How to Play PS2 Games from USB Using OPL | 4GB+ Games, Cover Art, & More!

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hey what is going on everyone it's me mr mario and in this video i'm going to hope to convey and show you all everything i know about loading up playstation 2 games on a ps2 with open playstation 2 loader otherwise known as opl i had gotten around to doing this recently and unfortunately it's not as drag and drop as i would like it to be and i did run into some gotchas so i'm going to be picking a few odd and problematic games as well too to hopefully address everyone's concerns over some questions you might have if you're running into some games so hopefully this video by the end should answer some questions and help you out of some situations you might run into now first of all if you're planning to follow along with this you will need your console your ps2 system with open ps2 loader now this can be a system with free hard drive boot free mcboot the fortuna exploit or if you want to load open playstation 2 loader from a usb drive if you have that capability on a mod chip that is totally up to you it doesn't matter how you do this as long as you're able to open up opl if you have followed along with my ps2 soft mod video you should have it available and i would also recommend before watching this to check out my opl update guide so you can get onto a newer version of opl but we have everything we need set up on here next up there's also going to be a bit of a disclaimer i want to give as well too i've gotten this video requested a lot many people have wanted to load games off of a usb drive using their ps2 unfortunately i am going to tell you all this is the worst way in my opinion to load up games on a ps2 it is convenient you don't need to mess with disks but because the usb slot on the ps2 is going to be the slowest method of reading a game you will run into longer loading times you are going to have fmvs skipping and you might run into some other issues here and there in my opinion the best methods of loading up ps2 games are going to be off of a disc or off of your network store or off of a internal hard drive if you have a fat ps2 however if you don't have anything else available or let's say you're in a situation where you might have a ps2 slim with a dead laser just some hypothetical like that playing through usb is certainly better than nothing i just want to convey to you all that this is going to be the worst way of playing your games in terms of performance now that we have that all out of the way let's go ahead and move over to our pc because we're going to need a few things we're going to of course need our usb drive we need to download a few items and applications and we're going to need to grab our games that we want to play so over at the pc there's going to be several different links i'll have down below in the description for different downloads the first of which is going to be the excellent opl manager just download the latest version of opl manager and save it somewhere you can easily find it if you're going to be backing up your own disk based games and i'll be showing you that on windows i do recommend using image burn so you can just click download now and install that exe on your system for games over 4 gigabytes in size which a good amount of the good games you'll probably want to play on ps2 are you're going to need usb util or another similar application but the one i'm going to be using is usb util so for this you can just go to the link and download the latest version available i'm going to be downloading the latest beta version and the english translation of it now let's go ahead and take care of the usb drive for this we are going to need to format it so we need to make sure it is fat32 you can right click go to properties and as you can see my file system is fat32 in case it is not for you you will need to backup any data you care about which is on this usb drive and then format it which will wipe it so for this right click go to format and select your file system it needs to be fat32 technically fat or fat 16 will work but i'm just going to recommend fat32 straight away for this you can click on start ok and it is formatted as easy as that now i want to use my larger usb drive for the rest of this tutorial and what if you right click it you go to format and fat32 is not available well you cannot use either of these you can't use ntfs you cannot use exfat so we will need to use fat32 for this there is a piece of software i like to use there's several different methods of doing this but i like using this software on windows because it's easy enough this is called fat32 format or gui format just go this link down below in the description click on this photo here and it will download an exe wherever you save it once you have your exe you will need to close out of whichever formatter you have and close out of any windows like this any file explorer windows that you have make sure they are completely closed but make sure you take note of which usb drive you're going to format mine is i so i'm going to exit out of this right click run as administrator say yes now you need to make sure you have found your usb drive so mine is i and that is my 128 gigabyte usb drive i'm going to just remove this as well too or i'll rename it to ps2 just so i know what to look for it doesn't matter what the volume label is i'm just doing that for the sake of clarity a quick format is okay start ok and it should now