Practical Path to FREEDOM!

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hi there this is pastor Vlad and before we go into this week's content I would like to invite you to become a part of what God is doing at hungry generation today this year we've seen a great blessing of the Lord and anointing of God God's healings and salvations and deliverances and in 2019 I know that God wants to take us further and many of you for watching this video right now and watching this message you've been receiving from hungry gen you've been growing your world has been changing and we give to God all the glory but we would like you in 2018 to become a part of what God is doing and you can do that by sowing your best gift into this ministry or maybe doing something monthly like a partnership a reoccurring gift this will help us to go further in 2019 and bring more of what we're bringing to you to many many more people me and my wife we do that every single year our church does that every single year were once a year we'll give a special offering to God and then we also become partners of this ministry by our monthly contributions and I give you that opportunity today to become our partner and to become somebody who contributes to what God is doing today below is a link where you can make that happen so why don't you ask God what would God have you give this year to this ministry to help us go further in God and now let's go into this message I want to speak to you today about path to freedom this weekend has been a weekend of freedom yesterday there was prayers that were offered for people to find freedom cinta fication and this morning service I focused on that to be honest with you I had a different message for the second service but when I heard that the membership meeting was changed so I need to preach and I heard that I wanna preach on Wednesday so I might preach the second service that I was supposed to preach on Wednesday night so don't miss Wednesday night we're doing a little promo for the Wednesday night right away amen and then there's a youth service happening tonight at 7:30 it's supposed to be 6:30 he got moved to 7:30 just giving you a heads up don't come today after you go to the wedding and you eat all of that the food needs to settle in don't go to sleep come to church with that said a book of Esther chapter 2 and verse 5 it says the following in in Sushant sin Adele there was a certain Jew whose name was mardik I the son of Jer the son of Shama the son of Kish Benjamin and then if you can flip you pages to Esther chapter 5 and we will read Esther chapter 5 in just a minute the story of Esther begins as such that Esther was chosen to be a queen for the king who'd you thrown another Queen because she didn't show up because he ordered her to do so and Esther who was adopted by Mordecai her uncle she was there and Mordecai the Bible says in here it gives us specifically where he came from now for most of us we read these names shy my Josh and I and we're like you know what it's not petroi Japan I don't care but I want you to notice something here because there's the reason why this was mentioned here Mordecai was a direct descendant of the family of Kish family of Kish is a family Kish was the father to Saul remember King Saul so keish comes from a family of Saul family Saul comes from the family of Kish and we see Mordecai he also comes from the family of Kish and why is that important because all of the book of Esther pretty much deals with one big enemy his name was Haman and Haman was a descendant of a Malik which tells me that Saul was commanded by God to completely wipe out Amalekites that was promised to Joshua when Moses fought Amalekites and he spoke to Joshua he says God will wipe out the memory of Amalekites and there was appropriate time for that to happen because the wickedness of Amalekites reached the throne of God and God commissioned Saul and says I want you to go and completely wipe them out King Saul he disobeys God by giving God half obedience you spare some of the best things including the king of Amalekites only decades later years later the very thing that Kings sold in that defeat resurfaced again and his descendants were faced with it everything you don't win doesn't die with you it goes to a next generation every battle that you are faced by God and God challenges you and God calls you to win and God calls you to obey Him see a lot of us what we call a defeat God calls disobedience what we say I've been defeated in this area in reality when Saul says well I didn't defeat the enemy you know I didn't do all of that was actually disobedience every area of our life where there's disobedience there will always be defeat and that defeat it's not something you will live with it that defeat will be passed on to your next generation and I understand I'm looking at young adults mainly and you're not thinking about your next generation you thinking about survival you're thinking about how to get through this year without maxing out all your credit cards so next year you can buy what you want or live out purpose and travel and become an Instagram queen or an Instagram influencer and all of that and that is great there's nothing wrong with that god bless you in your goals and in your pursuits but I want to let you know Satan will fight you hard not only because so you can live in defeat he knows that if he can defeat you he doesn't really have to fight the next generation they already inherited your defeat they have odds starting stucked against them statistics says if your parents were alcoholics your chances of becoming an alcoholic is 10 times more than someone whose parents were not alcoholics that means that the battle for the next generation if the previous generation loses it becomes 10 times harder and that's not even including the realities of the things that they have to fight what am I trying to say with all of this is that many of us are fighting battles they didn't begin with us does that mean we're holding the other generation responsible no you're not responsible for what's passed on to you you are responsible for what you activate and what you pass on to a next generation when me and my wife purchased our duplex at when we were married we say we lived in apartments for a year and then we saved up some money and instead of buying a house we bought a rental property so that you know we can have a little bit extra of income and so we don't have to pay all the money for our mortgage and we bought this really all rundown property because they usually sell for cheap and so we can fix it up the guy who sold it to us was a lawyer he didn't keep the property really well in fact it was all ran down that one side looked like a gothic like some ghost driven town had drug busts windows broken just just just dead cats buried like under the floor just scary stuff we sprayed it and prayed it and oil I poured everything on it and those walls so to sanctify it and to cleanse it and to purify it and one of the things that it had on that house is the lawn the front lawn and the back lawn was extremely unkept there was no aggregation system installed the weeds were literally to my to my knees and you know when I saw them there was so much weeds I was afraid to mow those weeds because I never really will live there I'm looking at them thinking I'm like man this this stuff is like there's spirits there probably or like some kind of a snakes that live there remember first time I molded with my push lawnmower I mean it would get stuck every few feet or so now I could have stayed that and called that guy who sold us the house how dare you you know what kind of a citizen are you you know aren't you