LAMP Lighting Tips with English Explanation in Lumion 10.3- SERIES - 50

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[Music] hi welcome to architectural expo studio today our topic is about lamp means that wall lamp table name and even standing lamp because many of the people they are requesting that how we will illuminate lamp the main problem is that in lumion there is no two-sided material because while rending in sketchup v-ray or 3d max v-ray there is option two-sided material we are putting spare light inside the lamp and we apply two-sided material one is for the exterior surface and the second one is for interior surface so regarding lumion there is no two-sided material so how we will illuminate because most of the time the people they are doing that they apply a message on the top so the main point is that you cannot see the texture which you already applied for uh you know you already applied on on your lamp for exterior means that we can see here that we have this one portion we have texture but how we will illuminate this one so today in this topic i will teach you that how we can illuminate perfectly with texture our love so kindly watch the full video so you will understand the secret of this trick that how we can illuminate our lump perfectly and professionally thank you yeah so let's start from here because i put another material on this surface i already it you can see here it's the same texture but i want to show you the difference between the real lamp and msf here i am just putting a massive you can see and i will put some color [Music] you can see it's like just a massive i cannot see the texture of the lamp same here for the wall the same i will copy from here to here so it's not you know it's not fine we can see that we are not seeing the texture nothing we can see perfectly here on this part so here with this lamp if we are putting inside the is lights means this light if we put it from the top like this and we are keeping up concise we will keep it like this [Music] we are not seeing anything you know here it's just like inside and outside we are not seeing a perfect uh light so what we will do now i will teach you the secret of this one material it's the same first of all you have to click here and then here we are putting transparency because most of the time it's up to here but we will click on the transparency because if if we check this one lamp so here also the transparency but it's not working but most of the time when you click here it's this option is uh you know it's not on transparency click the transparency here and don't increase it just leave it on this one spot and after this come here the lights and we will put the rectangle light how we will this is the trick that how we will put rectangle light you know we will put rectangle light on the center of the lamp we will keep it like this click here width and length we will decrease it change the color of the lamp and put the light like this it's like this will increase the falloff even the brightness then if we check the render now you can see another light we will take a copy of the same light with control okay just rotate it [Music] in a perfect 90 degree yeah and move it little bit here [Music] now you will see you know you will see a round sphere here that it's like that this spare light is inside which is in reality there is no spare light inside it's a rectangular light on the both side we already put it there now i will off this light to see the perfect lighting yeah so here now you can see the lighting we will increase it the fall of little bit we will put it like this now you can see the perfect lamp that the lighting is also coming out from the texture here we cannot see anything but here you can see that the lighting is coming out even if you want so you can increase it from here you can see that so here we can see the perfect texture and a perfect light which is coming out from this texture so here we have just we are putting a massive light which we cannot see anything in case you know if you remove the first light means that one of the light if you remove you will see a line so you have to keep two lights which you can see that one light we are putting here which is glowing up and the second one is below so the same thing we will do here for this one lamp we will do the same thing that we will copy the both of the light [Music] from here we will copy both of the light we'll put it in the center and then we will move it a little bit like this same light we'll put it a little bit up so from this side we can see that our texture it's also uh you know it's also glowing but on the other side we can see that a massive light we cannot see anything clear regarding our texture so it means that for the lamp we have to keep it two rectangle lights one is below and the second one is from the top so this is the secret of uh lamp light lamp light and if you want to illuminate also the strain light if you have a standing light lamp light so there it will be also easy that the same lighting you know one you will keep it below and the second one will be from the top and the secret is that this one part material it should be in transparency not the first one option if you will put the first option then definitely you cannot see anything you have to keep it transparency but you will not increase anything you have to keep it zero transparency and this one option will be off so this is the trick and it's too much easy i will also share some of the tips that you know just write down the comments that further what you want i will discuss with you and i will also show you uh more secrets regarding lumion thank you [Music] you
Channel: Architectural Expert
Views: 38,595
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lumion 10 tutorial, vray rendering, animation, lumion 10.0, lumion 10 exterior, lumion lighting, lumion lights tips and tricks, new render lumion, best lumion tetorial, lumion 10 render, realistic interior rendering tips, lumion 10 realistic interior, lumion 10 interior animation, lamp lighting, lumion lamp, lumion 9 lamp lighting, lumion 10.3 lamp light, lumion 10.3 lamp lighting tips, lamp lumion 10, wall light in lumion, floor light tips, stand light in lumion, lamp, light
Id: 0Q5dgNhYSAM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 33sec (573 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 16 2020
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