How to Fake Interiors in Lumion - Step-by-Step Tutorial

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[Music] hey what's up guys Nunu here today I'll show you step by step how you can do interior Parallax in lumion this interior will give you the illusion that the room is fully modeled when in reality it's just a simple plane with the texture applied to it and saving you a lot of time so let me first show you here inside lumion how these Interiors look I set up this very simple scene here just to show you how this works and you can see that we have different depths here so these chairs in a different depth than this curtain here and this one it's turned off then we have here some Cafe and you can see the different levels of elements right and this room is a little bit bigger as well in in depth and we have here another one like a storefront and another one here and on the top we have some Interiors like this living room this one here it's turned off so we don't see much and then another one and another one here and so how can we make this work in lumion we're going to go to this website called shaders box and we are going to use their interior shaders so as you can see here they have several different textures for rooms for offices and for Commerce and also it comes with the night time and daytime so you can select According to which project we are working on also different sizes depending on the size of your room and they have a high resolution and low resolution and if you go here to the shop you'll see that uh they have different packs they have the offices the Commerce and the rooms pack are also all of it together but if you go to the top you'll see here grab the starter kit so if we click here you will see that they offer 12 textures the four rooms for office and four interior Commerce Interiors just for five dollars so it's quite cheap and you can test this and it includes the the night day and night versions and high resolution as well and so now let me show you step by step how you can integrate this in lumion so let me first show you that when you download any pack it comes usually with some models and textures as well and also the catalog so this catalog is quite useful because let's say that I want these Commerce I can open the PDF and now here I can simply scroll through the file and see which one I want so I can see here the the night version and the day version and I can see the height the width and the depth of this room usually it's best to keep it under these measurements but again if you increase like 10 or 15 percent usually it's not so noticeable so you have some flexibility and so you can scroll through these Interiors right and then you go here let's say Commerce and I have your textures and now you see here all of this Commerce name names so v9 so if I go here to v9 let's see which one is the v9 so it's this one okay and they'll come with this extension exr this this doesn't work directly in lumion we need to convert it to PNG first so we need to open Photoshop and so here I have this scene opened in Photoshop and the first thing we need to do is go to image then mode then we'll find that this is in 30 bit and we need to convert this to 16 bits so we click here and now we get these weird colors so we need to go here to method and select exposure and gamma press ok and now we can simply save this scene by pressing Ctrl s and now I already set here as full of new folder called pngs and I select here PNG and so I'm going to save this one as dng but it's not only that we also need to save go here to the channels and we'll find the alpha click it press Ctrl a to select everything you see by these marching ends here and now press Ctrl C and now click again RGB go to layers back and press Ctrl V to paste okay now we need to save this version so we press again Ctrl alt s to save go to PNG folder select PNG and what we're going to do is we will delete this part and underscore a which means Alpha and save it okay so this is how we convert the textures to PNG because we cannot use the axr in lumion so now let me show you how the models work so here I have my my scene that you saw in the beginning in Lumia and I have here this shaders box so basically let me just isolate just one of these elements so you can have a better look so each element it's like this inside is basically a box but inside it has this plane that will work to create some depth if I go here and activate the dimensions tool by the way this style comes in fbx so you can open pretty much in any 3D modeling software right now I'm using here a model but you can use in 3ds Max you can use in a you can open problem in SketchUp so anything will do and then you see the measurements right so I have here three meters and I have with 6.2 as I said this one was probably six meters the texture that I'm going to use but you can use between uh 15 to 20 percent of margin so it will fit the the room that you want and then I have 4.6 meters of height and another thing that you need to do is you just move this up so you see that I have several elements here right so if I want to have variation I need to set a different material ID for each one of them and also you see that these rooms if you scroll here I have some with a width of nine or a depth of nine some depth of seven you know this one has a depth of six sums of four meters so you need to create this variation as well in these boxes so here I have some with nine others with with six others with four so it really depends but you can then after doing this creating this variation you can select each element like this so if I start this one I need to create a separate material for each one of them so this one can be material one material ID 2 material ID 3 material D4 and here on the top you can start creating five but for example this one could be five as well because it will be quite far away and then if you add and mix some curtains and stuff like that it will not be so nervous that is a repetition so you can also work with that and when you do that you have your building and you have your boxes that will work as their interior parallax and you can import all of this into lumion right and then when you do so I'm going to select here let's say give me this one you need to assign a material to it so by default I'm just going to show you how it looks by default I'm going to make important material so this is by default so you can see there's nothing so I'm going to select standard and then we need to remove the colorization all the way to zero the relief reflectivity and the gloss all of them set it to zero then we go to colorization here and we select a color map so I'm going to select the one we just created which is this one Commerce v9 and I'm going to click open but still we have everything pretty much dark so this is not what we want right why because we need to add the alpha so here we have this texture here the the scissors icon selected and we're going to choose the alpha clip map so I'm going to select the one we select with a right and click open and so now much better we can see the interior but it's too dark right so what we need to do is go here to the settings and we have this emissive I usually just set it a little bit like until the M more or less here and there you go we have our interior Parallax working so you can see the different depths of the elements you see that this benches here are in different depth and the wall here and another