thinking you're a lawyer but you there's no brains in your head because you're not even taking care of your own house what kind of a hack could up build a case against them but I think that's not gonna help my lawn right no lawn is not gonna get better because I'm blaming somebody so I took the lawn mower mowing the lawn once more in the last second time put the sprinkler system start you know putting weed and feed and then putting all kinds of stuff and then after about a few years all of this stuff got cleared out and when we sold the property a few years ago you know not only it was completely remodeled but the lawn look like somebody actually put a lawn there instead of build that and I passed on something that was good maybe your situation today is the same perhaps even as one of the young men shared perhaps you come from a broken family perhaps divorce is you're accustomed to it parents fighting with each other World War three is already happening in your house the world just doesn't know yet perhaps sickness and disease runs rampant people don't take care of their bodies people don't take care of what they eat people don't take care of they don't they don't exercise that they don't think that that's important to take care of your temple perhaps there is a anxiety and fear and depression that is normal nobody can sleep in the house without popping pills perhaps in your house there's abuse of alcohol and that's what you've been accustomed to and is something that you've been tempted with perhaps there's lust that runs in your family tree my encouragement today to you is that Mordecai faced an enemy that belonged to his ancestors but he didn't blame solve for that he faced him he overcame them and Esther and Mordecai did not pass on Amalekites to the next generation that they passed on a festival they passed on a holiday that you celebrate till this day where they celebrate the victory that Mordecai and Esther achieved pass on triumph to the next generation our trials many of you sitting here today you come from a good family you come from a family where your mom and dad is together for you the idea of divorce is strange it's Elian the same way as it is for me my mom and my dad have been married for over thirty 33 33 years my grandpa passed away last year 93 or 92 on his birthday he was a pastor his grandpa his dad Lazarus was a pastor and they were in ministry they were married all their life never seen my mom or dad you know argue they fight sometimes but my dad learned the secret to marriage is always listening to my mom in secret my mom is Ukrainian woman short a little feisty and as long as that obeys her everything is fine husband's listen amen but I see that they're together I see they love each other I see that the care of us is the family and so for me it's very easy it's easier to be able to see challenges in my relationship with my wife and overcome them because my parents passed on something to me that I'm benefiting from same thing with finances to manage finances it comes a lot easier for me because my dad does it my dad never gave me a financial lesson he never set me down and when Dave Ramsey and me made that simple that lived his life balancing his books never owning money to anybody and always was very generous and seeing that and seeing how he modeled that to me it comes very easy for me to manage my finances that even when we give all of our money away I still we're still able to manage it in a way that the glorifies God and in a way that helps us to to take care of our needs because that was passed on to us and so the Bible says in the New Testament first Peter 1:18 it says knowing that you were not redeemed from corruptible things like with corruptible things like silver and gold from your aimless conduct received by tradition from your father's 2nd Timothy 1:5 it says when I call to remembers the genuine faith that is in you which dwelt first in your grandmother Lois and your mother I am persuaded it is in you I want you to see both of these scriptures Peter is saying God redeemed us from things that were passed down from our fathers and Apostle Timothy says Timothy Apostle Paul says to Timothy resistivity there was your thing I know your grandma she had that faith your mama has the same faith and he says I'm persuaded you got the same faith that tells me though you can't pass on salvation to the next generation you can pass on your faith your passion for God you can pass on good things to the next generation that's why there will fight you hard he will fight me hard because he knows if I beat him at this level this is what's gonna happen it's gonna be easier for the next generation to overcome the enemy when King David died he passed on to his son Solomon a lot of good things he passed on to him a lot of money he passed on to him a throne he passed on to him a crown he passed down to him Authority he passed on to him houses and he passed on to him a blueprint for how to build the temple but there was one more thing that King David passed on is that he gave him a very clear description that though King David will die the enemies King David accumulated throughout his life will not they will be passed on to Solomon in King David was very clear to Solomon and he says this and he actually named those enemies he says this is the guy that's the guy that's the guy he lives there that guy lives there that guy lives there he says make sure none of them die normally meaning you take care of them Solomon is young and inexperienced that's before Solomon had the wisdom from God before Solomon builds his house and builds the house of the Lord the Bible says the Solomon the first I think chapter of the the Kings Kings chapter 2 you see one problem surfaces it's his daddy's problem one guy begins to make some fuss and ask for something that he shouldn't be asking well he surfaces and then another surface it then Solomon game another person at restriction says he can't go past the roots of them and I want you to see this the solomon doesn't go building his kingdom until he establishes his kingdom by getting rid of his daddy's demons impatience anger passivity laziness gossiping about pastors constantly criticizing worship I met a person yesterday here who says I criticize your church and I really really apologize and he says my daughter today don't go to church those things some of you you're battling with that inside of you and it's a battle that didn't begin with you it becomes someone else if you don't win it it will continue but I'm challenging you today this afternoon that the Holy Spirit has empowered you to have victory in your life and for the future generations the Holy Spirit wants you and I to win as many battles as we can so that the next generation will use our ceiling as their floor you're not responsible for what's passed on to you you are responsible for what you activate scientists did a study and they found out there are certain things that are passed on in our DNA not only the color of hair the color of skin the color of eyes but our characteristics sicknesses health habits our past and also in our DNA that's why when you go to the doctor he doesn't just ask you hey you had a flu for how long what are some of the symptoms if you fill out the first time you go to doctor you fill out the application they will ask you about your grandma look she lives in Moscow why would you want to know my my grandma what about your uncles they'll ask you about your parents you say I don't know my parents I don't talk to them they want to know has diabetes been in your family they will ask you has the heart problem this is something that goes in your family and you can say well doctor I don't believe in