Introduction to Kabbalah - Rabbi Yom Tov Glaser

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Absolutely fascinating, and insightful. It’s funny how much overlap you start to find between different ancient doctrines, mythologies, and mysticisms, and how they can often connect to scientific discoveries/theories today. Thank you very much for sharing... peaked my interest enough to want to do some further reading on this. I’m sure it’ll become quite the endeavour though, it seems there’s a lot of information to unpack and reflect on... I’m sure many devote a lifetime simply to understand and make sense of these wisdoms.

👍︎︎ 28 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jan 08 2019 🗫︎ replies

Well, bouncy Matt Stone, how come Adam didn't see the snake trolling Eve, if he could see trough matrix of creation?? /s

Interesting angle tho..

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/zelenisod 📅︎︎ Jan 08 2019 🗫︎ replies

Good stuff. Never considered the word ritual originating from spiritual. It’s so simple, it’s silly to never have seen it before.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/dangeruser 📅︎︎ Jan 09 2019 🗫︎ replies

It is appropriate to study one form of constructed and organized distortion of the archetypical mind in depth in order to arrive at the position of being able to become and to experience archetypes at will. You have three basic choices. You may choose astrology, the twelve signs, as you call these portions of your planet’s energy web, and what has been called the ten planets. You may choose the tarot with its twenty-two so-called Major Arcana. You may choose the study of the so-called Tree of Life with its ten Sephiroth and the twenty-two relationships between the stations.

It is well to investigate each discipline, not as a dilettante, but as one who seeks the touchstone, one who wishes to feel the pull of the magnet. One of these studies will be more attractive to the seeker. Let the seeker then investigate the archetypical mind using, basically, one of these three disciplines. After a period of study, the discipline mastered sufficiently, the seeker may then complete the more important step: that is, the moving beyond the written in order to express in an unique fashion its understanding, if you may again pardon the noun, of the archetypical mind.

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jan 09 2019 🗫︎ replies

Interesting stuff. Average folks like myself won't really get any of this. But next age is probably about unity and stuff. So may be eventually knowledge bases would come together and build a better world and better human lives and people would be totally different beings. That would be pretty cool.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/brihamedit 📅︎︎ Jan 08 2019 🗫︎ replies

Been researching Kabbalah lately, should’ve watched this video earlier! Thank you

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jan 08 2019 🗫︎ replies

i like how he skipped over the dark occult parts of it. the bad stuff is now longer accessible. That is the stuff i i am interested

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/eks91 📅︎︎ Jan 09 2019 🗫︎ replies

A lifetime to understand? spend 3 hours listening to the universe and bring original thought into existence

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/tokenkopf322 📅︎︎ Jan 10 2019 🗫︎ replies