be formatted so if we right click and go to the properties of this usb drive it's now fat32 when previously we couldn't format it to fat32 so awesome we have our usb drive set up now there's going to be two folders we need to make in here once you enter your usb drive right click go to new folder and create a new one called cd all uppercase one word that's going to be for your cd cd-based playstation 2 games now right-click go to new create another folder call this dvd again self-explanatory all uppercase one word that's going to be for our dvd-based ps2 games which most of your ps2 games are going to be dvd so now we need to start adding our games don't we well i do have a couple games here already that i have previously ripped over but there's going to be a couple more that i'm going to be doing for the sake of this tutorial so for this you can go ahead and fire up image burn when you go into image burn go ahead make sure you have your disk in your dvd drive now go to create image file from disk and the first game that i'm going to be ripping is going to be a dvd so as you can see right here it says dvd rom and i'm just going to read this at max speed but you want to click on this button and decide where you want to save it and what you want to call it i'm going to save it in here with the rest of my games and call it mark of cree because that's the game i'm ripping and now click on this button and let it rip your game over this should just take a few minutes now mine has just finished ripping over and i didn't explicitly cover this here but when you click on this it should just default to iso and that is exactly what you want for a dvd based game so that is all fine we have our dot iso file so now that we have our dvd based game covered let's also rip over a cd based game now for ripping a cd-based game using this method this is going to be a little bit different because this cannot be any other format aside from iso it must be a dot iso file which is a little bit odd when you typically rip cd based games they're typically going to be in bin q or img format so for this you can just do the same thing here once you pop in your disk which mine is silent scope and it says here cd-rom max speed is fine click on this button navigate over to where you want to save it and where you want to name it here just i'll call mine silent scope so i know what it's called and when you do save as type you want to save it as a iso file not a bin file not an image file you want to use iso for this specific rip so now that you have that selected press save and then click on this button here and this should take even less time to rip over now it will also give you this heads up here if you're using image burn and for this you just want to read through it and once you understand it you can say yes to this but even if it freaks you out and you say no and you still want to rip your game to a bin format i'm going to cover that as well don't worry about it but just to do this right off the bat i'm ripping this to an iso format so now all the games i want have been dumped and i'm just kind of gonna go through this here this is a game which is over four gigabytes in size it is 4.19 gigabytes exactly this game mark of cree is going to give me an issue when i try to run it so i'm going to show you how you can use modes to work through that on opl silent scope is our iso based cd game and sound scope 2 is actually a game i ripped over using bin q now to anybody who might be wondering how they can tell if their game is cd or dvd based if a good rule of thumb is really if it is going to be in an iso such as this and it's multiple gigabytes it's going to be a dvd if it is 700 megabytes or lower it's going to be a cd such as my silent scope or it's going to be in bin q format as cds normally are although that's not truly indicative how it will be all the time just look out for the file size it's going to be 700 megabytes or lower so first of all let's get some of these games transferred over so mark of cree i know is my dvd based game and this is going to work just fine so i'm going to copy out the iso go into your usb drive dvd and paste it right here and as you can see it is copying with no issue as expected so once that finishes up which is going to be very soon you can go into your cd-based game if you're going to be playing one mine's going to be silent scope grab your iso file if your game is already in iso format copy it out go to your usb drive cd and paste it in right here and this should take even less time but as you can see that is all there is to it so it's pretty easy for that if you already have your cd game in iso format it's going to copy over with no issue if you have a dvd it needs to be an iso and again i'm stressing these have to be dot iso format if you don't know what the extension is on windows you can click on view and tick file name extensions so as you can see right there i can't tell what it is but if you go to view file name extensions it shows up as dot iso so that's two games right there out of the four now what about the other ones well that's where we're going to need our other applications so first of all let's tackle grand theft auto san andreas this is a dvd based game and this is a dvd iso now if we copy it out and go to our usb drive dvd and paste it in here it should copy over but look at this we get a file size limitation because this is an issue with fat32 it does not allow for files larger than four gigabytes in size which again unfortunately