How to Express Your Feelings in English!

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okay i think we're rolling hi everybody and welcome back to our weekly live stream my name is alicia and this week we are going to talk about how to express your emotions and choose great adjectives to do so so in this lesson i'm going to cover a lot of vocabulary and i'm going to cover a few simple patterns you can use this vocabulary with the vocabulary i'm going to talk about the vocabulary i'm going to talk about uh will be adjective focused i have chosen adjectives for beginners and some adjectives everyone to re for everyone to review uh we'll do some intermediate and some advanced vocabulary so for this lesson depending on your level and depending on your needs you can choose which group of adjectives to focus on so uh that's going to be the focus for this week uh while we wait for everyone to join us live as always a couple of quick announcements first one is of course about this banner at the bottom of the screen free stuff for you from the link below the video if you're watching on youtube or above the video if you're watching on facebook there are free vocabulary pdf cheat sheets for you so that means you can just download them as you like whatever topic you want to focus on family travel this one is also available about how to work on your goals there are lots of different topics food is another very popular one so check it out you can download all of them for free you need your name and your email address so check it out from the link below or above the video that's announcement number one announcement number two as always if you have questions for me something different from today's topic or vocabulary grammar culture questions whatever you can send them to me for our weekly question and answer series ask alicia which is here uh um so the link for this i usually put the link for this in the youtube description uh it is at english class ask hyphen alicia and for those of you who are asked to yes you can find me uh for those of you who ask uh in the chat every week if you want to find me online instagram whatever you can find those links in the youtube description as well okay so that's everything for announcements i think everything is rolling on youtube and on facebook i'll come and say hello hi youtube i see you on youtube our regular members are there for this week welcome anthony hi wilmer hi cho hi hi everybody thanks very much for joining us and on facebook i'm coming for you facebook are you here uh if you haven't watched for a while i am broadcasting from my house due to 2020. so uh facebook is on hi everybody on facebook beck's bae faisal sala hello everybody thanks very much for joining us fantastic okay we have a lot to cover so let's get started everyone is here also now that everyone is here please please please make sure to like this video and share it so other people can find today's lesson that would be fantastic okay is facebook okay i hope facebook is okay um all right it looks okay okay i'm going to show you today's lesson boards i would highly i really really recommend you take a screenshot because we're going to go a little quickly today because there's a lot to cover but we i've made it so i hope you can easily understand everything so i'll give you a few chances today to take a picture today we're going to practice beginner level intermediate level and advanced level expressions for emotions so you can see there are images for each emotion i hope that it makes it easier to understand no matter what your level is so we have a lot to cover today let's get started okay so first thing first let's begin with beginner beginner level expressions so uh this i want to use as quick review i think most viewers probably have studied these words before so let's review these quickly a beginner level pattern you can use to express your emotions is i am adjective or to make it negative i am not adjective to make a past tense expression i was adjective or i was not adjective so maybe as an easy way to get started if you're watching live or not you can send in the live chat how you are feeling now so what's your emotion now for example for me i might say i'm happy and i'm a little so you can use little here i am a little uh thirsty i'm a little thirsty i want some water so send me in the live chat uh how you feel right now let's review quickly a couple points so first of course we have happy very basic emotion i hope you are happy the opposite unhappy unhappy so just not good not good i'm unhappy on means not yeah hungry you want to eat something i'm hungry i'm hungry uh the next one angry angry so you can see the face there not not good right okay tired tired sad so sad here different from unhappy though they can be in the same category sad is like we're crying there's tears okay lots of people say i'm hungry i'm hungry someone says they're bored oh no i hope you enjoy this lesson okay excited excited okay so excited means we are looking forward to something something good is happening very soon okay bored someone said they are bored someone said they're bored many people say i'm happy i'm happy some people say i'm sad oh no i hope you can become happy in this lesson okay sleepy one quick point one quick point sleepy here and tired people ask what's the difference between sleepy and tired sleepy means you are ready to go to bed yeah like i am ready to close my eyes and go to sleep tired can mean like your body is tired for example after you exercise or after you finish work i