Wait is this matt stone or not

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jan 12 2019 🗫︎ replies
you today we're doing an introduction to the Kabbalah we're going to be learning about the source of Kabbalah but not just learning the source I want to go one step further and to talk about how we know Kabbalah is true so we're going to put it together both what's the source of Kabbalah and also how do we know this stuff's real how do we know this isn't just a bunch of you know mystical I need a good word he BG I want to say huggable ooh or something like how do we know this stuff's real and especially when kabbalists you know sometimes say things that that affect our daily life like for example a great kabbalists said we don't were to fill in a Torah commandment we don't were to fill in on a holiday like Sukkot a holiday you don't wear it all week Passover all week we know where to fill in why we always used to where to fill in but came along a great Kabbalists who said we don't word to fill in on the holiday of Passover ons or on Sukkot what is the history of the Kabbalah let's start with our first cob list our first Kabbalists in history is Adam Adam is the first cob list Adam being this man who was kind of male/female and he it was decided by God that he should have a partner like he should have a life partner who is known as Eve but before Adam even had this partner called Eve God brought to Adam all of the created things and just brought him up to Adam and said please name them and Adam looked at the things and saw them and was able to name them and the tour goes on to say that whatever he named them was their true name like that was their name what's that supposed to be meaning every time Adam named something he like got it right on the nose that's the name a little bit of a strange thing that the Torah says that was its name but the idea behind it is that is that unlike water for example like I'm drinking water here unlike water which is comes from the Germanic vassar which has nothing to do with water necessarily it's a it's a code it's a a symbol the word water is a symbol to make us think of this stuff whereas the Hebrew word maíam Adam would have seen water and you'd already say you would say maíam that's Mayan cuz maíam is the water you would see a dog you know they brought a dog you know God brought him a dog up to him you say caliph kill a kill a of like like a heart loyal it's the most loyal creature to human beings there's no other creature like that that's so loyal to a live he looked up at the Sun and he saw and he says o Shemesh shin is carbon like shin is burning like flames with a mem in the middle which is hydrogen a burning ball of hydrogen Shemesh yeah you would look at the year calendar and Shana the word Shana is shin noon hey shin and Noonan hey is the is the equals three shin is 300 and known as 15 a is five 355 the lunar calendar Shana is the lunar cycle 355 so whatever Adam was looking at was the thing that he was looking at he was naming stuff how did he know how did Adam know this stuff in the answer is he's our first GABAA list he was a kabbalists he would and what does the mean he was a cobb list he was able to see from one end of the world to the other that's what it said about Adam he would see from one end of the world to the other what does it mean to see from one end of the world to the other see for us we think wonder of the world to the other means he saw like I don't know he saw from Jerusalem to the other end which is I don't know LA no you know if you put a pin through the globe it comes to right off the coast of Los Angeles in the Pacific out there yeah so if you ever want to know what's the exact opposite values of Jerusalem just go look in Los Angeles you'll see Adam didn't see distance when Adam saw was through the world's through the parallel worlds which is what the Kabbalah talks about is that our world down here this physical world actually has parallel worlds above it that are that are projecting gods projecting a light through the world just like this lights projecting over my head so it's projecting through and that light then is hitting these worlds which are then ultimately creating our physical world down here it's creating our physical world in this physical place right here so what happened was Adam could see from this world all the way up the parallel worlds which is several of categories of worlds all the way up to where God was projecting the thing that he was seeing now what happens is there's 22 letters to the holy alef-bet and God is projecting through the utterances of creation these 22 letters those 22 letters are going through inter calculations down this whole matrix there it comes out to 231 inter calculations all of bet olive gimel olive dolla dolla PHA bet Aleph bet gimel good it's an old algorithm and it comes to 231 but it gets exponential almost immediately and it's very very complicated but what happens avenge let's say we're talking about a dog is eventually the see like a Jew like a slot machine yeah the see her the calf of calaf collet caleb right the see goes chunk you know finally hits at the bottom okay cough you know coming down the next letter lammott next letter bit color and then all of a sudden whew here's a dog like aa dog you know so Adam was actually watching the letters from the upper world coming down the system all the way down until Scala cough LA mid bet Calif and then he named the dog he's like that's a caliph and gods like on the nose