving come on [Music] saying I don't want to have to penalize you let's do some punching Tyson's getting off quicker with his jab now it's a good short strong fast left Dave of Mike Tyson okay some continually putting pressure come on step back and get that head up watch that head I can't get his left hook in because he comes he's coming in first with his head there was what you have to do that's what he has to do brother to the taller Man Tucker and then he can throw his punches once again bro you see what's happening here Penny gets him now he's starting to cut the ring off now he's not following time now he's inside again the jab once again is effective there was a big left half Tucker says no no no no I'm all right I'm all right [Applause] Tyson finishing with a flourish and so is Tucker great finish to a pretty entertaining evening thank you [Applause] Robert well Tony Tucker talked the talk and walked the walk all right we'll get the official decision now as we go up for the ring announcer Chuck Hall Chuck [Music] ladies and gentlemen here is the decision of the judges we have a unanimous decision yeah judge Phil Newman scores 119 111. judge Julio scores 118 and 113. and judge Bill Graham scores 116 112 for the winner by unanimous decision and Undisputed heavyweight champion of the world iron maid Tyson expect Tyson to jump right on Tyrell Biggs three questions that Mike Tyson really has to answer could he cope with the cope with a clever boxer box here when he's hurt Tia filo Stevenson and I admit it was five years ago but he really bothered there is still hope again because his hands are down he's moving right but he keeps his hands down too low Tyson has very quick hands for a big man Biggs is starting to become a stationary Target which is wrong right hand side a little bit of blood inside the mouth of Tyrell Biggs foreign shots from Tyson to see now Biggs again very starting to stand and exchange total toe like I said earlier you can't do that Tyson's punches come so fast with so much velocity Adam it's devastating that's the uppercut but you gotta come back with the right hand the up could raise the chin of a guy who crouches in and the right hand does most damage there was a big right hand that offset someone else did [Music] this is now the cut over the left eye and it's pretty bad it's the same eye the same cut another big left hand and Biggs is her now he gets out of there which is not his fight play and there's a huge left hand they may stop it that's a nasty cut right hand body shot in the left hand behind it by Tyson a little more up by the movement from Tyrell Biggs now he's Gotta Throw Some uppercuts he took a big left hand there foreign exactly the opposite of what he said he was going to do and a combination by Tyson a left and a right behind it I pray he's doing what he does best work to body worker here [Music] and Biggs holding on a great deal now there was a right hand by Tyson and Biggs you have to say he of course go back a long way all the way back to amateur days [Music] that tells me that Biggs is pretty much falling for the same trap as Mike Tyson trying for one punch and he's never there's a right hand that just caught Biggs off balance Kevin Rooney was telling Tyson give a little a couple head fights [Music] oh it's a tremendous left hand [Applause] eight nine okay oh this this is it he is gone right now he has no legs at all thank you ten seconds to go in around there's a left hand he's down again it's over it's all over and it wasn't even close I mean after round one here against Larry hopes a master boxer but a great boxing brain Tyson a real student of the sport and as you can see Tyson's starting very quickly here homes hanging on Referee Joe Cortez breaks them up [Applause] Tyson there rips in with a left hook there's an old saying but the boxer will always beat the fighter and of course that's not always true pricing a much much better box than he's ever given credit score [Applause] well Larry Holmes hasn't done the great deal of work in this opening session took a good left hook there [Applause] [Applause] but talented as well [Applause] a very very good set of alertness here from Tyson he's trying to look in his eyes incredibly determined all right let's go everybody oh goodness we want a right hand there for Tyson and Larry Holmes on his back here in round four but he's beaten the count that was a very very heavy right hand well hope this is okay and just put your mind back to the night when only Shavers cracked him as well how did hose beat that when it's down again second time not too convinced about that particular knockdown but it may whatever the right hand on the temple [Applause] again and Mike Tyson now very menacing Harry Holmes surviving on pure carriage pure instinct again at Tyson right hand oh and he's got him again Holmes on very shaky legs here in the fourth Tyson desperate for that knockout blow to land well he's not rushing in Tyson is he just picking the Right Punch and this now looks awfully painful oh what a punch that was oh he's got again and the legs absolutely collapse Underneath Him so Larry Holmes then absolutely flattened here in the fourth round a barrier punches there from Mike Tyson he never let up did he Mike Tyson still the Undisputed heavyweight champion of the world but Larry Holmes they're completely flattened and when the legs [ __ ] underneath you like that you know it's a bad one these are the combinations that finished it [Music] what a right that was this should be the final knockdown of the entire fight and of course the fight itself as Tyson found himself hitting an unguarded Target and that was on the chin outside look mercanti says they're all set and there's the bell for round one Cubs throws the jab and Tyson responds in time a lot of Fighters find it difficult to set my Tyson up because Mike now gives a lot of uh head movement good left by Tyson that's real those hands