is a lot of the good ps2 games that we want to play so for this this is where we need to use usb util to split out the game onto our usb drive so we can close out of here and let's go ahead and fire up usb util for usb util right click and extract it it should extract into its own folder which you can open up here and open up whichever exe you want to mine is going to be the english version of course once you go through here you can press ok and now we need to copy this over get this all set up so this does look a little bit odd to use at first but this is easy enough once you get the hang of it so for this you just go to file and create game from iso you could also do from cd or dvd if you wanted to but i prefer to rip using image burn so go to create game from iso now over here on the left this is the source you want to find exactly where your game is and on the right this is our destination so you can go to grand theft auto whichever game you're using once you double click that here you should get the iso that you are trying to convert over so that is it i've selected it if you have a bunch of games in one folder you're going to get several and you can pick all those if you want to but i'm just going to do one for now so mine is san andreas and on the destination you want to click on this and you want to find where your usb drive is so i know for a fact mine is the i drive so you just click on whichever usb drive it is and you want to click on the root of it you don't want to put it anywhere else now for this you can pick whichever media you're wanting to now i'm assuming you're only going to be using this for large dvd based games so you can manually click on dvd or you can keep it auto it's up to you but really this i would only recommend using for dvd games so now looking at this we have our iso to convert we're going to put it on our usb drive and it's a dvd and this is the game name which we can keep it there so click on create and at this point as you can see mine's going pretty fast but it's now going to split the iso and copy it onto our usb drive the original one is not going to be modified it's going to be splitting a copy of this but once this is done there we go we can close out of here and now it's showing up on the usb drive just fine that is the game so we can exit out of this because we no longer need it because this is the one large usb based game that i wanted to do now if you look at here on the usb drive you're also going to notice something different you're going to see that we have our cd game our dvd game but we're also going to have this mess of files right here and these five files make up grand theft auto san andreas you don't want to change the names on them you don't want to mess with them you don't want to move them this is expected i know it looks a little bit messy but for these larger games they have to be split like this so we have three of our four games already copied over now our very last game is another cd game and this is silent scope 2. now typically you would think that you could just copy and paste this into the cd folder unfortunately you're not going to be able to do that if it's in bin q format it must be in iso format so if it's not an iso format we have to convert it and for that i recommend using opl manager now for our opl manager you just need to right click and extract this into its own folder when you open up opl manager just go into the folder here and open up the exe now checking this for updates on startup is just fine hit save and we're going to do normal mode because we're not doing network or a local ps2 hard drive we're just going to do normal mode since that's for a usb drive and here we need to select our usb drive so you can click on the browse button now navigate down and click on your usb drive itself and press ok and save now it's going to say here no cd or dvd or art folder found in the select opl folder make sure that's fine and we can press ok and we can also say yes to creating all of these folders so it's also going to tell us there might be some bad named isos which that's fine we can actually use this opportunity to fix those up so press ok press ok for all the bad ones these are bad isos these are the ones that are just fine however let's first take care of copying over that final game so for this we need to go up to tools disk converts to iso you'll want to do this bin nrg mdf image cdi to iso click on open file browse for your game so mine is scope 2 and here's the bin file and everything here populates out and then click on browse now you need to go to your usb drive and navigate to the cd folder and this is what our game iso is so if you want to rename this that is up to you if not that's fine i actually am going to rename this just to keep it in check here but once you have this all set up we're going to save this to our cd folder click on save press start and there we go it already created the iso file so i'm going to exit out of here and i'm also going to do file refresh list and now it's showing three bad named isos which is okay we're going to fix those up so the last thing here we now have all of our games set up we have all them set up just fine but we need to fix up our isos and we can do some other stuff if we want to so for our bad isos just come over here and you can also read the errors so here using incorrect naming format incorrect naming format incorrect naming format all right so let's go ahead and modify these now for this let's do try update file name