you got it it's a Calot that's so when God brought each creature to Adam to name it and it says that Adam could see from one end of the world to the other it was talking about Adam being able to read the whole creation the matrix of creation in the parallel realms until it weaves its way into physicality so therefore Adam was our first Kabbalists he saw all the way through creation and this is why during the hub doula ceremony we look into our fingernails to see the reflection of the torch the torches is has to do with Adam and we look in our fingernails because our fingernails are translucent because to Adam the world was translucent at least until he ate from the fruit the world was translucent he saw right through it and and only after he ate from the fruit did the world go opaque and he lost his Kabbalistic gifts if you will his ability to see through creation our next biggest kabbalists is Abraham Abraham was a heavy-duty Kabbalists and he even left us with a book abraham was left with and left the world with a book and in print for thousands of years now called the safer yet sarah the book of formation and it's all about how God formed creation safer yet Sarah the book of formation and that book is a it's been translated into many languages it's even in English but don't expect to understand too much of it but that's also how you can in it is how you can build a Frankenstein like they built a Frankenstein in Prague and one of the most famous Frankenstein's in Hebrew the Frankenstein is called a golem and there was the ghullam of Prague where the mahalo Prague the great rabbi of Prague built a a he built a golem a man made man and we learn how to make this man through this ghullam through the safer yet serie it's the book of formation so abraham osa was a very big cob list he understood you know all the details of the spiritual realms and he worked very hard to get there and and I'm sure plenty of it was gifted but a lot of it was his hard work then our next kabbalists that we're going to skip to would be the Jews at Sinai when the Jews received the Torah Mount Sinai it was National prophecy but once you getting prophecy you'll understand that that means you're now a Kaabah list what do I mean see right now none of us have prophecy we're all locked into this world we don't see through creation so all the step down conversions of the light coming all the way down to physicality all those step down conversions we don't see any of that we only are on the other end of the whole creation so we don't get to see the actual gradations where the power of creation is brought down lower and lower and lower we don't get to see that in prophecy you do get to see it in prophecy so what does it mean just like for example this light right above my head that's shining onto my hand is that that light is plugged into a socket that's 220 and all the power that's coming from the power plant in Jerusalem it's it's hundreds of you know it's probably a hundred million volts I don't know how many volts are coming out of Jerusalem's power plants but it's powering the biggest city in Israel that's being converted it's there step down conversions going lower and lower and lower until it finally hits 220 now if there's a power surge and it starts blowing through all the converters and now each converter instead of sending down a lower voltage is sending down the same high voltage so eventually we would hit this light or immediately hit the lighted brush blow light to smithereens that's prophecy see normally we don't get to see what's going on above this world normally we are limited to just seeing this view and our brains have been specific because your brain is awesome and your brain is it has a direct access to tap into much more but you have these things called inhibitors that inhibit your brain from being able to see what's really out there but God could uninhibit your brain or he could uninhibit the system to actually send down a much greater power surge but of course that would be very dangerous for you you have to be prepared to be a prophet and to be prepared to be able to receive that so this third examples I'm giving of Kabbalists is the is the Mount Sinai experience where everyone at Mount Sinai experienced the entire expression of God's oneness in creation straight through straight through unfiltered prophecy for an entire nation and that's a next example of really of Kabbalists now there were there were rabbis who studied the Kabbalah since Mount Sinai and continued to study it for years and years it was passed around orally passed along orally for over a thousand years but because of the Roman persecution so the so that it had to be written down rabbi Shimon bar Yohai wrote it down in this book called the Zohar and it's very cryptic it's very encoded and that encoded message that was written by rebbi shimon bar yohai of all the dialogues of our rabbis of the rabbi's of the Mishnah he and he basically he put their dialogue but the way the dialogue is it doesn't read like a newspaper it's very encoded in order that people don't get the details the dangerous details of creation because the kabbalah can be dangerous for you can be dangerous for others and who's all kinds of stuff that not everybody should know you have to be ready to know this stuff you have to be spiritually prepared for it there's a lot of criteria involved with knowing this kind of info and therefore when he wrote down the Zohar he wrote down the Zohar in a way that would be only