thing that I I had it here to have more realism it's the spotlight so I'm going to just unhide this layer so you can see this slide here I just added here on the interior until we have these chairs because if you move it there then it will be blocked by the plane there's still a plane here and what this does is if I press f8 to see the Shadows so you can see that all of the Shadows all of these areas are being lit now which helps to sell the the idea that this area is lit right so if I now hide it let's see the difference so you can see that it adds to the the realism so I I suggest you to do that in this slide it's um this one that I'm using is the lamp 23 and I'm just selecting here a color temperature that matches more or less the same as this environment here and so just set it more or less on top of the of the interior and that's it you'll see that it looks quite nice and again since I set up this to be for example you see this is number three here on the materials material number three if I go to this one it's the material number one so I can set different textures according to to the rooms and by the way if you are using an older version of lumion like for example lumion 11 10 and so on you have to do this in going image and then change to 8 bit instead of 16. and now you need to save this as Target so you be sure that on the channels you still have the alpha right and then when you save okay I'm Gonna Save here on the same folder you select Target and now you select 32-bit okay and press ok now here in lumine 11 this is a material editor is a little bit different we click standard and will reduce everything here to zero and now I'm going to select here the target map file and that's it so you don't need to load the alpha Channel separately you just need to be sure that here on the settings you have color Alpha Clips object if you have other than this you see it doesn't work so you need to select this scissors icon and that's it that's all you need to do and of course you have to create a little bit of emissive as well but this is how it works on other versions than numion 12. but what if you don't want to add all of these elements in your project and you prefer to have them in a in lumion to use them whenever you need inside this shaders box folder for each category you'll see that has thin files right and you have this box wrapping so let's open this in a my 3D software here and so this box wrapping is basically a box with the the dimensions it's three by three by three so you can save different sizes of this box so let's say you say one with three by three by three another one with let's say the actually let me do it right now here so another one that I can make this double so it will be six meters to the width and maybe as well we can make it about here and this one can be more or less in the middle so you can do different boxes like this and save with different names and then just apply inside lumion so let's do this with this simple one so I have here the Box wrapping right so I'm going to import it into lumion so I already have here mine just gonna do a different name press ok and here I have my box so let's find here a place for our box [Music] we can put it here on this one probably so I already have here one but what I'm going to do is Select this material this is a nice thing from lumion actually that you can make things invisible like this select the material now it's invisible it's gone we don't need to worry about it you'll see it in a second okay so now we have this free space for our new box and I can place it like this more or less here okay so this one is empty what we could do is this one will be nice if we have the six meters in width not the three meters because if you increase to double the size it will be unrealistic so we can add this one and actually make it a little bit like so yeah so something like this it's fine now go inside this room and we just select this box and again we do the same procedure select standard remove everything go color in color map so let me see if I have here one maybe in rooms you can show you the rooms [Music] yeah so I have here one living room so let me select this one foreign and again I need to select the alpha [Music] and increase the emissive so this room it's a double so you can see it's a little bit squeezed now because it should be double of the width so let's find one we can go to rooms here the rooms catalog and let's see one that we could use for example this one has four meters in width it will work better yeah so let's use one with four meter so let's use this bedroom we have this room's bedroom version two so you can go here and find the room's bedroom version two it's not the day it's the single [Music] so let's make it here again do the same thing so you need to do this procedure for every text new texture you want to use but it's much faster than modeling all of these elements and creating your room specifically for for an interior like this okay and now I'm going here to the texture I'm going to select the one so it's this bedroom version two and we need to select the alpha okay so this one yeah is much better so we can see it's quite nice we can see like these elements [Music] and I was saying that you can even use a curtain like this for example and make it about here the curtain if you want to have some variation for example you could try to use the same bedroom in another place but if you add like a curtain like this it will create this variation and to make it seem like it's lit one simple trick you can do it's go to lights and then airolite and just place an area light like this facing the wall so I mean facing the curtain not the wall and then move it to like this inside until you see more or less this curtain we can add a color maybe leave it Maybe 3600 all right now we make it in length bigger and with smaller and now we just increase the fall off all the way and reduce the brightness so we find the position okay and so you see that now it looks like this room is being lit with just that light pointing at the curtain of course you probably need to make it just a little bit bigger something like this and if you want to use this you can use my link that will get you 15 off on your purchase so just use my link and then use the coupon Nunu silver 15 to get this 15 discount and I invited to join my free training my top 10 secrets to achieve realistic results with your 3D renders I'll leave a link in the top right corner and also in the description below this video I recommend you watching this video which will help you to get the best PPA materials for your projects and don't forget to give this video a like and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Nuno Silva
Views: 65,592
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lumion Tutorial, 3D Rendering, Lumion walkthrough tutorial, architectural visualization, lumion visualization, rendering, 3d, video tutorial, architectural rendering, design, 3d software, 3d visualization, lumion, 3d render, lumion 3d, exterior render, lumion 9, lumion 12, nuno silva, interior rendering tutorial, 3ds max for lumion, render lumion, lumion render, lumion lighting, lumion realistic rendering, lumion interior, parallax interior, parallax interior lumion
Id: o3HM5hgQKeY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 30sec (1110 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 17 2022
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