feel tired i'm tired so maybe you don't want to go to sleep quite yet but you want to express that your energy is low okay someone says is in love and emotion i i would say in love is a state a condition yeah the condition of love okay great many people say i'm happy i'm excited oh someone someone wrote i'm boring now careful a very very very important point i'm going to cover well i'll cover now that was a point for today a very common mistake with this kind of topic learners say i'm exciting or i'm boring and this is incorrect we use exciting or boring for something outside us for example alicia your video is boring i hope you don't think so but that movie is boring something outside us is boring our feelings end with ed i'm excited i'm bored so beginners this is a huge point please practice this point okay next nervous nervous nervous maybe you know the word nervous nervous means we have something to do in the future and we feel not sure about it our confidence is low maybe a performance or presentation i'm nervous next two are scared and afraid scared and afraid we use this when something causes fear a scary movie or a scary animal something causes fear in us okay thirsty means we want liquid we want liquid generally we want liquid something like water tea and finally we have cold and hot actually i'm a little hot i'm near a window it's really sunny so this is our review basic expressions so today these emotions these faces i made here this will be the basis so we're going to use these same uh feelings but we're going to level up the vocabulary in part two and part three of today's lesson so i hope that you watch and you find a better way to express these maybe you joined my lesson about writing improvement a few weeks ago i said to improve your writing don't use very or so like very happy or very hungry use a word that means very happy or very hungry that's what we're going to practice today okay so part one basic pattern and basic emotion related expressions fantastic okay we'll take one short break and then we'll go to part two okay if you're just joining today's lesson is about expressing your emotions we're talking about how to express your emotions and choose good adjectives to do that so we want to level up your adjectives if you're just joining too please make sure to like this video and share the video so that other learners can find today's lesson that would be super cool okay also if you missed it earlier i mentioned oops i'll take away this title i mentioned there's free stuff for you from the link below the video if you're watching on youtube or above the video if you're watching on facebook you can find vocabulary pdfs to download here's one about shopping if you want to do some online shopping these days you can practice with this there's some good verbs on the back here too if you want to talk about music pick this one up too it says singing but on the back music vocabulary and expression check it out there all for free you need your name and your email address that's it so check it out uh okay let's go to part two intermediate intermediate i will show you today's lesson boards again so you can take a screenshot get ready to take a screenshot boom okay we talked about beginner level now we are going to talk about intermediate level intermediate level so let's begin alrighty intermediate level first let's look at a pattern a pattern you can use to express emotions that uses present perfect tense everyone's favorite grammar point i've been this is the reduced form of i have been i've been adjective lately to make the negative i haven't been adjective lately at native speed these sound like i've been something lately like i've been happy lately or i haven't been happy lately that's what these sound like at native speed so what's the difference between this and i am happy or i am not happy these patterns are used for a mood or for an emotion you've experienced a lot lately so lately means recently the last few days or the last few weeks maybe so when you want to talk about a current like uh situation like you're busy with work for example you can use a pattern like this to express your emotions about that okay so with this group of words again you can practice this now send me your emotion in the chat from this group of words okay so you don't have to use this pattern but you can and you can change this lately to a different time period like i've been down all day today so you want to talk about a continuing state or a continuing condition okay let's talk about some expressions that mean happy happy we have upbeat so i'm upbeat you can think of this like music beats in music when when you listen to an upbeat song the beat level like the tempo the pace of the song is high we feel positive when we listen we use this to express emotions positive emotions or i'm in a good mood in a good mood don't forget this uh i'm in a good mood the opposite then the opposite i have a few here i have down this one's really really helpful for a general kind of unhappy feeling i'm down or i've been down recently depressed depressed is like unhappy sad and maybe you feel like there's no hope so this is a really sad feeling and it's kind of constant for a long time i'm depressed i'm depressed or he's depressed another one casual one maybe you've heard me use this bummed out bummed b-u-m-m-e i'm bummed out we use this expression this is a casual kind of slang expression we use when we feel disappointed about a small thing for example ah i found uh something i want to buy but it was sold out i'm bummed