we're going to rename this it so it does want us to rename the isos which is fine press yes go to the other ones we're going to want to fix these up and that one i end up breaking myself but either way they should all be in the home directory now and they should all look like this just fine so now with opl manager i'm not going to do a whole in-depth thing here but there's a lot of awesome stuff you can do so let's take sandra's for example on this i'm going to click this and i can go to edit cfg and there's a few things you can do like you can edit all made metadata and such so i can click on get title it got the proper title you can set how many players are going to be there you can really do all of this stuff here i guess yeah esrb and you can change whatever this is going to be here let's make it m just make a few of those changes if you so want to and you can even change the modes right here which i will be getting into that once we actually start playing the games so once you have all this edited to your liking here you can press save and you can navigate over to the other games if you want to i'm not going to be messing with any of these but this is just an example with the configuration editor for any of these as well you can also go to manage arts and you can click on get art from available server or bring in your own if you so choose that's okay and yeah i'm just going to select all of these here to make this look cool so again you can this is just completely optional but it does make this look a little bit nicer so there we go we have all of that set up and i'll actually even edit my other games here too real quick which you can navigate over just by doing that and doing the exact same thing just searching for all of these one by one and making your game library look a little bit nicer again this step is completely optional but if you'd like to do it then why not so at this point here i think we have everything looking real good all of our names are just fine the files have been renamed with no issue and we have everything looking very nice from the art manager now the very last thing i am going to mention in regards to this before we move over to the ps2 is i know for a fact mark of cree does have some issues now there's modes that you can use in opl and you can do this by going to edit cfg and you can select which modes you want to utilize right here and then save now if you want to you can look up all these games one by one but maybe you have a ton of games that you're going to be adding here and you just don't have the time for that so you kind of just want to play it by ear that's fine as well too and i'm going to show you how to save your modes per game on opl itself so with that we can exit out of here i don't need to save the changes exit out of opl manager and just taking one last look at the usb drive we're going to have all this stuff here but this is where our split games are going to be this is where our cd based games will be and this is where our dvd based games will be so with all that ironed out let's right click eject and let's move over to our ps2 alright so once you're back over at the ps2 make sure you plug in your usb drive and go down to opl and launch it when you launch opl if yours is looking like mine here there's going to be a few settings you need to tweak or if your games aren't loading they're still going to need to be tweaked so first of all let's go to our main settings for our usb device start mode you can change this to either manual or auto i'd recommend changing it to auto and for the default menu i'm actually going to change mine to usb games so you can press ok and i'd also recommend going into your display settings go down to enable cover art and turn that on if you enabled cover art and used it because i just set up all this cover art i want it to look nice with all that set up here we can go down to save changes it saved the config and now let's press circle to go to our games list and if all done successfully look at this all four of our games are showing up so this is our large dvd game this is our smaller dvd game this is our iso based cd and this is our bin queue based iso which we had to convert over to an iso file so what i'm going to do is launch each of these games so grand theft auto san andreas let's fire this up first now it might take a while to fire up because remember what i said at the beginning of this video usb is going to take longer usb is slower and in my opinion usb is the worst method of loading up games here on the ps2 but if you really want to use usb you're more than welcome to and even here i do know san andreas it does take a while to load up on the ps2 but this is just an example of how long this might take to load up on here again it's going to take longer just because the limitations of usb on the ps2 so here we go we finally got in game and as you can see i mean once you're in game it's mostly fine on here it's just going to be with some of the bigger stuff such as fmvs as well as loading up for the first time or just loading screens but once you're actually playing it's going to be pretty okay i would say so this works just great i'm not seeing any issue right now let's try out one of our other games alright so i just had to add another game on here jack 2. i didn't show this process because it was the exact same as the others but i was thinking mark of cree was broken but this game actually worked just fine now as you can see i'm just here on the start screen but mark