must be kept up higher and I can't like I stated earlier I don't think it's a good idea to change punches with Tyson good body shot but you need combinations now 30 seconds left in the round low Fighters have had their say here I couldn't tell whether punch hurt tugs is hurt Cubs is hurt badly foreign [Applause] Odell Hadley has jumped in the ring the fight is over Cubs had already been reeling a bit before that point as the result of a short ride against the ropes whatever was happening actually was that Tyson was weighing down tubs because tubs tried to stay inside and fight Mike Tyson's fight which I thought was a mistake and for those who say Mike is not really one punch knocker outer I think they need to look at some films again [Music] speaks to the other hand rested as a white front for the black trim the white shoes and we're just about ready to go the opening bell let's see what's happens Tyson attacks immediately cuts off the ring throws the wild right hand this was round one with just underway speech's not able to hold him up so far with the jab he tries to come back at him but Tyson walks right through it Tyson showing no fear no respect at all and he was successful against the guy that hadn't fought in a long time in Jerry Cooney the right hand lands to the head of Mike Spike Tyson all the way here in round number one vicious shots to the Buddy nothing really heavy Landing in but he's taking them the uppercut body shot down goes Mike speaks for the first time the counters of the four and five and six and seven and eight that was a body shot to trick him down here comes Mike's fights in he leads to the right hand then he goes I don't think you'll get up from this Mike thanks for playing flat on his back the count is up to five and six and seven and eight he won't be able to do it it's all over Mike Tyson has wanted [Applause] this will not be the first time that Mike Tyson and Frank Bruno have faced each other in a boxing ring when Tyson was 16 years old and Bruno was in this country to fight a boxer named Mike Jameson the menacing Mike Tyson then in the black shorts against Britain's Frank Bruno 12 rounds of boxing to decide the destination of the Undisputed heavyweight champion of the world big left hook there from Tyson Bruno hits the floor for a right to the Head oh referee which is still here giving uh Frank Bruno the manager eight count Tyson Waits menacingly neutral point actually continues ending round one Mike Tyson absolutely marauding all over Bruno here in this opening session let him go I love the applicant the inside there from Tyson not having a bad Round Here Frank oh a lovely right hand there for Mike Tyson followed by a big wide left hook from Tyson and Bruno once again in a bit of bubble here and hangs once again George Sanchez as you heard in the corner there told for enough to use that left hook to the body and a lovely beautiful sliding uppercut there from Tyson moved in dropped the shoulder bang up it went the body on Tyson as well [Applause] no one anticipates this one going in the full route and they both have the power to do each other a lot of damage nice right there again from Tyson but we get Bruno fought in the opener but landed a couple of lovely left hooks all right a big thumping right there again from Tyson followed by a sloppy left hook of course it comes to such a point you've got to get in involved physically and separate them if you don't listen to you put epic glasses too nice hook up the jab there for Mike Tyson hunting it out come on get a break good night oh a lovely laptop there from Tyson and Bruno now has needs to take care of himself here Tyson unloading with both hands [Applause] oh well something might happen Tyson as well and Bruno and all sorts of other now he needs to start throwing punches back and for the first time in the fight needs to hang on and does so oh what a country that was Tyson has now got Bruno in his sides here in round five beautiful uppercut there from Bruno too little too late Bruno Nissan get those hands up and work s [Applause] we have to come to the Elbow there from Tyson Bruno still looking very uncomfortable as once again the punches flash against the skull and a beautiful uppercut there from Tyson and Bruno in big trouble now it's all over Jeffrey Richard Steele dies between the pair of them Terry Lawless was on the ring apron with the tail ready for thrown in Carl Williams has been floored seven times in his career twice by James Quick Tillis twice by Jesse Ferguson three times by Mike Weaver and in every instance the decisive blow was a left hook [Applause] the people in Williams corner are sincerely worried about what he does in the first 30 seconds against the Tyson Onslaught all right that's it I'm here thank you let's go oh my God you're so nice to me now unofficially I've got this fight being one second longer than Tyson space I made it 32 instead of a minute 31. Mike Tyson is a one to two favorite to knock out his opponent in the first round that means if you wanted to make two dollars you'd have to bet four dollars the over under is two and a half rounds the lowest I've ever heard of that means you can bet on whether the fight goes past two and a half rounds or less than two and a half rounds here in Las Vegas and given the choice of opponents you have to believe that what the Tyson Camp dearly wants for their fighter is one of those 90-second knockouts on with his Destroyer reputation was built we see what's happening here with Henry Tillman using a ring using movement [Music] comes inside if he's not gonna punch tie him up break his rhythm solid right hand by Tyson to the body Tillman staggers backward Mike goes at him at him and grabs and holds off [Music] [Applause] right to the face of Tillman he grabs and holds on Evelyn was a bit of a glancing blow wow Tillman now is trying to fight Mike Tyson should be doing a lot more movement than he is now he's