that stuff because under the blood all of that is taken care of he doesn't care what you believe because scientist doesn't operate my belief system they believe they I put it by facts and it's been proven scientifically that there are things that are laying in my DNA and your DNA passed on from My Father there can be activated or deactivated based on my choices my experiences and my associations good or bad you can have faith passed on to you you can have good marriage passed on to you by your parents you can have a prayer life passed on to you by your parents laying dormant until it's activated by your choices your associations and your experiences that's why when you go to a Bible School that's why when you go to and have an encounter with God you have an experience with God when you connect yourself with the right people you have proper associations and then when you have a proper you make a decision this is what happens it begins to activate certain those things and you go into ministry and it's not necessarily because you just went into ministry because your daddy was in ministry but at the same time there was choices associations and experiences their activity the same grace that is moving from your father God of Abraham god of Isaac and God of Jacob God is a generational God God doesn't just want the blessing and favor to rest on you he wants you to spread to the next generation and generation after on your children the grandchildren and your great grandchildren so is the devil he doesn't want porn to be your your problem he wants your children from him to be the same he doesn't want to press you to be your problem it doesn't want nightmares to be your problem he wants that to be just going through you to other generation that's why today it's not an option to live a victorious life I don't care if you're 15 or if you 27 a victory is our portion and we have to do it for our sake for God's sake and for generations sake come on somebody are you with me how do we receive how do we walk in that victory how do we receive that victory and we're going to take a look at book of Esther chapter 5 and I'm going to share with you three simple steps on how to walk in victory receive victory now it happened on the third day that Esther put on her royal robes and stood in the inner court of the king's palace a crust of the King's house while the King sat on his royal throne in the royal house a lot of royal facing the entrance of the house so it was when the King saw Queen Esther standing in the court she found favor in his side and the King held out to Esther the golden scepter that was in his hand and Esther went near and touched the top of the scepter and the king said to her what do you wish Queen Esther what is your request it shall be given to you up to half of the kingdom and so Esther answered please increase the limit on my credit card so I can buy more shoes from China I'm just checking if you listen to your heart and Queen Esther answer we're about to die kill Haman that's not what it says if it pleases the King let the king and Haman come today to the banquet that I have prepared for him she knew the key to every man's heart it's food especially good food mama's food she says I want you to come to my banquet dear lord I ask you that today you will open our hearts to your word to your faith and I pray that you will help us to receive what we came for today in Jesus name Amen I want us to see first of all is when Haman the enemy who's been there for generations before resurfaced that Esther's first reaction to dealing with Haman was not political or physical now this problem that her life would be destroyed the Jewish people would die this a real problem it was a it was not a spiritual made-up mystical problem somewhere and on Mars this was here right here you could see it everybody gonna die die means no more physical problem real problem Esther unlike many people in Babylon had a position which she could leverage to solve that problem she was in a very high political place in fact she was so close I'm pretty sure she had a speed and speed dial many of the governor's many of the people who influenced different territories she could have easily pull the strings called a committee created a campaign create a GoFundMe account she could have did some physical things to pull the strings influence her husband who was the king to move upon the Supreme Court of that land to reverse the law but when Esther hears of this problem that is physical I want you to see what Esther does not do she doesn't lean on her political connections she doesn't lean on her political abilities she calls the whole nation now this is the girl she didn't win a championship of the cutest girl on Instagram this girl she was the queen she was the most influential when it comes to women she had a platform she had to look she had the favor but this girl she got brains in order to discern that this problem is spiritual and it doesn't require my political connections and my good face it requires something bigger it requires spiritual spiritual solution she gets the whole nation to do what fast and pray he doesn't create a go fund account let's defund Mordecai she doesn't call up her connection she says I want to bring the whole nation to fast and pray dear friends having a good looking body and no brains here is no good having big pocket but not seeing the spiritual world is no good having a status of a millionaire but not understanding that the world you live the spiritual is not good the Bible says we do not wage a war in the physical realm we fight a spiritual warfare this war exists right now whether you like it or not whether you like to admit it or not whether you are engaged in this warfare or not it is up to you and I and that is why fasting and prayer is not an option to people who understand the world they live in is spiritual the problems we face might be physical but many times many times the roots of those problems are not visible to a human eye that's why therapy that's why counseling that's why many times medicine all of that numbs those problems but many many many times they don't necessarily fix them what am I trying to say many of our problems that we face right now are physical but the roots are spiritual and their solution has to be not fists but knees when I went to a grou conference in Portland the second largest Church in America the Church of Highlands and they hope as a whole system called a growth tract and all of this stuff and we used that system then a senior pastor Chris Hodges he does this whole thing of describing how they bring people to church how they disciple them all of those things that I know some of you guys even do here as well and then at the end he does this thing when he talks about prayer and fasting how they do twice a year 21 days of prayer and fasting and something that shocked me hearing they're from from American churches especially Church that size and he says if you do every single thing that we do but you don't pray and you don't fast he says it will not work and this is why because church is not a social club Church does not scratch my back I scratch your back Club Church is a spiritual place Church is a place where people get plucked out of hell and put into heaven Church is a place where the warfare is being done for the souls of people because church is a place that deals with eternity of people and there are spiritual forces that do not want that to happen and they occupy the Bible says they live in the heavenly places and when you fast and pray now you might not understand anything about spiritual world and that's completely fine but something happens when you pray and fast the spiritual