understood by scholars those scholars studied the Kabbalah for many years it was always the higher echelons of Torah scholarship and eventually made its way down to the Aras all the arias all he meditated for years on the Zohar to try to kind of crack its code and he succeeded to crack the code and wrote down well his scribe rabbi hiyya VTOL wrote down all of his teachings of the uncoded zohar so the Zohar was decoded by the Aras all who's buried in spot he that decoding are called the writings of the re which funny the the re himself didn't write the writing but he has scribed it they're called their writings they re it's a very big compendium of uncoded Zohar it's written in Aramaic it's very hard to understand and so the uncoded Zohar called the writings of the re are actually pretty unintelligible to most people today meaning you have to be a massive scholar to understand the writings of the re today so here we thought he was doing I guess the world a favor by like encoding the Zohar but in our generation the writings the re are just as coated as the Zohar for most people rebbi shimon bar yohai and the aerosol and the Kabbalists that followed him especially in the Hasidic movement they all said that you'll know mashiac is coming when there will be a thirst for Kabbalah throughout the world meaning everyone's going to want to know the mystical aspects of creation that then you'll know it's time for Messiah so it's kind of cool that like you know here we are in this wild period of Jewish history I mean we're in the ultimate period of Jewish history they messianic era you know we get to be part of it we're watching it literally unfold in front of our eyes you know right be right beyond this this class you're hearing in Jerusalem is is the Temple Mount you know like when we're Torah classes taught here you know we are on the other edge of history it's really exciting the butt and all the Kabbalists said that in the end of days there will be a thirst for Kabbalah and we've all witnessed that as well and they all said it like all the key kabbalists said at the Baal Shem Tov said it they are they all said that there will be a great thirst for Kabbalah and that it's only and when the Kabbalah goes out there into the world that we're gonna see Redemption at categories of Kabbalah the first category is study the study of Kabbalah that's understanding how things work meaning it would be one thing to you know see the word water or Mayan and then it would be another thing to like dissect it and understand what it really means meaning it's actually literally to MEMS in a hood which is exactly the molecules of hydrogen's and oxygen and you would the letter U it is like oxygen right letter you're just floating in the air it's oxygen you presents' like oxygen and the MEMS or water or hydrogen and the actual letter so so when you're studying kabbalah you're studying about that stuff you're studying names of God you're studying how how God creates the world there's two major fields of study that are considered the biggest ones one is how God created the world and the second one is how God runs the world how God created the world is called massive or or the the act of creation and how God runs the world is called mass amir cava which is a little obscure it's called the the act of the chariot chariot what is that do the chariot the answer is the first chapter of the book of you Haskell Ezekiel describes a chariot and what is this chair in this chariot is how God actually runs the creation that's what the chariot is and it's incredibly difficult to understand both the act of creation and how God runs the world via this chariot they're extremely difficult to understand to the point where the Talmud says that you're only allowed to teach somebody how these two subjects are you know teach them about these two subjects if they themselves could know it on their own you know which is a very strange thing to say if they could know it on their own you don't need to teach it what it's saying is that you can give clues and indicators and they would and they would just kind of like not they would just kind of nod their head and say oh yeah yeah I get that you understand like you know what I mean you know like sometimes you'll learn something and it's like you Intuit it and it's almost like the teachers bringing it out of you but it's really in you know I mean by that so so that's what it's saying like you can only teach the act of creation and the act of the chariot or how got runs creation is the chariot you can only teach those things to someone who it's intuitive for them anyway they're on the level where they have this intuition and so you're really just drawing it out of them that's who you can teach it to you're also only allowed to teach it to two people at a time you know it's done in groups of three okay to learn those things but there's other categories of study for example what are what do things mean for example the tefillin what are these black boxes that were wearing so the tour doesn't describe that but the Kabbalah does Qabalah goes into great detail into every little law like why does the tefillin have to be above the hairline why can't your tefillin be below the hairline has to be above the hairline to the point where is below the hairline it's like you said God's name in vain when you made the blessing if it's below the hairline has to be above the hairline because it's got and so the Kabbalah teaches us it's got to be a near the soft spot of the baby