out so a small disappointment we can say i'm bummed out i'm bummed out about the small disappointment okay uh i'm looking for your questions about this uh good people someone says i have been gloomy lately oh no i hope that you feel a little more cheerful watching this maria says i have been very busy lately good nashot says i've been happy watching you teaching us great okay fantastic good examples everyone next this is my hungry face okay so we have starving and snacky i put snacky here this is a word i personally use a lot it's like snacky is when you don't want to eat like a full breakfast or lunch or dinner but you feel like some small things you want to eat chips or you want to eat like a cookie or two you can say i'm snacky i'm snacky or i feel snacky okay starving means super super super super hungry yes starving is used to express a very serious condition also like when people don't have enough food we also use this in conversation casually to express super hungry being super hungry okay uh next one the next two are irritated and frustrated they're kind of similar you might ask let's talk about the difference irritated is an emotion we experience when something is constant and we don't like it for example your computer or your mobile phone every five minutes there's a notification that pops up you have to check you might be like ah i'm so irritated it's a small thing that repeats a lot that makes you feel unhappy that makes you feel like go away i don't need it express that emotion with irritated i'm irritated again this ends with ed that's my emotion i'm irritated you can say that notification is irritating irritating so don't forget that second here frustrated frustrated we use frustrated to express our emotions when we try and try and try to do something and fail and fail and fail a lot i'm frustrated i try to update my computer i've tried many times it doesn't work it's broken i'm frustrated i'm frustrated okay next one uh let's continue to what's the next one uh i lost my place okay here exhausted and beat so some words that mean very tired are exhausted and beat exhausted and beat exhausted means very tired like we use this to express more than tired i'm exhausted the pronunciation here is not exhausted but exhausted think of it like eggs if that helps that that's how we say it in speech i'm exhausted beet is more casual beet means i'm very tired but it's casual exhausted sounds kind of serious like don't bother me i'm exhausted i'm beat it's like i don't want to do anything but not so serious i'm beat uh protoi says could you please again clarify i've been this is a i'm not going to talk a lot about this grammar today but this again we use this pattern to express a mood you've felt a lot recently so this is just another pattern you can use like you could say i've been down lately like it's not been a good week for me all right uh let's continue to these next two gloomy and heartbroken so gloomy expresses that sad feeling maybe i often feel gloomy when it's like rainy for many many days in a row like i would say oh it's such a gloomy day like it feels sad or i feel gloomy heartbroken we use at the end of a relationship usually and this can be for family members like if your family member passes away you can express that you feel heartbroken about that or maybe a pet passes away that means to die to pass away means to die so you can use a heartbroken to express that feeling your heart is broken okay onward um what are we on here stoked included stoked here stoked is a very casual expression that means very excited you might hear this a lot in movies i'm stoked about something or i'm stoked to do something stoked i'm stoked here the next one so bored if you want to express bored plus like angry or bored plus unhappy you could say sick and tired i'm sick and tired of something it's like i'm sick and tired of my computer causing me problems so sick and tired expresses kind of like boredom and unhappiness and anger a little bit rochio one of our members on youtube hi says i never hear gloomy new word yeah gloomy we used to talk about the weather also a gloomy day okay no it says i've been very irritated oh all right um let's go to these next ones because time's going quick okay this one is a tricky one i hear some students say this one's hard to pronounce drowsy drowsy this is d-r-o-w-s-y drowsy drowsy is a word we use uh this is a key usually after we take medicine and that causes us to become sleepy i'm drowsy or you may become drowsy after you take this medicine drowsy so it means sleepy it's like you may fall asleep really quickly drowsy so this is one you can use to talk about a sleep or a sleepy feeling because of medicine something like that okay this next one uh the nervous face here the nervous word is jumpy jumpy so jumpy means it's easy to cause you to jump so when you watch a scary movie and some monster some like scary thing appears suddenly you jump right like ah it's the surprise feeling we expressed that emotion with jumpy like wow you're jumpy are you okay so jumpy has that nervous feeling and a little bit of fear okay um all right let's go israe says i am sick and tired of wearing warm clothes good example sentence nice one nice one cook dad says i was drowsy yesterday oh did you take some medicine okay okay onward uh the adjectives can be used with the auxiliary hab no so this is just an example pattern i talked in part one today about the basic pattern i am adjective this is just another pattern you can use with these adjectives you can say i am jumpy or i