world begins to move when Moses lifted his hands on the mountain and Joshua fought on the bottom of the mountain against the Malachi's anytime the hands were up Joshua was winning when the hands went down Joshua was losing so the victory did not depend on how strong Joshua was it depended on how high his hands went up I genuinely believe they Jesus says this kind doesn't come out by prayer and fasting there are forces of darkness can never be crushed in our city and in our region except if we pray and fast fasting and prayer is not an option for people living in the broken world not only if we humble ourselves by it not only we see God but it's like Daniel who fasted 21 days and the Prince of Persia the Bible says he was occupying Prince of Persia wasn't the guy who was sitting on the throne it's the guy who occupied the guy who sat on the throne it was a spiritual entity and when Daniel fasted and prayed Daniel wasn't rebuking the devil then he was just fasting they know as a seeking God but God's angels we're moving on his behalf I'm not saying to go demon hunting and looking for Devils behind every bush what I'm saying is you get on your face before God and recognize that everything that you face in life you can't fix because you have more degrees than a thermometer you can fix because you got connections you can fish because you finally reach 10,000 followers on Instagram you can fix just because you got money in your bank account or just because you have a good health insurance you none of that stuff really matters if what you're facing is spiritual what matters is our prayer and humility before God and it's fasting I challenge some of you and in fact when your church is fasting and you are not and you don't have a health problem why what can be any other excuse except your laziness I'm going to die really most of us will die because to overeating this is not third world country we live in the nation where most of our diseases is because we eat too much you're not gonna die you will actually live and very long perhaps because you drink it too much dr. pepper and that's a cleansing system you're not going to die it's gonna feel like your flesh is going to suffer for a little bit but then you either gonna break your flesh or you cannot break your heart one thing I challenge each one of you there is no excuse when the church I don't like forgive me I just get a bit emotional when I talk about this because as a church we fast three three days every month so after our last Sunday every month then we do Monday Tuesday Wednesday after the last Sunday every single month we've been doing this for the last few years and and this is not a like oh if you feel like really what would you think that will be except I don't know how I feel about attacking up today really well you don't wake up in the morning and your flesh doesn't say well I don't feel like attacking you today that doesn't happen that's not an option people have built a life of prayer and fasting to Christians today it's like it's like a super life there's a basic life will you don't do anything you're couch potato and then there's like a deeper life no no no that is the only Christian life we have it's me that we follow Jesus or we don't follow Jesus nothing in between I just sensible condemnation glad coming from you if you're lazy self is offended I'm happy my goal is to electrocute the fence you're sitting on right now if you're sitting on the fence between this or between that my goal is to make you to jump this way or that way if God is the word July just says we follow him if he's not we pack our bags go smoke pot and go to hell but we don't choose to go to hell that means we need to go run after God 100% and the problem with many of us when we serve the devil we went all the way and when we serve God we do bare minimum when we did drugs 500 dollars every single month went to do drugs and our tithing record is fifty dollars a month what kind of madness is that so we could spend money on drugs that destroyed us and we can't be generous I don't believe in tithing you tied to the kingdom of the devil and you can't tie to the kingdom of God get rid of that Judas problem and give God everything that you got you only got one life you have no right to live a normal life if he died a brutal death and if that offends you look at the cross there is no right I have to live a normal life if my Savior died a brutal death for a wretch like me we owe to live with every fiber of our being for him that means humbling himself that means praying that means fasting and when we do that things shift in the realm of the Spirit you may not feel it you might not see it but it does happen you're praying and I believe even as the new campus is starting as the new service is starting without prayer and without fasting in this country now we can bring people from other churches please understand moving money from my savings to my check-ins doesn't make me richer we can make better music better programs but a young lady who shared a testimony from another country the last people don't come because only come because of God social media brings them to church only Holy Spirit brings them to God we have today pretty much 50 percent of all the people that come to our church come to social media that's why we put a lot of emphasis on social media we stop doing television we stop very much doing everything putting all the money into social media because it brings a lot of people to church about once they are here only the Holy Spirit can bring him to Christ because the gospel is offensive we believe in a guy who became a man and died and rose again that's offensive and if that's not offensive I don't know what is is and only the Holy Spirit can convict somebody's heart we pray out loud we pray passionately and our services are not microwaves they're not an hour and 20 minutes there are two hours and 30 minutes and that's not gonna happen that's not gonna be for normal people and I don't want normal I want God to convert people I want people to be saved to be saved to be born again not just to pray a sinner's prayer I like what Charles Spurgeon said they said that because Charles Spurgeon had this follow-up program where the next morning at 5:00 in the morning they had to show up at his office and they said if somebody gets saved by next morning they'll lose the conviction he says if you put a nail in the needles in the eye of a bull he says it will not stop hurting by next morning what he was saying he says when the Holy Spirit wounds a soul like that he says it will stay there and to do that we need God we need to move of the Holy Spirit we need a shift in the realm of the Spirit and for that to happen that's why we pray that's why we fast that's what the church is doing 21-day fast and I ask you if you have not been doing it if you've been Fe this is for them this is not for me I rebuke you kindly in Jesus name and I asked you to snap out this year is not supposed to be the same year that wasn't last year for you and most likely those of you who are saying stuff like that right now you have issues you're fighting you can't beat on your own perhaps one of those issues is a passive spirit is this passivity this couch potato thing or you just don't feel you just don't did you just don't have that and that can be broken if you get on your knees if you put the foot away and say lord I need you more like Esther I don't rely on my looks I don't lie my connections I don't rely on my committees Lord will rely on you so the first thing is that we have to win the battle in a spiritual realm if we want to see the change in the natural realm number two we see that Esther after three days when she