because that soft spot is the window to the to the brain the cerebral cortex to your frontal lobe of your brain because the frontal lobe of your brain ready for this one because the frontal lobe of your brain is an atheist I mean what does it do it with a frontal lobe it just it's just billions of neurons that take in stimulus sight smell hearing touch taste well that doesn't tell me God when I touched him I don't know God I have to make you know I have to make that shift and say well you know really gods in this stuff but I have to make that shift inside my brain so a Jewish man starts his morning with a box that talks about ashens oneness show my Israel you know that Hashem is one he puts that over this part of his head to two perhaps and impress upon him for his day medicham is all there is and that's reality so it explains the mid so explain with the same explanation explains mezuzah when you leave your house to touch that mezuzah before you leave the house because your home your home you can create as a sanctuary of godliness once you walk out in the city streets or other stuffs going on out there and before you leave your house you want to touch that Mizzou's and just kind of go mmm walk out the door in just like this is all God to take it take a big thing to get to getting into getting anything yeah everything's got you know and you want to use every mezuzah you see you want to go head over to that was a touch that one okay you're on your way to a business meeting there's a mezuzah on that shoe store over there grab that mezuzah you know you know go up you just walk up Jaffa Street cuz then everyone zuzia fine you know just that way when you see the train drive by you just be like whoa there's God in the form of a train I just imagine the train go by we like a little space on it just going I mean yeah hello it's waving at you as it rises like so the kabbala the other form of study of Kabbalah is is all the details of the commandments what are all those things you know what is each of those mitzvahs that we do and also the prayer book you know you got the Jewish prayers that we rate what do you think these are like just a bunch of like things we got to make our lips busy with you know Berbatov is Brooke on top of that you know hallelujah that and like to get a get a get at me know every word has a numerical value every word has an essence to it every words taking you you know every Psalm of King David you click on that Psalm it takes you to a whole website of discussing what it's really about what was what's really happening in there so it's going into all the details you got a story about Abraham in the Torah the Kabbalah is going to go deeply into what that's about and what is even the name Abraham and the fact that it equals when you add it all up it equals 248 is that coincidental that they're 248 positive Commandments and Abraham is known for like proactively like going into the world and like making a difference you know and that's the positive Commandments his name is 248 this is another thing that the Kabbalistic study is going to teach you he's called I of rahama dozen that sound like father of ever and then it's and then it's the the name is his first name was I've ROM then he gets this hay in his name what does it mean to get a hey in your name you see ionut tom was yawning time then he gets Llorona Don now he's Yonatan Sarah was sir I'd she gets a hay in that Sarah what are these what are these Hays people keep getting yo sure gets yahushua why do people keep getting hazed what are these Hays all about you're going to Genesis and you get a small hay small hay in the second chapter I think the fourth line of the second chapter of Genesis you get a little little hay and it says these a Lou told us these are the the products of creation be he baram in there having been created with a hey be baram but it's a little hey in the tour why is there a little hey you're gonna have to look at the cup a lot understand that the cobble is gonna explain why is there a little hey should I tell you why there's a little hey biggie Burum so are kabbalists have two teachings off that one is don't read be he baram rather read be hey baram that god created the whole world with the hey which a the final hey of god's name his name is spelled good and then right hey and love and hey that final hey is what God used to create the world so it says these are the products of the heaven and the earth with a hey he created them you need the Kabbalah to know that and what does it mean that he created the world with a final him why is the hey little why is the letter of God's name little want the answer for that one too the reason it's little is because I mean think about it could there be a more humble being than God you know your God creating a whole world and yet you don't see him he's a little he makes himself little he lets you be big while he just is behind the scenes you know like some old Bubbe or something you know like made the whole meal but like won't take a compliment you know God's an old Bubbe he creates the whole universe and there's nothing but him yet no one sees him in fact you even meet people who don't even believe in him and God still creates still creates them creates its taste buds and a sin is in is uh you know optical nerves and they're pulling in all this stuff and let them enjoy the beauty of music lets them even create music you could have an atheist violinist using the the energy of God to create beautiful pieces on the violin