How to Enable PlayStation Buttons/Layout UI Prompts in Wild Hearts (PC/Steam Tutorial)

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okay so uh today I'm going to record a video that will show you how to fix basically the problem that's the title of the video and I've looked around for this uh for a long time and I couldn't find one so once uh I found one that worked I decided to just make a video and share it on YouTube so people can do the same if they're having the same issues that I have been having so the first thing you're going to want to do is um obviously have wild Hearts have the game installed on your PC and then also have this program called DS4 Windows uh I can put the link to download it in the description so obviously the issue is uh normally when you play Wild hearts on PC with a dual sense controller the control show up with like Xbox button prompts whether I use a Dualshock 4 or a dual sense uh it's a thing with wild Hearts where the steam config supports for the game just automatically overrides um the game to use Xbox forms even when you use a PlayStation controller so the first thing you want to do is connect your dual sense to your PC via the USBC um cable that comes with it and then just connect it to the back of your PC or the front door just make sure you connect it with USBC and in DS4 Windows you should be able to see that the status is um uh um USB and not wireless if you use this with Bluetooth it's not going to work and so right now I'm using a White House profile but you can basically use any profile you want and the main thing you want to do is that when you go to edit the profile you want to come here to other I want to set the emulated controller to dorsock 4. it shouldn't be Xbox 360 HP Dodge truck 4 and then you can save that and then this is your profile once you connect your controller and dual and DS4 window is open it will just show in this window like this and they can minimize does step one done an optional step that you might want to do if um uh this is the first time you're doing this is that if you come to sound settings and more sound settings here you might want to come to this um wireless controller the settings and then you want to basically just configure the speakers to make sure that um the vibration works because if you don't do this and you like play the game vibration won't work because basically the vibration in dual science controllers is like um it's haptic feedback but then it's still like uh it's still technically sound output so doing this is how you can make sure that um vibration works when you play a game so even if you're not using this as the headphones even if you have like your mic plugged in and your speakers plugged in or your headphones plugged in you still want to configure the sound for the controller to make sure that vibration works when you actually play the game and so if not it should just be like a blank sort of thing so once that's done the basically the controller is working everything is fine next thing you want to do is that in the wild hat settings itself you want to come to properties and basically in controller under the water settings normally it would be in use default settings but to make this work you want to disable steaming position you want to disable steam input is because it's because of the skim input override that it shows the Xbox controls in the first place so when you come here and disable steam inputs what will happen is that uh is this whatever control is plugged into your PC that's how uh the game will recognize the controller in because it does have some basic control supports but problem is that steam overrides that support So by disabled estimables are getting rid of that override and so it's just blood level controller it's connected to the PC that will control the game and because of DS for Windows what telling the PC that um a Dualshock 4 is connected and then so uh steam over won't have any um say over what we see inside what that you can still if you want come to steam settings and then come to the controller and turn this off but it won't make any difference if you turn this on and off because we've already disabled Sim input for water to at that point nothing else here matters but if you want to be super super um thorough you can turn this off also but it shouldn't pop up once you've disabled uh steam input in the game and then the very last thing you want to do uh is enter Big Picture Mode in Steam you want to enter big picture with your steam is because there's a specific setting in Big Picture Mode that has to be enabled for this method to work so what you want to do in Big Picture Mode you want to come to settings and then basically inside the controller settings you want to come because of the setup right now because conflict supports us for me uh up for me I'm seeing PS5 and PS4 controller here because technically I've connected A PS5 controller to the PC and I'm emulating a PS4 controller but you might see the same thing if you turn off the the window will just add just now if you turn off uh PS5 or Playstation config support you just see PS4 controller here but the point is regardless you want to make sure that enables steam inputs for PlayStation controllers you want to make sure that this is turned on in external Gamepad settings and then you can leave everything else off but just make sure that swimming pools for PlayStation modulus is on and then once you've made sure that this is on then at this point you can uh you can go back and then you can exit Big Picture Mode so once you've done those uh three things once you have um once you have DS for windows with dual sense connected on USB and it's emulating DS4 the optional step of going to sound settings and making sure that your vibration is on like your haptic uh um you've gone here and then you've made sure that basically your vibration settings for your dual sense are configured properly once you've done that and then you've gone to Wild hearts and you've uh disabled steam inputs and then you've entered Big Picture Mode and you've um made sure that the PlayStation supports is on basically at that point you should be able to you should be able to learn throughout that and when you launch while that you should be able to then see in the obviously it takes a while to launch because um all the background stuff but they see if you do all of those things in that order when you learn to adults you should then see that the um the bottom prompts in the game within the game are all um PlayStation uh Arrow PlayStation prompts I see in the bottom half here uh in the bottom right of the screen normally if steam input was enabled you would see like config loaded Gamepad with camera controls whatever but because we've disabled the Sim inputs that won't show up anymore so if that doesn't show up and you don't know this correctly then you should be able to see or that it has worked the one thing with this method is that yay original it's not going to work Wireless like the whole thing hinges on it being USB because when using wirelessly basically the game just does not support uh Wireless dual sense control without steam input so if you want to use this wirelessly you have to enable cement button once you enable Steam inputs for the game at all regardless of what config you use with that PlayStation it will always override this with um Xbox One tools but with this method with using um wired only you should then be able to see um okay so there's an updates now so you should then be able to see if we enter settings you can see all the buttons that PlayStation you can see in the detailed settings it's showing it to our settings controller here before this method if you try to do this um with just like the wireless method you just see like an Xbox you see an Xbox controller here and you would see all Xbox buttons if you try to connect it wired but um you didn't do everything we did before with like the big pictures of you might see a PlayStation controller but then you would still see Xbox button prompts and you wouldn't be able to use the controller but by doing with this method um USBC to dual sense configure the sound settings uh disable steam inputs for the game and type depiction would make sure PlayStation on external support is on should be able to play the game with full PlayStation but as you can see here on a hold down for details uh Circle for back uh left diagonal pad for um eating I don't know yeah so this is just uh the by far the simplest way to enable the Playstation controls and then just to show really quickly that uh in combat all the um all the button prompts are uh Playstation controls as well as you are all of the uh all of the button prompts all the all the uh prompts to um construct category everything shows with what everything shows with uh Precision button so there's obviously something that most people don't care about is but uh it has been bugging me for a while that it shows Xbox buttons when we uh it shows Xbox buttons when we play the game and then uh doing it this way it will be uh it was easier for the machine Yeah so basically that's uh the end of the video this was just a really quick uh tutorial to fix an issue that has been bugging a lot of people but I couldn't find um effects for it anywhere so yeah thanks for watching if this helped you
Channel: Paracelsus
Views: 7,008
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 0tFkd2shPOg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 28sec (688 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 27 2023
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