fasted and prayed I'm sorry I kind of went off a little bit right now so pastor you take care of that afterwards yeah sorry I kind of I feel better secondly is that we see her that after the third day of fasting Esther she put on her royal garments the Bible says and she went to the Royal Palace to see the king so the fasting I believe it changes things in the realm of the Spirit it breaks the peerage of strongholds yes it helps us to humble ourselves there's a lot of benefits of fasting and your pastor there are phenomenal teaching you can see that YouTube four types of fasting and so there's a lot of teaching that that is in this house so I don't want to take time to talk about that but that's one of the things that it does is it changes things in the realm of the Spirit but the second thing that I want us to see for us to experience true freedom is is not only to pray and fast and to fight spiritual forces but secondly is that we have to put on a royal garments instead of rags of our problems what does it mean it means that we have to mentally dress up instead of dress down we have to dress up in royal garments instead of dress down in rags Esther could have easily been dressed down in rags of a problem her heart was broken her nation was about to be wiped out she just fasted for three days she could have easily put on the worst kind of that she had a rip to put holes in him and walk into the king like some kind of a beggar and plead and beg but I want you to see the Esther didn't see the change yet Haman was still there and he was still smiling and laughing he was still near to the king but Esther did not wait for the change in life before she changed how she thought how she perceives herself and saw how she carried herself that tells me that spiritual breakthrough in the spiritual realm must lead to having a breakthrough in your heart or in your mind before there's a breakthrough that manifests itself in your life meaning renewing of the mind precedes the transformation of her life Romans chapter 12 verse 2 it says the presidential bodies as a living sacrifice and it says this do not conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of our mind what it means is that don't let your mind be conformed to what's happening around in your life right now let it be transformed by what God says in his word but what hinder is that in our life many times is that we say well but my life is not changed yet my kids are not serving God yet but I don't have a boyfriend I don't have a job but my bills are not being paid for but I don't know what to do with my future but I'm still battling with this pain from my past and so until all of that is taken care of only then my mind will be changed that tells me your mind is conformed to your world instead of transformed by his word don't dress your mind down to the world you are in dress it up with the word that you living in the truth of God Jesus says you shall know the truth and what the truth will set you free that tells me that the freedom exists is not only on the level of the spirit where Jesus comes and rebukes the devil with the anointing of God breaks the yoke but that is the freedom that exists through knowing the truth the brakes certain things here break certain things here breaks my speech pattern breaks my how I feel how I think and how I speak and that leads me to freedom if you don't see freedom after fasting and after praying the Lord wants you also to fill your mind with his truth to that degree that it changes how you see yourself presence of truth doesn't make anybody free the same way as presence of soap doesn't make anybody clean you can have a truckload of soap in your garage and stink like a skunk none of you do I know so relax but soap it doesn't make you clean it's applying soap that makes you clean putting it whatever you want it to be clean that's where you put the soap and you don't just kind of put it casually religiously no you scrub it and when you have negativity when you have brokenness here you have to take that truth and you gotta scrub your soul with it it's good it's important to pray it's important to fast after three days Esther put on the royal garments and that tells me that after I pray after I fast I also have to take the Word of God and I have to let it conform me instead of me being conformed to my situation and me being conformed excuse me to my problem or whatever I am going through right now the problem happens with our problems is that when you stay in them so long they begin to affect how you think and how you feel that even if the Lord takes you out of that problem you still think the same way it says it explains why Israel though leaving Egypt still were slaves because when you stay in slavery for 400 years it's not just a place it becomes your identity I think I'm sure this few years ago is when they did an experiment on the fish one butter CUDA fish they put a butter could a fish in the fish tank and they put other small fish in the fish tank but I could a fish is not born again sure she eats other fish for living so she went to the other side and ate the rest of the fish they put a glass in between the Barracuda fish and other fish they put a glass there and so butter could a fish can't see through the glass and so it was going to the other fish and bam hit the glass stretch yourself realize okay maybe I shouldn't be going that fast next time so next time it went a little bit slower it still hit the glass third time it hit the glass fourth time it realized don't go to the other side they removed the glass after a few days and the Barracuda fish never went to the other side glass was no longer there why because the glass there was in think after hitting it so much went into her mind if it happens with the fish it happens with people after you experience hurt and abuse after you experience certain things for so long many times what many of us do is we're like Titanic we're letting the world that's on the outside to get inside and we become conformed to that world that we are in and therefore our mind are dressed in rags we can pray and fast but if we don't change the mental dress code and we don't put the truth of God inside of us if we don't change who we are because of what God says instead of being defined by what we feel what we see what people have said about us the labels we've been given what we've experienced if we don't do that we will continue to live feeling like nothing is changing even if God changes everything and everyone and then we do this prayer change everybody Lord change my husband change the president change the pastor change the Deacons change my children change the weather and God while you add it change yourself but just don't touch me because I wait for everybody to change and only then I'll feel better Bible says do not conform yourself to the world be transformed by the renewing of your mind meaning we have the truth of God and we have to allow to define who we are many of you here you're young people and you probably have a nice car from what I've seen in the parking lot god bless your soul but many of your cars have salvage title shall we ask raising of the hands no no do that no shame and condemnation to those who are in living stream Church amen what is the salvage title Russians understand it's very simple you bought a car on the auction for a little discount and then Victor at that shop he fixed it for you for half price car any action just means the car been through something had had a rough day and then you had somebody else fix it they fixed if they fixed it really good an average Joe is not gonna see the difference he's gonna see your car it's the same man you got a nice car and you're