allowing Mike Tyson to trap him in the corner thank you that'll be enough surprise [Applause] stay in the corner Michael Stewart has stated categorically that he knows he needs to keep throwing punches but try to keep Tyson occupied if he stopped throwing he'll be dead bison lands are right and another [Applause] this could be quick I was afraid of a 30-second sound bite all right man okay let's go remember Stewart never went down against Evander Holyfield a shot to the body another solid right hand Stewart begins to throw as a means of trying to defend himself [Applause] that was a flush right hand four five six seven eight nine he's up just at the count of nine Jim how you feel man taking a good one because he's gonna let him go three knockdown rule is in effect but Stewart goes down again it's open and Stewart has quick throwing punches you can see how wobbly his legs are there he makes it through a minute and 20. it'll be a small miracle let him go let him go come on stop punching that was a worthwhile grab [Applause] Tyson missed with a left that would have done it he's very calculating now Tyson Stewart must land something or else it's just a question of a few seconds [Applause] rule is in effect this fight is over round one scheduled for 12. let's see if the two heaviest punches in The Division come out throwing bombs again or will we see more boxing tactics they just saw three bombs by Tyson anything's done they all missed but he's throwing from the opening battle he's looking for a way in to radical circling Michael not moving his head Mike the head movement like he has in the past standing straight up in front of Donovan razor ruddick almost dischaining his hook a solid right hand by Mike Tyson for the head of running so far it's almost a replay of the first fight drops that hand off he's wide open [Applause] since of the Jazz big right by Tyson he's got him in trouble a heavy right by Tyson stalking running but he's not throwing it like he should tell me you guys come on cut by Mike Tyson that snap running back ruddick should be smothering him his lunches up says [Applause] thank you [Applause] another crouching [Applause] [Music] both missing his Tyson walking a tightrope tonight even though he isn't the champion he's still the most bankable fighter in the world this is risky business for him this is very Risky Business after that last round because it's showing he can be hurt and he has a disdain for the punches of razoretic mistake oh hard shot there it goes running again he's down for the second time can Tyson finish him off this time [Applause] is as well as laser what it does he keeps getting up off again there goes the mouthpiece [Applause] Tyson looking to pour it out foreign [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] running in anguish or brother doesn't punch now I step back get him up razor come on not many good hammering right hand by Tyson and there it's not enough time but what a right hand by Tyson oh oh it's a ghost town oh my God [Applause] we're set here's Jimmy Lennon Jr ladies and gentlemen we have a unanimous decision scores [Applause] [Music] [Applause] crazy song he said even if you can't be a champ you can make a lot of money this this business isn't always about hitting or getting hit get in their box and move walk around a fighter like Mike Tyson don't be intimidated and here we go and math is just falling down not being struck by Tyson who himself missed on a left uppercut to begin things here what's up come inside hold on duck duck duck throw some punches hold on it's going to become a little bit of a wolf now [Music] punches amount find his way out of it oh you can hear him too [Music] listen when I say Drake Frank cappuccino Cup right there see what Mike's doing his stepping now he's coming in and stepping off waiting for Buster Douglas come up with the shots foreign [Applause] [Applause] Builders physique 27 pounds heavier almost four inches taller huge reach advantage and here we go round one I'll tell you what if I was building Frank Bruno won't be afraid of anybody or anything but Mike Tyson is a Phenom an abnormal strength unnatural he is a walking Powerhouse Tyson's trailer Jake Wright said he's concerned about keeping Tyson under control of the belt he'll be very anxious and he's coming in pretty straight up and flying through the air which if you get hit Midway there that could be big Bruno continues to hold and hit come on quit grabbing says bills Lane Tyson's people wanted to Bob and roll be less of a target attack from the Angles and he is on the attack that right hand Buckle the legs of Frank Bruno that's the first one he talked to steam prices Camp feeling the key is hand and foot speed the Tyson is just too fast and quick on his feet and that Bruno doesn't have the foot speed to compete Bruno trying a nice uppercut which is a nice idea but it got smothered it didn't get there anywhere [Applause] you know for a nice right in around the side of Tyson's ear and then a left look at the body didn't seem to do anything but it was a nice effort and any time for oh here comes Tyson Tyson with a combination with 20 seconds left in round one he got Bruno's attention wobble brutal with that punch and that's what I mean if he makes a mistake early you can't fix it Jim that was never great to begin with a left hook by Tyson but Pluto comes forward seven seconds to go in the round Bruno in bad trouble there all he needed was one more good shot he'd have been gone [Applause] [Music] hey you see where Tyson Welles him with a big right hand right on the button now you wonder if that was a cut or one of those charges in because there was a lot of holding possible hits banging playing the cuts are nasty well it's a nasty cut and uh rest assured Tyson's not going to let that alone just hold and do that for 12 rounds there's no honoring well he's not going to be here for 12 rounds I guarantee you [Applause] know