of cree has booted up with no issue so i was mistaken but i'll also show what was going on there but let's try an example of a game which is not going to work now although opl is great it's not going to have 100 perfect compatibility and jak 2 here there is a little bit of a fix for it but you'll see so for this i'll go ahead try to run the game and it seems like it's going to work just fine but we are going to get to a hard stopping point this right here is exactly where we get stuck so we just come to a black screen after the initial splash screens show up so i know that this game works but we do need to change some modes on here and what do i mean by that well let's go ahead and go back over to our computer for the last time i'm going to have this link down below in the description as well which will be the opl compatibility list and here you can either select which game you want alphabetically or you can look it up so for example mark of cree this is how i got confused right here mark of cree everything is fine this is the us version and it says mode 6 is needed but this is over smb so that means if you are playing the mark of cree over your network on your ps2 it will not boot if mode 6 is not enabled but it works just fine over usb however jak 2 for example is one of those games i knew for sure would not work so i'll go ahead look up the jack games and almost all of them have some issues here and even jak 2 we can check this out so we found it this is over usb and it requires modes 3 6 and 7. now it does say here that the game is playable up to 94 percent then it freezes and it's also worth noting this was on a older version of opl so that might have changed but we just want this game to work so there are two ways we can change the mode the first of which if you want to do it on your pc is you load up your usb drive go over to your game go to edit cfg and from here you can tick which modes you want to enable and then you can click on save and those modes will be enabled for your game the second here is going to be directly on opl so for this you need to highlight your game press triangle for the game menu go to game settings and here are all the modes so again for this we need mode 3 we need mode 6 but there's no mode 7 on here so with that it might actually be better to do this on opl manager but either way there are the two ways you can change your modes once you have all those modes changed on here at least you can press ok and you can press save changes to save this for your specific game so with my mode set up let's go ahead and fire up jak2 give it a few moments and let's see if we can get any further than we did before and there we go we did not get this cut scene before which is working just fine now so that's about all there was to it in regards to enabling those modes you all saw that we were not able to get this far in the actual game itself with nothing configured but once we set up modes 3 6 and 7 at least for this game we were able to get a little bit further now granted a lot of games aren't going to require specific modes and there's not going to be one end-all be-all solution for that so i do recommend you look up these games and it's going to be on a per game basis if you don't have that many games that you're going to be messing with that's completely fine you don't have to do this with a whole ton however my method in which i do this is i personally just usually play my games and if i run into an issue with a certain game i will look up the modes there because it's pretty uncommon to have to select certain modes at least in my experience but as you can see jak 2 is now fixed and working just fine alright so for our first cd game this here is silent scope which seems to have loaded up with no issue on here thankfully we're all good on that so as you can see this is a cd game which was loading up just fine the only caveat to your cd games is again they have to be in a dot iso format so if they are not in dot iso format they have to be either ripped to dot iso or converted to dot iso and for our last game here this is silent scope 2. if you remember this was a bin q game i had ripped over which i had to convert over to iso and then copy to the usb drive and this is again a cd game so this is also working just fine with no issue that's been all of our games that we were able to copy over and successfully run so there we go that's about it everyone that is everything i know in regards to ripping naming setting up formatting splitting fixing getting your ps2 games working on opl from a usb drive that is all i know hopefully you all enjoyed this crash course on it and i know there was a lot of information to take in here but i wanted to show you all everything i want to show you all some issues how to fix them and i wanted to make sure that i packed this with literally everything i knew in regards to launching games successfully from a usb drive through opl and i hope it truly helped you all out anyways this mr mario signing off thank you all for watching everyone if you enjoyed this video a like would absolutely be appreciated and if you didn't like it a dislike is fine as well too [Music] you
Channel: MrMario2011
Views: 577,789
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mario, mrmario2011, mr mario 2011, mr mario, mister mario
Id: KpOUylfmQdM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 32sec (1832 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 11 2020
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