gonna say yes they do it do you have to sell it and they look at the car I mean 45,000 miles and until you're a Camry super deal looks great clean smells good until you have to tell them of what it says on a title deed and then the atmosphere changes they said well this car um - that is a salvage title oh okay well I'll call you later then that's why salvage cars they don't sell as good as the other cars most banks will not loan your money everything's fine with the car something's wrong with a title deed why because what the car went through went and a title deed and because of that word and the title deed in the glove box rebuilt salvage it reduces the value of the car causes conversations to be awkward and makes you have a great car but no you don't have a great car and many people exactly what the devil does you go through stuff and those problems and go into the glove box of your mind and people start treating themselves settling for less why because well what I've been I've been I've done drugs or I've been delivered from this or in my past life you know I've lost virginity I've been struggling with this before and so what happens even if god delivers you the devil says well that's great that he delivered you want make sure let me put a stamp on your consciousness and on your mind that you are salvaged why because as long as you think you're salvaged you'll always sell yourself for less you will make your life painful you will say no Vlad I don't do that you just people think of me like that have you ever tried to pay your utility bills with people's opinions people's opinions are like feet everyone has them and sometimes they stink what people say is one thing the question is what do you think the question is what do you feel what do you speak what does it say on your mind now does it say what God says the truth of God or does it say your has your history or your past or your mistakes does it say because my Bible says those who are in Christ are new creation I didn't find that there it says built it didn't say those who are in Christ our salvage title it says those school in Christ our new creation but see the church will see you people will see you you will see you as we build and that's why when you fight in the spiritual run you have to also fight in the realm of your mind will you remove what the world says what you say what others say what you feel and put only what God says about you and the truth of God's Word you might say but what if it's not true you have to understand is that the truth of God is the truth everything everything that facts could change but the truth never changes Mohammed said I'm the prophet of truth Buddha said I'm the seeker of truth Jesus said I am the truth in other words you got to know Jesus intimately then it affects the title deed that's in your glove box right now so many young ladies they've had a sin in their past before they came to Christ and after they've repented but there is a thing that exists in their title t that says but I've lost my this I lost my dad and therefore God can never send me a great man God can never send me a great marriage God can never bless me with a great future who told you that they did did he say that remove the racks put on the Royal garments and you will see what God will bless you with because you don't you don't attract into your life what people say you attract what you believe and you can believe God's Word and you can believe your feelings and other people's experiences and I want to challenge each one of you here today begin to change how you see yourself based on God's Word instead of how you feel for example if you're battling with sin when you fight when you fast when you still Lord deliver me from that you call for prayer somebody prays for you like man I feel God delivered me you get up from that prayer you must change how you see yourself that means like a brother mentioned you no longer see yourself as a sinner who's trying to get righteous you see yourself as a righteous who fights sin and we say oh it's just a play of words it's not a play of words it's a change of position because one says I'm a sinner the other one says I'm a righteous and Bible tells me that the righteous person falls seven times and he what now wicked the next verse it says the wicked Falls by calamity meaning the wicked doesn't even fall into sin he falls by a problem and he can't get up why because of who he is a righteous man is pulled as a lion that means that I have to adjust when I become a Christian when I become free when I receive deliverance from God when I feel things shifted in the realm of the Spirit something has to shift in my mind I no longer associate myself with my sin or my struggle I associated myself with Christ I died with him I live with him I see I'm sitting with him I am in him do I still fight sin of course I do sometimes even stronger than before but I don't fight a sin as a sinner I fight a sin as a son I am a son who fights a sin I'm a righteous person who fights a sin I always tell a church I tell them to tell yourself all the time I'm not a weak person trying to get strong I'm a strong person fighting weakness I'm not a sinner trying to get righteous I'm a righteous person fighting weakness I'm not a sick person in fact trying to get healthy I'm a healthy person fighting sickness every doctor will tell you there is nothing wrong with your body if they remove that virus they remove that cancer if they remove that little thing your body's fine therefore you can't let one little cell or one little tumor or one of the cysts change who you are now that doesn't mean you reject the reality of the problem the sickness the issue the de strano the problem it just means you don't make it who you are you make it who you are whose you are and from that position you fight it does not mean that when I renew my mind that I am righteous in God I am victorious that that means that's it the devil comes like okay I give up no in fact he will fight you stronger when God came to Joshua and says Joshua I gave you promise land you did not see media nights and Jebusites and all of the other eyes they didn't come and said Joshua we surrender none of them surrendered in fact every piece of promised land joshua warned by war but he got the victory before he got the battle you have to have victory before you fight from God from the Holy Spirit victory over sin victory over doubt victory over depression victory over sadness it comes from renewing your mind by his word you may say but what if like that doesn't actually work if that doesn't work the Sun will fall out of its orbit and the earth will stop having gravity if God's Word doesn't have power we're toast I trust in his word now does that mean that all this we see what we pray for what we believe no does that mean the righteous men that never Falls he still Falls in fact sometimes such a knucklehead falls seven times he still righteous because he gets up he anchors identity in something new you know I'm sure this in a brief yesterday what I've seen happen with my wife when we got married my wife was battling with chronic nightmares and loneliness and sense of rejection it was very difficult for her to connect in church in the ministry that she was in and I thought this is just normal way of couples adjusting she's in a new place you know our church is kind of dear friend and maybe it's gonna take in six seven seven eight months and six seven months you know past but it wasn't changing and I started to recognize there was a spiritual problem because any time that she would sleep she would have these just attacks it was a tax in her sleep attacks at or night and she had a really difficult time