How to Export UNREAL Environments to Maya & Blender- [Animator’s Resource]

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Unreal Engine is an extremely powerful gaming engine software and Wilde's capable of handling triple-a title games in the right hand it has a use of telling compelling stories unreal can give a 3d filmmakers only tools to make their ideas come to life in this tutorial series I'm gonna be going over the basics of unreal so we can get started making your own films - coming up right after this [Music] hey guys this is cliff from round to the studios where we produce animation videos and show you how you can make yours too and in this video we're going to start with our environment setup if you're in need for a high quality environment on reels marketplace has just about planning to offer as far as assets as you can build just about anything it's actually really fun since you get to see the results of the environment building process in real time almost like you're playing a video game the current minds me of this game makes the play called dark cloud to it with the PlayStation 2 we have to make your environments and populated and you know put people in different houses alright it was so fun all right back to unreal if you want to create your own environment I'll link to some great tutorials in the description but for now I'm gonna use a sample map from the polar ice facility environment I used to my Genji versus gray fox video once you have it you want to create a new project and add this environment to the project file after it finishes loading you're going to open the file and the environment with all of its folders should be in the content browser go into your maps open the default map and let that load usually here take just a little offer it to loads and it's loaded all of its textures but we're just gonna skip to when it's done you don't have to wait until it's done but I do personally like to look at the environment to see a bit on how it's gonna look like in its full glory before bringing it along back to my 3d program once you're ready hit file export all as an FBX now you do have two options to export all or to export selection if you have a large environment I recommend exporting selection and only selecting what pieces of the environment you really need since they really get heavy really and quickly but for us we're gonna export all now we're gonna go up Maya first and it's nothing magical you just select file and pour and selecting VAR me wanna import now what I like most about this process is that you when you omit a character in this environment it will retain its position in translation back to directly to the environment when you send it back to unreal so be sure not to move in once you get it uploaded all right so we have Maya done here let's head to blender in blenders same idea file import and select your environment as long as your 3d program can handle FBX files this process should work with just about any program next we're going to look into explain your camera animation from Maya back into unreal I really don't know how to use blender guys but I know a lot of you guys do so I wanna help a lot of you guys out and something guys have come as have been really really helpful while helping some of our other fellow blender animators out see there any questions be sure to head to the comments section but I'll try to pin the ones that help people the most so you can find it easier take care guys and I'll see you guys on the next one
Channel: Round Table Animation
Views: 33,844
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: round table studios, top sites to get 3d models, xnalara, where to get 3d models for free, animators resource, best 3d models, 3d models, free 3d models, models, how to convert xnalara models to blender, how to convert unreal environments to maya, how to convert unreal environments to blender, game development, gamedev, unreal, videogames, tutorial, unreal engine 4, unreal engine, unreal engine (video game engine family), saitama vs superman
Id: x-xzXFd1DWk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 23sec (203 seconds)
Published: Thu May 10 2018
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