and God just like that's cool you know you know if you want to ignore me okay make some good music though you know make people happy you know hope people enjoy the music you know order and I'll protect your hands no you're into uh you know extreme sports so you can keep playing that music yeah gods gods like super humble it's a little hey the other one is the other teaching is ulti crab be he baram don't read in their having been created rather read bit Avraham because the word be he baram in their having been created is the same exact letters as bit Avraham in Abraham these are the products of heaven the earth in Abraham what does it mean that they're in Abraham meaning meaning Abraham fulfilled the purpose of having created heaven and earth because Abraham made this his life and so therefore the heaven and earth were all created basically for aram and not from him like an ethnocentric whale ago though ruled was made for me you know that's not what it's saying what is saying is the whole point of the world was fulfilled by Abraham because God create the world for relationship and Abraham was the one who clawed his way through the physicality of creation he made that relationship said the same thing about the Jewish people at Mount Sinai God created the whole world for the Jewish people what does that mean I mean we get to walk around like God create the world for us no what it means is that were by living Torah by living the mitzvahs we're developing a relationship which was the whole point of creation and because we're fulfilling the point of creation so it's like the world was created for us now God created world for everyone for every being every mineral plant animal human being credited for everybody but because we by by by accepting and living the relationship with God so it says that the world was created for us cuz we actually fulfill the creation the point which is this relationship that was a very long explanation of the study of Kabbalah but you guys get the picture more or less so we had how God creates the world we have how he runs the world that's the chariot and we have also what are the meanings of the commandments and we also discuss how do you actually explain the verses of the Torah whether it's Psalms or it's Genesis or it's a story about Abraham or whatever it is it's explaining what the creation is all about the second category of Kabbalah is meditation it's using names of God there's many names of God and you use the names of God and to go all trips if you will to trip on the names of God and to go on these journeys meditative journeys go into meditation and you take these journeys into parallel realms that which we discussed a little bit going into these parallel realms and and going on these these journeys and there's a famous story the Talmud of four great rabbis who actually went on such a journey and they didn't do so hot in this story you know it says that four went into the orchard went into this meditative state called the orchard partes which is the Hebrew word of an orchard partes which is where we get the English word paradise because all words come from Hebrew paradise and partes orchard and the four men went into the orchard the four rabbis and only one of the four came out okay that was Rev Aquila he's the only one who really survived it and that's meditation of the Kabbalah so the first was study the seconds meditation using names of God most of the meditations say there's 26 types of meditation most of them are micro fish in Hebrew University you don't meet a lot of people who know how to do Kabbalistic meditation but they there are still some sorts and some forms of meditation that people are doing it's pretty rare these days most people are meditating on their smartphones third type of Kabbalistic using the Kabbalah is the third type is is matter manipulation it's called Kabbalah my seat my seat it's a it's actually using the names of God that you might have been meditating on to they matter to actually like bend spoons if you will I mean not that a cobbler's would ever bend the spoon I think God would probably go like you know if the guys doing tricks with Kabbalah you weren't supposed to do tricks with Kaaba although there have been a couple a responsible kabbalists most famous irresponsible Cowlitz who was just like doing party tricks you know it could be JC was doing party tricks but uh but the biggest most famous cut in Jewish history of the party trick Kabbalists was a man by the name of shop tights fee who lived several hundred years ago in Europe he was doing party tricks and getting everybody all excited because it was it was a very ignorant time Jews were living in poverty they may have been illiterate but they weren't scholars and it was tough times and we're under always under the gun of the nations around us it was not good times and and comes along shop tights fee to like save the day with his little like you know poof and using God's names for all this stuff whatever that ended an absolute disaster like millions of Jews lost the path of Judaism over this guy and and that's why you might have heard at least in Europeans farting never farted Jews never embraced this but at least in the European world Kabbalah became limited to people who were over the age forty knowing all of Torah they have to be married they have to have kids they have to like be super grounded and stable to learn the Kabbalah the Artic Jewry never embraced this ban on Kabbalah or this kind of criteria they continued