working she had a difficult time being a church and she just wanted to go home now as a pastor you know it's kind of breaks your heart when you know your own wife doesn't want to be in your church there's no way you can explain it and so I didn't tell it to anybody and secondly you know I'm I cared a lot about my reputation at the time you know we would come to church or church at the town's very small our friend meetings on Tuesday they were just a bunch of friends and relatives at one small room maybe 10 people 12 people so if somebody is not praying like it's clearly evident and so and it always happened that my wife like on those days that she just like it's like she just had this akio's disease the spirit of silence becoming she wouldn't pray and you know I'll put a costal like we need to plaque drei like you don't feel the spirit you gotta show you got it so what were there you know no matter if I had an argument with my wife or not that going you know and I'm like you know you got a thank you to you make it and my wife stands there and one thing I love about my wife she's never fake to the point that embarrasses me sometimes she will always be true to herself she doesn't feel she never faked it so she just stood there and my pastor my uncle looks you know I'm like I'm trying to cover my wife so nobody sees that she's not prank I'm embarrassed you know I supposed to have a praying and fire wife you know brother from another state you know there's another city and so you know she needs to show that hey I made a right choice yeah and she wasn't praying for a long time so we started to pray for her freedom and then I decided to you know decide you know what as a man of God I need to deliver my wife from her demons and then you know when you stop being a husband to become a deliverer in your house you quickly find out ain't gonna work so I laid my hands on her prayed for her with oil with everything that I had and and nothing and she was very very kindness amiss if she let me pray for her and then you know I started to tell her come on you know you're stronger and you can do this come on they shouldn't affect you you you can beat this you know and I tried to push her into into that try to make her to press it listen I don't have this and I pray a lot and you don't pray you need to pray more you need to read the Bible more and of course the more I told her what to do unless she wanted to talk to me then of course God taught me that God didn't call me to deliver my wife he called me to love her and that was a very painful revelation and so when I started to love her and literally and all the guys will understand maybe uh I chewed it in my mind I acted with her as I would act if somebody I had that I was married to who was not a Christian just to give her space it's the Lord I'm gonna love her I'm gonna pray for her and I'm gonna be there with her cuz I can't change that woman I mean I can't even change myself the Holy Spirit started through his work and all these prayers that we prayed they had some effect in the spiritual world but she still had exactly same feelings exactly same thoughts and exactly seeing nightmares at the point he was working a post office and she decided to start filling her mind with the Word of God she was able to because her work allowed her to that she was able to listen to podcasts and listen to the Bible from five to six hours Monday through Saturday for two years and I started to see a change in my wife she still had the nightmares she still couldn't connect in the church she still had those moments but now I had freedom not to change her because I knew it's not happening but to be there to love her you can't grow a flower by pulling her you got a water the flower and so and then this truth started to change how she started to think so when she would have those nightmares when somebody was choking or somebody was attacking her when she would wake up she now wanted to pray instead of saying I want to do anything she now would rebuke you say no this doesn't belong to me that is not who I am I'm a child of God now she was static Authority and then instead of waiting for all the girls in the church to accept her and welcome her she just found the ones that nobody wanted to be with and started to homegroup with them I remember at one particular time you know I was trying to before this trying to really set her up with her sister because her sister was her best friend so I wanted to bring her sister you know marry one of the guys on our team and I kind of set up a blind date and her sister ran from that day Dickens came she said who's that weirdo I was like oh come on it's really hoping that you know that you marry him so you can move here she's like even if I'll marry him I'll take him there here's I'm not moving here because I was thinking the solution would be if I just bring some friends to my wife it will it will solve the problem and nobody wanted to move and then when all of this started to change within about a year and a half to two years when they start to change the nightmares subsided her ministry started to open up without me trying to push her into anything she has she's on her own started to serve other girls started to minister to others her prayer life changed well today you know I see her every day Monday to Friday you know for one hour from 6 to 7 o'clock but pretty much every single day I see her at church praying on her own I don't tell her because I go to the loo but earlier I don't tell her to do it I'm checking her now that that prayer life started our relationship changed her sister got married to my brother and move to our city God does miracles and she loves our city now you know but now my wife doesn't need her sister we tell our sisters like we don't need you now ok you can move back but but you can stay and today God goddess goddess I've seen a change in her through changing of her mind by the Word of God the situation was still there but when the word of God becomes more real through the quickening of the Holy Spirit I am NOT talking about building some fantasies that you dis and that another I'm talking about aligning yourself this is what God says and this is Who I am I remember when I had to do that for my own self because I looked in the mirror for a long time I struggled with insecurity it was so chronic that I didn't want to live at the age of thirteen and a half I skipped keyboarding class at Hanford high school in Richland because I was so shy to speak in front of 22 students I was skipping school I didn't tell my parents stood at the bus station for six hours because I was scared to stand in front of people and my prayer at the time was God caused an accident so I will die because this world will be a better place without me in it and partial was because of my physical appearance and God never fixed my face yes I had two eye surgeries and they didn't help because I thought if my face will change if God will do some cosmetic surgery I will change how I feel inside I will be accepted I tried to find an acceptance in church at the time the church was small and we still had it in Russian language so there was pretty much three poor positions you can be involved in behind on the sound board I got kicked out I said elephants stepped on my ear the second place was to lead worship they said you're deaf they kicked me out of the worship team I'm not making this up and the third place was to read poems I follow embarrassing for a guy to reform the church I did it once and it was done from the come on board it can be below than this let the ladies read the poems they can't preach anyway or they shouldn't be preaching anyway and the last one is preaching you know in