am heartbroken perfectly okay okay let's go to the next ones terrified terrified this means very scared or very afraid i was terrified so something is very very scary i can express my emotion with terrified again remember terrified ed ending this ed ending refers to our feeling i'm terrified that thing is terrifying okay all right uh next one thirsty another word for thirsty is parched parched so parched it makes it sound like our mouth is really really dry so not just i want to drink something but i feel dry i'm parched parched expresses this okay uh let's go someone says i feel terrified oh make sure i feel not i'm feel i feel steve benjamin uh i feel terrified watching this video is this video scary okay let's go to the last two cold and hot so for cold chilly and freezing these are kind of opposites a little bit chilly means oh it's a little cold like at the end of the day the sun goes down the temperature starts to go down you can say oh it's chilly freezing is like ice so it's super cold it's freezing out the opposite sweaty and on fire so to express your hot feeling when you feel hot so after you exercise or on a super hot day your body maybe produces sweat creates sweat we use sweaty to describe that so after you exercise you can say i'm sweaty i need a shower you can also say on fire to mean you're very very very very hot so on a very hot day you can say ah i'm on fire of course hopefully this does not mean there is a fire on you but you express your hot feelings with on fire bruno says what's the difference between upbeat and upset upbeat means happy upset means unhappy that's the simple that's the simple difference okay great this is part two so part two is finished wow and we still have lot in our advanced level to cover okay we'll take one more quick break and then we'll continue to part three advanced vocabulary and expressions if you're just joining today's lesson is about how to express your emotions and choose great adjectives so we're covering a beginner intermediate and advanced level vocabulary and expressions you can use to talk about your emotions and your mental state also if you missed it earlier there is free stuff for you from the link below the video if you're watching on youtube above the video if you're watching on facebook check it out i showed you a few earlier i show you these all the time but in case you've missed it here are some more so you can choose a topic that sounds interesting to you to practice this is hobbies oh movies and so on so choose some topics that sound good to you travel maybe if you want to practice that download these they are free you need your name and your email address there are a bunch there are like so many to choose from so please check that out okay let's go to part three there's a lot to cover so i'll show you uh the lesson boards one more time you can take a screenshot ready oh sorry okay take a screenshot now okay so we're going to talk now about part three advanced level vocabulary so when i say advanced level i mean these are like some kind of idioms or some uh they're longer words that can be a little more challenging to pronounce also these are not as common they're more specific so let's cover them okay let's begin all right so again we have the same basic emotions we practiced in parts one and part two but again i want to talk about uh more advanced uh less common words you can use so for advanced learners i hope that you can find something new here all right this one first one let's start with an idiom a happy idiom the expression is tickled pink tickled pink i personally do not use this expression but you may see it from time to time someone uh who is tickled pink is very very happy this comes from the express like to tickle someone the verb to tickle means to touch like your foot or maybe the under part of your arm you feel like laughing maybe when someone touches you there it produces like a happy excited feeling for some people so when you say tickled pink it's like that haha like giggling happy feeling uh and that's an idiom we use to mean happy okay uh then we also have overjoyed overjoyed so joy the noun joy means like uh great happiness right overjoyed is like too much joy right i'm overjoyed to receive this award overjoyed let's contrast let's look at the opposite unhappy words that mean unhappy i have two here they're very serious despondent is the first one despondent i'm despondent or he's despondent and disconsolate disconsolate despondent first one despondent means like super super unhappy so uh you lose a friend or a family member they pass away you're despondent or there's no way to cheer someone up they are despondent we use that to express very very unhappy emotions disconsolate then too the root here is console so to console someone means to make them feel better to cheer someone up disconsolate describes an emotion describes someone who we cannot cheer up so there's no way to cheer up that person so disconsolate these are words you might use to talk about another person's emotions if you feel despondent or disconsolate you might not express it yourself because they're very serious feelings okay all right onward andre says i'm tickled pink to see you on live for my first time cool nice expression there too excellent okay let's go to hungry expressions okay first one this expression is a slang expression got the munchies we usually say i've got the munchies the munchies refers to wanting to eat snacks so again not like a meal not like i want breakfast i want lunch it's snacks i want snacks we say in a