studying kabbalah and you know kindergarten yeah just to mention regarding that ban is the dangerous Kabbalah is that they want people not studying until they're ready for it because of you know various reasons that dangerous Kabbalistic stuff is no longer accessible today so we don't have to worry about that anymore it's not no one would be able to understand that stuff I myself I mean I've been kind of emphasizing in the mystical traditions of Judaism for over 20 years now whenever I find my way to a piece of Torah that's the dangerous stuff I never can make heads or tails I don't understand what the world's going on over there we we just were just not on that level anymore we're not on the level of scholarship anymore to to be dangerous for kabbala to be dangerous to ourselves or to anyone else by you having studied it it's that clear so we don't worry so much about that ban matter manipulation was used also responsibly most notably in this little lab this is a little controversial because a lot of people want to deny this happen but the but the first pope was actually a Jewish scholar and this first pope who was this great scholar he was not Pope he was a rabbi in living in Jaffa he was a fisherman and to this day the Pope wears a ring that has a fisherman on it from this first pope but the first boat was actually just a great rabbi and the Jews were being terribly hassled by the early Christians who were hanging around Israel and he had an idea he says I'm if you give me permission he went to the sages he said if you give me permission I would like to go to the temple and ask the Kohanim for certain names of God that only they're allowed to use and I will use them create miracles get all the Christians excited about it and then move them out of Israel and they and he says but I'll do it under one condition that the punishment for doing such a thing will fall on all of us I don't want to take all the blame meaning all be the fall guy but we're sharing the punishment from heaven for using the names of God for this and the and they agreed he went to the temple and he got the names from the Kohanim and he started doing acts of wonders for the early Christians and when they all got like kind of rallied behind him he says we're moving to Rome and there M was like what is if that's right it's the Word of God we're moving to Rome and then all the early Christians like Rome it is you know we're with we're with bozo you know and they they all went to Rome this is 2000 years ago it's time of the beginning of Christianity and they moved to Rome and he became known as the first pope I'll give you one more example and that is a group of kabbalists used the names of God for rain during an extreme drought about I could tell you exactly how many years ago if I knew any math but it would be this is the sixth year of the shemitah cycle and it was uh it was seven years ago so is this the six year of the previous meets a cycle we needed rain really bad Israel just did not get any rain and so these Kabbalists went up in an airplane not that Kabbalists need an airplane but they did it they made a whole media event out of it and they they went up in an airplane and they flew around Israel I think three times they flew over Israel something that wouldn't be recommended today given the war we're in the middle of but they flew around Israel three times saying these very specific names of God that have to do with rain and including the certain supplications that bring rain and lo and behold satellite picture in a clouds form over the land of Israel there was no rain in Europe there was no rain in north of us northern rain in Turkey none of the rain even went over to the to Jordan literally clouds just formed by the time they got back to their cars from the airplane it started pouring rain I'll never forget the day and I actually it was pouring rain in Israel was in the news that they were doing it and I remember because I flew out into that storm I'm like oh great now I got to die because of a because of these Kabbalists storm here and I took off in the storm and the and when I remember when I landed in New York I called my wife right away and I was like honey is it still raining she it's raining cats and dogs was still raining and it rained for days and the rest of the winter continue draining properly but it but that was like three days of just of a downpour that these Kabbalists pulled off and so the same group of Kabbalists didn't exorcism also in Dimona where our nuclear power plant is there was an there was a possession there and they did it this was also live Israeli television and exorcism on live television and yeah actually a lot of people became observant over but well while watching that they're just like there must be a God you know watching the you know exorcism going on down there and his lady had a man's voice and she was like it was like trying to strangle her from inside it was her how do we know this Cabo lost us true we're going to close with that how we know the Kabbalah is true and we know this stuff's real and the answer is very simple it's just a little bit of job you have to know a little algebra and a little algebra because a you know if a equals B then and B equals C then a equals C type thing so it's like this I think the real question that one has to ask ask or get an answer for us is the toward divine if you know that the tour is divine you already have your answer that the Kabbalah is real let me explain why you see if tour is divine