another left and a combination by Tyson and Crudo holds off he's got a typical task in front of him and a lot of people are going to say this fight doesn't prove anything anyway and this is what Frodo expected he said he's not looking for the Tyson or Fort mcgillian Mathis There's a combination uppercut by Tyson Tyson playing it on pouring it on down goes Bruno into the ropes it is all over it is all over here at round three Mike Tyson now let's take a look at how Tyson took care of business duck Thunder a shot under the arm in the legs and from here on out a reign of punches which buckled Frank Bruno until he was helpless if you let Mike Tyson get that kind of Leverage with that right uppercut you will not make it through the round never mind the fight he is a finisher part excellence and he finished tonight and Frank Bruno had no chance Richard Steele said to bring them together here we go round one scheduled for 12. and Tyson comes right out right into Bruce Sheldon Bruce has used that jib and already got hit with a roof he's standing way outside look how you stand straight up up there now that's not oh [Applause] that was a punch right in the head for you're exactly right hand and it was stunning [Music] with about a minute 40 remaining in round one Sheldon goes down for the first time got a nice long rest there but he has back comes Sheldon and Tyson with a left hook and Selden is down on his stomach Steve there are two unalterable choosing boxing if you have a great you don't have a great chin you can't get one you can't buy one or learn one he's wobbly and that's it it's over in the first round ladies and gentlemen we have the time of one minute 49 seconds of round number one I'm sure no signs have been attempted no signs of nerves that we've seen on other Fighters champion Tyson idolized in equal measure a rough country but getting a great reception here as always in the solid backgrounds they're took straight away and Francis the shot Tyson's quickest win was 30 seconds it's no time to go and make a cup of tea back home this [Music] first ahead then the body the very good jab they've been working on that trying to get that weapon back into his Armory there was something he'd rather lost to to see if he can get that head movement back yeah [Music] okay so just dabbing at something by his left eye but I don't see a cut there he's a hard shot to body and head crosses is down with a right up and cut with 46 [Applause] . it's the eight million Roy Francis takes a close look at him he just about made it and he's got half a minute to survive is Tyson going to take him out in one Francis needing to hold on and fight time here and using his experience to do exactly exactly yes he is it didn't look as if he's got to get up he's got up he's trying to close the distance down staying tight Tyson's looking for the levers to get his shots on the spout for power and his electric there oh he was looking for that right up again again Tyson [Applause] [Music] three pieces have a big jab but the Bell goes six seven eight and he goes great pride to get up [Music] well Tyson ended here it's the round that he's trying to predicted foreign [Music] [Applause] says are you all right he asked him twice are you all practice to go together [Music] there's no three green s British rules he's in a lot of pain now it's all too much Roy Francis again asked him and lets it run but this must be close to a finish now Glenn yes it's got to be dude is a proud man and he's trying to hang in but down again and this time in his way door Mike Tyson wins we make it after 58 seconds first time he scored Outdoors since razor radic in Las Vegas in 1991. Tyson who scored 21 first round victories is this going to be another of the view under Julius Francis said every punch that Tyson threw was like a kick from a horse [Applause] the floor and looks badly shaken up from it within the first what was that 10 or 15 seconds is celery is going to get through this opening round oh another big left you're going to be stopped stop it's gonna be [Applause] gonna be quite solid I don't think he understood it the fight is over stopped foreign just couldn't get in there well he did get in but Tyson didn't understand [Applause] the quickest win of Tyson's career previously it was 30 seconds against Marvis Frazier actually make himself understood that the fight was off Tyson just wanted to keep on going for it didn't he well I I think he must have really knew what what John Cole was trying to do because Jon Cole got in the way but there he is here it is Glenn this is a finish well he's got him going there he's hurt he's running in trying to get the punches on there's a good uppercut went in there he just kept a little left hook there and at that point the legs were really gone another big left hand really badly huh that's where the referee wanted to step in Tyson wasn't having any of that I want more of it he says this is the guy who said at their press conference I enjoy hurting people yep and he really tries he now comes on the other side watch this he goes around the other side to get a shot in and nearly Fells John Coyle I think he got John Coyle with a left hook there as well he's got a good chin John call yeah that's it and really he just didn't what he did not want he wanted to inflict more punishment he wanted to hurt Lou Severus more and here John quile is actually speaking to Tyson and saying look I've stopped the fire right
Views: 3,569,441
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mike Tyson, highlight, best, iron, box, champion, ko, knockout, heavyweight, tribute, compilation, career, hardest, youngest, strongest, legend, boxing, punching, power, aggressiv, fighting, style, speed, strength
Id: lNPpojcSMgI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 104min 59sec (6299 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 23 2022
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