sentence i've got the munchies i've got the munchies the next expression i want to talk about is something something on an empty stomach on an empty stomach we use this with a verb to do something on an empty stomach means to do an action to do an activity without eating anything so it sounds like your energy might be low for example i went to my test or i took my test on an empty stomach which means i did not have energy in my body to do it or maybe i exercised on an empty stomach i felt bad so we use on an empty stomach to express that okay next one is this one angry so we're going to talk about angry expressions i have indignant indignant and fuming indignant refers to a very angry emotion because something is unjust so unjust means it's not fair it's not a reasonable we feel angry because of something that is unfair or unreasonable we can express that with indignant indignant finally here fuming fuming maybe you know the word fume it's like the smoke or the steam that comes from the top of something that's very very hot like a pot in your kitchen to fume we want to express a lot of anger we're so angry we are so hot like there's steam or fume coming from us we express that with fuming i am fuming interestingly this one does not end in ed we do not say i am fumed you probably will hear i'm fuming someone says what does can't stomach mean means i can't stand something i can't stand some food okay liliana says i use i'm down when i agree with a plan is that correct yes there is also the expression i'm down or i'm down to do something i'm down with something that means i agree yes you are correct all right onwards um next tired two words that mean tired overtaxed and burned out overtaxed means you used too much of your energy burned out means you used too much energy for a long time now like a candle there's nothing left nothing left all right i'm almost out of time so we're gonna go quickly to the next one in the dumps in the dumps means sad i'm down in the dumps you might also hear in the dumps refers to a sad feeling for a long time but it's not so serious so maybe after a breakup like a small breakup in a relationship okay next one excited excited this excited very very excited thrilled you use this i use this like on instagram sometimes for an announcement i'm thrilled to share means i'm super excited to share something okay uh bored there are two words here disinterested and uninterested they have different histories these two words today they both mean bored bored disinterested i feel like i use uninterested more often than disinterested it means having no interest in something okay next one is um sleepy this is an interesting word sleepy uh very very sleepy comatose comatose a coma is a medical condition a person cannot wake up so we say they are comatose to express that someone is so like asleep they're sleeping very very hard you can say wow he's comato he's sleeping really really hard okay oh i'm very late i'm very late let's go quickly nervous we have apprehensive and on edge so think of apprehensive as like just super super nervous on edge is like at any moment that person might like be really upset or that person might cry because they're so nervous okay last group four scared petrified and panic-stricken petrified means i'm so scared i cannot move i'm petrified panic-stricken means i feel panicked and that's causing me to be like scared or to act differently panic stricken panic stricken for thirsty i have dehydrated dehydrated and cottonmouthed cottonmouthed dehydrated means my body does not have enough water it's like a science kind of expression i'm dehydrated i need water after i exercise cotton mouth is like my mouth feels like cotton it's very unpleasant okay all right last group cold we use the expression num to talk about a body part this is n-u-m-b num from cold my fingers are numb i'm num means i cannot feel this and we use this expression to have goosebumps to have goosebumps means your body has tiny little bumps because you are cold finally sweltering means so hot i am sweltering or the weather is sweltering and we use kitchen terms like boiling cooking broiling and baking we can use all of these to express that we are very hot oh that was so much so i hope that you picked it up take a screenshot now i have to end very quickly i'm very late take a screenshot of today's vocabulary words this is everything we talked about today uh you can of course review this lesson if you missed anything so that was uh some emotion related vocabulary words i have to end really quick though so i'll be back next week of course you can join me next week to talk about how to make an english study environment uh i hope that this will give you some ideas for immersion practice so please join me next week november 25th to do that all right i have to say goodbye to you very quickly now but thank you very much for liking and sharing this video and check out the free stuff from the link below the video or above the video to get all of that so enjoy the rest of your day enjoy the rest
Channel: Learn English with
Views: 94,623
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Keywords: learn english, english, learning english, englishclass101, english grammar, english lessons, free english, english vocabulary, english phrases, how to learn english, speaking english, free lessons, english prepositions, by, for, to
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 8sec (2228 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 18 2020
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