if you say the tour is divine so now you have a book that's from God okay it's totally divine well if you look in the Torah the Torah doesn't explain how to do the mitzvahs it keeps saying do this do that do the other but never told you how which means you've got to have an oral tradition to explain how to do things for example we already brought up the tefillin it says tota vote put tota folk between your eyes but it never explains what tota Fodor it tells you on Shabbat in no uncertain terms don't do mala ha but he never tells you what maloca is the Torah tells you to slaughter animals you want to eat an animal you got to slaughter it according to my instructions oh great let's flip through and find the instructions guess what no instructions it has to have an oral law there's no way for our Tara without an oral law if you don't have an oral law for our Tori you don't have a Torah so once you say the tour is divine what does that mean about the oral law the instructions that they are also divine it's just that rabbis throughout the generation transmitting down the generations how to do the mitzvahs how do you actually do them most of our laws just how to do the mitzvahs I know a lot of people have issues with rabbits but really they're just trying to explain how to complete a mitzvah from beginning to end how do you do the mitzvot that's the oral law how to do the mitzvot well we also have this amazing giant body of information called the Kabbalah which explains everything else how God created the world how God runs the world what is the real reason behind all the mitzvahs the problem on all of that well who are the rabbi's that you find in the Zohar the book that got written down during Roman persecution who are the rabbis when you open up the actual Zohar that are in this dialogue with each other and the answer is the same exact rabbis of the oral law that tell you how to make a period to fill in or how to keep Shabbat or how to slaughter an animal one stop shop it's the same dues you see these days if you want a holic tition a man who knows jewish law you go to this rabbi you want accomplished you go to the godless in those days one-stop shop it was the same guy it's the same exact guy so when you open up a Mishnah that's telling you how to build a mick for how to make a pair to fill in or how to keep Shabbat or had a slaughter an animal when you open up the Mishna says Rebbe Meir said this rebbi akiva said this Rebbe Shimon said this rib tarpoon said this when you open up the Zohar guess how it reads maybe Akiva said this rebbi shimon said this really mares them this really Tarpons in this rubbish mom said this room Hillel said this it's the same names the same exact people so if you're going to trust them for how to keep Shabbat if you're going to trust them for who is a Jew today if we're going to trust them for how to make a mikvah and how to judge when when someone should get in that nick for or not if you're going to trust the rabbis on all of that which we trust them for all of it even that you're a Jew today is only rabbinic we only understand that through the rabbi's door doesn't define it everything is rabbinic so if you're going to trust the rabbi's for you being a Jew today it's the same rabbis who teach us all these amazing mystical secrets of creation same dudes one-stop-shop sorry to call rabbis dudes but I think these days might have a little more street credit to call them dudes but they it's one rabbi dude okay it's one-stop shop the same rabbis that taught us the Mishnah meaning the oral law of how to keep the written law is the same rabbis who taught us the mystical secrets of the Torah so throughout history we have the written law it starts at Sinai comes down all the way through history we have it till this day with almost no discrepancies on how to write a Torah I think there's five letters in letter that are in dispute five letters that's radically accurate incredible incredible transmission and none by the way none of those five letters make a difference in the meaning so it's not even like then they make a difference in the actual meaning of those words coming down all of tradition is the oral law how to keep the written Torah and coming down all the generations is the Kabbalah it's the three pillars of Judaism the written law the oral law which splits into two the law itself and then the Kabbalah the mystical aspects of Jewish life and so for us today our job is to study the Torah but want to study as much as possible so we want to study the written law as much as we can we want to understand the written law via the oral law and we also want to understand what it's all about today there's a great thirst for it people aren't willing to just keep Judaism without knowing what it does what is it what is it really connecting me to today we all want connection and the kabbalah means to receive to receive a relationship to receive connection to connect to God to make Judaism a spiritual practice not just a bunch of of rituals but to make it a ritual to take the spirit of the couple on infuse the rituals with it and then Judaism is a truly spiritual tradition you
Channel: Hidabroot - Torah & Judaism
Views: 138,379
Rating: 4.6679897 out of 5
Keywords: hidabroot, hidabrut, judaism, jewish, ask, rabbi, question, halacha, jew, answer, q&a
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 17sec (2717 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 23 2015
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