the Slovak Church you know you would preacher so I couldn't figure out which language to speaking I've always mixed up my languages English wasn't good Ukrainian I already butchered it and the Russian I couldn't pronounce it so my preaching wasn't good so there I am holding us looking for something to clean myself to school bus and work the church literally kicks me out of the four departments they got you know funny as it is now but it wasn't funny when you're thirteen and a half years old and you tried to find who you are you know how many rags I had here million of them and it wasn't a miracle it was it some kind of a touch of God and all of that was gone it was step by step taking these words fearful and wonderfully you made and looking in the mirror said Lord okay I can't look at that mirror I'm gonna look at this one Lord I'm gonna look at your word and I'm not gonna look at how my skin is stretched over my skeleton I will look at the fact that you made me in your image and their likeness did I feel that no did I look like that no but it's what he said and when that changed me on the inside today as I'm speaking to you I'm not afraid of you and when you're looking at me you're not looking at music what happened to that guy's eye the reason why you don't thinking that because I don't care about it and if you are thinking not good if you're thinking I don't care about it cuz I'm already married okay so your opinion doesn't matter I'm a living with this the God's truth can transform your mind it will change how you will live it will change how you will minister it will change how you will relate to your children to your spouse and in your business remove the rags or replace him with royal garments Church are you with me are you ready for just one more and we're gonna pray lastly so spiritual world is changed by fasting and prayer the mental capacity our mental emotional world is changed by the truth of God's Word instead of our feelings truth of God's Word and number three is and this is the part that we've read earlier excuse me Esther comes after fasting dressed up she comes to the presence of the king and remember when I've read that Esther said to the king if it pleases the King let the king and Haman come today at the banquet that I have prepared for him now think about this you have a problem you're about to die all of your family is gonna die and this is the guy who allowed it to happen who happens to be your husband you haven't seen him for thirty days and he's the only one who can change something and he asks you a question Esther what do you want what would you say help we're gonna die please we would create panic I mean it's Martic I did that he screamed he yelled we would be like my bartimaeus son of David have mercy what touches me about this story the most is that Esther did not ask for her freedom she asked for a meeting with the king she asked to give him a meal something she knew he would really like so my third and final point is don't use God as a means to a goal make him your goal don't use God as a means to get freedom make God your goal many of us don't think of it like that that you can use God to get freedom mm-hmm and then we leave him because when we're in bondage we fast and we pray we cry out every prayer meeting we're there every article we're there we don't care what people think but then something takes place we become calculated we become confident we mature it becomes something because we're free now that passion that existed before that that drive that that flame inside because you can scream and not have a flame but when that's flame there you only you and God know that that heat inside the heat for God's love this this is passion for the Lord that was there that was fueled by the pain of life many times when the fuel is gone which is the pain of life many people have never transitioned to putting a fuel of their passion why because from the beginning God was not the goal he was just someone who helped us to reach the goal what was the goal I don't want to live in pornography I don't want to live in depression what is the goal I want to live a good life that was the goal God helped me to reach it and now they have reached the goal God is a sidekick that I need like a spare tire in case I find another goal I can't reach young people always ask me how to be used by God and I say this all the time stop using God make him your goal he will use you if you use him he's not the goal his gifts his power his freedom his breakthrough is good he wants to bless us with that but in Matthew chapter 6 verse 33 he doesn't say seek there he says seek him and everything else will be added my fear is in a passion for freedom in a passion for blessing in a passion even for the anointing in the passion for the miracles a lot of times God becomes just something that we use to get there and we can say the right lingo but the motives only the Holy Spirit can examine and I dare not today to try to correct your motives because I need God to help me correct mine but I will not read the prodigal son and they see prodigal son to his father and this is what he says he says father give me what is mine so many charismatic people pray that prayer give me what is mine give me my healing give me my breakthrough give me my blessing God is so good even when you're wrong he'll bless you he gave him his stuff and you know what happened to him the prodigal son left the father and then when he lost everything he came back to his father and I want you to see what he prayed now he had nothing he came to his father and the Bible says he said father make me your servant let's not learn this lesson the hard way let's pray the first prayer let's pray the second prayer first let's do what Esther did instead of coming to the king and saying King deliver me King help me say King can we have a meeting with you in the nine chapters of Exodus 17 times Moses told to Pharaoh let my people go and he gave this reason he didn't say because they are suffered enough let my people go why because they're in pain why because you're not paying them wages they don't deserve this suffering this is madness is he did not say that's why you should let my people go he said let my people go that they might serve me God did not see any other reason for deliverance and freedom except the fact people who be available to serve Him Israel missed the point because when they came out of Egypt the only thing they did is complained and whined and worship cows God doesn't think that he delivers you so you can be better he thinks he delivers you so you can replace your monster and put himself as a master in that place so you can worship Him most of us don't see deliverance the same way what if we adjust right now and think a little bit differently I want you to rise to you thank you for watching this content I know this was a blessing to you we would like to ask you to subscribe to our Channel and click on the bell on our channel so that each time we upload something you can be notified don't forget to share this content with your friends and family and on social media we're so thankful to you better is not good enough the best is yet to come
Channel: Vlad Savchuk
Views: 4,465
Rating: 4.961165 out of 5
Keywords: vladimir savchuk, hungry generation, vlad savchuk, good news church, pastor vlad, tri-cities wa pasco, sermons by vlad, messages by pastor vlad, deliverance, healing, supernatural, sermon on fire, messages, sermons, pathtofreedom, deliverence, brakefree
Id: UopWp69rwB0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 38sec (3938 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 30 2020
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